King of succubus

Chapter 233 Calm Before The Storm.

"Hihi~, indeed, Mistress Sabrina really has the gift of finding priceless pearls in piles of pebbles." Linn giggled after recovering from the shock, seeing Alvine not spare her the slightest interest despite being captured by her.

Alvine suddenly stopped in his state of contemplation and turned his head to look at his kidnapper, who seemed to have fun like a psychopath who was enjoying herself in ridiculous situations.

"...What do you want from me?" He asked after a moment of intense surprise that lasted only about a second.

But contrary to appearances, Alvine was still in his stupor, even if he did not present it. The cause? It was because of Linn's looks!

Just like the other primordials that Alvine had met, she was naturally unique and prevented anyone from forgetting her after a first meeting.

On the other hand, she also had some attributes that differentiated her from others. Indeed, it was too obvious with her pupils and starry blue irises as if they contained all the stars of the entire universe, apart from the sparkling blue scales covering her arms and legs up to the elbows, which seemed more hardened than those of dragons. Her long ocean-blue hair, white skin, and curves were as silky as Sabrina's.

Seeing her appearance, which was almost more captivating than Sabrina's, thanks to her unique blue eyes and hair, Alvine was naturally more surprised than he imagined. She looked like a cosplayer for Alvine, who was not used to her appearance.

As for her, Hearing Alvine's question and stupor, she giggled with a relaxed mood and answered him with a question: "Hihi~, do I really need to answer you?" She asked while going to the mini-bar at the end of the living room.

"..." Alvine remained silent while paying attention to her actions.

But after realizing that she did not intend to answer him, Alvine tried another approach. "Do you think you'll get by after putting all these people behind your back?"

She froze for a moment following Alvine's question. "Heh~, it's funny to hear this from someone who knows nothing about my powers. But, well, it's because of my lack of delicacy. My name is Linnaella J. Karitis, the Mistress of space. I go where I want, and whenever I want, no one will be able to stop or stop me." She declared with pride while taking a wine bottle and two glasses from the mini-bar.

Alvine raises his eyebrows slightly when he hears her bold statements. 'It’ll be more complicated than expected; there were too many unforeseen events. First, in place of the three other primordial beings, I was captured by this mysterious woman whose identity I did not even know. But according to the latest information Sabrina gave, this woman is also one of the members of the Punishers; otherwise, she’d not be as friendly with me. But despite everything, she remains dangerous, surely as more dangerous as Serena!'

"Okay, I see. But I don't care; I'm not interested in your projects. But what interests me is to know what you intend to do with me." He replied, ignoring the wine glass that Linn had just served.

"Tsk, what a lack of delicacy." She slammed her tongue while placing the half-filled glass on the table in front of Alvine.

"In short, what I expect from you is not complicated; I want you to tell me all the secrets you hide." She ordered after sitting on the other sofa while frowning at Alvine.

"Why should I reveal such information by a simple request from you?" Alvine laughed while asking her this question in a disdainful tone.

"Hihi~, because your mistress orders it to you?" She responds mysteriously by tilting her head in a confused mood.

At that moment, Alvine realized that his situation would not be as easy as expected. An enemy herself is dangerous, but the most dangerous remains a vicious enemy who is ready to do anything to achieve her goals, even if, for this, she has to put her pride aside.

By realizing this, Alvine had become more and more suspicious about her, guessing that she had other plans for him.

"..." following her silence, Alvine closed his eyes and began his cultivation without delay.

On Linn's side, she didn't interrupt him; all she had done was drink her wine while looking at him, meditating with curiosity.


"Mistress, I think we have forgotten an important detail." On the planet of the Punishers, Sylvia, who was alone in the living room with Sabrina, suddenly remembers a crucial detail.

"Hm? About what?" Sabrina asked while sealing her primordial powers after settling the case of Helios, Ferda, and Xelor.

"Even if the plan went as planned, the person who kidnapped the master is one of the most difficult to track down. Not to mention that thanks to its weapon and concept, she can seal space itself, making it impossible for anyone to use spatial powers. Even if you have linked the master's life to yours and he is out of danger, it will not be of much use when it comes to localizing him. How can we implement our plan if the master is not safe?!" She bombarded her with all these questions while Sabrina listened to her as if she did not feel Sylvia's nervousness.

"I know all that."

"...So why do you seem as relaxed? Did you foresee this situation?"

"No, I don't know how to track this girl or get the master out her hands."

"Oh my! So why the hell are you pretending nothing happened?! Did you forget that this girl is more likely to work with Serena?! Apart from that, you know very well that she is the least confident and most rebellious among the Punishers who still refuse to accept your authority as a leader, don't you?" The more Sylvia listened to the words and looked at Sabrina's gestures, the more doubtful she became about her intentions.

Like the Leaders, the Punishers also had disagreements within their organizations. As a result, when Sabrina became the new Punishers’ leader, there were disagreements and even an attempt at dethronement that Linn had orchestrated!

Although Linn was not a self-proclaimed enemy like Serena, she was also not the type to make friends with Sabrina or the others; she did not even recognize her as the leader of the Punishers; all her respect was dedicated only to Alvinos.

"Sigh, Sylvia; first, primordial beings are naturally arrogant and greedy. Everyone is looking for only one thing at the bottom, the power to submit the world at our feet. Do you think this girl will reveal to others that she has the master with her? What are you afraid of?" She asked, looking straight into her dark black irises.

"Exactly! It's rather up to me to ask you this question, why are you so relaxed despite all the potential dangers? Do you really think that the master will be able to defeat her or escape her?" She frowned while tapping the dining table in front of her.

Although she was deep in her conversation, her tone and habits did not seem anything other than placidity. But as for her emotions, it was another story.

"Sylvia, I know all this. But you seem to forget a small detail, Linnaella is a very cautious person; she’s so cautious that this fact becomes an obsession with her case. Everyone keeps saying that the master can help anyone who has reached the intermediate primordial rank, but how? How can they reach such a rank thanks to the master when they know nothing about him or his ability to share his energy with a third party? And even if they learn that fact, who would be willing to threaten the master knowing the conditions for activating the master's skills?!"


"And it's more obvious in the case of this space fly. She is too prudent about doing anything to the master as long as she is not sure she will not spoil her plans. Do you now understand why I'm calm? Not to mention that she must at least have someone like Ferda to look into the master's past or a similar Galiel power to apply mental power to the master to force him to reveal his secrets to her. But we have these two powers with us, with Ferda, the mistress of time, and the little succubus, who inherited her father's concept. Now I ask you the question, why are you sure that the master is in danger?"

Once again, Sylvia did not have the opportunity to refute the words of Sabrina, who had a vixen smile on her lips.

Seeing Sylvia's silence, Sabrina continued. "Of course, all this is because the master manages to play these cards and discovers Linn's prudent personality; that's a difficult thing to do. But we must trust him since that's the only thing we can do now."

After hearing these words from her, Sylvia sipping in turn her tea after a sigh. "... I guess that's the only thing we can do right now. But all the same, I'm curious about one thing, how long do you think it will take before the master returns?"

"..." For the first time, Sabrina remained temporarily silent after Sylvia's question.

"...I don't know, who knows, maybe it would take ten or thirty years, or maybe even more."

"...It will be a real ordeal." She immediately replied in a frustrated tone.

"I know, but it's the only option at our disposal; it's a dead end in the other term. But as long as we are certain that his life is not in danger of death, we’ll have no choice but to wait for him wisely." She finally gave this vague answer after noticing Sylvia's strange agitation.

'You're not the only one who is worried about his case; I am as worried about him as you; it's just that we only have one chance to use the master card I have in my possession to teleport to him instantly, but this action will cause me serious injuries. We will have nothing to gain by doing so, especially in this time of war and enemies who are hiding deep in the shadows.' She concludes with her thoughts.

"I’ll kill this girl with my own hands if she showed herself in front of me!"

"Fufu~, poor little girl, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you don't have the slightest chance against Linn. The best thing to do is to stay here and cultivate our strength. Because once the master is back, it will only be a matter of time before a primordial war on a universal scale is triggered!"

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