King of succubus

Chapter 250 Zenof, The Guardian Of One Of The Three Major Libraries. 2 [Bonus]

After Linn left, Alvine remained silent for more than three minutes while reorganizing his mind after hearing Linn’s words.

After this long time, he let out a breath of hot air while stopping using his blood powers to stabilize his blood flux.

"A glutton who refuses to eat...huh? What an interesting story. She managed to understand that I used my powers to stabilize my heartbeat with a simple look. Haha, it seems that I can't deceive her any longer; she even placed a barrier around my room. Is it to prevent me from escaping?" He said with a slight smile.

But this moment of joy lasted only a thousandth of a second before its expression became dark. "She found a clue that I refuse to have any physical contact with her despite my incubus desire... what brought her back to suspect me. The worst thing about all this is that she snoops in the right place. Sigh, and I, who thought she would not be interested in these kinds of details because of her indifference to the male sexes, I must believe that I had underestimated her." He said while continuing his meditation.

Alvine could indeed treat her without problems while doing dual cultivation with her since Linn's injury was not as complex as Sylvia's.

Instead of a physical injury, Linn had a kind of curse that deprived her of her primordial powers. On the other hand, thanks to Alvine's [Evil god's heart] skill (which could eradicate; or prevent him from being affected by any curses or debuffs), he was convinced that he could heal Linn without problems with this skill.

But making dual cultivation with her means giving her a power whose limits Alvine himself could not guarantee. He would not be surprised to see Linn become stronger than his allies and that he could not afford, despite the advantages he will gain from it himself! Therefore, since the current level of his unique skill [Shadow link], which could share his energy, does not yet allow him to share his skills with other people, Alvine was doing everything possible to keep this secret that Linn desperately wanted to dig up!

But the problem was not because Linn learned that his double cultivation was more beneficial than that of others; Alvine was already sure that Linn already knew this fact. But what worried her was that by doing dual cultivation with Linn, she would learn that the effects would be a hundred times more beneficial than what she knew. But none of this was compared to the crucial information that Alvine and his trusted allies wanted to keep at all costs. This information was certified by himself after practicing dual cultivation with Lilliana, the queen of vampires. Following this, he realized that despite being an emperor mage, he had helped Linn to reach the divine rank of high level in just a few sessions!

In other words, the more he raises his rank, his sexual partners will benefit incredibly! Anyone with a little common sense would know that rumors about him will not be impossible to realize by him, even if they are exaggerated!

Suppose this information comes to the sound. Alvine will face more serious consequences than he is currently facing.

As an incubus, he naturally knows such information about the abilities of his specie, such as their powers and the benefits offered by his bloodline. As for dual cultivation, it is a practice that only shows its real advantages when done with a lust demon. A regular dual cultivation practice with a succubus is like accelerating and increasing her partner's talent and powers as time passes. But there are always limits; one of the most important among them is the rank of the succubus who serves as a partner...

An empress succubus will only slightly increase the powers of a divine magus; on the other hand, she will gain enormous advantages; since her rank is lower than that of the divine magus. That's why high-level mages prefer to use them as stoves to collect all the winnings.

With this fact alone, anyone could guess the apparent difference that exists between Alvine and his pairs. This difference is like a double-edged blade to the extent that an enemy benefits from such advantages. Despite of all, not everything is red for Alvine since he will earn more than his partner in every way... However, one problem still persists.

"The more I'll practice with her, the more my cultivation rank will drastically increase. With such a gap between us, I could even reach the divine rank of high level in less than three years! But the difference in powers is too great between us; reaching the high-level divine rank with her would mean she would get a rank that would outperform everyone! She could even try to kill me later to remain the only person above the hierarchy. The greed of beings with intelligence goes beyond understanding; this is all the more true when it comes to the primordials who constantly seek extraordinary powers!" He whispered to himself while trying to find a solution to any future problems.

"If she ever reaches a legendary rank and becomes an enemy, neither Sabrina nor anyone else will be able to stop her; since I cannot count on Dalvine, whose intentions are more suspicious than Linn's. Ahh~ fucking world! I should have practiced double cultivation with Sabrina, even though only to see its effects on primordial beings. A powerful power comes with great responsibilities, huh? In other words, as long as I am weak with such abilities, I would be nothing more than a fucking golden egg chicken that is just waiting to be captured by the powerful who will force him to lay golden eggs to make them rich. And that, it's out of the question that I become this fucking chicken." He said to Himself, closing his eyes to continue his mediation.


On the other side, Linn could not be found in the small mansion; to be exact, she was no longer even on the meteorite, but in one of the three largest libraries in the universe, on the planet of the Punishers. The barrier she had created around Alvine's room was not intended to prevent him from escaping but instead to prevent Balakh from committing the irreparable.

"It's a pleasure to see you here, Lady Karitis." As soon as she appeared in the library, she was welcomed by a young boy with two enormous butterfly wings on his back.

"Hihi~, isn't that dear young guardian? It's a pleasure to see you too, Zenof." She said, returning the greetings of the 'young man'.

Zenof adjusted his monocle to his little childish face with a stiff smile. "You're wrong...again. I am not the 'young' guardian but the original guardian of this place since its creation." Zenof replied.

Zenof is a mutated fairy who has lived under the orders of the Punishers since the collapse of the reign of the supreme goddess. Even if he looks like a 12-year-old boy with short curly brown hair and creamy white skin... This 'boy' have millennia of existence!

"Hihi~, no matter your age, your childish cutty appearance also matters." Linn, who does not intend to stop her game, continues to disturb Zenof's tranquility.

"Sigh, as you are a regular visitor, I will not consider your lack of courtesy towards me. What book do you need this time?" Zenof closed the book he was reading (which had half his size) and went straight to the point.

"...Hmm, you're always in a hurry to read, as usual. In short, I don't have much time ahead of me either. Do you have books that talk about the races of lust? More precisely, the demons of lust?" As for Linn, she didn't insist on it either. She then asked by relying on Zenof's post office.

A mocking smile stood on Zenof's lips, instantly collapsing his adorable appearance.

"Don't look far; I don't intend to explain anything to you!" Linn immediately retorted when she saw Zenof's Machiavellian smile.

"Tehehe, I already know why you are so pierced, my beloved Karitis~. I look forward to reading a new story in your life book. But don't forget one thing, some powers go beyond even the beings like you, my regular visitor."

"What do you mean by that?" Linn asked him while frowning.

"Oh?! Did I say something? I don't remember what it was."

"Tsk, tsk, still so boring. It would be best if you went out occasionally to change your mind. You can't observe the world just by being in this room. My poor man, you can hardly see." Seeing that Zenof had no intention of explaining it at all, Linn did not insist. She knew the mysterious side of Zenof, who loved puzzles more than anything.

'Zenof, the fairy librarian cursed to be the eternal guardian of this library because of an unimaginable absurdity he had committed. He is the real madman, even among the three universe madmen who occupy the librarian position in the other two universal libraries. Sigh; fortunately that these bastards can not get out in libraries for eternity. Otherwise, they will become the calamities that will misconduct the universe to its self-destruction with their knowledge and follies.' Linn murmured to herself, looking intensely at Zenof's childish appearance.

"Tehehe, why would I need to waste my time when there is so much interesting history in this place? Let me tell you one of my favorite chronicles: I named it the chronicle of the mystery of the universe... Alvine Dragnar? A banal mortal who appeared on one of the plantations of this dear Randolph before reincarnating in a body that was one of the last remains of our goddess. By his simple presence... his name, his memory, and even his origins... remain mysteries~." Zenof stopped halfway when he saw Linn interested in his story.

"...Why did you stop?"

"Tehehe~ that's the advantage of being a librarian. But to reward you for being one of my beloved regular visitors~, I will give you some favors to reward you. You, the primordial beings... think you are creatures at the top of the food chain, don't you? But what would happen if, from day to day, you discover that above you, there are beings nobler and more powerful than you? How will you react that apart from the universe of our dear goddess, there are many universes just as different as each other?" He asked while adjusting his monocle with his mischievous smile.

"Sigh, do you think I'm going to believe such nonsense? You seem to forget that my concept is related to space, don't you?" Linn shook her head while retorting these words.

But Zenof immediately straightened his monocle (again) and continued to speak while keeping his smile on his lips. "I know your powers more than anyone else in this universe. Apart from our mistress, and Lady Serena, you are certainly the person I read her life book most often among the Punishers. But tell me one thing, you who are so sure of your powers~, why can't you cross the borders of the universe~? To my knowledge, you disconnected from the world only to unravel this mystery. Am I wrong?"


"In short, I finished what I had to say. If you want to learn more about incubuses, I grant you the privilege of reading the 'Galiel’s Chronicle', the most powerful incubus in history; at least...for now~." As soon as he pronounced these words, the thousands of shelves began to move by themselves, and a giant black book with archaic motifs appeared on Zenof's office librarian. Above the book was written Galiel's name and his primordial identity in the primordial language.

Linn did not touch the book. Instead, she looked straight into Zenof's green eyes; "what did you mean by 'he took possession of one of the bodies left behind the goddess?' Does this mean that he is also a primordial being that the goddess wanted to create but could not complete?"

"..." For the first time, Zenof did not answer Linn's question. He just sent her his usual Machiavellian smile.

"I order you to answer me!" She ordered in a frustrated tone.

"...You are not our mistress. So you don’t have such authority to give me orders. If you want answers, ask Lady Alpha, the current leader of the Punishers. But I doubt she grants such privileges to someone who has dared attack her dearest being. Don't you find that ironic? Even though she knows you are here, she didn't even bother to convene you; tehehe~ despite your insult toward her?"

"Tsk, it's only a matter of time before I become the new leader. At that moment, we'll see who will become the trash." She retorted while picking up Galiel’s life book.

But before she left, Zenof's serious voice resounded for the first time. "Miss Karitis, There are powers that we must not have fun with. The proof is that even the goddess who had been nicknamed the supreme goddess had perished while trying to do what she could not. I, therefore, advise you to be careful. A flame will even burn its owner if she loses control." He said while continuing his reading.

"Thank you for your advice...I suppose." Linn replied before disappearing into the library, leaving Zenof, the loner, alone.

After Linn left, Zenof released another book in his office drawer. Just like Galiel's book, the book he had just released was a black book that had strange motifs. And above this book, a name was marked on it: Sabrina Alpha, the current mistress of the Punishers.

"Sigh, this library is known to have all the wisdom of the universe and contains all the information of every creature born and dies; this must be the case, normally. But I wonder why the library failed to create this 'person''s book. All I have just revealed about this 'man' is the only information I had collected in the book of my dear mistress and this dear Randolph. Who would have thought that this 'person' actually had the body that was to serve as a host for the goddess? And why the hell is the body that was to become the host of the goddess a male and not a female?!"

"Sigh, I'm sure the mistress is asking herself this question too. In any case, our goddess is only alive thanks to this person. But contrary to what everyone thinks, our dear creator does not really honor her holy appearance. Tehehe~ why the hell would I get out of here knowing that any change in the universe will start here?! Even if I'm not sure, I'm ready to bet on my position as a librarian that our beloved goddess has prepared the whole plan for her return to the stage. Uhh~, I Frisian with ecstasy just by imagining the awakening of the legitimate owner of this universe. I suppose that now that the trigger is there, it's only a matter of time before the return of this angelic-looking demoness! Who knows? Maybe she will destroy us to start shaping us again as she used to do to kill time. Kekeke~, no matter her decision, I love the moving endings, especially when they are epic and filled with despair!"

Following this madness that distorted his face, he immediately calmed down and caressed Sabrina's life book and then looked at the immense library with a deep sigh.

"I would have liked to read the book of the little protected of our mistress. But for this, I guess I still have to wait for the library to consider his presence. In the meantime, I must do everything I can not to die under the effect of my curiosity. In any case, O Alvine~, I dream of the day I could enjoy your story in my library. And if possible, fill the pages of your life book with all kinds of massacres. I love stories with blood and especially betrayals of despair and... Ah~ my beloved goddess! Do something! Otherwise, This trigger will kill me here by waiting too long!" He said while beating his wings to glide between the shelves while closing his eyes and spreading his little arms with an erratic smile.

If Alvine, who already considered that the other primordials are close to madness, was currently seeing the librarian, maybe he...



Just like his universal law, Alvine had understood the origin of some of his skills after awakening his shadow affinity.

Competence such as [Evil God's heart], [Shadow link], and finally, his [Universal law: Absolute absorption], etc., are all related to his shadow affinity.

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