King of succubus

Chapter 264 Face The Heavenly Tribulations, Second Salvo.

'... Huh?! S-seriously?! Ha-Ahahaha, what bastards deals my tribulations really?!!' He incredulously stammered while staring at a long spear made of golden lightning.

But what had made him speechless was that the spear had some traces of dark lightning!

While he was in a contemplation state with his eyes wide open, he noticed another spear half made up of black thunder!

"Fucking administrators!" He murmured again in a low voice, unconsciously addressing the origins of the two spears with this nickname that came to mind.

But as if that were not enough, a third spear appeared in the middle of the other two spears. And the latter was entirely dark black with three lightning bubbles around him!

Linn:- "What?! W-What are the origins of this black lightning?!

[Bouahaha!! Maybe the calamity will be delayed in the end! Yes, primordial energy!! It was really a fucking great decision to come here! I was sure that they would eventually act like this. But they really exceeded my expectations by merging all the attacks of the second salvo!]

Unlike Linn, who doubted the nature of the threatening energy that emanated from the three spears, Alvine and the shadow next to her were convinced of this fact.

Seeing the apparent threat above him, he closed his eyes and inhaled a large breath of fresh air with a demonic smile that distorted his face.

'My hypothesis is now confirmed; there is really one or more sons of the whores who manage the heavenly tribulations. But the most frustrating thing is knowing they want my skin!' He said to Himself, taking out the black sphere with four divine planet cores.

'I didn't think I'd use you right away.' He said to himself, looking at Linn five hundred meters from him while frowning when he noticed the mysterious aura next to her.

'I cannot invoke my subordinates, who are currently busy with the task I had assigned them, to protect Linn. But she must be able to protect herself since she is also a primordial rank.' He analyzed the situation as a whole while looking at the orb floating in front of him.

"Very well, even if this planet could be annihilated, I don't care when it comes to preserving my life!" He thundered by placing his palm on the orb.

"Huh? Why is he talking about the destruction of this planet all of a sudden?!" Linn couldn't help whispering these words with confusion after hearing Alvine's meaningless words.

[Kekek! You said you wanted to judge him with your judgments, didn't you? It is now that the situation will become fun! I advise you to use your most powerful shield. You will understand why among the nicknames of this thing, The lord of devouring appears!]

But at the same time, the blood ring that had not reacted until now began to shine following its contact with the orb.

'Huh? Then what else?!' He was alarmed to see the mysterious ring controlling the black sphere that gradually narrowed until it became the size of a jewel and embedded in the middle of two other pearls!

"Fuck! What's the problem with this damn ring?! He wants to kill me or what?!" Alvine became more and more agitated when he realized that he had nothing left to defend himself against the three spears that had almost completed their mergers.

He waved his hand in all directions to have the slightest reaction from the ring. His magical energy could no longer reach the sphere, which was now a small black jewel to be able to influence it to activate his skill.

'Ah, shitty shit! I would not have enough time to activate my universal law without the help of this orb that helps me activate it without incantation!' He continued with his nervousness while monitoring the process of spear fusion.

After constantly looking for a solution but in vain, he reaches out his hand, and Kimiko appears in his hand.

*Master, tell me how I can be helpful to you.*

*Hah~, you're the best, unlike this dickhead ring! In short, in what form will you be useful to help me survive against these thunder spears?! *

*...I am and have always been your versatile weapon that can take the shape you want. According to my memories, only one form comes to mind in such a situation, but by transforming myself without your help, I could only keep my consciousness active for a minute only. After these past periods, I will hibernate for at least a month!*

"... All right, do your best; I will think about an adequate solution in the next few minutes." He gave his consent by telepathy by releasing his grip on Kimiko's wrist.

At the same time, Kimiko floated in front of him with dark energy emanating from it and then gradually doubled in size.

"What exactly is this sword?" Linn murmured to herself when she saw the size of the sword increase.

[... This ring he has on his ring finger!]

"Hm? What's special about this ring?"

[No, I must be---wrong.]

'... This guy...his disproportionate power has nothing to do with ours. Just to maintain his consciousness in this world, he must consume a crazy amount of primordial energy. But since his appearance, he has not stopped speaking in the primordial language that consumes a phenomenal amount of primordial energy! Sigh, this ridiculous to believe that this creature was the weakest among the goddess's close guards. How powerful are the other monarchs?! Fortunately, they don't have the right to be in our world.' Linn replied, looking at the shadow of the monarch of corruption with annoyance.

Then, she looked at Alvine with serenity. Not that she was reassured, but it simply was because she thought she had seen enough to be surprised; at least, that's what she believed.

In just two more seconds, Kimiko had reached the length of a hundred meters with more than thirty meters wide!

Seeing Kimiko's size, Alvine momentarily forgot the other three spears above his head and proudly looked at Kimiko's dark and imposing aura.

*Master, you can now offer me a drop of your blood and some raw energies to allow me to activate one of your skills to take the attack for you and transfer its energy into you!*

Hearing this, Alvine did not hesitate for a second; he pointed his right index finger at Kimiko, and a drop of his bright red blood flew over his head before touching Kimiko's blade. And at the same time, he used the spiritual ties that he had with his weapon to transfer energy to him.

Simultaneously, milky white ruins that were both mystical, which Alvine had never noticed, gradually became visible on Kimiko's giant blade.


Barely a thousandth of a second, three giant holes appeared in the middle of the blade following the sudden deformation of the blade. Then, in front of the skeptical eyes of Alvine and Linn, the magical energy of Alvine, which naturally circulated in the mystical ruins like mana veins, rushed towards the three holes, creating lightning darker than those of the gigantic spear about fifty meters long!

But strangely, the spear that had a large size and threatening energy of absolute black suddenly went to second place in threat level after Kimiko manifested powers superior to its in every way, whether in size or pure destructive power!

"P-primordial energy?! Is he able to use the same kind of energies as the primordials?!" Linn stammered with disbelief as if she no longer believed in her eyes.

[Kukuk, that's not quite it! The power in front of you has nothing to do with primordial energy. It is a power that only our goddess was able to use perfectly. Apart from her, there are us, the guardians and above all, the guardians of this calamity!]

"W-what?! If it's not primordial energy, then what is it?!"

'Now that I'm thinking about it, Alvine told me something similar the first time. I think he called this form of energy raw energy. But I thought it was he who was wrong because of his limited knowledge!' Without even realizing it, she had begun to show him a form of respect by calling him by name, unlike the other rude nicknames she used to address him.

[You don't have the right to know. But all I can tell you, Linnaella, even if we, the goddess guardians, can use a small amount of these powers, we are far inferior to achieve the control of the goddess.]

Linn's veins freeze after hearing the explanations of the mysterious being next to her.

"S-so, he is also at a lower level than the goddess, isn't it?" She asked, looking once again at her interlocutor for a second.

[.... If this were the case, the goddess would not have disappeared without a trace. In short, I've said enough like that; you don't have the right to know more about it.]

"..." Hearing The response of the monarch of Corruption, Linn was silent for fear that the latter would corrupt her soul and feelings towards Alvine.


*Master, everything is ready just in time. *

"All right, make sure to shoot it down in the most dominant way!" Alvine replied by unconsciously floating under Kimiko, who was now more than 300m long and had three spheres of jet-black lightning in its three holes!


The spear, which had now completed its mergers at the same time as Alvine's preparations, shot one of its three black bubbles on Kimiko as if it wanted to test the latter's resistance with its smart strategy!


But even before the bubble moved away from it ten meters away, one of the three lightning spheres flashed a giga-watt discharge on the bubble, bursting it instantly as if it were a vulgar soap bubble!

After seeing such a power difference between them, the lightning spear did not flinch; it used the second lightning bubble, whose power could fatally injure an intermediate divine mage.

But instead of aiming Kimiko, the bubble booed towards Alvine has an imperceptible speed for any low-ranking divine magus!

"Humph! What vicious bastards! Kimiko, don't lose sight of the real enemy; I can manage the bubbles without any problem!" Alvine growls these words to Kimiko's attention to warn it of the spear strategy, which seems to want to lure it to reach Alvine.

*Don't worry, master. Keep your strength for the last salvos. I would take care of its case properly!*


When Alvine heard this proposal from Kimiko, he also noticed, at the same time, that Kimiko also sent one of its lightning spheres toward the spear to counterattack it!

At the same time, the scene became so ridiculous that it became funny for Alvine, who saw the sphere pursue the black spear as if it were the spear that carried out a heavenly tribulation and not the other way around!

To not weaken its powers, the spear did not want to be affected by Kimiko's sphere. Alvine could confirm this just seeing the spear sacrifice its last bubble to intercept the imminent attack of the lightning sphere that was less than a second away from reaching it!

The bubble that had just interposed between the gigantic black sphere and the spear instantly burst without opposing the slightest resistance, nor to accomplish its goal, which was to slow down Kimiko's sphere!


Then, the sphere that had just destroyed the spear bubble bombed the lightning spear like a cannonball, making the black lightning spear tremble intensely under the blow of its attack!

Following these deafening sounds, which eradicated the forest to the magical beasts that were hundreds of kilometers away, the lightning of the spears decreased drastically. At the same time, its size was also reduced by more than fifty percent!


Then, noticing such a loss, the spear exploded its wrath and attacked, with full force, the sphere that still damaged it, annihilating it immediately!

But despite such a loss following this confrontation that exceeded the skills of all intermediate divine mages and the significant loss of the spear's powers, Alvine could not sigh of relief! Because there was always the second bubble of the spear that was now less than ten meters away from him!

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