King of succubus

Chapter 275 The Reason That Makes Antique Cities Dangerous!

"Sigh, you don't seem to take the dangerousness of such areas seriously. If this city is really an ancient city, then I advise you not to bring any divine mage with you, whatever their levels! Even I couldn't guarantee my safety with this damn curse. That's why you must do everything you can to help me break this curse before dawn!"

Hearing her make this request so seriously without being embarrassed by the least of the world, Alvine frowned while trying to guess the dangerousness of antique areas.

'She probably knows more about these places than she doesn't seem. But the usual methods will not work against her if I want her to tell me more.' He said to Himself with a little mischievous smile.

"What’s wrong?" She asked when she saw Alvine silent.

"No, it's just that I'm surprised that you put so much pressure on yourself for an abandoned city of several millennia. Is there anything you don't tell me?"

"What do you care about? I just want to take precautions before exploring a dangerous place, that's all. So, are you able to heal me before dawn or not?"

'As expected, she will not reveal anything to me that will serve as a reference before facing the unknown in this ghost town. Heh, it seems that I have no choice but to use "that" against her, once again.' He said to Himself when he saw Linn trying to divert him on the subject of conversation.

​ Afterward, he got up from his chair and hugged her waist with his eyes arched due to the mischievous smile on his lips.


"Admit it; you're just using this wacky story as an excuse to do dual cultivation with me. Am I wrong?" He then slowly whispered these words in her ear in a sensual tone!

"W-What?! Do you think I'm interested in such futilities?! If it weren't because of the gains I make from it, I wouldn't even have bothered to speak to you!" She stutters while stammering these words with slight redness on her cheeks.

"Hoo? So I was right, wasn't I? Heheh, You are in need, my poor girl." While pronouncing these words, his wandering hands slowly went down to Linn's plump ass, which seemed to have a little explosion of hot smoke above her head after a *Puff* in her brain.

"I am not affected by these weaknesses that you have!" She retorted these words with blushed cheeks while getting Alvine's hands off her ass, even though it was she who had asked to do the dual cultivation not even a few seconds ago.

Alvine, who had paid attention to her eyes from the beginning, slightly smiled when he saw Linn'eyes switch between starry blue and golden.

"You do not need to exaggerate the dangerousness of this famous ancient city that probably has nothing but white skeletons just to satisfy your primary desires. Ah, poor Linn, it's...

"Believe it or not, you will be the first to follow the same path as the Leaders who died because of their arrogance and excessive self-confidence!"

Upon hearing her finally spit out the information he wanted to know, Alvine smiled.

But, it was only a short time before his smile faded, and he froze in his place because of the seriousness of the information he had never expected.

"What did you just say?!" He stammered this question, believing he had misunderstood Linn's words.

"... Sigh, forget what I just said. More importantly, you must first help me get rid of this curse before dawn!" She said, finally freeing herself from Alvine's hands following the shocks that had frozen this latter on the spot.

"Do you think I'm going to forget something so important and act as if nothing had happened?! What are such specials about antique cities to be able to threaten even the primordials?!" He insisted with bright eyes.

As for Linn, she instantly understood that Alvine would not give up until she gave more details after seeing the seriousness in his eyes

"Sigh, that's why I didn't want to talk to you about this. Are you asking why the vestiges are dangerous? What will happen to a cultivator if his cultivation and energy are sealed? The latter will naturally become as fragile as a mortal who has never cultivated." She said with her back turned.

"Not exactly. A cultivator's strength is in no way related to his cultivation. The latter will always keep his stamina and be endowed with a titanic force even if his cultivation and powers are sealed." Alvine made this remark, which in no way changed Linn's expression.

"I haven't finished speaking. So far, we have discovered the existence of only one ancient city of the goddess during all these millennia. The Leaders discovered it. At that time, Randolph was not their leader; their leader was one of the victims of this ancient city, Tayla. A woman who had the [gravitational concept], the most powerful and the only one who was able to defend herself against us among the Leaders. But the irony of fate is that in this area, their affinities, laws, and even their concepts were sealed because of the arrays. They could only do this debate to survive with their deep strengths and energies!"

"The worst thing about this story is that as a person ventures deeply into this antique area, he will find it increasingly difficult to survive because of the dangers that will become common currency after each level. But if Sabrina didn't let you know about the ancient sites, I guess you also don't know why the Leaders became as strong as us, the Punishers, don't you?" She suddenly asked in her explanation.

"No, I didn't even know there was such a story," Alvine answers briefly.

"Sigh, it's understandable. You can't know everything about us, who have stopped counting our ages. In short, don't you find it strange that we, who are supposed to punish these sinners, are at the same level as them? Even if we are all primordial, there is a big difference between our constitutions and powers. Unlike ancient beasts and Leaders, we are the youngest; I would even say they are more than a thousand years old than us. But unlike them, we were not only stronger than Leaders, whether in our concepts or other factors, but we are also closer to perfection than them; because we do not need to steal the vital energy of others to restore our own. They were barely stronger than ancient beasts; we chased them to the four corners of the universe, and they constantly fled without daring to face us."

"It only was after they had the chance to go out alive in this mysterious area that everything changed overnight! Their concepts and powers have become stronger! As strong as Tayla's, no, worse than her. And it was during the same time that Randolph, who had just mastered more than three sub-concepts after exploring the site, was appointed as the new leader of the Leaders after the death of more than thirteen Leaders during their explorations, of which Tayla was one of the victims. It was only after his appointment that the Leaders began to face us face to face and on an equal power in addition to that, in a war that lasted several centuries before taking a break because of the losses our two sides had suffered. But also damage that led to the extermination of several species and planets."

"As my explanation is not intended to tell the story of the war between the Leaders and us, I would stop here. That's why you must stay here and instead ask for help from the other Punishers under Sabrina's orders to explore this ancient city!" She closes her explanations with this advice.

"Hm? What proves this ghost town is an ancient area in the goddess's time? There are several remains in this universe, so it is pretty standard that it...

"Think again; I know, that's all. In addition to the rumors of this time that made this planet coveted in the eyes of all the primordials, there is also a factor that forces me not to doubt the identity of this ghost town." She interrupted Alvine, who did not seem to be convinced.

"A factor?"

"Yes, a not insignificant truth. The powers of my concept are purely based on space. As a result, my perception is far higher than that of others in every way. Even gazing billions of kilometers away is child's play for me. The magical barriers that can resist me are counted with the fingers of only one hand. But since you revealed to me the existence of this ghost town, I have enveloped this planet with my perception and searched every corner, again and again, hundreds of times, but I have not noticed the existence of this barrier! If such a barrier really exists here, then it will mean that this ghost town will probably be more dangerous than the one discovered at the time!" She revealed this information with a deep tone that Alvine had not yet heard in her voice.

"Hundreds of times, Huh?" Alvine murmured behind her.

"Yes, I don't invent these numbers. That is why it would be suicidal for you to go to this city." She said, looking Alvine in the eyes.

But when she saw Alvine's crazy expression, she exhaled heavily. "You will never change. You are surely the only person in this universe to smile in this way after hearing these explanations. Surely, that's this madness you have obtained from (I don't know where), who makes you so special in people's eyes." She whispered, looking away with red cheeks.

"Haha, a city that can offer such good things?! Decidedly, this world is more and more interesting as time passes. Mortals, deities, primordials, and now, there are even parts of the treasure hunts?! I must seriously be in a fucking dream!" He said, appearing instantly in front of Linn.

The joy he was trying to keep all this time ends up bursting in the form of a bubble in his heart as he continued:

"You say I have to be crazy to do this? In this case, what about your case? You, who can't control even your simple heartbeats in the face of my madness? Decidedly, the more I stay with you, the more I realize that you are more attracted to darkness than light; I think I am really beginning to appreciate you more and more. I wonder what kind of person was this dear goddess to create such beings and give them the stick of justice to punish the sinners; while they are the greatest sinners." He replied with serein eyes and a demonic smile, for lack of better words to describe his contradictory and diabolical expression.

As soon as he saw Linn trying to justify herself, he prevented her from saying a single sentence, fiercely kissing her lips with his own in his excessive joys that left Linn in suspense.

But Alvine's kiss did not last more than ten seconds before he finally released Linn's lips.

'What's his fucking problem?! He may lose his min...!" As for the latter, it was only after regaining her relaxed mood that she faced another unthinkable reality!

She was no longer in Alvine's office but in a sizeable all-white room that was only equipped with a bed with an exaggerated size and some black ruins on tiles that were all intended to increase the effects of dual cultivation, except one, which had a function to accelerate time in the room four times faster compared to the exterior.

"Decidedly, the identity of the former owner of this planet as an incubus was not usurped; these are the senseless words I said myself when I first discovered this room, which is only intended for dual cultivation." She then felt hugged by Alvine standing behind her and whispering in her ear as soon as she noticed that this latter had teleported with her to another room.

"??" While she was frankly trying to understand Alvine's words because her brain overheated by him, who kept making her live all kinds of experiences that were both unique and craziest, she also noticed, at the same time, that Alvine had viciously already created an energy-sharing link with her without even she noticing it; maybe during her previous kissing with him.


"*Chut*, close your eyes and relax. As promised, I will make you live a heavenly experience never lived before while healing you." He continues to whisper these words to her while pushing her slightly towards the white and extra soft bed.

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