King of succubus

Chapter 279 Heal Linn’s Curse. 2

At that moment, Linn suddenly remembered the warnings of the monarch of corruption, that she had prevented him from killing Alvine. She herself did not yet know whether she should regret this decision or not.

But one thing was sure for her, the person standing in front of her had nothing to do with the one who spent his time teasing her and the person she kept underestimating. But unlike the Alvine she knew, this person in front of her did not have the slightest light in him.

'No, it would be fairer to say he is the darkness itself.' She whispered in her thoughts, suspicious of Alvine, who was talking with the dark elf whose name was now Stella.

Alvine, for his part, looked at the other three shadow soldiers who had completed their evolutions instead. He didn't kill his head looking far away. The three have acquired names related to their attributes.

-Kuro, a mage warrior with light armor, equipped with the dark attribute, and two long swords on his back. But what had pushed Alvine to give him this name was that his eyes had the same dark byssal as his.

-Ignis: a 500cm giant with the fire attribute and a blood sub-attribute. His weapon was an imposing war hammer. As for his armor, the latter had a black helmet that resembled that of gladiators, letting his golden eyes pass through. And, A knight's armor with two small golden spheres that exude intense heat, as if they were two miniature suns.

Alvine knew this giant from the beginning since it was the same shadow soldier who had absorbed the soul of Narak's 11th General on the Keslpies planet, also called the Garyth plantation.

-As for the last one, he was the strangest with his little silhouette that was the same size as Alvine. But what made him weird was that Alvine could not guess his gender or attributes. More importantly, he had no face or armor but simply two long incubus horns, garnet pupils, and a long tail of three meters.

Alvine himself was not sure if this shadow soldier had evolved or not since he did not speak loudly but only telepathically. Not having enough time to dig deeper into the mysteries of this mysterious soldier, Alvine gave him the name, Ignotus, meaning unknown in Latin, because of his body that was covered with a black mist.

After dealing with this situation quickly, Alvine left the shadow soldiers behind him and continued his way toward the objective that had led him into the dimension. At the same time, Linn followed him while keeping a safe distance of one meter between them.

Without a problem, Alvine and Linn arrived in front of a large door after a long walk in the ghostly dark corridors, which was at least twice as large as the two doors of the room he had just left.

'Sigh, it seems that we are in a mysterious castle that is even bigger than ours. In addition to that, the energy of this place is at least fifty times richer than primordial energy. What is the nature of this mysterious energy? Is it the famous energy he used all this time? And I can't cultivate this mysterious energy in my body because of its ferocity!

-Sigh, This planet is even more mysterious than all the planets I have visited. Unknown energy that I can neither absorb nor identify? A palace built with materials that I had not seen and that can block my primordial perception?! This mysterious place must at least be on a higher rank planet than those of rank one!' She said to herself, looking at Alvine's back.

'A planet of rank zero? The same rank as the only original planet that existed at the time of the reign of our goddess? Was it really he who caused our goddess to disappear? Sigh, I'm going crazy as I think.'

"Where is this place? And what is his rank? And how is it that I am not able to use my perception?!" She finally asked after a long moment of silence.

"I can't answer your questions. Now, shut up and let me work quietly. Time is passing faster on this planet than on Freyja planet. If you continue with your questions, we will waste more time than expected." Alvine ordered in a bland tone as if he had no emotion.

Following this, the doors opened in front of him, letting him enter the soul purification room and which had also served as a prison for Assi and Sofia.

But unlike before, a dull silence reigned as an absolute master in this large room that seemed to be another dimension apart in the palace because of its width.

"Hm? Are there as many left? Hmm, as there are many divine souls, it is understandable that there are so many left. It's a good thing that it is so much; it will make it easier for me."

Once in the large dark room with thousands of poles surrounded by thick black chains on fire, by flames not unknown to Linn, Alvine's tone echoed by pronouncing these words in the silent room. He then tried his hand on the icy tiles and also asked Linn to sit in front of him, even though the latter was still in her state of shock to the point of losing her head.

Anyone could understand, at a glance, that this room was not there to have a cup of tea together. And Linn, who had eyes as sharp as Sabrina's, instantly understood that the hundreds of thousands of transparent entities were none other than virgin souls.

"Why are there so many blank souls here? Do you intend to do the same as the Leaders in this mysterious place?" She asked with complex eyes while sitting in front of Alvine.

Alvine looked her in her eyes with an inexpressive expression. "Despite the fact that I told you that I expected to massacre billions of people, you still let me cross the portal. But now, do you seem dissatisfied to see so many victims here? Is this behavior called hypocrisy?" He asked, tilting his head aside while smiling falsely at Linn, who avoided crossing his gaze.

"Sigh, forget these people and focus on the energy I'm going to transfer to you." He then continued, seeing Linn powerless in the face of his question.

As Alvine had previously warned, choosing to follow him meant she was no better than Alvine himself, hence her silence in the face of Alvine's sarcasm.

After his last sentence, he raised his hand to the sky and began to incant in a low voice for about thirty seconds. Then, with his eyes still closed, he murmured in a monotonous voice,

[Universal Law, intermediate level: Realm of gluttony.]


Simultaneously, the same phenomenon occurs again; a garnet sphere with a black hole inside manifests itself on his palm that rises ten meters from him with the unprecedented force of inhalation.

But strangely, apart from the slight breeze in the room, nothing remarkable happened in the silent room.

"What are you trying to do exactly?" Linn asked confusedly, looking at the sphere above her.

As she had a shadow bond with Alvine, she was naturally not affected by the attraction of the sphere. And the reason why the room was quiet was that Alvine's sphere was not powerful enough to do damage on a planet with a level.

Not to mention doing damage, he could barely absorb the residues of raw energies among the brutal energies in the room. And Alvine didn't take much time to notice this factor.

"Sigh, my laziness gives me more tasks than before." He said with a bitter smile.


After that, he slammed his fingers, and the black chains that sealed the hundreds of thousands of dark souls broke into pieces, releasing the virgin souls who rushed toward the sphere.

'Sigh, as I expected, this planet is a mystery. I'm not even sure that my high-level universal law can do damage. The reason I did not dare to explore this planet is that I am too weak to face the creatures that exist on such a planet. But after reaching the primordial rank, I will venture into its lands to face lives that will probably be more ferocious than the primordials!' He says to Himself while sharing with Linn his divine energy.

At the same time, Linn felt a flood of divine energies soaking her body as if she were bathed in a vitalities sea!

She instantly understood what Alvine meant by being complicit in the massacre he had committed. But even if she felt uncomfortable, she still did not refuse Alvine's efforts to heal her; then, she closed her eyes and stored all the divine energy she received from Alvine and stored them in her central core, passing through her upper dan-tian. Even if the central core, commonly called 'the mana heart', is the core that stores mana, the upper core, 'mana brain', is the main core that collects mana and sends it to the mana heart. But this system, which becomes more simplistic for the divine mages, is even easier for the primordials.

But contrary to what she thought, Alvine did not send her the energy of virgin souls, but he stored them himself and transferred the energy already in his body.

Its purpose was not only to provide Linn with the energy it needed to seal its other two cores but also to restore its dark energy. That was one of the three methods Dalvine had revealed, after his victory against Narak's four beast generals on the Garyth's plantation, to restore his dark energies. But this method had another advantage that Alvine had not yet had the chance to test; according to Dalvine, just like his dark soldiers who obtain new attributes when they absorb the essence of virgin souls, Alvine may also have the chance to acquire a new affinity!

But at that time, he found it cruel because of his human mind. Still, he found this thought ridiculous after having lived experiences and noticed the dangers that constantly awaited him in the shad. It is either to be ruthless by acquiring strength by all means at your disposal or to be an elixir, which will serve to increase the power of others for the rest of your life. This idea was even more frightening for him, knowing he had several millennia ahead of him.

'Hm? So this bastard was right, Huh? My dark energy was instantly restored. But as I can no longer increase the amount of my dark energy, the energy of virgin souls instantly turns into raw energy. Sigh, it's a waste to transform them into raw energy that is found everywhere in the universe, unlike dark energy.'

Noting this fact, which is an unacceptable mess for him, Alvine revoked his law while providing the necessary energy to Linn, who does not seem to stop so soon.

But after an extra minute, Alvine realized that he did not weigh on the greed of Linn, who had absorbed 70% of his divine mana in such a short time! After his tribulations, it was not only his energy tank that had increased in size, but he had filled it!

"How much do you need to be able to seal your two kernels?" Alvine asked by cutting the tap water between them.

"Hm? I thought you wanted me to restore my energy completely. Why did you stop?" She opened her eyes while asking Alvine in a boring tone.

"... I meant by this the necessary energy you needed to cast three sealing spells. Who am I to restore the magical energy of a primordial mage?! I point out to you that I am an intermediate divine mage, not like some monsters." He said as he got up on the ground.

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