King of succubus

Chapter 299 Reduce The Number By Half Just With The Traps.

"... You are right." The man stammered when he saw Fyora's actions.

He could not help but take a sharp look at the plump silhouette of the beta general, who was dressed in a light and tight armor that perfectly drew her curves and showed most of her milky white skin.

"Sigh, dear general of the Gamma squad, this is not the time to have wild thoughts. Our prey is already at our doorstep, so please do not confuse me with them; otherwise, I am afraid to kill you inadvertently!" Fyora replied, noticing the general's burning gaze on her.

"Urgh, what will you say about a bet?"

"A deal?" She asked, looking straight into the black pupils of the man beside her while frowning her thin eyebrows.

"He who will make the most victims will be obliged to fulfill the wish of the other!"

"... Sigh, why not? As long as it is not an inexorable request." She said with a charming smile, guessing the purpose of the beast who wanted to have her in his bed.

"Kukuk! Well, dear general, remember your words after the end of the hunting." Seeing Fyora nod, he no longer continued to discuss with her lest she returned to her words.

He returned without further delay to his troops, which were stationed three kilometers from the right wing.

"Hehe, it is obvious that gamma general wants you." At the same time, the teasing voice of another woman resounded next to Fyora.

"Fufu~, don't worry, general of the delta squad. Wanting and power are two different things. If it was so easy to get what we want, it is obvious that the lord will already be mine. But, well, who knows? Hope raises wings and forces us to accomplish what our abilities do not allow us." Fyora spoke with a distant look.

"... You are not wrong indeed. It is obvious that no woman can resist the charms and male virility of our lord. But I find it unfair that succubuses and vampires are the luckiest, unlike us elves and demons and humans." The general of the Delta Squad was no longer the human man who was an emperor mage but an elf girl with the black Hime cut who was also a low-ranking divine mage.

After the oath of loyalty of the three queens of Alzania and the unification of the three races to those of the people of Alvine, the Alvine squad welcomed new recruits. And since the status of the general and captains are not hereditary titles but given to the strongest among the four squads, only Britannia and the man who had just bet with Fyora only were able to maintain their petitions of the general of the squad Alpha and Gamma. As for the other two squads, Fyora and Myulan, the black-haired elf girl, were able to defeat their former generals in a duel and were awarded the title.

To be the new general squad, it is not enough to defeat only the former general in a duel of strength but also of strategy. Troops will be chosen who will assist each person and command these troops with their military formations to fight in a strategic duel too.

These were the minimum conditions to be satisfying since a general was responsible for the thousands or even billions of lives of its troops on its shoulders. A powerful general with strategic trash skills will bring its troops to the slaughterhouse with lousy leadership skills.

"You are wrong, general Myulan; the lord is in no way affected by our charms. The proof is that he only had this girl demoness as a concubine, even though so many suitors surrounded him. I think he is the type to look for the most talented and help them develop further with double cultivation."

"Um, I remember; you're probably talking about Miss Sofia, the former empress of demons who joined our ranks recently. Tsk, Tsk, I can't help but be jealous of her. She was only an emperor mage, not even two years ago. And now, thanks to the help of the Lord, she is an intermediate divine mage who can defeat an entire army of her rank! Her power is nothing compared to ours. She--

"Wait!" Before Myulan finished her sentence, Fyora stopped her as she used her magical perception to look from afar.

"Fufu~, our prey has already begun to move. General delta, be sure to reach your left-wing station. It is time to implement the strategy that our lord meticulously prepared in advance for this great game of hunting. The 'Crane wing' formation must be impeccable if we want to exterminate them without suffering too many losses!" She ordered coldly with eyes carried by an insatiable thirst for blood!

"At your command, General Beta!" At the same time, Myulan returned to her troops.

As the highest-ranking general among the others, she was naturally their leader who commanded them outside the senior ranks.

At that moment, twenty kilometers from their positions, the army in question was none other than the army of the demon, who instead spoke with the head general.

He was actually with his elite troops of two hundred thousand soldiers.

And also accompanied by another demon with the same appearance as him, except that the latter's skin was slightly greenish, and his pupils were deep green, unlike the other members of their species, most of whom have scarlet irises.

"Don't you find it suspicious, the second general?" He asked his comrade divine general who commanded the other elite troops of two hundred thousand demonic soldiers.

"HRM, I agree with you. I do not feel the presence of the head general, despite his request for reinforcements. At first, we had trouble orienting ourselves, but as soon as the general asked us for reinforcement, we strangely did not find it difficult to find this place full of divine mana; I think our opponents are trying to reverse their situations." He nodded after inspecting the artificial forest that was in front of him.

Anyone among them finds the suspicious place since all the trees in this place are either dark black and faded or blood red because of the influence of the mist on them.

And unlike magical beasts that have limited intelligence, demons are another story.

"They are obviously trying to lead us into their traps." The first general also agrees.

"Yes, it's the same conclusion I had. And knowing the arrogant personality of the chief general, he had to go into the heap, thinking that all tricks would be ineffective against overwhelming power." The second general concludes by inspecting the surroundings with his predatory green pupils.

"Hmm, very well; for now, we will separate. My squad and I will inspect the forest to the north while you and your squad will inspect it from the south. Therefore, if there are traps, we will not all be caught off guard simultaneously."

Not wanting to waste any more time, the first general created this strategy quickly.

"And one last thing, do not inspect the forest from the inside under any circumstances. Just fly over the area by keeping a height of two hundred meters; in this way, we will have time to react in time to avoid surprise attacks that will come from the forest. I think it will be more the strict minimum not to fall into their traps. And if you discover one of our men or fall into any trap, we must inform each other. My demonic intuition tells me that if we underestimate one more again our enemies, it will become fatal for us!"


"WELL, so let's go for the hunting step!" He sounded these words, accompanied by his war cries.

Following this, the two squads separate, exploring the forest on each side.

"Fufu~, your decision is certainly the right one, but it is not perfect. Because unlike you, who have the misfortune of having the master as an enemy, the latter already has several steps ahead of you." From their departure, Nicco appeared in her black mist, floating a hundred meters from the old potion of the squad of the first and second generals.

"It promises to be fun." With these last words, she masked her presence once again.

Meanwhile, the second general and his elite squad, who calmly and cautiously explored the forest from the skies, suddenly noticed, in the distance, a clearing in the middle of the thick forest.

And in this clearing, hundreds of the shredded corpses of demons were stacked on top of each other in the middle of a gigantic crater as far as the eye could see.

Seeing this, despite the bubbling rage of the second general, he clenched his teeth to stay serene.

He then touched his temple and closed his eyes:

"First general..."

[What's new?]

"Yes, I found some of the men of the third general squad, but I could not find him among them. I think he continues the fight on another front with our enemies." He informed his comrade of war.

[... How many survivors?]

Asked the first general after a brief silence.

"I apologize for not expressing myself well. I meant, I found their corpses."

[?! ... Good. Continue your research, especially do not land in the forest to recover the corpses; it may be our opponents' work to lure us to their traps.]

"... I know. These bastards must surely hide closely, looking for the opportunity to ambush us as we fall into their nets."


"Well, I'll leave you here. I'm going to continue my--


Just before he finishes his sentence, the first general at the other end of the line interrupts him.

"A problem?"

[...I think it is no longer necessary to look for the other members of the third squad.]


[I also just discovered a mountain of corpses of at least five hundred miles in an area free of the forest.]

"... And the general of the third squad?"

[... He is there...among the corpses!]


[Please calm down. Do not succumb to rage. Our priority at the moment is to find the head general. Then, we will take all the time we need to avenge our comrades who fell on the battlefield after fighting bravely.]

The first general immediately stopped the second before he faced nonsense.

-Squeeze fist!!

"Very good." Even though blood flowed from his fist under his boiling rage, the second general did not let his emotions explode, at least so far.

[Well, continue to--





The sudden explosion that resounded from afar, more precisely at their points of intersection, followed by the painful cries that resembled the voice of their chief general; neither of them asked the other to keep his cool.

The cold eyes of the second general looked in the distance, the column of smoke that rose a thousand meters in the air, with a rage that imploded within him to the point that anyone could notice hot smoke escaping from his mouth and ears.

"These bastards bequeath against the head general! General of the first squad, I'm leaving first!" He thundered with rage, raising his spear to command his troops.

[...Well, I would go lightning speed on my side to join you as soon as possible!]

Despite the suspicion in his voice, the first general had any other alternative but to witness the second, who seemed to have lost his mind in his rage.

"All in my step feet! We are going to avenge our brothers in arms!" After removing his finger from his temple, the second general grumbled these words and pulled straight towards the column of smoke, followed by his minions.

"Sigh, the master was right; an intelligent donkey will always remain a donkey." Even if Nicco did not reveal her presence this time, her voice still resonated in the area after the premature departure of the second general and his troops.

As the two squads rushed straight to a common destination in this same place, Fyora tapped her lips while whistling and turning on her own in the open area.

After a few seconds, she opened her pupils of the Same color as those of Alvine while an enchanting smile bloomed on her soft and luscious lips.

"Well, it's time to activate the traps the Lord had carefully set up!" She whispered these words after regulating her voice to normal!

She then looked at the golden sphere with fifty small dots, with a demonic smile that transformed her angelic appearance into that of a demonic queen.

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