King of succubus

Chapter 301 Such A Lord, Such Subordinates!

"... Are you serious?! W-Wait, if it was really the truth, then why did you push Fyora to give herself to the full by making such a bet with her?!" Myulan asked with suspicion after hearing General Gamma's claims.

"Sigh, you're wrong; I'm just a stranger in this girl's eyes. Remember that she only came to this planet recently, after she was appointed a new general.

-All we know about her is that she is grateful to the lord for freeing her from the chains that were supposed to chain her for life because of the master-slave contract she had with a human on her native planet.

-Even if she does not show it, I know that she has a deep hatred for my species; it is just that her respect and admiration for the lord are too important for her than her hatred for my species.

-I have no chance with her.

Hearing Brarde's explanations, Myulan remained silent, but not knowing how to find good words for Barade,


She then scraped her throat and momentarily focused her attention on their enemies.

"Thank you for the information; I will satisfy my deal after the end of our mission." She then whispered these words.

"Huu, you are a rare pearl! But on the other hand, I would be more than happy to make you my partner."

"Yeah, yeah, I now feel ridiculous to feel bad for you." She retorted dryly after noticing Barade's beastly nature resurging.

"Sigh, unlike General Fyora, who will be the perfect woman for dual cultivation, you are the ideal woman for a life of--

"It's the time! Our targets have begun to weaken."

Hearing Myulan's warning, Barade's expression categorically changed 360 degrees.

"General delta, this is an opportunity to make more victims in their ranks; I am afraid that such an opportunity will not be represented twice if we ever miss it!" He said, handing his sphere to Myulan.

"General gamma, what's your plan?" The latter asked by recovering Barade's sphere.

"You will merge the two spheres and continue setting traps."

"It's too dangerous--

"You will have time to judge after listening to my strategy."


"Well, listen carefully to what I am about to tell you because my life will depend on this plan."

Following this last sentence, Barade began the explanation of his attack plan from beginning to end.

After a minute, Myulan, who had just listened to his strategy, shook her head the second after.

"Even if your strategy can work, the risk is too great for such a plan. On top of that, we haven't even started the plan's second phase!"

"This is an order I give you as your superior, Myulan. Don't worry; you can reward me by accepting my previous proposal if you are so--

"You can go to hell. It will only save me my 10DS!"

"Urgh, how hard you are with me. Do you want me to die single so much?" Barade retorted by squeezing his chest as if he wanted to stop the internal bleeding that Myulan had just caused to his heart.

"... All the more reason not to die."

"Hah, you're right; and that's a good reason, on top of all." He also nods with a mischievous smile.

It wasn't that he wasn't handsome, but it was just his behavior as a petticoat runner that earned him such a bad reputation with the girls.

Following this, he disappears in front of Myulan, who now has both spheres in his hands.

Simultaneously, the two spheres merged into one after Myulan brought them together. Thus, the little lights have gone from ten to twenty!

"Did they finish their magical arrays?" Three kilometers from her, one of the subordinates of the first divine general whispered with pearls of sweat sparking on his foreheads, a blatant sign that he was beginning to run out of stamina after maintaining high-level training for more than ten minutes.

"Don't be distracted! We must not be careless with our enemies who are always hiding." The demonic general replied after hearing the words of his subordinate.

'Shit, we can't maintain this formation forever. We will soon run out of energy and become prey at their mercy. It was definitely a mistake to follow them in this place; they used our informants against us to trap us here. The safest way is to ring retirement, But how?!'

While he was in his thoughts, the earth under their feet began to tremble again, announcing a bad omen.

"Tsk, not yet!"

"We're really all going to die here!"

"I knew from the beginning that this mission was suspicious--

"Shut up, a bunch of bastards! Since when have my subordinates become so easy to intimidate?!" The general cried out with rage after noticing the morale of his troops, which was at its lowest.

But the next moment, the earthquake ceased, and an army of a thousand wooden Golems guided by a man with dark brown and curly hair dressed in divine heavy armor and a long sword booed towards them.

Seeing this man, the general and his men frowned, noticing only one individual instead of an army.

'Why only one person? However, this is the perfect opportunity to attack us. Unless this bastard is the master of arrays, who is supposed to prevent us from attending the second general?' The first general frowns while analyzing the situation with blood cold.

'But even if it is the case, why is he showing himself now? Could it be that his arrays are exhausted? If this were not the case, he would not take the risk of entering the middle of his magical arrays; he would have been able to let these wooden Golems distract us and trigger his other arrays when our shield canceled. Tsk, it's so frustrating to be played by the enemy!' He continued in his thoughts by looking at the actions of Barade, who stopped two hundred meters from them.

Barrade then ordered the Golems army to attack the golden dome while he himself had parked from afar.

"I'm Groatian, the divine general of his majesty, the king of demons, Artaros Falde. Who do I have the honor to?!" He thundered from his shield.

"Kekek, I didn't know my prey was the type to hide behind a protective barrier to introduce themselves. Are demons so fearful?!" Barade asked with a disdainful smile.

"... It's ironic to hear these words from someone who only shows up now." Despite his rage, Groatian was inflexible in the face of Barade's provocations.

"Sigh, you're right. I am Barade, Barade Blade, a humble arrays master."

"So it was you who set up these traps? Why do you only show yourself now? Have your arrays become obsolete?!" The general did not waste time; he went straight to the essentials.

"Kekek, obsolete? I, therefore, leave you the choice to judge for yourself, dear guests. Attack!!" Barade ended his words with this order he gave to the Golems.


The latter began to unleash on the dome without further delay, attacking it with their fists and the bramble whips they created with their wooden attributes.

Even if their attacks could not cause significant damage to the divine barrier, it was more than enough to accelerate the energy consumption of those who kept it in place.

'Instead of agreeing or rejecting, this bastard only gave me an even more vague answer than before. As a result, I cannot know if it is a trap to force us to lower our guard or if it is to make us more suspicious to save more time; while waiting for his allies that fight against the second general and his troops!

-Shit, this guy is dangerously competent, as expected from an arrays master!

-But one thing is sure, if we continue to hide behind this dome, sooner or later, we will run out of energy and stamina. And if this ever happens, our situation, which is already bad, will become catastrophic!

By weighing the advantages against the disadvantages, Groatian did not have thirty-six other solutions.

"They are definitely trying to prevent us from getting together!" With this conclusion, he removed his halberd from the ground.

"Everyone with my command! Change of strategy; [Adapt the N•3 offensive formation!]


Following his orders, all the other soldiers recovered their weapons, instantly breaking the golden dome.

Meanwhile, Groatian, who paid particular attention to Barade's expressions, had a demonic smile when he saw the latter's dark expression.

'My hypothesis is correct; this vicious bastard wanted to keep us prisoner here!' With this last conclusion, his other suspicions are confirmed in the second following.

"Don't use your mana to kill these wooden Golems, they are weak, and your energies and stamina are precious. We must always join others, all with me; let's make our way to the meeting point!" He continued to guide his troops while killing the Golems who attacked him.

The battle, which had been stagnating for more than ten minutes, resumed with more ferocity than before.

Meanwhile, Barade did not remain inactive either; even if he had not mixed with the crowd, he faced some of Groatian's subordinates who made their way through the wooden Golems to him.

And when he began to be besieged on all sides, he ordered some Golems as reinforcements to help him, and, at the same time, he moved away from them.

Of course, the more time passed, the more the Golems fell like deer horde against wolf packs

Even if the men of Groatian used little energy to strengthen their bodies, heal their wounds, soothe their fatigue and also strengthen their weapons with their mana, they were far superior to the wooden Golems who did not have the slightest consciousness.

That continued until the wooden Golems and Groatian's army completely mixed.

"!" At that moment, Groatian felt chills along his spine after noticing the slight smile on Barade's lips and the golden parchment he had just come out of!

"A teleportation parchment?! ACTIVATE YOUR MAGIC SHIELDS!!" He cried out with a feeling of imminent danger.

But at the same time, Bararde's smile widens to his ears. "Myulan, send the sauce!" He also ordered, tearing a golden parchment that instantly teleported him to Myulan's side!

"Fuck! This bastard still has us--


Even before he finished his words, with a half-formed shield, like most of his subordinates, by the way, a few dozen wooden Golems began to light up because of the pearls of affinity that were carefully hidden in their bodies!

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