King of succubus

Chapter 321 I Finally Found What I Was Searching For!

"Haha~ two? And just for me, in addition to all that?!" Alvine's euphoric laughter sounded as he grabbed the spear of his vicious prey with his bare hand.


Seeing Alvine's actions, the black elf had only a slight momentary surprise in his pupils before his body released all his power and majestic divine aura!

On Alvine's side, seeing his target change his strategy, he also changed his attack pattern!

The scythe in his left hand suddenly became blazed with the ferocious dark flames he held from the beginning, and they finally showed their powers more frightening than Alvine himself could ever have imagined!

Simultaneously, before he faced anything with his scythe, the flames around it suddenly ignited and reduced everything around him to ash, including the black elf who wanted to kill him.

The latter did not even have time to cry out in agony.

'?! It's worse than I thought! Fuck! But why is this bastard so excited?!' Alvine spoke in his thoughts by looking at the scene incredulously as if he were not the real culprit.

On the other hand, Elaydja could stop in time and move away from Alvine before being affected by his flames, which now emitted heat worse than the source of a millennium volcano!

But as if that were not enough, it was only after about three seconds that Alvine noticed that the decision he had just made and which was only guided by his instincts, was not necessarily the right one; to be more precise, it was perhaps the worst he should have ever made!

After the emergence of his Gehenna flame, he no longer had control over the latter, who made its way to the so-called heavenly king and consumed this latter and his undead's army as if nothing had happened.

"What?! Argh..! This bastard!" Seeing the actions of his flame that seemed to be endowed with a conscience, Alvine swore these words loud and clear in his most incredible frustration!

He himself sprinted in the middle of his flames, leaving the others in their dizziness for the sole purpose of saving the flute that his dark blaze wanted to take as a new target.

"Wh...what has just happened?" Nicco murmured to herself, looking at the only person who could give her explanations; Serena.

But seeing the doubtful eyes of the latter as if she suspected something and noticing the sharp and severe look she had, Nicco no longer spoke a single word.

On the one hand, she wanted to join her master, but on the other hand, his orders were apparent, which prevented her from deciding.

"Sigh, protecting the generals is the order given to me by the master. At least, this flame is not a threat to him; only to him." She murmured while creating a translucent magical barrier around Vlad and the others, including herself.

"Did you fall so low to want to use these vicious tricks against my master? You won't lose anything to wait; I make you the solemn promise!" She thundered in a deep voice while looking at Elaydja and Brave with rabid eyes!

"..." Hearing these words from one of the people they feared most at the moment, Brave and Elaydja nervously gulped while looking at Serena, who did not seem to care about their cases.

'I decided to come and interrupt them, but since they have not yet progressed enough, it's not important. But these black flames, they give me the impression of already seen them, but where?!' She whispered in her head, being only concerned about crazy hypotheses.

Meanwhile, Alvine, who anyone could no longer monitor because of one of the characteristics of his black flames that could disturb the magical perception, grabbed the black flute before it was affected by its flames and threw it toward Nicco.

"Come back!" He then ordered his flame while trying to absorb his flames.

But the latter became more disobedient and booed towards the wall behind the old sarcophagus.

'A dead end?! It's perfect!" He grumbled with frustration that had reached the top and continued to follow his flames.


But the next moment, his expression and that of others changed after noticing the sudden disappearance of his flames that had barely touched the wall!

He turned around and looked at Serena, who had a frown.

"Everyone, following me!" He then shouts these words by finally having an idea of the strange reaction of his flames. And the moment after, his silhouette also disappeared in front of the others.

Following this phenomenon, which occurred twice in a row, the others understood that the wall to the back of the room was probably a spell of illusion aimed at disturbing the sight of those who would try to access the secret area.

But when Nicco tried to join Alvine, Serena suddenly intervened between her and the way.

"DON'T DISTURB ME!" Nicco instantly ordered when she saw a similar scene to produce in front of her.

"Fufu~ don't worry; I didn't come here to stop you but to team up with these people during your exploration," Serena replied by pointing to Brave and the others.

"?! These bastards?! The same bastards who tried to kill my master stealthily?! No, if it weren't for the current situation that requires me to stay in top shape, I'd have already taken care of these people!!" Nicco retorted between her clenched teeth when she heard Serena's proposal, which was even crazier than when she asked for a duel just to satisfy her curiosity!


'Aghh!! Why is a primordial so involved in our business?! It's so frustrating that it makes me feel ridiculous!' She continued in her thoughts when she saw the familiar smile on Serena's lips.

"Sigh, do you mean that either we will go with them or we will all stay stuck here? Tsk, Tsk, tsk! Very good, but I swear to kill them all without even--

"Poor girls, you are just calm and undecided, not because you want to save your energy, but because you cannot excite an order that your lord had not communicated. If it's not sad, then what will it be? Possess such powers, but without being able to act according to your own directives?!"

Hearing Serena's words, those who were confused about her identity (Alvine's generals) and those who were confused about Nicco's reason for obedience (Brave and the other two); each obtained some additional information that helped them get out into the black hole of confusion.

'Is this woman who joined us one of our lord's subordinates? But why did he pretend not to recognize her? Is it because he did not want to reveal the existence of the person who protects him in secret and permanently? Tsk, in addition to being beautiful, this woman has a power as mysterious as the great lord on the divine planet! Whether it's her or this girl viciously dressed in clothes that even we, succubus, rarely wear, they must all be as strong as each other. Otherwise, they won't stand up.' Fyora murmured to herself while approaching Nicco with her decision already made.

"I don't know why the Lord trusts you, but I don't care; he's always someone who can see more than what is in front of people's eyes. So we must follow our Lord's order, no matter if they come with us or not.

-By the way, I am sure that the lord expects them to accompany us. Otherwise, he will not have left them alone after committing such an offense against him. On the other hand, if we were vigilant enough, we could have prevented this incident from repeating itself." Fyora murmured next to Nicco, even if her attention was not to prevent others from hearing her proposals.

"Sigh, I know; that's why these people are still alive. But there are many shades areas on the subject of their presence in this place and so few, and I think that's one of the reasons that prevented the master from taking care of them." While responding to Fyora's concerns, she passed beside Serena, who no longer stopped her, and she and the others sprinted to the destination and disappeared in Serena's view.

After a minute of silence, she did not say a word and simply followed them with always hesitant thoughts.


On Alvine's side, when he passed through the illusory wall, he was instantly propelled into a meadow with extensive wild grass as far as the eye can see with a clear blue sky above him, even though it should already be dark on the planet of Alzania if he calculated the time he had spent in the white room.

"Hm? Have I been teleported to another planet without even feeling the spatiotemporal flows? No, this sky is a bit strange." While murmuring these words, he shoots a magic arrow into the sky without bothering to target anything!

But when the arrow reached five hundred meters above the sky, it disappeared into the visual field of Alvine.

"Ah? I understood. An artificial sky, Huh? Or maybe it's an illusory sky? No wonder I couldn't feel the presence of my flame here; maybe it's because it's hiding above these illusory stars?" He mumbled, closing his eyes and trying to feel the aura of his flame.

After three more seconds, he opened his eyes and scribbled something on the ground, and flew into the air at full speed.

"I don't know where this little man wants me to go, but I feel it's going to be very interesting to see what's at the end of my way. And as he attacks others without distinction, the right decision is to take it away from the group and explore this mysterious area that is practically a kingdom, no, a new land never surveyed since the so-called celestial king. Hah!! I'm impatient.

-But as for Serena, if she wanted to hurt my maids, they would not be alive at the moment. And as for these two bastards of kings, I don't know what he is preparing, but I feel fear in them rather than an intention to kill. But it doesn't matter, even if I'm wrong about their intentions, Nic-... sigh, I don't even know how to address this new person who accompanies me.

-But as she says, she was born from the fusion of my three maids, then I just have to call her as I want!

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