King of succubus

Chapter 336 An Oath Of Loyalty. 2

"I know what you intend to do; I'm not stupid. What I want to know is to know what motivates you to make such a decision. You know, just like me, that this is not something to be taken lightly. So why do you want to submit soon?" He interrupted Dalvine in the middle of his explanations while asking her this question in a monotonous voice and with dark eyes.


"Judging by your silence, I can therefore assume that you have no valid reason; am I wrong?" He insisted with a bland smile.

But seeing their confusion in the face of his unexpected refusal, he then gives them the reason for his rejection.

"From your expression, I can conclude that you did not expect me to hesitate to accept your loyalty oath, right? Am I an idiot for not getting two beings with disproportionate powers among my subordinates?

-Exactly, the reason for my refusal is your power. Your powers are so mysterious that they could cause me more problems than they could solve if you turned against me.

-As the saying goes, a visible enemy is easier to manage than those hidden in the shadows. I know what I'm talking about since I was one of the victims of this proverb. You, Heepha, I barely know you, and just like this bastard by your side, you are not linked to me like the others. In addition to your disproportionate powers, I doubt that even the heavenly oath or the blood oath can be a problem for you if you want to break it. The problem is not you but your powers. An immense power out of control is doomed to cause harm to its owner and his entourage.

-So, for the last time, what motivates you to want to become one of my subordinates again when I'm not powerful enough to control you?" He completed his little speech with this question that was casually asked to them but which nevertheless gave a deep meaning to them.

'Sigh, I now understand why the second general insisted. I clearly understand the hidden meanings of his words. Even if I did everything I could to help him progress, I would never have tried to make him the person he had been; it is a mistake and an unforgivable sin for a subordinate to want to decide for his lord's place.' Dalvine murmured for himself with a deep sigh that was both melancholic.

He then looked at Heepha and realized she was looking at him with even more evil eyes than usual.

'...Yes, even she, who had just woken up, understood my mistake. The reason why the lord abandoned his supremacy was not for pleasure. Until now, I thought he was bored after conquering the place of supremacy and that he could no longer find anyone to compete with him, but apparently, I was wrong. He may have done it because he felt an emptiness in him or something similar. But instead of helping him, I did everything wrong like an idiot.

-I am his subordinate and his creation. As such, my existence is dedicated solely to him, helping him achieve his goals and granting all his wishes. But like an idiot, I only wanted to make him strong by going through the path he had taken and that he had voluntarily preferred to forget afterward because he was not satisfied with his former existence. Instead of helping him flourish in his new life, I did the opposite by trying to make his heart harder than a (Chankiq's stone).

-Instead of becoming one of the friends he may have always wanted to have, I continued to be his subordinate, who envied the captain of the former assassin squad and even the youngest subordinate because of their proximity to my lord. I envied them to the point of hating them to see them so close to my lord while I, one of his powerful generals, received only his perplexed and hateful look for my actions.

-Since when? Since when have I become so stupid? Was it a kind of pride to see a so powerful entity ask me for advice?

Was it the feeling of superiority that I felt towards him, seeing him so weak when his simple presence in front of me made me tremble with fear?

Or was it my fear and worry about what could happen to him if he was discovered by these traitor bastards who had betrayed him and tried to prevent his resurrection?

Or maybe I acted like this out of anger to see the being I admired with all my soul by his supremacy and coldness to kill and annihilate all existence when it pleases him, to become so weak after having abandoned everything he had worked on for billions of centuries?

Sigh, I guess it was all that.

Seeing him so weak, friendly, and close to others while leaving me aside and...

All these reasons made me angry with him, even if I didn't want to admit that I could get mad with my lord. But this rage made me unconsciously make all these decisions and pushed me to want to revive my lord, who existed only for destruction.

But will I be able to adapt and follow this new person who has nothing to do with my lord except his soul? Would I be able to do it like Luna and the others? Maybe one day, he will become the lord I have always known and admired from the beginning; I have constantly reassured myself with these words. But in the end, I realized that I was wrong.

He hadn't met these people. Nor know this boring thing that weakens his stone heart. It is, therefore, impossible that he becomes the being he had been, no matter how much he recovers his memories.

Just thinking about it, I know it's a more challenging mission than anything I've done so far. And I'm not there alone who seems to have understood this.

Just seeing the expression of this boring woman next to me, I know that she thinks the same thing as me.

Unlike me, her cruelty is beyond comprehension. Will she, who had spent her existence burning lively people while delighting in the smell of burning pulpit, manage to follow the lord? Or did she prefer to change sides and join the other traitors? I wonder. But regardless of her decision, if I see any suspicious sign coming from her, I would send her to hell before she does something regrettable to my lord.

She's not a problem at the moment. I was able to see, during our little confrontation, that she is currently weaker than me. But it's just that I'm not crazy enough to change the hierarchy the lord had established.

"Sigh, it's disappointing." Suddenly replied Alvine when he saw their silence.


"Luna and Zakiel."

"Yes, my lord?"

"Follow me; it's time to start Plan B." He retorted in a deep voice while casting a portal in the dimension to continue his incomplete work.

"..." Hearing Alvine's hasty decision, Luna's lips moved, but finally, she decided to remain silent by noticing the horrible expression on her lord's face.

Following his orders, the two followed him through the portal, leaving behind, Heepha and Dalvine kneeling.



Just after Alvine's departure, Heepha's bloodthirsty aura ravaged the room, accompanied by the multi-colored flames that burned all around her, including the pillars and souls purified to nothingness!


Meanwhile, Dalvine looked at her but without commenting.

[[YOU NOW UNDERSTAND WHAT I WANTED TO WARN YOU ABOUT?!]] She asked in an angry voice that made the whole room tremble.

[[...]] But despite his question, Dalvine did not say a single word.

[[... Oh shit! Just ten years! Ten fucking short years have passed since you woke up, and you have caused more problems that deserve a thousand death sentences!]]


[[I swear by the supremacy of our lord that if you do not solve the brothels you have caused, I will make sure to kill you! Even if I have to sacrifice myself to do it! Fuck!! How could you forget your first duty as a general?! Regardless of his decision or wishes, we exist only to obey and fulfill his desires. Even if we have to become saints, it is not expensive to pay contrary to the facts of denying our raison d'être!]]

She continued without getting up from her knee, just like Dalvine, who listened to her words without giving her an answer.

[[I know, I know I've wrong. And I also know that, through my actions, he also questioned your loyalty! And I'm going to manage the situation, so stop screwing me up!]]


[[~~! ~~?!]]


While Dalvine and Heepha continued to accuse each other, Alvine and the others appeared in the middle of nowhere on his hunting ground.

"My lord, is it a--

"I don't want to talk about it, Zakiel. For now, let's focus on the current mission." He interrupted Zakiel, whose intentions were easy for him to guess.

"At your command, my lord. And I apologize for--

"It's not serious, Zakiel. Instead of dwelling on this subject, the two of you know how to cast the [divine space law: Space destruction]?" He interrupted him once again and went straight to the point.

"Order, and we will obey." They answered together with a tense air.

"Hm? Why are you so nervous?" He asked, noticing their nervousness.

"Well..." Zakiel began but could not finish his sentence.

He looked at Luna next to him as if he expected her to explain. But just like him, she was silently careful.

"Sigh, don't worry. Unlike these two, I have absolute confidence in you and the others. So don't have unrealistic thoughts." He explains himself with an ironic smile when he sees their expressions change instantly after they have heard his statements.

"In short. Since you can use the other affinities, Plan B will be easy to implement." While saying these words, he holds out his hand, and a black mask with strange patterns manifests itself in his hand.

"Luna, call back Ignotus and Stella in the dimension." He ordered, after wearing his black mask on his face.

And simultaneously, Greed and Darka appeared before him after summoning them without needing to call them out loud.

Then, after the greetings of his two subordinates, Alvine looked at everyone in front of him with the imposing aura that unconsciously emanated from him even though he had sealed his divine powers.

But even if his aura had nothing of the one he had around him, the presence and threat of his current aura was like the distance between heaven and earth.

"The mission is simple. Since no planet exists to destroy, we will cause even more disorder than before. I'm not going to explain myself anymore.

-All you have to do is listen carefully to my orders and execute them as I will announce them without omitting a single detail.

-Each of you four will position yourself in a cardinal direction, namely East, West, North, and South, by keeping one kilometer between you and me, which will be in the middle of you four.

-Then, you will cast, at the same time, the divine law that's space destruction! Don't do anything more than that. Especially you, Greed! If you do something else to stand out, you will spend a century suspended on one of the pillars of the dimension!" He ends his explanations with this warning, which was only dedicated to Greed.

Gasp! Nod! Nod!!

Hearing the punishment Alvine reserved for him, Greed nervously gulped while nodding twice in a row just by seeing his lord's cold scarlet eyes through his mask.

"Well, then, to work!" Barely finished with these words, the four disappeared in front of him before appearing a kilometer from him as if they had just made a dimensional leap because of their explosive speed that left Alvine indifferent, unlike other times.

'Well, do you want to put obstacles in my way? Let's see if you can stay in your corner by seeing your universe and your fucking creations undergo an even more awful fate than those before.' He murmured with his abysmal eyes while joining his two palms.

|Shadow Concept: --?!

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