King of succubus

Chapter 343 The Beginning Of The Great Upheaval.

"In any case, this last information is not confirmed; it is only a hypothesis on my part after their mysterious disappearance even before the war ends." She justifies before Linn misunderstands.

'Interesting, a bastard stronger than a transcendent? There's obviously not much to be powerful enough to command a transcendent. One of them is the monarchs of my lords. And apart from them, there're also some traitors and others obsessed with the power of supremacy held by my lord.

-Finally, from everything I have just heard, I understood a crucial thing. The purpose of these strangers isn't really to ensure the resurrection of this girl, but they came for the sole reason of disturbing my lord.

-Just by noticing Shadow's memory hole, and the pitiful state of the first general who has forgotten all his past and follows the lord as an ordinary subordinate instead of ensuring his duty as first general, I think they have been targeting my lord for several millennia.

-In the first place, he was not supposed to wake up before all his subordinates (captains, generals, and monarchs) gathered. But all this doesn't matter anymore. The Lord is definitely safe where he is now. In the worst cases, I'll make sure he goes back into his sleep. It's always better than letting these people capture him.

-Sigh, given the pace with which he is progressing, I am sure it will take him at least a century to allow him to invoke his monarchs; but it is precisely time that is a problem for us. And the worst is that time does not apply to our enemies. So, no matter how much I influence the time, as long as my powers are not powerful enough, it wouldn't be helpful.'

While Linn was exchanging with Serena, Heepha tried to organize her thoughts.

She no longer paid attention to them after learning the crucial information.

Following this, she got up on her sofa and left the living room, passing through Serena's shield, who had not noticed anything suspicious, and did the same with the exit door of the living room without needing to open it; her body passed troughs as if she were only a shadow.

"Well, it's time to start the main plan. I didn't know that coming to this planet would help me so much. But before going to help Shadow, I have to regain all my powers. And unlike this bastard, I can regain about 60% of my old power. Even if small, it's more than enough to solve this problem, at least, as long as the master of these two transcendents does not manifest himself." She continued out loud as she walked through the long corridors.

'?! What kind of joke is it again?!' When she wanted to teleport, she froze, looking at the door to her left.

'It's not an impression, right?!' While whispering these words to herself, she focuses on the white door with two high-ranking divine royal guards in front of her.

But being still in her camouflages that primordials could not notice, the divine mages were only a joke in front of her.

But no matter how much she used her eyes or her incredulous perception to scrutinize the luxurious room that had only two vampires inside, one of whom was a girl with long soft scarlet hair. In contrast, the other appeared as a middle-aged man with a fierce look and only focused on his booklet.

'So this frail creature is the wife of our lord, huh? Sigh, to say that he had refused to bind himself to anyone in his previous life. And now, this woman has even inherited the seed from our lord! It's extraordinary and unimaginable news!' While retorting these words, she entered the queen's room and, at the same time, canceled her camouflage.


Seeing Heepha's sudden appearance, Sebastien looks at her briefly.

But by noticing her nonchalance, he focused on his booklet.

"Are you?" He asked casually, knowing very well that any strangers could not be able to enter this room which is well guarded by the Punishers' gangs on this planet.

"Hm? I am Heepha, my lord's subordinate."

"Your lord? And can I know who this lord you're talking about is?" He asked by turning the page of his booklet.

"... I would like to reveal his name, but are you qualified enough to hear him?"

"I don't know, but it is no longer rare to see such strange beings as you appear on this planet like mushrooms growing in humid places." Sebass casually continued without bothering to take another look at her.

"Fufu~ the more I meet the natives of this small planet, the more I become dazzled by the task my lord had accomplished." She giggled when she saw Sébastien's nonchalance towards her.

"... So, can I assume that your lord is King Alvine?" Sebass asked without paying attention to Heepha's mockery.

-Clap, clap, clap...

"What insight! I am impressed by your coldness which attests to your many years in fierce wars. But this information is not quite correct. This name is only a nickname that Miss Sabrina gave." She shouted slightly, dramatizing her surprise.

"Please make less noise. I have a patient to watch."

"Oh?! Are you talking about this woman? Well, that's good. I just came to get her."

"..." hearing Heepha's carefree words, Sebass finally stopped reading his booklet and looked at Heepha with his bloodthirsty red pupils that had their natural colors.

"Hmm? Is there anything on my face?" She asked him when she saw Sebass's stern look, which could even intimidate some primordials while keeping her usual expression.

"... Sigh; normally, I don't like to be too disturbed by strangers. But I can't feel this trouble with you; why?"

"Stop; I'll stop you right away. That's not the time to play riddles with me. The more time you lose, the closer this woman will get to her grave." She waved to Sebass to stop while explaining these words with frowns that attested to her eagerness.

"... Do you know what she is suffering from?" Sebass asks with suspicious eyes.

"Hm? Isn't it obvious? This woman has the seed of my lord, something you will never be able to understand with your current knowledge. But it's not for her that I worry, but for the seed! It's something I never thought possible!"

"... I don't understand; what do you mean by seed? Wouldn't it be easier to understand by saying that she's pregnant instead of saying that she--

"Sigh, do you think she's pregnant? Rah, what a joke! Such an inferior creature will never be able to carry my lord's child. But what she currently has, I guarantee you that she will die if she does not leave here without delay!" While retorting these words, Heepha slammed her fingers, followed by Zakiel's appearance.

"..." The latter remained silent when he saw Heepha invoke him even though she knew he was waiting for his lord's orders.

"I know it's not the time, but it's really urgent, general- Ahem, I meant, Sir Zakiel. Bring this woman back to the royal room!" She ordered in a stammering tone.

"... I can't access the highest level of the palace, General Heepha," Zakiel responds in a rock and distant voice.

"Hey, stop being an idiot; apart from you, everyone who can go there is not awake yet. So do it quickly before she's discovered. All you have to do is want it. And the rest will be easy." She says in a bland tone.

"Before she was discovered? Can I know who you're talking about exactly?" Instead of Zakiel or Sebass, this question is asked coldly by Sylvia as she enters the room.

"I don't have time to explain it to you, but it's really for its own good and everyone on this planet. I haven't recovered enough to face enemies of the same rank or even more than mine!" She said, opening a gigantic portal that had only darkness in it!

Seeing the other side of the portal, Sylvia frowns, guessing the destination of the portal.

"Then let me come with you!" She no longer insisted when she saw Heepha's expression.

'If there is one thing I know about these strange creatures, it is that no matter their origins or threats, they have never dared to disrespect Lilliana; since she is the only one who is really related to my master. But I still can't leave our queen alone in such a strange place.' She continued in her thoughts when she saw Sylvia frown.

"Sigh, I would like you to continue caring for her. But you will not even be able to stay more than a minute on the palace's second floor, so the highest rooms, you will die instantly as soon as you set foot there." Heepha retorted, urgently nodding towards Zakiel.


"I know what I'm talking about. So stop wanting to complicate my tasks. Even if this woman is a weak creature, as long as she has the seed, she will be out of danger, unlike you!"

Following these words, she raised Lilliana, who was like a blood fairy with her scarlet hair and her white dress in celestial silks, with her gravitational magic, thus allowing Zakiel to bring her.



But just as Zakiel came into contact with her, the dark invisible aura around the queen resonated with him, making Zakiel's silhouette momentarily more threatening as his magical power increased drastically in disbelief!

Seeing this and the blatant improvement in the queen's health, Sylvia and Sebass had wide eyes, unable to believe what had just happened before them.

"Do you now understand why she is better with us than with you? She cannot contain even a percent of the energy of this seed. It is already a miracle that she is alive so far. Not to mention her, even I can't do it. Anyway, let's not waste time! Zakiel, go ahead!" She continued with even more agitated eyes.

'So I wasn't wrong! I don't know if this woman is lucky or not. But what is certain is that she now has something that is coveted by the bastards who are stalking us. Sigh; in addition to our lord, the protection of this woman has become an absolute priority.

-But this resonance could really cause us serious problems!" She continued while monitoring the whole planet with her perception.

?! The next moment, her eyes wavered when she noticed invisible guests booing toward them.

And at the same time, she canceled her portal when she saw Zakiel bring Lilliana to the other side.


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