King of succubus

Chapter 345 Even If A Predator Is Injured, It Always Remains A Predator. 2

"Kekek! No matter your intelligence, you won't be able to predict everything!" Seeing Heepha prioritize his imprisonment rather than the safety of her allies, the man sprinted at full speed toward Sebass.



But just before he reached Sebass, he was horrified when he noticed that he had just walked into a hidden trap around Sebass!

Seeing this, he jumped back to escape!


But despite his lightning speed, his right leg was trapped in a block of ice that came out into the trap!

"What is--

"When I saw you flee, I thought you had noticed my traps around these two. But apparently, I had overestimated your intelligence." Heepha, who did not move from her place, murmured these words disappointedly.

She had stealthily set these traps when she pretended to greet Sylvia and Sebass when she explained the hidden intentions of her prey, who played the tough guy in front of her, to shorten her battle against him and not waste time with negotiations.

'Sigh, it is easy to see through his strategies. But since he's mentally more confused, it's time to put an end to him.' While nonchalantly whispering these words to herself, her aura channeled into her body, proving she was about to counterattack. Or at least it's that she wanted to make her opponent believe.


But just seeing his panic, her smile became even more mocking when she saw the man's hasty decision!


"Keuk!!" Instead of trying to get rid of the ice block, he opted for the fastest solution by imputing his leg, knowing that Heepha wouldn't give him enough time to free himself!

"Ahah~ It's an effective solution." As for Heepha, she continued her words without blinking when she saw the decision of her prey.

|Concept of-


"Hey, did I also forget to warn you that the ground is also trapped?" She suddenly retorted when she saw her enemy try to activate his concept.


But even if he didn't want to believe her, just by seeing the dozens of pentagrams under his feet and the shiny slabs, he instinctively jumped while floating in the air.

?! - "Shit!"

But just then, he realized he had been fucked just by noticing Heepha's mocking smile!


But before he acted accordingly, dozens of chains chained him at the thousandth of a second in the air.

-Clap, clap, clap...

"Congratulations for believing me so easily~."

"Keukh!! You don't have the slightest pride to act so viciously against me?!" He shouted these words with mad eyes when he saw Heepha congratulate him for his stupidity.

"Huh? Do I need to worry about these trivial things? And above all, I don't want you to cause more agitation. It would make it difficult for me to find the other bastards on this planet." She retorted with confused eyes and a sarcastic smile.

|Void's Flames! |

She then murmured, slamming the cane of her magic stick on the ground.


The next moment, instead of the red or black flames, the silhouette of the chained man consumed itself despite the fact that Sylvia and Sebass saw nothing abnormal with him.

And the worst thing above all was, seeing the man's confusion, they were sure that he had not yet noticed that he was slowly burning with Heepha's strange spell.

'Void's Flames, huh? Does this mean that they are invisible flames? I used my perception, but I saw nothing except the body of this spy, who gradually turned into ashes. What exactly are these flames?!'. Sylvia stammered these words with incredulous eyes.

But the next moment, noticing the empty look of Sebass and Sylvia, the victim himself looked above him...

"Huh?! Heuukh!!!" While noticing the state of his body, his already indescribable expression became something else; after seeing that half of his body was vanished!

His magical energy bursts in his body, making the whole bedroom tremble as he tries to stop Heepha's spell from affecting him.


But the next moment, the magical energy of his body itself was also consumed by Heepha's invisible flames as if they were nutrients.

"Dying in suffering, dying in agony, or dying by slowly consuming himself without feeling suffering, in the end, death will remain dead. Faced with this appalling and mysterious reality, even a demonic god will become a simple demon struggling to escape from its claws." She murmured as she watched her target struggle pitifully with an ironic smile on her lips.

'This is the difference between you and my lord, who had decided to let himself be carried away by this thing even though none of us had the certainty that the resurrection could work on an entity of his caliber.' She continued in her thoughts.

But no matter what she said, the only truth that everyone could accept in Alvine's bedroom was that the man was not ready to give up.

Until his figure finally disappeared, he did not stop trying everything he could to reverse the situation.

-To be able to cast a large-scale spell, you must first channel the magical energy into the central core and reshape it with the upper core through the pentagrams. This reality applies to all beings of primordial rank and below them, regardless of their powers.

'Our concepts may be powerful, but they cannot be cast instantly. The problem was that this man could not activate his concept because of a single factor...

Sylvia whispered these words in her thoughts as she looked at the black ashes on the shiny tiles on which she could also see her reflection as if she were looking at herself in a mirror.

'The reason that caused his death was that he could not channel enough primordial energy to cast his concept.' She continued while staring at the ashes with incredulous eyes.

'A short time ago, I believed that we, the primordials were at the heights of perfection. But when I saw this girl kill this man at a rank higher than mine, I finally realized that we are really no different from the others.

-But all the same, how could she kill this man so quickly? Was it because of her tricks that made her opponent panic? Anyway, she mastered everything from the beginning. She killed him before he cast any spell, not to mention transforming himself into his primordial form...

Hearing Sylvia's questions and seeing her expression both bitter and ironic, Heepha scrapes her throat to attract her attention.

"Ahem, I managed to kill this bastard easily only because of a single factor."

"Which one?" She asked in an absent tone.

"It's because he knew my identity."


Seeing her more confused, she sighed boringly and deepened her explanations.

"A battle is not only a question of power but mindset and will. This weak bastard had lost all his will and combativeness when he saw me with you."

"... Weak, huh?" She murmured when she heard Heepha treat someone who could defeat her as weak.please visit

"Hgh, don't take my words too much to heart; I'm talking to this guy. By the way, it was because of this factor that he panicked and could not think seriously, thinking only of fleeing instead of confronting me with everything he had. And since he was already mentally agitated, he could not know that I wanted to lure him into the air to finish him at once. I suppose that with these explanations, you could satisfy your curiosities?" She ended with these last words.

"... Hearing you, I have the impression that you used most of the powers I could not see?"

"... I don't really know. And then, I don't know what you can see."


"Whatever, it's time to put an end to microbes on this planet." She changed the subject when she saw Sylvia's depression.

As for her, seeing Heepha's intentions, Sylvia did not insist too much.

"Do you think there are other spies on this planet?" She asked Heepha with her dark expression.

"Hahaha, we will soon find out." While retorting these words, she tickles the ground with her cane.


Like other times, her flames blazed her body.

But unlike other times, she neither disappeared nor drew a magical circle under her stick. Instead, a cocoon of frost swallowed her momentarily, making Sylvia and Sebass, who was always casually sitting in his chair, confused.


But just as they wondered what she wanted to do, the frost cocoon slowly broke before revealing a girl with long black hair and dark pupils.

"What do you... intend to do with this appearance?" Sylvia stutters these words when she sees her look-alike standing before her.

Whether it was her size, or her g cups, up to her clothes, she could not see any apparent difference between her and Heepha.

But she found it incredulous that Heepha had even duplicated her magical energy!

"Fufu~ don't be so wary; I just intend to replace you for a moment and hang out with your loved ones. You just have to stay here and cultivate during that time." She said, even imitating her voice.

"Replace me? Sigh, I guess that's the best thing to do. But don't do anything strange with this shape!" Her confusion was only momentary before she understood Heepha's intentions.

"Sigh, rest assured, I manage!" She said, also changing her cane into a spear, the same one that Sylvia had.

"... However, I don't have the impression."

"Huh? Why?"

"I don't go out with wings. Only my fellow primordial beings know that I have such an appearance." She said, indexing the white wings behind Heepha's back.

"Ugh, I didn't intend to walk like that." She said by becoming the person Sylvia knew again.

But all the same, she could no longer treat her as before, even if Heepha acted like a child who had just been caught in the act.

"Sigh; anyway, don't forget your goal. The main thing is that you--

"Before leaving, I need some basic knowledge about your entourage. Even if unpleasant, I must inherit some of your memories to avoid being unmasked." She explains herself before Sylvia finishes her sentence.

"... Sigh, very good. But don't do anything--

"Relax, relax~ I know all this." Even if her words seemed reassuring, her strange excitement said a lot about her intentions.

But even having this feeling of unease towards her, Sylvia did not insist.


Meanwhile, Sabrina was floating in the immense starry desert with no oxygen, aura, or other conditions favorable to the survival of mortals.

"Sabrina Alpha, Punishers' leader, came to attend the leaders' meeting." She coldly pronounced these words by being alone in almost infinite space.

[You are late.]

[I know, but I'm here, and that's the main thing.] she responds to the threatening voice that thundered in the vicinity despite not being with anyone.


[Well, are you planning to receive me or will I have to leave? I have things to do on my side. In addition, I am ready to bet that I am not the only one to. Zenof is also late too, usual.] she continued by seeing the silence imposed.

[Sir Zenof! In this place, he's not your subordinate!]

[I don't care, and it's not the title that makes a person.] She immediately replied after hearing the orders of the mysterious voice.

[INSOLENT!! Do you know what consequence could have your--

"Calm down, the first guardian. As long as she's the punishers' leader, she'll remain my master, no matter where the place." At the same time, Zenof's childish voice resonated in the void, followed by the appearance of a dimensional portal that manifested itself next to Sabrina.

[Lord Zenof, it's an honor to see you.]

Simultaneously, the voice of the so-called first guardian urgently resounded as he sent his greetings to Zenof, who still had his appearance as a little boy of barely twelve years old with his curly red hair and his monocle on his right eye.

Of course, no need to mention his two enormous butterfly wings, which beat a few times on his back.

"Delighted to meet you again, master Alpha." He greeted Sabrina after straightening his monocle out of habit.

"Similarly, Zenof." She causally answers without glancing at Zenof next to her.


Suddenly, two black dragons suddenly appeared in front two thousand meters from Sabrina and Zenof.

But neither of them frowned when they saw the two dragons flying towards them at explosive speed with their imposing and, at the same time, suffocating aura.


Then, arriving a hundred meters from Serena and Zenof, they suddenly stopped with their mouths open.

As usual, Sabrina could see a portal in the throat of the two dragons in front of her.

"Well, see you again at the meeting. But if I have any advice to give you, dear leader of the Punishers, don't call me too friendly at our next meeting." Zenof calmly uttered these words with a sadistic smile on his lips.



Sabrina, for her part, did not take the time to listen to his words, not to mention to answer him.

"Sigh, she already knows what awaits her. Hah! This meeting will be a little more interesting than before." He said, keeping his mocking smile on his lips while looking at the back of Sabrina, who was crossing the portal after letting herself be 'devoured' by one of the black dragons.

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