King of succubus

Chapter 380 Sylvia Vs. Corrupt. 2


As Corrupt's body continued its slow and inescapable disintegration, a strange calm followed his panic.

After listening to Silvia's explanations, he drew only one conclusion; he had been fooled like Sylvie's previous victims.

'But is that all? Will I perish like that in the hands of someone so weak than me that I can crush her at any time? All this because of my imprudence?' He continued questioning himself while Sylvia constantly explained the effects of her halo.

"Of course, the reason you are in this state is because of your recklessness! You underestimated me, that's why...

As Sylvia continued constantly, Corrupt returned to his thoughts.

'Underestimating her, huh? No, I didn't underestimate her for a second; it was instead she who pretended to have lost control. Now that I think about it, she constantly fled me and attacked me with long-range attacks; all for the sole purpose I get close enough to her so that she could have me within range of her attack.

-She forced me to come to her while pretending to run away from me. She also pretended to attack me with her long-range attacks to force me to tell myself she was good at long-range attacks. And I ran headlong into her trap like an idiot.

-Kheheh, these Punishers are interesting. I would never have thought that the people we look at as entertainment could one day threaten my life so much. But now, it will never happen!' While retorting these words in his thoughts, the black storage ring on his left tentacle, initially his left hand, lit up slightly, followed by the appearance of a small greenish bottle that Sylvia had never seen.

And just before she took measures to prevent Corrupt from going to the end of his actions, he threw the bottle into his mouth that suddenly appeared in his hand and crushed it without worrying about being hurt by the broken glasses of the flacon.

'-!! What is this flacon? Why do I have a bad feeling?! Sylvia murmured to herself with dark eyes.

'Unless he has an elixir higher than the primordial rank, he will have no chance of surviving in the face of my retribution. But it's impossible for him to get such an elixir, regardless of his influence or his--!!

Her brain suddenly stopped turning when she saw Corrupt's disintegration stop suddenly.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" She gnashed her teeth with incredulous eyes in the face of the new reality unfolding before her.

The next moment, the new reality became a waking nightmare when she noticed Corrupt regenerate at a crazy speed than before!

And it only took a blink before he healed entirely and regained all his power and energy as when they started the battle.

[Well, let's start where we left off!] Corrupt's angry voice roared in her eardrums, forcing her to accept that the scene before her was not a nightmare but a reality.

"...What was this elixir you just drank?" She asked solemnly.

[...] Instead of answering her question, Corrupt resumed the initial form he had in the meeting room.

His skin became dark as coal, and his eyes became deep green, except for the bloody red pupil on his forehead.

But after looking at Sylvia with his third eye, his expression became dull when he realized she no longer had three percent of her usual energy.

"Hehe, that's the price to use such power." She ironically laughs when she sees Corrupt notice her pitiful condition.

[Sigh, it doesn't matter.] He retorted by throwing dozens of dark stones at Sylvia.


[Use these primordial stones to restore your energy; this is the least I can do to erase this dishonor!]

"...Haha, that's nice of you, but I can't do this." Sylvia shakes her head with her sweaty body.

Corrupt's aura exploded off his body like a hurricane testifying to his rage after hearing her words

"Don't worry, I won't refuse your offer because I want it, but because I can't even if I wanted to." She continued by deflecting Corrupt's feelings.

[What do you mean by that?]

"Sigh, you must surely guess it."

[...Is it still because of the side effects?]


"The competence is called retribution for a good reason; it allows me to punish my opponents while giving me certain punishments. In addition to being unable to use it for a month, I would also be in this state of weakness during this period. But even worse, my overall power will also fall by ten percent; this is one of the reasons why I have not yet reached Linn's rank, not to mention Sabrina." She whispered with evasive eyes.

[...Does this mean this girl is also at the same rank as Aither and me?]

"Hehe, do you think you're at the top? But you're wrong; Sabrina is the only person to be able to fight against your leader, the monarch of blood, on an equal footing. She is no longer the same person. Her current power far exceeds yours, thanks to the help she got from her superiors!"

[!!] Hearing Sylvie sprinkle these words without the slightest hesitation; Corrupt had the impression that his world was collapsing around him.

"I hope this answer will satisfy your curiosity. Now, let's continue our fight to the death!" She retorted with trembling hands as she squeezed her spear.

Just by seeing the glow in her eyes, Corrupt could guess that she was not trembling out of fear but out of exhaustion.

[Let me capture you, and I'll make sure to plead in your favor for--

-Shake, Shake.

"Your pity is the last thing I would need in my existence. If you are so favorable to me, then offer me the dance of the spear, which will probably be my last dance." She shook her head before Corrupt finished his words and flapped her wings to remain in levitation because she could no longer support herself with her aura.

[...I understand; be proud to have pushed me to my limits. Without this elixir, I'd probably no longer be in this world; I'd live with this shame for eternity and never forget you.]

He solemnly pronounced these words by showing a black spear in his left hand that was also a primordial rank weapon.

[Even if it's not enough to reward you, I hope it will at least be worth it to appease you in your last moment. The elixir I just drank comes from the supreme tree. It was the vital essence of our sovereign.]

"Heh, I now understand how it could cancel the effects of my skill. So I was right, this battle has been too unfair since the start, and I only realize now that I was in the losing camps from the beginning." She said, shaking her head with a mocking smile.


"Now show me what you're made of!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, manifesting purifying white flames on the tip of her spear, and flew towards Corrupt like a free-falling meteorite.

Despite being exhausted, her current speed rivaled any high-ranking divine magus! This fact showed once again how frightening primordial beings could be.

But in front of Corrupt, her meteoric speed resembled that of a turtle still learning to walk on land.

And just before her spear reached her target's body, the latter suddenly vanished in front of her, and the next moment, her vision blurred when she felt something break in her.


Golden blood splashed from her mouth, followed by an unimaginable pain she felt in her chest.

"Hehe... it looks like you did...a pretty...good job." She hardly pronounced these words at the end of the agony when she noticed Corrupt's spear embedded in her chest with a white pearl on the tip that disintegrated the next moment.

[...You would have hated me if I had held back my attacks.] Corrupt whispered these words in her ear in a strange tone that seemed a little saddened.


[You were an opponent at my height, be proud and rest for eternity, queen of light, Sylvia White. It's a shame fate wanted to do otherwise by making you my enemy.]

He spoke loudly by removing his spear from Sylvia's chest and watched her fall free with complex eyes.

Gradually, Sylvia's wings narrowed on her back, followed by her halo that began to disintegrate as she gave her last breath.



But suddenly, the monarch of corruption froze when he felt a murderous aura that he had never felt oppressed him to the point that he lost his ability to fly.

His entire body became soaked in sweat when he momentarily crossed the bloodthirsty eyes of the fictitious silhouette that exceeded him by a speed impossible to follow, even for him at the intermediate primordial rank.

All he could say was that the person who had just passed him smelled a thick smell of blood and was a woman!

And looking in the direction where the silhouette was heading, he realized that Sylvia's body was no longer. And the shape had also vanished.

[...What exactly happened?] He murmured to himself, unconsciously swallowing nervously, constantly feeling the shadow of death above him.

But it only lasted a while before he noticed the mysterious silhouette twenty kilometers from him again, thanks to his magical perception.

And unsurprisingly, she held Sylvia in her arms in the middle of a blood cocoon.

But no matter how much he tried to identify the mysterious woman, he couldn't do it. That resulted in pushing him to fly towards her to satisfy his curiosity.


Arriving two hundred meters from them, he finally noticed that the female silhouette had only two blood-red wings on her back. Her long white hair reaching the bottom of her ass was braided into a long single ponytail like Linn's.

She wore tight red-white armor and long crystalline red heels up to her knees.

But as she was from behind, all he could see in her overall appearance was her slightly pointed ears that were visible.


[...Who are you?!]

He asked in a barely audible voice. But he knew very well that the woman in red-white could hear him just by thinking about the murderous aura he had felt instead.

[Corrupt, the monarch of corruption. How could such waste succeed in defeating her?]

As she continued to try to cure Sylvia with her own vital energy, her roque voice echoed in the vicinity without taking the time to turn around to take a look at her interlocutor.

[?! How do you know my name?]


[...Sight, You can't save her; she has lost her central core, and her vital energy is dry! Anyway, Who are yo--

[Don't worry, I wouldn't avenge her since I wouldn't let her die! Otherwise, I could never appear in front of the master.] While retorting these words in an unemotional voice, she envelops Sylvia's body with a cocoon of golden blood that came from her blood after biting her thumb!

Then, seeing her skill and control over the blood, Corrupt's eyes widened as a realization of the most doubtful struck his subconscious.

[-!! This skill...! Are you...?

Before he completed his sentence, Sabrina turned to him and looked at him with ruby-red eyes that froze Corrupt once again.

'What does this woman have at the end? She can't be this girl who is supposed to fight against our boss, right?' Regardless of his fear, he could not help but remain dazzled when he saw Sabrina's appearance exceeding the beauty threshold.

Her eyelashes, her expression, and the coldness that emanated from her gave Corrupt the impression of standing in front of a goddess more majestic than Reha, whom he considered the quintessence of perfection.

But he did not have time to admire the masterpiece before him for long.

[Based on her pitiful condition, I can therefore conclude that she finally used her competence. Sigh; however, I warned her to use this skill only when she is sure to end it with her enemy.]

[!!] After Sabrina's words, he no longer doubted her identity. But another question persisted in his head after this awareness.

'So Sylvia was right finally in saying this woman was stronger than Aither and me? But if she is there, where is Fraydja, and how about her!? What happened to him?' As he reflected, his world, already collapsed, became more chaotic than it had ever been.

[I feel in you the energy of the goddess. That brings me to the conclusion that you used this potion to resist the effects of Sylvia's powers, just like this bitch!]

[-!! How can you find out about the existence of this elixir?!]

[It's simple; I forced her (Fraydja) to drink this potion when she was about to die. But despite everything, she was too weak to win against me. And just when I was finally going to kill this bitch, I noticed that a son of a bitch like you is trying to kill little Sylvie?! Is it boldness or madness on your part?!]


While retorting these words, the sky darkened because of the hundreds and thousands of weapons she created around them; all pointed towards Corrupt.

[I'm not going to avenge Sylvia since she won't die, but on the other hand, I'll kill you for daring to put her in a life-or-death situation!]

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