King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1690 - Wind chasing boy

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!



Ted Jean can clearly capture the sound of the wind blowing in his ears, Maxwell’s fingertips seem to slip past his waist, the burning caused by the violent friction will almost ignite the jersey It seems that the fire will burn up in the next second, but after all, he still got rid of it, and smashed the whole body forward in an extremely awkward and weird posture, so he got rid of it in such a dangerous way.


In the next second, the powerful force of gravity pulls the knee down, as if the whole person hit the surface of the ocean heavily. The chaos of weightlessness and loss of control swallowed him instantly, and his footsteps began. Staggering, let alone exerting force, even self-control has become extremely difficult. The slightly soft knees seem to be able to fall directly to the ground at any time, and at this time, even if the situation falls down, there is no problem-

Because the first attack has come!

Lu Ke’s blind pass did not take the risk of choosing a long pass, but chose a short 10-yard pass. From the passing distance to the passing goal, the Seattle Seahawks’ defensive fixed thinking was broken, even Jean himself Unexpectedly, but considering that the preferred pass target is Marcus, this is not surprising. Jean took the rugby firmly within ten yards and then took the lead to get the first move.

He can now drop the ground completely.

But he didn’t.

Jean bit his teeth tightly, and his calf kicking force fully exploded, not only because this was the first time he had recovered from the injury, but also because … he regarded every catch as the last in the Super Bowl Receiving the wave of attack, as the last time in his career, the trouble of injury has filled his player’s career with many variables-after each injury, it is more difficult to return again. He does not know that he still has How long can I persist, I do n’t know if I can return successfully every time, I do n’t know if I have no chance.

He needs to persevere in his struggle every minute and every second, for the team, for the victory … and for himself! At the same time, also for Lu Ke’s trust.

“Kick the ground! Ted, kick the ground!”

Jean ’s knees are completely staggered, and he may touch the ground at any time, but he uses the strength of his calves to push the body forward, making full use of inertia to stabilize the center of gravity on the edge of weightlessness and falling, and then tremble slightly. His knees straightened up little by little like this, the unyielding and passion deep in that soul completely burned up, and even a thunderous thunder burst from the chest.

Kick the ground!

Kick the ground!

Kick the ground!

Jean’s muscles were tight to the extreme, straightening his knees little by little, and then his upper body straightened at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Thirty-five yard line!

Forty yard line!

After receiving the ball near the thirty yard line, when the footsteps crossed the forty yard line, within a short ten yard range, Jean had controlled the swaying center of gravity and stood up, and the staggering running footsteps were also re-started. He recovered his rhythm, but before he could start speeding up, he was caught in a circle:

Right ahead, Earl Thomas, who lags alone, has rushed over.

On the left, Richard Sherman is entangled with Crabtree and rushes over.

Without looking back, Jean knew that the army was still chasing after him.

How to do?

Jean did n’t panic, not only did he also get excited, this scene of strong confrontation has really gone for a long time, when lying on the bed, the days of hard recovery, the stage of recovery … all the difficulties and Pain, he repeated this scene over and over again in his mind, relying on a spiritual force to support himself to continue to persevere, now, he finally waited, and adrenaline bloomed.

Instead of speeding up, Jean instead made a deceleration action, allowing him to collide with Thomas slightly slower, shaking towards the right one, trying to shake off Thomas; but Thomas’s upper speed is even more than expected Faster, even if Jean decelerated early, the previous stumble caused the distance between the two to be completely reduced, and then Thomas and Jean collided head-to-head.

Jean ’s entire brain is unprecedentedly calm. He knows that his physical fitness ca n’t compete with Thomas. The members of the Bombing Legion are tall, burly, strong and powerful types. In the face of such a light and smart wide receiver, Jean has The absolute advantage of physical confrontation, so it is absolutely impossible to use a running back style tough breakthrough, but this does not mean that Jean does not have any chance.

Raising the left hand without holding the ball, Jean made a strong arm support action, pushing and blocking Thomas’s right shoulder, and instantly felt Thomas’ unreasonable forward pressure step forward, with a force to drop ten times Overbearing rolling over, trying to directly use physical confrontation to destroy Jean’s footsteps-

In fact, Thomas did succeed. Jean ’s left hand could clearly feel the absolute power that swept through the thousands of troops, and the mountains and rivers rolled down. His center of gravity hit the oncoming wall directly. Dizziness and the impact of Venus make the center of gravity start to disturb.

Jean was still prepared in advance, taking his left arm as the axis and Thomas’ right shoulder as the heart, and gritted his teeth to endure the powerful force released by the instant eruption. The left arm exerted force and the body started in a clockwise direction Spinning, the reaction force was superimposed on Jean’s body fiercely, and then his footsteps began to whirling in a chaotic manner, which was far from the expected smoothness, but after all, it was still spinning.

Get rid of it smoothly!

Jean succeeded in turning around with the help of Thomas’s collision, and then he couldn’t care about his footsteps, and regardless of his speed, he completely exploded his speed, leaving only one idea in his mind, “Run! Ted, run! “

Kick the ground!

Kick the ground!

Jean continuously used the power of pedaling to push his body out. In just two big steps and three big steps, he had burst out the full energy of the 100-meter sprint, and released the past time without reservation. All the excitement and anticipation suppressed in this way rushed out like this.


“God God God!”

“Jean got rid of! After Maxwell, Jean turned away the last barrier of the Seattle Seahawks with a motion of in situ. Earl Thomas! In this head-on confrontation, Ji recovered from injury. Eun showed decisive power to get rid of the two generals of the bombing legion continuously! God! Jean is rushing forward! Jean ’s footsteps are staggering, but he is rushing forward! Jean is continuously accelerating! “

“Sherman started to chase back! Chancellor also started to chase back! But none of them were able to grab a strong position! God, Jean is sprinting towards the end zone!”

Damn it! Damn it! This was the only thought in Chancellor’s mind. He was actually fooled, not only fooled, but also blocked by captivity! Damn it!

The two guys Logan and Crabtree are smoke bombs at all. In order to cover Marcus-or Jean ’s smoke bombs, they completely trapped Chancellor, not only disrupting Chancellor ’s pre-emption Judgment, but also blocked Chancellor’s return route, which also made him unable to catch up with Jean for the first time, and then he has fallen into a completely disadvantaged position! This is totally a trap against him!

Damn it!

Chancellor’s start has been a full shot slow, but now Sherman’s position is leading-because Sherman defends Crabtree, and the latter throws away Sherman’s formation against Chancellor. Slamming, which also allowed Sherman to be released, he was able to return to Jean first.

Now it’s a contest of speed!

“Forty-five yards! Fifty yards! Ted Jean’s acceleration was very fierce. In a blink of an eye, he passed the midfield and entered the Seattle Seahawks half. Now Sherman and Chancellor are chasing back. Sherman’s speed is slightly ahead, he is less than three yards away from Jean! “

“Forty-five yards! Sherman is continuing to accelerate, Jean’s speed has not been fully released, Sherman has begun to shorten the distance! Forty yards! Sherman! Sherman’s fingertips are about to touch It ’s time for Jean! Wait! Wow, Crabtree! Where did Crabtree come from? Crabtree hit Sherman! Wow, Sherman did n’t catch Gil Um! Jean escaped from his fingertips! “

“Thirty-five yards! Now it’s rushing toward the thirty-yard line! God! Jean! Jean is unstoppable!”

Kick the ground! staggering! Get rid of it! Push the ground again!

Seeing that Sherman was about to knock him down, Jean jeopardized Sherman’s endeavour, and his pace was disrupted again, but then he recovered again.

Running, running wantonly, just like a child who has just learned to run, running tirelessly, just because running can completely clear the brain, without thinking, then you can enjoy the purest and simplest happiness , The smile is everywhere.

Jean only felt that all the pores on and off his body were open. He could just run down, chasing the footprints of the wind, and run all the way to the end of the world. The whistling sound made the smile bloom like this.

At a certain moment, he realized the best emotion in the world, hot and turbulent, pure and thorough, which made the entire chest swell.

Then, after the sight, I caught Chancellor’s unrelenting figure approaching with full strength-just after the injury came back, Jean did not even warm up enough, and the speed could not be completely released, and the impact of the injury was more or less To a lesser extent, his absolute speed is no longer as sharp as it used to be, and the threat of Sherman is on the side, which also allows Chancellor to shorten their physical distance.

But Jean will never disarm easily. He still clearly remembers the scene when he caught Lu Ke ’s pass for the first time three years ago:

“Run! Ted, run!”

This is his only skill, but also his happiest moment.

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