King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1698 - Inconsistent

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Russell Wilson can immediately feel the pressure of 49 San Francisco head-on collisions. Although only four people rushed to pass, he still maintained his strength, but Russell also made preparations in advance to pull back with successive steps. After winning the distance, he won’t hesitate to adjust his footsteps after winning the passing space, and he turned around and teleported the football out.

Quick shot. Quick pass.

Russell is also using his way to improve the rhythm of the game. In the face of the third gear and four yards, he uses a short pass to change the rhythm. He succeeded!

The wide receiver Doug Baldwin, who switched to the inside of the right wing, under the cover of the near end Zach Miller, ran a small slash towards the outside of the right hand side, using Miller to throw away the defensive player on this side, Then he won a space to catch the ball, stop, turn around and catch the ball, the whole action was done in one go!

Next, as long as the first-line conversion line is pushed before the cornerback steps forward-

Baldwin turned to the front again, and then he could see that the first-line conversion line was close at hand, and only two steps were needed. The cornerback Carol Rogers’ footsteps were still three yards away. It was too late to return to defense. Baldwin I took the first step forward, but I didn’t have time to lift it again, and immediately hit the wall, yes … outer liner Ahmed Brooks!

Earlier, Ahmed changed his position following Baldwin’s transfer position. He did not evade his tactical intention of counterpoint defense.

Because Baldwin and Miller are very close together, Ahmed and Aldon Smith are also slightly pulled apart to avoid overlapping defensive lines. Sure enough, after the kick-off, Miller rushed towards the two outside guards, trying to jam the positions of the two players with his own strength.

Aldon took the initiative to confront Miller, and Baldwin took a bend from behind, then sprinted towards Baldwin at full speed.

Seeing Baldwin catch the rugby, the next second Ahmed grabbed Baldwin from the rear without any errors. After a forceful turn, Baldwin was directly thrown away, and Baldwin was bluntly taken before the first attack conversion line. Pushed back again, and simply fell to the ground.

The strong and tough performance left no chance.

Throughout the Century Chain Stadium, there were stunned exclamations, because Ahmed’s clean and strong defense, and because Baldwin’s first-team conversion seemed to be a little bit worse.

At the scene of the game, players and fans can only judge with the naked eye; while in TV broadcasts, the broadcaster will use special effects to create the kick-off line, the first attack conversion line, etc., which is convenient for the analysis of commentators and TV viewers can make Intuitive judgment, the result at this time is already clear at a glance.

“One yard difference, one yard difference. Doug Baldwin failed to complete the first attack. Although the specific result still needs to be judged according to the measurement at the referee’s site, the line of the TV conversion screen is only for reference; but it can be seen from the screen Ahmed Brooks ’grab was very timely, and Baldwin was blocked a step ahead. If nothing else, this is the fourth gear and one yard situation.”

“The Seattle Seahawks’ offense … still lacks a little change. On the one hand, Baldwin’s tactical intentions were exposed too early, Brooks did not distract; on the other hand, Wilson’s pass line control, in fact, there can be more changes, This time the pocket protection is fairly solid, giving Wilson enough observation time to allow Wilson to plan the pass line more carefully, but the spot changes are still lacking in bright spots. “

“The San Francisco 49ers defense team completed a key defense. Now the Seattle Seahawks face a four-shift one-yard conversion, the situation is a bit complicated.”

In order to ensure the penalty, the referee chose to measure on the spot, confirmed the final four yards and one yard situation, and then forced the Seattle Seahawks into a difficult position.

Four yards and one yard, give up the strong fight, it is equivalent to losing the toughness of the Seattle Seahawks in the fierce you come and go, scoring twice in the face of the opponent, but they have not been able to give a positive response. It is absolutely unfavorable to return to the locker room for intermission.

Four yards and one yard, choose to play hard, everything is easy to say if they succeed, but if they fail, they will directly give the San Francisco 49ers the opportunity to start their attack at the thirty-four yard line in their own half, and now the first half of the game is left In the next fifty-five seconds, this also means that even if the San Francisco 49ers cannot reach the touchdown, at least Arkans can try a free kick, which is equivalent to Seattle losing three consecutive points, and the gap is instantly widened.

Choose according to a safe direction. It is wise to give up the strong fight, and directly abandon the kick to ensure that you will not face danger. At the same time, give the initiative to the Seattle Seahawks’ strongest defensive group this season to end the first half. But is this really the most secure? There are fifty-five seconds left in the game, and the San Francisco 49ers have three timeouts. Together with Lu Ke, who is at the forefront of the league, who knows where they can finally attack.

This is a tricky choice.

Pete Carroll did not expect that he was in such a difficult situation. But Carol was not as entangled as expected. If it was the regular season, he would seek stability; but this is the playoffs, he naturally chose to let go, since the San Francisco 49ers are so tough, they must be tough. Even if you take a huge risk, you must be tough, otherwise the situation of intermission will be very difficult, which is not good for the second half.

Even if it is for a fight, Carol must choose to beat the fourth gear.

“The Seattle Seahawks chose to beat the fourth gear. They listed a ground attack formation and sent two running backs, but would this be a smoke bomb?”

No, this is not a smoke bomb. After the kick-off, Russell turned directly and gave the rugby to the running back, but the goal was not Marshaw Lynch, but the full-back Mike Robinson. Then, Russell and Ma Shaon also joined Robinson’s ranks, pushing Robinson forward together.

Bulldozer mode!

The Seattle Seahawks all the players in the entire offensive group are all condensed together and forced to break through the ground in the bulldozer mode. Even if the San Francisco 49ers made a pre-judgment in advance, they also piled up a wall with human sea tactics. The strong Seattle Seahawks have the upper hand.

“Achieved in one yard!”

“The Seattle Seahawks completed the four-gear one-yard conversion with the full-back Robinson’s ground propulsion, and once again won the opportunity for continuous offensive for themselves. Carroll immediately took a timeout, stopped the game time, and restarted the offensive team. Layout, the game after the first half is still sparking! “

At a critical moment, he still got rid of the tactical game and confronted with absolute strength. The Seattle Seahawks who fought at home escaped to death and once again gained a ray of life.

However, the San Francisco 49ers defensive group is not discouraged, start again!

In the next fifty-two seconds of game time, the two sides experienced three yellow flag fouls, a total of three home and away team timeouts, entangled several back and forth, and less than a minute of game time was fully played for nearly five minutes, back and forth The entanglement of the Hui further detonated the smell of gunpowder, and there was even a physical conflict on the field. Although it was not serious, it was thrown by the yellow flag and turned around to the end. It ended with the failure of Russell ’s “Wan Fu Mary” challenge. Announced the end of the first half of the game.

The San Francisco 49ers defensive team did not drop the chain at a critical moment, once again showing their focus and strength, and they did not leave too many opportunities for their opponents, including Marsh Lynch ’s Beast Mode, which failed to break out in a panic. Ended the fierce duel in the first half and entered the locker room with a score advantage and aura suppression.

“There is no doubt that this is the first half of the game since the start of the playoffs. Both the San Francisco 49ers and the Seattle Seahawks have not slackened. The quality of each offensive and defensive confrontation between you and me Very good, which also made the rounds of the game relatively reduced but tougher. In the first half, the San Francisco 49ers completed only three offenses, and the Seattle Seahawks only had four offenses. San Francisco, who played away, just grabbed The gap between a foul and a mistake, opened the score instantly, and successfully defended his score advantage. “

“But the Seattle Seahawks, who are now lagging behind, are not inferior. In addition to that accidental mistake, the entire defense and offense level are also top-notch, especially the offense team’s performance is impressive-the overall idea is slightly insufficient It’s clear, but it still bites the game, without falling behind, very good! “

“The status of the two teams is still at the same level, which also means that the second half will be more exciting and more intense.”

“For reference, the Seattle Seahawks have been behind four times in the first half this season, two home games and two away games, and they only lost one game in four games. The three games won include In the ninth week of the regular season, the Century Chain Stadium was held against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. At that time, they fell behind at 7:21, but returned strongly in the second half. They finally entered overtime and won the game with a score of 27:24! “

“This is a team that is very good at hard fighting. The Seattle Seahawks defense team will never fear any team. They will always be able to show enough strength in the second half-especially when the physical strength and energy of the other attacking team appear. When declining, they are still able to stay focused and fight for victory in their own way. “

“However, it must be noted that the Seattle Seahawks trailed four times at halftime to get three wins, and the only game they lost was against the San Francisco 49ers.”

“There is no way to predict the trend of the second half. After all, the score gap is still relatively weak. The top seed of the National League, the Seattle Seahawks, will definitely not be able to catch it. Now, depending on the halftime, Pete Carroll can come up with a way to curb Lu Ke. Also, have they really thought about Lu Ke ’s layout and can they break the game? It is conceivable that the second half of the game will be more exciting. “

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