King of the Bay Area

Chapter 171 - Fake pass

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

“Crabtree vs Scandic”.

Scandic’s attention is highly focused. Today, he is in good shape. The only interception in the game is completed by him. At the same time, this is also the most important reason for the Dallas Cowboys to stay ahead. Therefore, his attention is completely Not distracted, always aiming at Crabtree, tightly defending.

However, Scandic had to take a glance at the quarterback’s movements with his aftersight to observe the football’s arc and angle.

In just a reaction time of less than one millisecond, Crabtree pulled the gap between the two slightly apart by half an arm; at the same time, Scandic captured the passing trajectory, which was a bullet Pass the ball, spinning towards Crabtree’s right shoulder at high speed.

The first time, Scandic made a judgment, and then the whole person flew out, trying to destroy the pass. Immediately, he discovered that such a distance was too far for him. His fingertips could not be touched at all. Even if he threw the whole body, he could not destroy the pass. Crabtree could not receive the pass.

The passing position is higher, slightly higher than the chest, and above the right shoulder, above such awkward position, the wide receiver simply has no way to catch the ball!

Then Skandriek saw Crabtree raised his hands, approached his shoulders, and turned clockwise, just like catching the traces of the wind. His hands grabbed and closed, and he focused on the rugby. Then, following the momentum of turning around, he ran directly out of the border!

“Ah! Ahhh!” Chris Wilson suddenly exploded, like a spring compressed to the extreme, suddenly released, jumped high, and pointed his right in the direction of the court, but also I do n’t know who he was referring to, just screaming, screaming with wide eyes, “Ahhhhh!”

But behind that scream, Chris was growling: catching the ball successfully! Successful catch! He / Mom / ground, this is a successful catch! And successfully out of bounds! This pass is simply amazing! Come on, go ahead and continue to rush forward! 49 people, go!

All the words could not be spoken, just turned into a roar, “Ahhhh!”

“Kick-off, back-step, pass!” Troy was like a full bow, strained to the extreme, twisted into a weird posture, and roared loudly into the microphone. Without any hesitation and pause, Wei Luke passed the ball directly. The Cowboys’ defensive line had no time to react, and the football had already passed! “

“On the left, this is actually the pass on the left! Lu Ke chose the one-on-one on the left. Crabtree played against Scandic. Close defense, no fouls, no misalignment, the football flew over! Oh, God, this is a back and shoulder shadow pass! Back and shoulder shadow pass! Lu Ke completed the pass, Crabtree completed the pass! “

Troy couldn’t control himself anymore, his voice became sharp and harsh, but the words continued without stopping.

“Both feet, Crabtree’s feet are in control, both feet are in the field, no suspense, no doubt! This is a legal catch! The catch is successful! In a one-on-one situation, Crabbe Terry barely had any space to catch the ball. With just a little space, Scandic was waiting to break the pass and even complete the interception. However, Lu Ke chose a back and shoulder shadow pass and ignored Scan. Derek, it’s incredible to connect with Crabtree, incredible, God, incredible! “

The so-called back-and-shoulder shadow passing sounds mysterious, but it’s not that complicated.

When the wide receiver faces the quarterback, the right side is the sideline, so the quarterback chooses to pass the football to the right shoulder of the wide receiver. The wide receiver uses the inertia of the turn to complete the catch when the football falls . Because the catching position is in the shadow behind the right shoulder, I got this name.

In this way, the pass passes the defensive player on the left side of the wide receiver; at the same time, after the wide receiver turns around, facing away from the defensive player, he can further resist the opponent and complete the catch; more importantly, the wide receiver can use inertia, Direct out of bounds.

Such a technique has very strict requirements on the pass accuracy of the quarterback. If it is higher, it will fly directly out of the border; if it is lower, it will directly hit the right shoulder of the wide receiver. At the same time, the tacit understanding of quarterbacks and wide receivers is also extremely strict. There is a deviation in any link of timing, strength and angle. The result may be that the pass is not completed.

“Incredible! Lu Ke completed an extremely difficult pass. Under almost impossible circumstances, he led 49 people to move on! Twelve yards, twelve yards of passes, easily completed the first Offensive, at the same time making out of bounds and finishing stopwatch! Can we ask for more? “

Troy Jane simply summed up, and then exclaimed repeatedly, “The entire offensive speed is too fast, almost even the blink time is not enough. Let us look at Lu Ke’s shot time, 1.93 seconds, God, cowboy The team’s defensive players simply have no time to react, and the quarterback has already completed the pass. “

“This offense is really wonderful! Scandicric defended beautifully, Crabtree received it beautifully, and Lu Ke passed it even more beautifully!” Troy froze, trying to find a suitable adjective from his mind. But in the end, the simplest and most effective one blurted out, “Wonderful! It’s really wonderful! God, I’m about to breathe!”

“Quick, quick!” Lu Ke kept waving his hands like a seal, gesturing his teammates to step forward quickly, and then everyone came to their forty-two yard line, quickly completed the array, and all the tactics in the brain were running fast It looks like a high-speed maglev train.

Dallas Cowboys once again changed the defensive formation, one-to-one marking defense, four players correspond to four receiving players, no matter how Lu Ke arranges the position of the players, their marking objects have no slackness and distraction, and complete personalized marking .

The question is, how do they assign one-to-one to defensive players? Two cornerbacks and two linebackers.

what does this mean? This means that in the first-line defensive area, there are only three defensive fronts and two linebackers, and five players attack and defend the ball; in the second-line defensive area, there are two security guards waiting for the opportunity to defend Potential long pass danger.

This is one of the important changes in the first half and the second half: Lu Ke’s long-pass strike ability, let the Cowboys cast a bogey. Their defensive focus must be different.

Lu Ke ’s eyes fell on DeMarcus Ville and Sean Lee. These two players are the key souls of the Cowboys ’defensive team. Now, both of them are highly focused, focused, and focused. Staring at the landing, he posed a strong assault posture.

But is it really a strong attack?

With a 75-point predictive ability, Lu Ke sniffed out the anomaly, but was unable to make a more accurate judgment, so Lu Ke chose to believe his intuition, “Kick-off!”

Offensive forwards, defensive forwards, catchers, and mark players all started. It was like a maiden’s scattered flowers. The sound of banging was endless.

Weir and Li didn’t lose their focus, and stared at Landing. At the first moment of activation, both of them began to retreat. This is not a surprise quarterback tactic, but a short-pass and mid-pass coverage tactic, plus one-on-one man-to-man defense, the Cowboys cover the entire pass area tightly, tightly, and back again In the first half of the winning mode.

The body was still receding, and Weier’s pupils contracted sharply: Lu Ke stepped back, still stepped back, and then turned to fake delivery.

However, why pretend to deliver at this time? Everyone knows that Lu Ke is a fake pass and the result is still to pass! When there are only sixty seconds left in the game, the running ball consumes too much time. The offensive team has no wasted capital at all. Passing is the reliable choice. Therefore, it is not necessary to fake the true story.

Wait, this is not a fake story!

This is a pistol formation, not a shotgun formation, and Marcus stood side by side with Lu Ke’s right hand. This is a real delivery, Lu Ke handed the football to Marcus Lynch!

“Grass! Grass!” Vail cursed fiercely, gritting his teeth.

Who would have imagined that with sixty-two seconds left in the game, the first gear only took four seconds, and the San Francisco 49ers rookie quarterback actually chose to run? Is this too bold or too conservative?

Either way, Weir and Li both made mistakes. The two retreated to pass the defense, which also meant that the running defense was relaxed, and the entire defensive line was simply what we wanted.

“Oops!” Vill had no time to hear Lee’s scolding, and both of them ran away in the direction of Marcus. But it was too late.

Marcus hugged the football tightly, glanced away from his eyes, and then glimpsed a huge hole on the right hand side. The Cowboys ’defensive front did not launch a raid at all, and it also opened the distance. The gap was like a big canyon. For Marcus, this is Sunshine Boulevard.

Marcus, like a bull, vigorously ran a diagonal line toward the front right.

A cornerback threw in, Ted Jean assisted in time and blocked the opponent; a linebacker rushed over, Marcus speeded up, and speeded up again, the linebacker had no time to pat Marcus’ shoulder, There was no time to complete the grapple, and then the whole person fell; a security guard also rushed over, Marcus did not shake, and ran towards the slash in front of the right, bent, squat, shoulder Slammed into the other party fiercely and continued to move towards the right side with a lever.

Behind him, Marcus could see a large group of players, as if flying a kite, but the Cowboys’ defense was half a beat, so everything was half a beat.

Marcus did not have any greed, and ran directly out of the border, actively stopped the running ball, suspended the time, and also completed the ten-yard advance. It was just ten yards, and the red sign over the side of the court signaled the red sign of the finish line of the first attack. Then, it went out of bounds steadily.

First attack, reached; out of bounds, completed; time-consuming, six seconds.

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