King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1728 - Special invitation

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Although he is distressed, he stands firm; although he is worried, he always insists. Nancy ’s education of Myers showed her wisdom and maturity, which reminded Lu Ke of the meeting in the hospital. Nancy worried that Myers was worried about herself, and Myers was worried about Nancy. Being injured because of themselves, they are taking care of each other, the kind of strong, distressing, but also admirable.

Now, it is even more rare.

Just a month ago, Miles completed an incredible Christmas miracle. The gorgeous red sea and golden sea made him easily the most watched “bat kid” in the entire North American continent, and the popularity and recognition even exceeded Many top Hollywood stars.

Myers ’high popularity also attracted countless eyes. Many talk show shows invited him to star. Many manufacturers hoped to sign a contract with Myers. Even Lu Ke also heard that the Scott family has received a lot of generosity. Donations are a huge sum of money even for middle-class families.

This is undoubtedly a tremendous change.

Take a look at Macaulay-Culkin, who was very popular with “The Devil’s Home”. His parents regarded him as a cash cow, and his brothers and sisters regarded him as an imaginary enemy, just two years and three years Within a short period of time, he overdrawn and consumed his fame. In a blink of an eye, he fell into a bottomless abyss, sliding across the sky like a meteor, disappearing without a trace.

But Nancy remained calm.

Myers did not become an online celebrity, but let those “starlight and popularity” slowly settle and dissipated, and became a normal five-year-old child again, enjoying the childhood life he should face, making up for those who were sick And in the years of disappearance, this ordinary heart is really rare.

Not to mention that Nancy is still patiently educating Myers.

At this moment, Lu Ke noticed Nancy’s eyes, and he showed a polite smile, “Sorry, bother.”

Nancy couldn’t help but chuckled, and waved hands again and again, “Don’t worry, the little guy is just shy.”

Even a five-year-old child has self-esteem and pride. If the adult thinks that it does not exist at all, then the harm will be created invisible.

Both Lu Ke and Nancy maintained their respect for Myers, and did not “uncover the scars”, but Myers noticed the abnormality and saw Lu Ke when he turned around. He couldn’t help but startled his head. Buried in Nancy’s arms, it looks like a little ostrich, and it’s overwhelming to look at.

But Lu Ke did not laugh, but calmed his smile, pretending that nothing had happened, and greeted him actively, “Good morning, Myers.”

Nancy looked down at her son in her arms, “Myers, if you don’t want to see Bambi, I can …”

“No, no, I think. I mean …” Myers justified, but found that he couldn’t explain clearly, and finally quietly took a deep breath, wiped the tears in his eyes, and turned around In the face of the landing, he said clearly, “Babi, welcome to my house.”

Although it’s just one side, Lu Ke really likes the little guy Myers. In his bones, he can always see a stubbornness.

It’s like Lu Ke himself.

Lu Ke squatted down, keeping parallel to Myers’s line of sight, and said with a smile, “I haven’t seen you in a long time, have you been fine recently? I noticed that you have started outdoor activities now.”

“Ah!” Myers exclaimed suddenly, and Lu Ke and Nancy were unclear, so they saw that Myers turned around and ran away, turning off the faucet, making sure that the water pipe would not spray again, and then ran After returning, this caused Lu Ke and Nancy to exchange a line of sight, and both smiled.

After coming back and forth, the smile on Myers’ face bloomed, “Bambi, Babi! The last game was really wonderful! Fifty points! Fifty points! We got a full fifty Fuck! Haha, we beat Seattle! We broke into the Super Bowl! This is really incredible! “

Lu Ke raised his right hand silently, and then Myers rushed straight over, and Lu Ke completed a high-five celebration.


The crisp applause made Myers laugh happily, and even the landing land laughed together, “Look, you fulfilled your promise, and I fulfilled mine. Now, until the promise is fulfilled, there is The last step, I ca n’t wait to go to the battlefield to fight for the final honor, how about you? How? Are you willing to join us and follow us to complete the most important and final battle of the 2013 season? “

Myers was slightly stunned, his eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe the staring at the landing.

Nancy was a little surprised and waved her hand. “Bambi, you don’t have to … I mean, it doesn’t matter … Actually, you don’t have to come and invite us specifically.”

Lu Ke shook his head firmly, “Promise is commitment. Remember? According to the agreement, Miles should personally watch our Christmas War at Candlestick Stadium. That was our last game at Candlestick Stadium, but unfortunately , Myers missed it. “Because health is not allowed,” Now the opportunity comes again. “

“Although it is not a candlestick stadium, although it is not a Christmas war, but …” Lu Ke’s words made Nancy and Myers unable to show a smile–

Lu Ke’s words seemed to say that the Metropolitan Stadium was not as good as the Candlestick Stadium, and the Super Bowl was not as good as the Christmas War. They could not meet the first wish of Myers, so they had to use “Super Bowl as a substitute”.

Lu Ke shrugged. “But I think, at least I have the opportunity to complete our agreement before the end of the 2013 season. Myers Little Pumpkin, what do you say? Are you interested?”

Myers nodded again and again, nodding frantically, because he was too excited, and his entire face swelled red, but he still did not immediately agree, but turned to look at Nancy, “Can I go? Can I Participate? Mom, mom! Can I participate? I will definitely perform well, please! I promise, I will be obedient, please let me participate, okay? Please, please, please, please! “

Nancy deliberately didn’t reply immediately, but watched Miles keep pleading with herself, and the ruddy little cheek reminded her of when Miles was still in her baby.

Seeing Miles jump completely, it seemed a little breathless. Nancy quickly embraced Miles with her hands open and said with a smile, “Of course! Of course! But you must promise me one thing: you Guaranteed good performance! Because you know, we have to travel to New York, this is a long journey, things are not so easy. “

“Nancy, all the expenses for your trip to New York will be borne by the team. Rest assured, we are looking forward to Miles accompany us until the last minute and sprint towards the end of the season.” Lu Ke said with a smile .

Nancy opened her mouth slightly, her face full of surprise, and the humble words of refusal eventually turned into a “thank you”, this is the best response.

“Haha.” Looking at Miles’s excitement and excitement, Lu Ke’s mood also flew up. “Myers, I came here today specially, there are three things, the first thing is to come specially to visit you ; The second thing is to invite you to the Super Bowl site; then, there is a third thing that needs your help. “

“Help?” Myers was in a state of excitement, staring at Landing with wide eyes, and the eager excitement began to overflow.

Lu Ke nodded, “I am going to participate in a charity auction, organized by my mother and other family members of the team. We will raise some funds and hope to help more nine people. If you can donate a small item , To join this auction, it would be great. I mean, anything is fine, anything! “

This charity auction is organized by the family of the players. The main purpose is to raise funds and join the “Lu Ke Foundation” to help more than nine people. All the items on the auction are donated by players, coaches, and guests. There are no rules. There is no problem with a book, a ball, and a bottle of wine. Even handmade works are very welcome. The important thing is the heart. , Accumulated with a little bit of sincerity and kindness.

Lu Ke hopes that Myers will become a part of it, even if it is just a small item.

“Really? Really! Can I help others? It’s like you helped me?” Myers shouted excitedly, then turned to look at Nancy, “Mom, I can put Is my comic book donated? Or, or! What about my baseball glove? “

“Of course, no problem!” Nancy answered simply.

“Ah!” Myers screamed and kissed directly on Nancy’s face. “I’m going to pick a gift! I’m going to pick a gift now!” Screaming and running, Myers So I ran back to the house, still yelling, “Dad, I want to donate a gift! I have to help other friends too!”

Nancy turned her head to look at Lu Ke. “He … he’s feeling a little ups and downs now.”

Lu Ke waved his hand, “He is doing what five-year-olds can do now, all of them are allowed. Because we grow up, we have too many ‘not allowed’, are we?”

“I can’t refute it.” Nancy also laughed. “That’s what we expected. He missed too much. It’s too late to make up for now, but at least, we can let him have the time to come. Slowly accumulate his childhood years. I hope he can leave good memories. “

“Who knows? Maybe one day, those hardships and pains will also become sweet memories, let us begin to learn to thank those setbacks, because they have achieved the final self.” Lu Ke said meaningfully-

In the past five years, Myers has been resisting the torture of his illness. Lu Ke could n’t be sure how much the harm caused by those misfortunes, because he was not Miles, he would never know how Miles felt, even Lu Ke himself, those years immersed in the training ground, Those years of exclusion and discrimination … When he grew up and matured, when he looked back on those days, he chose not to resent, but chose to thank.

He hopes that Miles will do the same.

Nancy immediately understood Lu Ke’s words, and her eyes gradually brightened.

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