King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1738 - Little happiness

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

On Monday, the charity auction was officially held, creating a lot of topics and triggering countless discussions; on Wednesday, the entire San Francisco 49 team went to the Children’s Hospital to visit children who were seriously ill.

This is another collective organization activity of the team.

Inspired by Miles-Scott, there are not many children who are suffering from illness like Miles. They have just been in this world for a while, all of them are novices, but they need to face the terrible pain. Torture-more sadly, most of the time they are powerless.

Faced with those terminally ills, it seems that no one in the world can help them, even doctors. The powerlessness and helplessness make them feel like they are in an uninhabited island, and then … they just die. In addition to continuing to persevere, what else can they do?

Myers needs the power of Christmas miracles, as do other children!

Similar to the charity auction, this is also a proposal initiated at the player ’s family meeting. Jiang Youning thinks this is a very good idea. A few weeks ago, she asked Lu Ke ’s opinion, and then Lu Ke contacted through Lech The whole team mobilized all the players and joined the interaction collectively, making a little contribution personally and giving back to the support and support of the city of San Francisco.

After the team manager Trent Balk learned of it, he gave official support without hesitation, the responsible organization also gave funds, and contacted the Wishing Foundation. The two parties cooperated together, not to walk through the field and make faces, but hope Can really help those children.

Because the schedule of the playoffs is intensive, there is work to be completed every week. So, like the charity auction, this hospital visit is also scheduled for the week after the final of the National League finals, because this week is the professional bowl week, No matter where the team’s playoff journey can be reached, this is the only relatively free week in the playoffs, and all players can actively participate in charity activities.

On the day of the event, 49 people in San Francisco went up and down more than 70 people and collectively arrived at the Children’s Hospital, including the players, and the coaching staff and logistics team also participated.

The whole visiting activity is very special, all players and coaches are treated equally, and the children are the main ones. They come to accompany the children specially for rehabilitation, treatment, reading, walking, chatting, etc. They spent the easiest and simplest day in their daily lives. All the trips followed the rhythm of the children. As long as the children had needs, the players and coaches must be satisfied.

This is the day for the children.

What is unexpected but reasonable is that the most popular among the children is not Lu Ke, but Logan Newman and Joe Stanley.

Logan himself is a big child. He accompanied the children to play Lego, play Transformers, and unpack gifts. He happily played with sweat until he was completely mixed with the children. He was mixed in the pile of children in the game room. How can any sense of violation be unpopular?

Stanley is a clown—not a negative one, but a positive one. He can fold balloons, he can turn magic, he can tell stories, he can tell jokes … he even brought his own toy box At the scene, the children were taught how to manipulate the shadow puppetry. That is the traditional Chinese cultural stunt he learned through the tubing, and even Lu Ke was dumbfounded.

So, Lu Ke?

Lu Ke went to the chemotherapy room to accompany the children who had to undergo chemotherapy, and spent a period of time there with them–a somewhat different time than imagined.

Originally Lu Ke was preparing to tell stories in the past. He also borrowed a few fairy tales from the hospital library, but the results were collectively punished by the children. “Those we have heard countless times, we are not three years old. “The sound of protests one after another made Lu Ke helpless.

In the end, things didn’t know how to develop into a “question and answer session”. The children asked Lu Ke questions, and Lu Ke gave answers from his own experience or perspective.

In the beginning, those questions were all about rugby-not necessarily all about quarterbacks or Lu Ke, but more or less related to rugby, for example, why it ’s not possible to become a player just by running fast Excellent wide receiver; for example, can you turn over and enter the end zone to complete the touchdown, if not, why, if you can, then roll into the air and the ball will appear, then it is not a touchdown.

And so on.

Gradually, the problem began to break away from the scope of rugby, gradually extend to a wider area of ​​life, and the development trend slowly exceeded Lu Ke’s imagination, making Lu Ke also unable to withstand, much more powerful than a reporter, for example, Lu Ke How did you know that you fell in love with Candice; for example, did Lu Ke want to change course during the injury; and for example, if he could become a superhero, what super power did Lu Ke want.

Starting from the question and answer, it finally evolved into a discussion. All the children participated in the discussion. In the lively atmosphere of twitter and different opinions, the time of chemotherapy seems to be less painful, so long, so difficult, unconsciously. Able to end treatment.

The only exception is the only child. He always sat beside him silently, never speaking. With an expressionless face, he couldn’t tell whether he was listening or wandering the sky. He didn’t show any sense of participation during the whole journey, so he stayed alone and alienated.

Lu Ke wants to help him, but does not know how to start; but Lu Ke knows that they are just visiting the doctor for a day, and they can do very little for these children, even if they choose not to believe in themselves, it is justifiable. And he cannot force them to cooperate with themselves.

After thinking about it, Lu Ke still decided to extend a friendly olive branch. Before leaving the chemotherapy room, he left a card and a football to the child.

“If they say, who cares if another light goes out, under the stars in the sky, it is flashing? Yes, I care.”

The simplest and simplest words, just as Lu Ke told Ryan Baldwin, they are struggling in their bottomless abyss. They all think they are fighting alone, but the reality is far from imagination. So bad, even the most insignificant star has meaning in its existence.

Lu Ke hopes that these words will leave a dawn in the heart of the child, just like sowing a seed of hope, and then look forward to the day when the sun will bloom and illuminate his way forward. As long as he is willing, Lu Ke and the nine people will always be around.

The whole activity lasted for a whole morning. Surprisingly, the players were exhausted one by one, even more tired than playing an overtime game; and the children are still living alive, it seems that there is a steady stream of energy in the body, so that One cannot help wondering if they are not sick at all.

But the nurse told the players that it was because the children had not been so happy and relaxed for so long, and all the energy was released, which caused such an illusion; when the players left, their energy would be Falling off like a cliff.

Too excited, in fact, is not a good thing for patients.

The busiest and hardest part of the whole morning is actually the nurses, who must monitor the state of the patient at all times, lest they be too excited and too excited to have unexpected problems, which also makes their attention full. Not afraid to relax, a lot of energy and energy are consumed.

It is for this reason that after the event, Lu Ke, Willis and Arkens as team representatives made a special trip to thank the nurses, doctors and hospitals for their hard work. In addition, the children ’s parents ’trust was willing to give them this time. Opportunity to contribute your little strength to children.

Then, the “Bat Boys Suit” finally appeared.

Lu Ke handed over the suit that witnessed the Christmas miracle to the head nurse of the hospital, hoping that she could pick out the most needed and urgent child, and hand it over to the child to let Myers The courage and spirit can be passed on, and this help will be truly implemented.

If it is only used as a collection, the suit is sealed in the cabinet as a private collection, or as a part of the Internet bubble, or as a spoils of spoils for a certain Internet celebrity, or even as a medium for hype. Then its meaning will be ignored, as time goes by, it will be dissipated little by little, until the craze of “bat kid” or “Christmas miracle” disappears completely, this suit will not have any The significance will eventually become a common Halloween costume.

Lu Ke didn’t want to be like this. For that golden ocean, for Miles-Scott’s story, it was undoubtedly a huge waste.

That great story deserves a great ending. Lu Ke sincerely hopes that the spirit of the “batboy suit” can continue to be passed on, just like the spirit of the San Francisco 49ers “fighting ceaselessly”, and truly become the Bay Area. A force eventually created more miracles.

Previously, Nancy Scott entrusted all charity funds to the Lu Ke Foundation, hoping to help more people through Lu Ke ’s effective organization, which gave Lu Ke inspiration. He also hoped that through the foundation, he would This “batboy suit” has been handed over to the more urgently needed children again and again-when the child is ready, the suit will return to the Foundation, and then look for the next successor, Just like Christmas presents, this is the best way to spread the Christmas spirit forever.

Therefore, at the auction, Lu Ke did not hesitate to continuously raise the cards, showing the strong momentum that is determined to get, that is because he has already conceived the future of this suit.

Now, it’s time for this suit to show its true value-only on those souls that need help, and only on those that need inspiration, it can help them become superheroes, invincible! Attack all!

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