King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1753 - Quite satisfactory

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“Ah! Ahhh! I just shook hands with Payton! Shaking hands!”

Lu Ke and Logan are celebrating with high-five and chest, from action to expression, from voice to eyes, every detail is showing the youthfulness and euphoria of young people, like fireworks, it is blooming continuously, completely Ignoring the strange vision of others, immersed in their own joy.

Willis couldn’t help but raise his head-this is definitely not Lu Ke he knew. When he met the Denver Broncos preseason last season, he didn’t see Lu Ke so gaffeous, so what is going on today? Is it now a dream, everything is a conceived picture?

Looking back, Willis could see Big Manning’s full-faced smile, “It’s nice to be young.” This made Willis laugh together too:

Yeah, it’s nice to be young.

The sight fell on Lu Ke and Logan again, and the flamboyant appearance showed the youthful vitality vividly, and Willis’ smile became brighter, “I swear, this is Lu Ke, which I have never seen before. ; But I think Lu Ke will be much more real. “

Compared to the calm, calm and self-disciplined Lu Ke, the current Lu Ke is more in line with the image of a 24-year-old.

Big Manning also laughed, and his low, vague voice was ringing, “So, is this good news or bad news for me?”

“I’m praying, I hope it’s bad news.” Willis’ answer made Big Manning’s smile fall to his eyes, and the whole eyebrow became fresh.

Obviously, the official appearance of the 49ers in San Francisco and the Denver Broncos is completely harmonious. Compared with the dull and stiff last year ’s Super Bowl, although the scene still has no gunpowder smell, the interactive link is obviously a lot easier and more joyful, especially Lu The meeting between Ke and Da Manning created countless sparks, which made the reporters on the scene excited:

As a Super Bowl anecdote, these details will become the highlights of future discussions and memories. At this time, the reporters realized that this Super Bowl is likely to become a turning point in the history of “new and old” to witness history, whether it is the big manning to continue the strength of the previous generation of quarterbacks, or Lu Ke to complete the robbery to seize the power. The upward momentum of this is an important moment in the history for the league.

In the past few years, the Super Bowl has witnessed many classic matchups-

Forty-fifth Super Bowl, “Aron Rogers VS Ben Rothsberg” the new generation of pinnacle battle.

Forty-fourth Super Bowl, “Payton Manning VS Drew Brice” elite quarterback Hua Shan on the sword.

Forty-third Super Bowl, “Ben Rosrisberg VS Kurt Warner” Phoenix Nirvana battle.

And so on.

Now, at the 48th Super Bowl, “Payton-Manning VS Lu Ke” alternates between old and new, and will inevitably become another classic moment in history.

All the focus of the team’s appearance was concentrated on the two quarterbacks, and the head coaches of John Fox and Jim Hubble were directly reduced to passers-by.

However, this is also the expected situation-since the Super Bowl match came out, all eyes are completely concentrated on the two quarterbacks, they are the biggest players of their respective teams, they are also their respective teams to win The main core of them, they are also the most topical players of their respective teams … From all aspects, this is the most notable and the most important core focus of the 48th Super Bowl.

This momentum is also clearly reflected in the separate interview that follows:

The separate interview stations of Lu Ke and Da Manning were surrounded by groups. The crowds were so crowded that they could not be drained. When there were only 60 or 70 reporters in front of other interview stations-even fewer, these two quarters Wei’s interview station was surrounded by 300 reporters.

Maybe more.

Because the crowd around the interview station is too dense and too turbulent to be distinguished at all, and only countless crowds can be captured from the line of sight. There is no need for loud noise, noisy and heavy breathing is enough to be on the scene A layer-by-layer noise is created.

As a result, Da Manning and Lu Ke were both trapped outside the interview station-as interview subjects, they were unable to get on stage for interviews, which is undoubtedly the best today. Through the crowds, the sights of Da Manning and Lu Ke inadvertently intersect in the air. Both of them laughed together, revealing a trace of helplessness and funnyness. The scene was also a rare sight.

Lu Ke spent a lot of effort to squeeze into the enclosure. After the interview table was seated, you could clearly see the noise and turbulence of the third and third floors, and the high and low, ups and downs of the crowds. The heat wave and the excitement of eagerness to try have an urgent need to scramble.

Lu Ke could not help but ridicule, “I should have come in earlier, is this an artificial greenhouse?” This is the cold of Tucao Metropolitan Stadium.

Unidentified reporters looked at each other: Although it was a cold joke, was it too cold? What response should they make?

Only a handful of reporters laughed lowly.

However, Lu Ke also did not care, exhaled for a long time, and exaggeratedly put on a “look at death” expression, “I’m ready, and now any questions can be thrown at me.”

This time, many reporters at the scene were able to catch the laugh, and could not help laughing lightly; but there were more reporters who could not wait to raise their hands and wait for questions. The forest immediately swallowed Lu Ke, and the scene was spectacular.

“Bambi, at the team’s debut ceremony, you paid respect to Payton. It’s like a fan, very excited. May I ask your thoughts on the upcoming game against Payton on the Super Bowl stage? Are you looking forward to the next game? “

“Of course!” Faced with the first question, Lu Ke gave an affirmative answer without hesitation. “Undoubtedly, Payton is my favorite and respectful quarterback. I am indeed his fan. In fact, I screamed naively, as if high school girls saw idols. I guess, you all witnessed the crime scene. “Lu Ke’s relaxed and cheerful tone made the reporters laugh together.

“For me, it is undoubtedly an honor for me to stand up with Payton on the Super Bowl stage. I am very, very much looking forward to standing on the highest stage of the NFL and trying my best to defeat my idol to win.” Ke still answered sincerely and sincerely, “This will be a difficult game, but also an exciting game. I will enjoy every minute and every second of the whole game.”

There were n’t too many waves and surprises, nor too many jokes and ridicules, but the sincerity revealed in Lu Ke ’s words was enough to make the reporters feel the heavy power, which made the reporters unable to follow the excitement. stand up.

“Bambi, what do you think of standing on the Super Bowl stage again? What are your thoughts on defending?” This is the standard question for the Super Bowl, and every team will be asked every year. To.

Lu Ke gave a big smile, “I think this is a special season, not only because it is a defending season, but also because it is a season full of bumps and variables, we have experienced countless difficulties and faced many Challenge, and finally stand on this stage, from the team to the fans have experienced a lot, but we withstood the test, united to complete the challenge, this is an unparalleled journey, can become part of it, I am full of thanksgiving.”

“So, I guess the tip given to us throughout the season is: defending is definitely not that simple thing. We have now reached the sprint stage, and then need to face the strongest opponent of the entire season, we will not take it lightly, In the same way, we will not surrender. We will fight like soldiers, from the first second to the last second of the game. As for the ending, let us wait and see. “

Even at this moment, at the Metropolitan Stadium, Lu Ke still remained calm-not humble and cautious, but to be honest.

The defending season was really too difficult, with hardships and thorns. They could finally overcome all the difficulties and came to the Super Bowl. They relied on faith and unity. In addition, there was a little luck-the last week of the regular season and the wild card. Both games have already stood on the edge of the cliff; but in the final analysis, they finally came up against the current and reached the top of the Forbidden City, then they will fight hard to the end.

From Ryan Baldwin to Myers Scott … From Patrick Willis to Alton Smith, from Justin Smith to Vernon Davis, from Ted Jean to Michael Crabbe Terry, from Mike Rupatti to Lu Ke himself, now the 49 San Francisco people are scarred and faltering, relying only on a belief and conviction to persevere, and now, there is the last battle before us ——

They will stick to the end!

It was still a satisfactory answer. In the face of the upcoming Super Bowl battle, Lu Ke showed his focus, without joking and ridicule, which made reporters feel a little boring, even if Lu Ke ’s eyes showed The unparalleled firmness made this conversation full of focus, but after the reporters converted it into words, this power will be meaningless, and they need more content that can show the cutting edge.

Although they knew that Lu Ke, like Da Manning, rarely exposed the loopholes to reporters, this was their job and their hard work.

“Bambi, now the entire league is paying attention to this Super Bowl, many views believe that this will be a game about the offensive group, what do you think? For this game, what will you do? Ready? “

Let’s throw a brick and introduce the jade first to see how Lu Ke will respond.

Then you can see Lu Kezhan showing a smile, “A lot of views? Or, your views?”

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