King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1781 - Suspense

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

When Lu Ke returned to the locker room, Patrick Willis stood at the door of the locker room and raised his right hand. The teammates hit the palms and entered the locker room.

Lu Ke also walked head-on, hitting Willis with his palm, and then he could see Willis showing a big smile, “Excellent work!” Inspired everyone in such a simple but direct way, This made Lu Ke also give Willis a hug, and also replied, “Excellent work.”

After waiting for Arkans, who finally landed, to enter the locker room, Willis closed the locker door and stood side by side with Arkens at the door, casting his sights towards the landing.

Lu Ke felt the temperature of his eyes, cast his sights towards Willis and Arkans, and began to look around the entire dressing room along their eyes. The burning eyes fell on Lu Ke’s shoulder. The heavy power made the heart in the chest start to beat a little bit hot.

Taking a long breath, Lu Keyang said, “I know this is very difficult, maybe even more difficult than last year’s intermission.”

“Because last year we just didn’t find the rhythm. When the alarm sounded, we were back on track. I never questioned the end. I always believe that victory belongs to us after all! But this year, we are facing more serious problems. Challenge, we found the rhythm, but faced with injuries, we are all tired, I know that after working hard all season, we are now tired-this is also an unknown factor that we cannot control. “

“Defending the season is really too difficult. Just look at David. You know, God, he lost extra points last time. It should be when I was not born yet.” Lu Ke teased in a playful way Once Arkens, a moment of laughter sounded throughout the dressing room, and even cheered up, and Arkens, who was still very worried, couldn’t help laughing.

But the joke was just a joke, and then Lu Ke became serious again.

“Or just look at Justin-he was injured, he struggled to the present, dragged his bruised body, and fought side by side with us to the present. After all, he still could not get rid of the threat of injury. But is it just Justin? Every fighter is facing his own war. I know that defending is not easy, but I never know that defending needs to face so many thorns and bumps! About the body, it is also about the spirit! “

“But fortunately, we have each other!”

“This game is obviously not that simple. We are faced with a great team and a strong opponent! Even if we go all out, we can’t show 100% strength. Even if we try our best, we may not be able to complete it with all our heart In the game, our spirit is still unwavering, but our bodies are protesting, which is destined to be a difficult battle! “

“But we still have faith!”

“Yes, I still believe that the championship belongs to us and has never been shaken! We have witnessed the strength of Ryan Baldwin’s struggle against terminal illness to the last minute and still refused to disarm! We also witnessed the use of Myers Scott The Christmas miracle achieved by our thin body! And every soldier who was present, we experienced a bumpy and difficult season, but we defeated our opponents and ourselves, we defeated the laws and fate, and finally stood On the Super Bowl stage! “

“When our feet came here, we came for victory!”

“We refuse to surrender! We refuse to disarm! Even if the wounds are scarred, even if it is staggering, even if it is difficult to move, even if only the last breath is left, it does not matter, because we are not fighting alone, we are not even a team fighting, we Have the whole city behind you and fight alongside us! “

“Have you heard? Those cheers! Those cheers! Those heartbeats! Those drums! Those unyielding shouts and passionate growls that screamed in the ears?”

“Do you hear people singing, the dark valley, the singing echoes. This singing belongs to those who strive to climb to the light, the people in misery on the earth, the flame of hope will never go out, even the darkest night will eventually go away, the sun Eventually will rise! Do you hear people singing and hear drums from afar? That is the future brought by the dead, just waiting for the dawn of tomorrow! Will you join our jihad? Will you walk side by side with us? Sometime, across the barricade, is there a world you long for? “

A cry! Then a cry!

One sentence! Next sentence!

The violent voice was stirred in the locker room for a long time, which made every player have a passionate blood, high emotions, dim tears, unable to himself, the enthusiasm flowing in the body, flowing in the blood vessels The excitement, the excitement boiling deep in the soul, is heating up little by little.

“Do you hear people singing? Singing the passion in your heart, this song belongs to those who always refuse to disarm; when the rhythm of your heart is stirred with the reverberation of drums, a new life is about to begin, rushing to the dawn of tomorrow! Are you willing to Give everything and let our flag fly? Some will live, some will fall, are you willing to stand up and fight? Use our blood to pour on this hot land? “

Surging! gushing! turbulent! The tumultuous emotions in his chest almost burst, and then he couldn’t help it anymore. He clenched his fists and stood up. The thrilling shock caused the souls to start screaming and cheering. Stood up.

Before realizing it, all the players stood up, clenched their fists, their eyes were boiling, and their depressed emotions were tumbling in the blood vessels.

Lu Ke paused for a moment, his sharp and tough eyes slowly swept across the audience, passing over the faces, “Hey, gentlemen! Don’t forget, who are we? We are nine people!” We are warriors! We are a group of warriors who are fighting endlessly! We are a group of bloodless fighters! It is time for the flames in the chest to start burning! Tell me, we are! “

“Nine people!” Logan was the first to suppress his emotions and shouted with a growl.

“We are!”

“Warrior!” From Alton to Jean, from Marcus to Reid, all the players roared violently, even if they burned the last drop of blood, they would never give up the fight!

“We are!”

“Nine people!”

“We are!”


Arkens roared screaming and shouting with all his teammates, his eyes filled with tears, he could not help clenching his fists, and the power in the soul was released.

Very few people mentioned that this is the last game of his career. Regardless of the outcome, he has decided to officially retire after the Super Bowl.

Last year, Lewis ’retirement caused a sensation in the entire league; but David Arkens was only a kicker, a trivial kicker, even though he had a brilliant and dazzling career, he still could not Create enough waves, this is more like a farewell to himself.

Arkens could not understand what it was like to retire; but he knew that before retiring, he was willing to fight side by side with the soldiers in front of him until the last moment, even if he was kneeling on his knees, he would never give up. Kneel to the end to complete the battle.

This is what he owes to his teammates, but also to himself!

The roar in the entire dressing room was earth-shattering, twisted firmly into a rope, bursting out an unparalleled force, which made Kip-Crest standing at the door of the locker room turned awkwardly and wiped it secretly. Tears in the corner of his eyes, and he is not the only one in the coaching staff.

They know better than anyone what this team has experienced before they can come to this stage. The last moment of the first half seems to have consumed the final energy of the team. This is really too difficult. Even at a certain moment, they can’t help but want to be lazy: it doesn’t matter if they lose this last game, after all, the team has really tried their best, isn’t it?

But now, all the ideas are gone-they are nine people! They are fighters! Even if they fail, they have to fight to the last moment!

This is the team that reached the final of the League of Nations without being optimistic and fought to the last moment. This is the only team in history that has won the perfect season and won the summit. This is the team that has defeated countless injuries. Sick defeated countless difficulties to reverse the situation and break into the Super Bowl for the second consecutive year! This is also the team that reignited the enthusiasm of the Bay Area and illuminated the whole land!

Their mission is to break the fate! Their totem is fighting ceaselessly! Their spirit is perseverance! Injuries can not stop their footsteps! Now that the storm has come, let this battle end in glory! They will greet their own ending with their heads up! Proudly, proudly, tenaciously!

“23:23, can you imagine? The 48th Super Bowl entered the second half in such a way. I don’t know what the audience thought. Personally, what exactly did Bruno Mars just perform, I did n’t pay attention at all—I did n’t mean to be disrespectful to Bruno, but this game is really full of suspense. There are countless possible developments in the second half, and I ca n’t stop thinking. ”

“Both teams and two quarterbacks have shown top level and top status. They have proved that they can dominate the game. At the same time, they are also ready to win the championship. This also means that the second half of the game It will be more intense and more tense. No one can predict the trend of the game. The performance of the offensive team on both sides is undoubtedly the top priority. Can we expect a game that breaks the historical record? “

“From the first half, the two teams joined together to contribute more than 400 yards of advancement, which also means that it is very likely to become a game of more than 800 yards of advancement. , This is definitely a grand event that has never appeared in the history of the Super Bowl! Now that the second half of the game is about to start, I have started to rub my hands! “

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