King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1796 - Eagle hits the sky

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

“Defense! Slap!”

“Binbi! Banbi!”

“Defense! Slap!”

“Binbi! Banbi!”

Three yards and ten yards, the Metropolitan Stadium has been completely boiled. Denver Broncos fans are constantly striking their hands and cheering for their defensive team; the San Francisco 49 fans cheered with high spirits and cheered, all hopes and beliefs are all It all rested on Lu Ke’s shoulders.

Life is on the line, it’s precarious, the moment of life and death, this is probably the best vocabulary to describe the moment, the atmosphere of tension and suffocation is suffocating.

But Lu Ke was completely unimpressed, because he had no time to be nervous and no time to be afraid. All his attention must be focused on the next attack. The whole person entered an ethereal state, and his eyes swept the audience like an eagle. , And looked at the defensive formation without any hassle.

Unsurprisingly, Fox ’s entire defensive formation has no new ideas, and it is completely laid out according to the textbook defensive formation of the “Wan Fu Mary” moment: the second line and the third line are postponed, even the first line is slightly Withdrawing a little bit, let the defensive striker take the responsibility of harassing the quarterback, all other forces are concentrated on the pass defense, especially the mid pass and long pass.

But Lu Ke knows, never underestimate the defensive formation of textbooks. Even if it is rigid, there may be many possibilities in actual combat. Just like the first and second gear of the offense, the Denver Broncos defensive group does not have too many tricks, but it can still continue. Two passes were not completed.

This is the essence of the game-changes on the field are always happening, every moment, every minute, every second.

The multi-line offensive formation is matched with the shotgun formation. The San Francisco 49ers also presented an upgraded version of the comprehensive pass offensive formation. There are three receivers on the right wing and two receivers on the left wing. All offensive weapons are pushed unreservedly. Going up, this suddenly made the Denver Broncos defensive group that still insisted on counter defense somewhat stretched.

Then, Lu Ke’s vision captured the movement of defensive players:

Outside guard Travison moved slightly to the outside, but didn’t move too much, the center of gravity remained mobile; security guard Mike Adams moved about five yards toward the same side, shifting his alignment axis To the middle of the left wing of the defensive group.

As a result, the match between the two sides evolved into: The San Francisco 49ers ‘right wing listed Ted Jean, Logan Newman and An Kuang Bolding, while the Denver Broncos’ left wing stood Dominic Rogers-K Romadi, Danny Travison and Mike Adams.

On the surface, this side formed a three-on-three, and center lineback Paris-Lyon seemed to be slightly closer to this side, and correspondingly on the other side formed three defensive players against two offensive players, the second line of the Denver Broncos Defense can still dominate; but is this really the case?

Lu Ke always feels that the positions of Travison and Adams are a little messy-but it is impossible to find the correct answer when standing on the spot and patting the brain. What is going on, only the actual measurement can find the correct way to open, then, How should this offense complete the layout?

Lu Ke’s vision quickly glanced at the kick-off countdown clock, then stood straight, modified the tactics through gestures and slogans. In the boiling noise of the audience, this is really not an easy thing, but Lu Ke still After maintaining patience and repeating it three times over and over again, after confirming that all five receiving players received the signal, the kick-off was officially announced.



Four people rush!

The Denver Broncos broke the stereotype a little bit-the defensive line that was supposed to be responsible for disruption and waiting for the opportunity to assist the short pass defense, but instantly increased the rhythm and strength, forming a strong pass, although the number of defensive players was not increased, but the front line Compressive strength is still significantly improved.

The defensive front is erupting its final energy. As long as it can cut off this attack, it can push the opponent into the fourth gear and ten yards. Then, very likely, they will directly lead to victory. At this time, there is no need to retain physical strength, and all the remaining energy in the body is released.



The collision between the four defensive fronts and the five offensive fronts was particularly fierce, especially the two defensive end Sean Phillips and Malik Jackson, both staggered their positions, avoiding the head-on confrontation, but from their own Attacked from the outside, unexpectedly forming an asymmetrical collision, destroying the center of gravity of the offensive tackle, and then in the head-on confrontation, grabbing a slight upper hand, Joe Stanley and Alex Boone were in a bad situation.

“Hold! Hold! Hold!”

Boone ’s footsteps are continuing to retreat, with his feet struggling against the ground, his hands firmly on Malik ’s shoulder, although Malik broke his center of gravity through misalignment, causing him to not be able to get stuck in position, and then footsteps He was losing ground, but Boone didn’t relax.

“Hold it! Damn it!”

Boone was about to bite his teeth, facing Malik ’s unreasonable irritability, he had to hold his breath, holding a breath in his chest, trying his best to hold the position, and then kept telling himself: hold on again meeting! Hold on for a little while! Even if it is only one millisecond or two milliseconds, he can win more time for Lu Ke! Even if his knee is cracking, he can win more space for Lu Ke!

“Hold it! Damn it! Ah! Ahhhh!”

An unknown strange force broke out inside Boone’s body, and all the blood was burning, and then pushed Malik forward without retreating. The strength of the two people did not fit together, forming a misalignment, but Because the power was too fierce, the two people lost their center of gravity. “Boom!” They were entangled with each other and fell to the ground. Even so, Boone still firmly held Malik’s shoulder and refused to let go!

Lu Ke can clearly feel the pressure from the face of the defensive front. His footsteps are continuously retreating and pulling away, but the outside pass of the left and right wings is extremely rapid, forcing Lu Ke’s footsteps to move laterally towards the left, tight Then afterglow, you can see the ugly face of Phillips.

Stanley has lost his chance. He is using his body as a physical shield to stop Phillips from utterly throwing it away regardless. The staggered footsteps make Stanley fall and may fall at any time, but this is for the land. Ke won the time, and with an emergency brake adjustment, Lu Ke moved laterally to the right.


Before Lu Ke’s footsteps could be fully carried out, Malik and Boone both fell to the ground, raising a dust, and his lateral pulling space was compressed. At this time, Lu Ke had just started the speed, and the emergency brake was too late. , The entire forward inertia has destroyed the balance of the body.

No time or space!

On the occasion of a sudden attack, Lu Ke simply speeded up, and the calf strength was completely exploded and released, further increasing the speed of lateral pulling. In a narrow space of only half a step, Dan Tian lifted his breath and was light like a swallow, and then took a step With a force, the body jumped high, made a difficult hurdle movement, and leaped from above-

Speaking of hurdles, it ’s actually an exaggeration, but it ’s just the area of ​​Malik and Boone ’s arms, not the body area: Malik is trying to raise his hand to destroy Lu Ke ’s footsteps, and Boone is trying to stop it. , Then Lu Ke took off directly.

This is not necessarily the only way, but the fastest way.


There was a roaring wind in his ear, and Lu Ke jumped past with such lightness and dexterity, which made a cry of crying in the studio.

“Hurdle! Lu Ke overcame the entanglement between Jackson and Boone with a hurdle! God! Lu Ke completed a difficult hurdle movement and won space for himself again! God! God! This is the familiar Lu Ke Is it still the source of the nickname of Bambi? “

“Bambi! Babi is adjusting his footsteps! Danger! Babiby’s footsteps are obviously a bit confusing, and he is adjusting now! But Babi is still not giving up! Babi! Babi is straightening his knee again! God! This is incredible! Observe the target! Bambi! Bambi adjustment! Step forward! Pass! “


“Bambi completed the pass!”

“Bambi! The goal of the pass is … An Kuang-Boulding! This is a 26-yard pass! An Kuang-Boulding! Boulding has formed a counter slot!”

“God! Bolding! Bolding!”

After the footsteps started, Logan knew that Lu Ke’s layout was correct, as always-

With the landing kick-off slogan, the right wing of the entire offensive group clamoured, and the receiving and defensive players began to cross.

The outside Jean dashed straight forward, but the cornerback Dominique gave up directly, allowing Jean to advance towards the deep area without any obstacles, and then aligned with the security guard Adams; the inner Logan took a small **** Dashing forward from the line, you can see that outside guard Travison and cornerback Dominique both rushed towards themselves, especially when Lu Ke is moving laterally towards this side, Dominique is even more nervous. Sprint at full speed.

Logan Newman, the number one catcher for the San Francisco 49ers, the receiver of the “Wan Fu Mary” at the last moment of the Super Bowl last year, and Lu Ke ’s most trusted passing goal. At the critical moment, Lu Ke ’s connection with Logan The line has created countless miracles, which also makes Logan the number one defensive goal.

Although Logan didn’t expect the two players to defend themselves, Lu Ke obviously smelled offensive, and this time the pass attack also changed.

Logan is one of the most typical chess pieces: forward, forward, stop, and back. The entire running route is completely pulled up with fake and real, cruising near the first conversion line, forcing Dominic and Travison to both Had to adjust the center of gravity step by step, then Lu Ke passed the ball.


A brown-red streamline slipped across the sky like this, flying like a eagle flying into the sky, crossing Logan, crossing Dominica and Travison, and running towards the midfield line, Just like the thunder, the mighty air wave came like this.

Long sword, unsheathed!

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