King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1823 - Thunder

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At this moment, Lu Ke’s mind was clear and he entered a pure state of ecstasy:

The white and red, green and black around the line of sight are all mixed together, becoming a hazy and fuzzy air wave, like a tornado, roaring through the majestic wind, the sound of the wind is mixed with the shout, and the sweat is mixed. The blood was turbulent under the nose, the whole world shattered into countless pieces, bumped and mixed with each other, and then reduced to a complete chaos!

But the extreme of chaos coagulated into a kind of stagnation. The beating of the heart’s instantaneous contraction and instantaneous release was slowed by hundreds of times. The thinning of blood and the bloom of epinephrine made the body’s reaction speed increased countless times, and then a The illusion of the cessation of time is all under control.

Forward! Step forward! brake! Tiptoe! pause!

Lu Ke’s body was completely tight, but because of the fast forward speed, he could not control it completely, so that the body continued to advance and led the feet that refused to advance to stand up, and finally stood up like a ballet actress, tight Stretched muscles are on the verge of bursting due to excessive force. The control of power is spread over every muscle of the body, even the fingertips and toes, and the speed and time stop at the footsteps.


Bronner wiped off like a hurricane from a half step close to his eyes, and even felt a violent burning on the surface of the skin, but Bronner’s struggle still failed to achieve results. Looking at the position of the two from close to staggered to farther away, they finally lost their center of gravity completely. With a whine, Lu Ke was thrown out from the tip of Bronner’s eyes.


Lu Ke’s muscles were relieved of tension, and the continuous burst of power pulled the body along with its inertia and gravity.

Second effort!

Start again!

Staggering in the footsteps, Lu Ke completed the control with only two kicks on the ground, bursting out his speed with continuous stride force.

nothing left!

But without waiting for Lu Ke to continue to make progress, or wait for Lu Ke to reach the end zone, the security guard Patrick Zhong had just rammed forward like a copper wall and iron wall.

Patrick Chung, who was already defending Steve Johnson, sprinted forward with full force for the first time. It can be clearly captured that he deliberately bent his knees and lowered his center of gravity. He was not prepared to grapple with Lu Ke, but prepared to use a rhinoceros collision. Put down Lu Ke directly, strangle this wave of advancement!

Boom Boom Boom!

Boom Boom Boom!

Patrick-Zhong’s forward momentum is very fierce, because it is too fast and too cruel, and set off a wave of waves, sprinting with a roaring sound; at the same time, Lu Ke’s footsteps and speed after dodge Bronner It has not completely stabilized, just crossed the five yard line, and the frontal rhino collision has already struck. This makes Lu Ke fall into an absolute downwind, as if the plane crashed and accelerated towards the ground:

Knowing the danger, they can no longer control it.

How to do?

tread. Tread. Not only did Lu Ke not continue to increase the speed, but to control the pace slightly, instead of slowing down, but maintaining a uniform speed, to ensure that the footsteps and body can be maintained in a relatively stable state, and have not been completely adjusted, Patrick-Chung has already hit head-on come.

“Danger! God! Danger! Collision! Frontal collision! Patrick Bell! Strong collision! Collision! Collision is coming!”

The entire studio and the entire stadium have been frightened to hold their breath. The alarm sounds continuously and resounds between the world and the world, but Lu Ke has remained absolutely calm! His pupils contracted slightly, and he could even clearly capture the expression of Patrick Bell hidden behind the helmet!

Guard the ball! Turn around! Clash!

In a panic, Lu Ke chose to protect the rugby with his hands and made a clockwise turn movement-since there is no time to dodge and no room to adjust, then it is better to rush forward and face it calmly; but Lu Ke does not Ready to catch the hand, but chose to use the back to withstand the impact!


The speed and power are more fierce than imagined, Lu Ke did not have time to complete the turn, just made a sideways, Patrick-Chung has rushed over, the shocking power of the rushing waves immediately swallowed Lu Ke, unreasonably direct Lu Ke crashed out.


All the internal organs can clearly feel that the powerful crushing force is stirring and stirring. Lu Ke ’s foot balance has been completely destroyed, but fortunately, he prepared for half a step in advance and came back to meet the impact. This is undoubtedly a The right choice, which forced Lu Ke ’s footsteps to retreat, was still able to use the power of Patrick-Chung to complete a clockwise turn-although the turn turned into a circle, but a small 360 degrees circle After that, Lu Ke still walked around, faced the end zone again, and got rid of Patrick-Chung’s card position!

After Patrick-Chung vented all his strength, he kept shaking his arms and teetering, but there was no possibility of a second effort. He could only watch the landing and watched the landing step just one step away from his left. -The speed of adjustment is no different from that of a classic car in his eyes. He can easily complete the grapple at any time in the usual time; but … he can’t do it at this time.

Damn it!

Continuously throwing away Bronner and Patrick-Chung, Lu Ke ’s strength has bottomed out, and the entire body ’s muscles are not being heeded. He can hardly lift up the weight of the footsteps. The lactic acid that bursts and bursts is like a lead. Let the limbs continue to sink, just like the drowning person is trying to get rid of the shackles of water plants. The kind of hypoxic burning sensation and cold intrusion are eroding the brain, and then the light begins to extinguish little by little.

Kick the ground!

Kick the ground!

Kick the ground!

Lu Ke gritted her teeth, and her teeth were almost crushed. A stubborn force broke out again in the depths of her soul, and she could even hear a crackling crackle in her ears, and then her footsteps continued towards the end zone unrelentingly. Step on, one yard! One more code! Every step is consuming body energy, he is almost breathless, now there are two yards and three yards away, you can enter the end zone, but … far away.


Cornerback Levi’s and security guard Mike Cooper are rushing forward at full speed, and their speed is easily completed by Lu Ke. The short five yard distance seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye, fierce and unscrupulous towards the landing. Opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and the pungent **** breath came across the face.

That’s too late!

Lu Ke’s footsteps were too late to enter the end zone, but he never thought of giving up, but his feet were close together to release all the remaining power, a hard pedal, and then the whole person flew out like a torpedo at full speed. He, just like that, flew up!



The sound of hunting wind came from his ears, Lu Ke seemed to spread his wings, soaring in the wind, in the stormy waves, in the violent wind and rain, exhausted the last point of energy without fear, flying at full speed, and then flying His hands were stretched to the extreme, like a base stealing in baseball, a ray of vitality, a ray of sunshine, a ray of hope in the flames of the sword.


Then, the heavy gravity was pulled hard, and Lu Ke embraced the earth frankly and eagerly. The whole person held the football tightly and fell into the end zone in a curled state.


“Lu Ke! Lu Ke! Lu Ke is observing! Lu Ke is still observing! Lu Ke is holding the ball for too long! Lu Ke has failed to find a good opportunity in the three pass attempts! Lu Ke is still holding the ball Lu Ke! Lu Ke started to move! God! Lu Ke chose to hold the ball himself! “

“Lu Ke!”

“Lu Ke ran away with the ball! Lu Ke! Ten yard line! Browner is making a defense! God! Ballet step! Lu Ke completed a wonderful body control with an emergency brake! Browner just wiped from Lu Ke In the past, there was no collision and no grapple! “

“Lu Ke! Lu Ke’s wonderful performance makes people lose their language! Lu Ke is moving forward again! Lu Ke is speeding up! Bell! God! Danger! Bell is crashing! Frontal collision! God, frontal collision! Danger! Danger! Lu Ke! Bump! Wow! Beautiful! Turn around! Lu Ke finished turning around! “


“Lu Ke! Lu Ke unloaded the collision force with a turn! Lu Ke! Lu Ke’s advancement can be continued! Five yard line! Lu Ke has entered within five yards! Lu Ke! Jump! Leap! Lu Ke! Lu Ke entered the end zone! God! God! God! Touchdown! Lu Ke completed the touchdown! “


“Incredible! This is really really incredible! Touchdown! Touchdown! San Francisco 49ers completed the touchdown! At the last minute of the game! San Francisco 49ers completed the touchdown again! Completed the touchdown for the team It ’s Lu Ke! San Francisco ’s 14th quarterback Lu Ke! Can you imagine? Can you imagine! Lu Ke ran the ball with a 13-yard ground to complete the touchdown! They made the game back again balance of power!”

“Overtime! As long as the San Francisco 49ers can score additional points, we will witness overtime!”


“Jesus Christ! This is incredible! Lu Ke showed a great heart at the last moment! With a ground ball rushed to completely break everyone’s prediction! Unbelievably flashed Bronner and Zhong’s Crash the grapple and finally enter the end zone with a textbook-level dive to complete the touchdown! No controversy! There is absolutely no controversy! Once again, Lu Ke pulled the team back from the cliff with his own strength ! “

“The game continues!”

“Can you believe it? Everyone thought the game was over, but the San Francisco 49ers brought back the suspense of the game with a steal and a running touchdown! This is the San Francisco 49ers! This That is the team that reached the top with a perfect season! It is also the team that has won consecutive victories and cannot stand on the decisive stage! As long as Lu Ke still stands on the court, this team can never be underestimated! “

“Wait, what? What! Hubble is crazy! Hubble is crazy! Two points! The 49ers in San Francisco chose two additional points! They don’t pursue a draw! They are preparing for a lore match! God! Hubble is crazy!”

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