King of the Bay Area

Chapter 187 - Chatting

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Lu Ke spread his hands innocently, expressing his innocence.

He thought that Brian was a senior reporter and worked in the “San Francisco Chronicle”. Even if he was not a traitor, he should at least be alert. Who knows, a simple joke, Brian fell into the ditch.

Jiang Youning smiled dumbly and turned into the kitchen to prepare a drink for the guests; Lu Zhengze, who stayed in place, took the conversation and said with a smile, “Since he was a child, he is a man who can talk and speak. When he first came to the United States, he knew the English words. A few, he also ran out to chat with other children. “

He was chatting in the mouth, and Lu Zhengzhi skillfully guided Brian to take a seat in the lobby. “At that time, we said that after growing up, he must be suitable for a profession such as a reporter or a lawyer. Now, he suddenly became a professional player, I I deeply feel that the dressing room should be very lively, I do n’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. “

“I regret it. Can today’s interview be terminated now? Before more breaking news comes out, I need to maintain a positive image of the players.” Lu Kexin’s hand-in-hand interjection once again made the atmosphere happy, Brian this time Finally reacted, and could not help but laugh out loud.

“Lu Ke University’s major is …” In just two short conversations, Brian caught the news point and cut in.

“News.” Lu Zhengzheng answered.

Brian suddenly realized that he had noticed during the previous investigation. But to be honest, most of the college majors of professional athletes are just a display, and have no effect at all. Therefore, Brian forgot to read it, and did not pay attention, until today. “So, he chose to be a professional player. Have you ever objected? For most parents, professional players are not a positive choice.”

After all, the elimination rate of competitive sports is really too high.

“Of course. Anne and I … Oh, sorry, my negligence, I am Jack, and Anne is Lu Ke’s mother.” Lu Zhengzheng only thought of it at this time and started to introduce himself.

Brian also completed his self-introduction, and then asked curiously, “I am more curious about your Chinese name. I noticed that Lu Ke did not use the English name, but you did.”

“Actually, Lu Ke has an English name.” Lu Zhengzheng said, and then he saw Lu Ke’s annoyed expression on his face, which made Lu Zhengzhen laugh, but he had no intention of saving face for his son. At that time, in order to adapt to the life here, we also gave him the English name, called Andrew. But … “

Brian turned his head and looked at Lu Ke up and down. He smiled involuntarily and shook his head again and again, “No, he is not Andrew. Andrew can’t see Andrew’s shadow at all.” Continue to make up, Lu With the name of “Andrew”, killing the Quartet on the court, the vivid picture makes Brian laugh more joyfully.

“I think he is more suitable for Lu Ke (Luke).” The atmosphere was a little lighter and Brian’s words became smoother. “I don’t know if you are familiar with the movie” Star Wars “, the most important actor in it. It ’s called Luke Skywalker, which is a very special name. “

“His name is also meaningful in Chinese. Respectful, strict, and cautious.” Lu Zhengzheng explained, paused a little, “Sorry, you should not be interested in Chinese.”

Brian waved his hands again and again, “No, I’m very interested. What about the Chinese names of you and Annie?”

“Yes, my name is to explain the justice and the meaning of the law, which is in accordance with the etiquette, Lu Zhengzheng.” Lu Zhengzheng introduced, and found the pen and white paper under the coffee table, and wrote his Chinese name on it. “This is mine, this is Annie’s. Annie’s Chinese name is Jiang Youning.”

Lu Zhengzheng’s hard-written regular script is sturdy and chic.

“It means to be bright, upright, and steady.” Jiang Youning’s voice came from behind, with a tray in his hand and several cups placed on the coffee table. “Soda, are you sure? If necessary, there is still some beer at home. “

Bryan replied with a smile, “That’s fine. No problem.” Then picked up the camera he was leaning across. “Excuse me, can I take a picture? I mean, Jack’s font, I know Chinese characters have calligraphy, which I find very interesting. “

“As long as the copybook is aligned, there is no problem.” Lu Ke answered instead of his parents.

Interview from “San Francisco Chronicle”, but also from the team’s arrangement. Lu Ke knows that this is part of the professional player’s job, even if it is not today, sooner or later it will need to face it. What’s more, he is a journalist major, not only without exclusion, but also very familiar.

The problem is Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning. Both of them are ordinary office workers, not professional players, nor even public figures. They have no interest in exposing themselves; moreover, the potential problems that accompany them after exposure may disturb their daily lives–

The fan harassment before the regular season was only two weeks ago.

Therefore, after consultation, Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning agreed to the interview. As Lu Ke’s parents, they were originally part of Lu Ke’s life. However, the premise is that no photographs of any kind are accepted; it is just text interviews to protect the privacy of the two of them as much as possible.

Brian gestured an “OK” gesture and then added, “So, can you add Lu Ke’s Chinese name?”

Witnessing Lu Zhengzheng writing “Lu Ke” with his own eyes, Brian couldn’t help but sighed, “Wow, this is much more complicated than English, it looks like a painting.” That didn’t hide. With awe, Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning both smiled.

Brian lowered the shutter, and after taking the photo, he sat down again, “Where did we talk about? Yes, did you worry about Lu Ke’s choice? If I can, I think he will be an excellent reporter. . “

“Affirmative. As parents, worried about children, this is our responsibility.” Jiang Youning sat down beside Lu Zhengzheng and said actively, “But also, it is our responsibility to encourage children and support children. To be honest, for us to come Say, this is not an easy task, because competitive sports and professional players need to face too many risks, but Lu Ke proved to us that he knows what he is doing and he knows what he desires. So, we All that needs to be done is to stand behind him and give him support. “

Bryan captured the tenacity in Jiang Youning’s eyes, and the conflicting emotions of fragility and strength collided together, bursting out a tenacious light. At this moment, he seemed to understand the source of Lu Ke’s brave heart.

“Before the official start of the regular season, when the team announced that Lu Ke became the main quarterback, some irrational fans made crazy moves. At that time, did you feel afraid?” The reason why I visited Lu Ke’s home today was an exclusive interview. ; Rather than just a one-on-one interview with Lu Ke, Brian is hoping to understand Lu Ke’s parents’ ideas face to face.

Now, Lu Ke still faces the doubts and challenges of the fans. He needs more support and more motivation. So, after the interview started, Lu Ke, the protagonist, instead became a bystander.

“Oh, whether you believe it or not, as immigrants living in the United States, we have experienced far more than you think.” Lu Zhengze lightly wrote a sentence, but revealed too much information . “Compared to us, we are more worried about Lu Ke’s situation. Because he is the one who bears the anger of the fans; he is the one standing on the court.”

Speaking of which, Lu Zhengzheng felt the power from his left hand—Jiang Youning held Lu Zhengzheng’s left hand tightly, but the small movements revealed inner worry and tension.

“We also don’t know what the crazy fans will do.” Lu Zhengrui straightened his waist and said firmly, “But I hope these fans know that Lu Ke is working hard and he is paying more than expected He is trying to lead the team to victory, all the fans need is a little more patience and a little more support. After all, our goals are the same. “

The plain words are full of sincerity and sound.

Brian’s eyes also flickered slightly. Recalling my own report before the regular season, recalling the scenes of the past two weeks, this made Brian a little embarrassed, but soon disguised the past, “It is true. Two consecutive weeks of outstanding performance, Lu Ke brought us Here comes the victory. All the support, he deserves it. “

Brian turned his head to look at Lu Ke, with a smile, and expressed his support.

The following exclusive interviews gradually entered a better situation. Brian had a conversation with Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning, talked about Lu Ke ’s childhood anecdotes, talked about Lu Ke ’s football enlightenment, talked about the ups and downs during college, talked about the fallout of the draft conference, and talked about the past two weeks. The feeling, talked about the hard work of daily training, and also talked about the two couples’ knowledge and understanding of football …

And so on.

From the perspective of parents and families, re-examine Lu Ke step by step into the past of professional players. The entire conversation lasted about thirty minutes, and Brian had to admit that he looked at each other and opened his eyes.

The Lu Zhengzheng couple can still see the deep imprint of Chinese immigrants, but they are working hard to adapt to the immigrant life and make changes little by little. This also became the opportunity for Lu Ke to open his mind and integrate into life; then became the beginning of Lu Ke on the road to professional players.

Prejudice always exists, but it needs to be broken a little bit. Brian deeply believes that today is a perfect start. He already started to like Lu Ke. Maybe, Lu Ke could really become the head quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers.

After finishing some of the interviews with Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning, Brian turned his attention to the real protagonist today, Lu Ke, who has done wonders in the past two weeks.

“As a rookie, it was decided by the team that you were the starting quarterback in the first game of the regular season, and you have only ten days to prepare. How do you feel?”

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