King of the Bay Area

Chapter 189 - Supplementary questions

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The interview is over.

Brian started to pack his equipment, voice recorder, camera, notebook, etc., ready to leave.

Today’s interview is very smooth, and it can even be said to be even smoother than expected. Lu Ke ’s eloquence and humor impressed Bryan deeply—

Not a decisive quarterback on the court, nor a hero who completed the reversal in the first line of life, nor an athlete who was tough to fight back in the face of doubt, but a rookie who just graduated from college and entered the league at the beginning , With the vitality and vitality of young people, but also with the freshness and longing of the fresh people in the society.

If it were not for an interview, Brian would not know that the most precious part of Lu Ke ’s childhood memories was a red and white machine. When he emigrated, he followed him across the ocean to the Nintendo red and white machine in San Francisco.

In fact, Lu Ke was born in 1989. At this age, the red and white machines have gradually become obsolete, and children have more choices for games; and the red and white machines are more of Brian and the generations after Brian. childhood memory. This unexpected coincidence opened Brian’s horizons, and the two even played a round of Super Mary, a round of tank battle, and a round of Contra.

The games that almost disappeared in memory are the biggest pleasure in Lu Ke’s boring training life; at the same time, they also landed through the days of missing their hometown. Up to now, that old red and white machine is still very well protected. At the same time, Lu Ke still cherishes a variety of game cards.

“I collect them.” Lu Ke said so, with a bright smile on his face, “I often look for it online, and then auction to collect more games. If you encounter a rare collector’s game, this is for me It ’s not good news, all my pocket money is spent on it. Did you know? I used to get three months of newspapers and milk to buy a game card, and helped Mr. Robinson on the corner to trim the garden for a month . “

When recalling those years, Lu Ke’s eyes flashed a moving light. This is the most real him.

Involuntarily, Brian became extremely curious, “Can I watch your collection?”

“Next time. All collections are only open to true friends.” Lu Ke refused politely, but the subtext was: We are not friends. This little hint of playfulness, with a bit of slyness and sharpness, succeeded in making Brian laugh.

The private interview was full of surprises and fun. Brian really started to like Lu Ke.

The movement of packing up items paused for a moment, and Brian looked up and looked at Lu Ke. “In the beginning, I mean, when you first arrived in San Francisco, why did you choose rugby? Is it really because of your dream?”


This is an energetic and energetic answer, and it always makes people bloody, especially Lu Ke has now realized his dream and truly became the first Chinese player to be on the court in the league, which is even more legendary. If it is a report, it is definitely a good story.

“No, it’s not.” Lu Ke replied rightfully, but instead let Brian froze, and then saw Lu Ke said lightly, “To be honest, at the beginning, just to integrate into the local life. Language learning It takes a process to integrate with culture, but sports are simpler and more direct, and everything is done on the court. So I joined the rugby team and hope to adapt to life here quickly. “

Lu Ke has never been a character who has to slap and sit still. This was the case before, and it is the same now. Therefore, in the game, Lu Ke will never give up lightly, such a mental outlook and game temperament, you can see the traces of childhood.

“But … why is it rugby?” Brian did not expect Lu Ke’s answer at all, the fluent language stumbled instead.

“Basketball was my first choice, but there was no basketball at the school I transferred to.” Lu Ke told the truth.

Brian opened his mouth in surprise, “Is this all?”

“This is all.” Lu Ke gave an affirmative answer.

After looking at each other, Brian recovered, ridiculous and funny, and then laughed directly. Think about it for granted, but it is for granted.

Lu Ke is a Chinese. The spread and popularity of rugby in China is seriously lagging behind. Even in 2011, the market has still not been opened; not to mention the distant past. When Lu Ke emigrated to the United States, he saw Rugby is probably full of question marks. It is impossible to understand how this oval thing is played.

Against such a background, what about dreams?

The real dream is not the seeds that sprout at first; but gradually takes root and germinates in the process of participating, in the competition, and thriving, and finally becomes a big tree in the sky. Only then did Lu Ke today create the history of the alliance.

“So, if you choose now again, would you still choose rugby? Or … basketball?” Brian asked curiously, his eyes expressing enthusiasm.

Lu Ke shrugged, “Today? If I were today, I would still choose rugby. However, if the next game fails, I might change the answer.” The humorous humor made Brian laugh again and nodded again and again. , Expressed agreement.

After everything was packed, Brian stood up and went to the backyard to say goodbye to Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning; then, under the **** of Lu Ke, he left the house.

Standing on the porch, Brian gestured, “I know you still have training today, so I won’t bother you.”

This is Jiang Youning’s tone. As a rookie, even if there is no “Chinese” title, Lu Ke also needs to make more efforts. Every day, Lu Ke’s training is uninterrupted, and the official rest day is no exception. At this point, Brian was deeply shocked, and had made a decision in his heart, went to the University of California, Los Angeles, and conducted an in-depth interview.

“Wednesday, the team resumes training. Will you go to the training base?” Brian confirmed, and after getting a positive answer, “Then I will go directly to the training base and take some usable photos. Time, I will contact your press liaison department. “

“No problem. See you on Wednesday.” Lu Ke nodded and smiled.

Brian hurried down the stairs and turned to wave goodbye. Bright and bright sunlight penetrated the layers of treetops and fell down, outlining Lu Ke’s body outline, still slightly thin and still needing to continue to increase weight; the talents of explosiveness and muscular endurance are also difficult to compare with blacks It has the upper hand, but it is precisely this seemingly ordinary Chinese quarterback who is making history.

“Bambi.” Brian stood beside the street and said in a loud voice. Compared with Lu Ke, the nickname “Babi” always adds a touch of intimacy. “So many top quarterbacks in the league, which one do you want to be?”

Lu Ke froze for a moment, and laughed, “I guess, this interview will not end today, right?” Another joke made Brian laugh, but he did not look away, still Cast his gaze.

To be honest, Lu Ke never thought about this issue. During college, he did not have the qualification to think; during the alliance period, he had no room for thinking. But now, after achieving two victories, at the beginning of his career, Lu Ke began to think about this issue for the first time.

“I must admit that Peyton Manning is my most admired player. There is no doubt that he is my role model.” Lu Ke said frankly, the words paused for a moment here, and then the words changed, “But, I hope everyone wants to be a player like me. “

The strong self-confidence and ambitious goals revealed in the understatement are completely beyond Brian’s expectations. Today, such a situation seems to have happened so many times that the surprise is just a surge, and then it takes for granted.

Brian frowned and joked, “Are you sure you are a Chinese immigrant?”

On the whole, Asian culture advocates humility and low-key; in the stereotypes of people, Asian immigrants often lack confidence, even if they are praised, they ca n’t hold their chests openly, let alone be flamboyant and confident full. But obviously, Lu Ke is a different kind, not only self-confident, but even crazy.

However, looking back, if not alien, Lu Ke could not survive on the rugby field.

Lu Ke ignored it, but waved his right hand. “Goodbye! The interview is over! Today’s conversation is over, there are no additional questions! If you are still curious, either media day or re-appointment!” Ke revealed an obvious smirk, turned around, and returned to the room, closing the door neatly.

Brian smiled dumbly.

Everyone aspires to be the same player as Lu Ke? This is a great and arrogant goal, or even an unrealistic goal, frustrated.

However, the first Asian player in the league was unrealistic, but Lu Ke succeeded, and the work was done so beautifully; so … what else is impossible?

For the first time, Brian began to look forward faintly. Not only the future of the San Francisco 49ers, but also the future of Lu Ke. This long road finally set sail, so what kind of scenery will the destination be?

Just by portraying it in his mind, Brian was a little excited.

History is being written, and he is not only a witness, but also a participant. Ten years later, or thirty years later, can he write an autobiography titled “Brian Westbrook: Witnesses and Participants of the NFL League Records-League First Quarterback “Lu Ke Chuan”? Thinking of this, he started to boil blood.

Then, Brian took a brisk pace, walked towards his car, even hummed an unknown tune, and was in a good mood. This time, without hesitation or staying, I really walked away and ended today’s interview. I returned with satisfaction.

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