King of the Bay Area

Chapter 204 - Open possibility

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“Why, the Redskins’ test tested Lu Ke?” Kip asked curiously.

Vic interjected and said, “I am more curious about Cam-Newton’s test results than Lu Ke.”

During college, Came was ordered to drop out of school because he stole his classmates’ laptops. The whole league was clear about this matter. During the draft stage, it was rumored that the Carolina Panthers paid great attention to this, repeatedly asking about the ins and outs of the matter, and even once considered not using the top pick to select Cam.

“Kam did not participate in the interview with the Redskins. The Redskins knew that they could not select Kam, so the target was on other quarterbacks.” Kip explained that everyone nodded.

Craig also finally responded and joined the topic, “Lu Ke has always been a diligent and dedicated player during high school and college, and no problems occurred outside the court.”

In order to become a qualified rugby player, Lu Ke made countless efforts during college, and even as a sparring, he did not relax at all. The Brown Bears coach Rick New Hesse praised Lu Ke; not only that, but outside the field In addition, Lu Ke’s university achievements are also very good, impressive.

But Craig still asked, “Lu Ke passed the test, right?”

“Guess how Lu Ke did it?” Jim’s face appeared proud, and deliberately created suspense, lifting everyone’s appetite.

“Please, Jim, we don’t have time to joke right now.” Craig rolled his eyes silently and slapped his watch. “Tick and tick, the media reporter is coming.”

Jim shrugged, expressing his frustration at Craig ’s boredom, but he did n’t continue to toss about it any longer. “Lu Ke took the initiative to submit an envelope and gave it to the Redskins. There is also a note. “Then, after a short pause, one second, two seconds, when I saw the impatience and irritability in everyone’s eyes, I finished the following words,” The note says: Wait for me to help you win the Super Bowl before giving it to me. “

The coaches looked at each other, exchanged their gazes, and then the sighing words burst out, “Damn!” “Damn!” “Grass!”

Craig also put his hands in his hips and thought about it for a moment, but he couldn’t help but shook his head again and again, “So, what does this mean?”

“This means that his desire and perseverance for victory, his faith and firmness in the game, his planning and belief in his career. It is far better than we thought.” Jim’s eyes smiled, Without concealing his pride and satisfaction, he raised his right hand, clenched his fists, and waved gently. “He led us to victory in two games. We have no reason not to look forward to the third game.”

In competitive sports, there is nothing that cannot be solved by a victory; if one cannot be solved, then two or three games. The victory in the regular season for two consecutive weeks can be said to be luck, coincidence, strength, but it is undeniable that this has won enough chips for Lu Ke, and it has also become the key to Lu Ke ’s continued starting. key.

After the second week of the regular season, Jim’s first question was: Alex Smith or Lu Ke.

As the team’s head coach, Jim has never waited for his personality, but took the initiative to attack, respectively called several scouts and repeatedly asked Lu Ke’s performance at the rookie training camp. Washington Redskins news, that was a windfall.

Unexpectedly, Jim learned. In the draft conference, Washington Redskins almost chose Lu Ke, taking the 152nd pick in the fifth round. But in the end, the team completed a series of transactions, exchanged signings with the Indianapolis Colts and Houston Texans, and then exchanged signings with the New Orleans Saints. Hesitantly, they gave up Lu Ke.

In the end, this year, the Washington Redskins did not choose a quarterback above the draft and continued to use Rex Grossman as the starting quarterback.

After the start of the new season, Lu Ke’s outstanding performance has become a major phenomenon in the league; however, Washington Redskins is on the wrist, but it is not too regrettable. Under the leadership of Rex, they also achieved two consecutive victories in the season. Opening door. Therefore, in a relaxed state of mind, some people inquired about Lu Ke’s news, and they did not hide themselves, and generously shared the anecdotes behind the scenes.

For the Redskins, this is a regrettable miss; for 49 people, this is a lucky encounter.

Before today, Jim actually had a decision in his heart.

“But what about the locker room?” Kip still expressed his worries. The situation this morning looked extremely bad.

Jim paused on his chest in one breath and seemed to be deep in thought. This is really not his area of ​​expertise, but without continuous hesitation and hesitation, he shrugged. “This week, Alex needs a little more time to recover , Re-adapt to the rhythm of the field; next week, we will take a look at the status of Alex and Lu Ke through daily training, who is better, and then decide to start. “

Simply put, sports are still solved through sports. It’s not an intrigue, it’s not a conspiracy, everything is settled on the court. Meet the narrow road, the brave win.

Competition will never disappear, and there is only one best way to win the competition: absolute strength.

Two victories are extremely rare; but, after all, they are not a Super Bowl.

As a rookie, Lu Ke still has a very long journey to go on the road of self-certification, not only the start of the third game, but also the start of every game for the rest of the season. The reverse is also the same reason. When selecting Alex as the starting quarterback, he must also face Lu Ke’s continuous challenge.

“If necessary, Colin Kapnick can also join the competition, if he can pass the concussion test.” After confirming the idea, Jim opened up all the possibilities, and his mind was very relaxed. It should be our starting quarterback. Then go back to the original track and see how things are going. “

Without doing two, endlessly, Jim completely opened up the competition of the quarterback position. The three players have their own pros and cons. In the competition, they must constantly improve their status and ability to continue in the starting position, otherwise The two players who are eyeing each other will be successful.

In this way, a virtuous circle is truly formed, which can become the motivation for the quarterbacks to spur themselves. At the same time, it can also activate the team atmosphere and truly speak with strength, so that those disputes and differences are closed. As a matter of fact, for the San Francisco 49ers who are still waiting to be promoted, for the San Francisco 49ers whose team is still in the integration stage, this is not a bad thing.

“Alix Smith VS Lu Ke VS Colin Kapnik”, a decisive duel on the court, selected the starting quarterback, simple and rude, straightforward and neat. All locker room contradictions and arguments are completely eliminated, the winner is king, the loser is … substitute. All conflicts are closed.

Of course, benign competition is the most ideal state; it is unknown whether accidents will occur during actual operation. This is not the best solution, but it is indeed a feasible solution.

Craig looked at Kip, Vick and others, and exchanged his gaze. Then the other coaching staff members also exchanged their eyes, raising their eyebrows, jaws, shrugging, and spreading their hands. Affirmed, and agreed.

Then everyone ridiculed, “This is the fairest”, “Next week’s training has a good show”, “Why do I feel a little excited”, “Now I am more curious, this week the game will be What results “…

The chatter of chatter revived the atmosphere of the locker room; the contradiction in the locker room also temporarily found a way out.

The 2011 season, the third week of the regular season, the starting quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers was officially confirmed, it is still Lu Ke!

In the subsequent training, Jim announced the decision of the coaching staff for the first time, and then Kip also had a one-to-one communication with Alex, and informed the plan for the next week, hoping that Alex would not rush. A week of steady and steady return to daily training to prepare for next week’s team competition.

Soon, the whole team knew about the quarterback competition in the fourth week. All disputes and controversies have come to an end temporarily, even Pares is no exception. Temporarily put aside their differences, refocused their minds, invested in regular training, and started preparing for the third week of the game.

In the subsequent official media interview, the reporters immediately asked about the starting quarterback dispute, and Jim chose the answer simply and clearly, “This week, Lu Ke will still be our starting quarterback. Eric Sri Lanka has just returned from his injury and had a recovery training last week. This week he has invested in ball training. We also need to observe the recovery of the injury. Therefore, in the third week of the game, our starting quarterback is still Lu Ke. “

“What about next week?” The reporters were still reluctant to let go of the news and clenched.

Jim is not good at dealing with the media, nor does he like to deal with the media, but the basic rules are still understood, “The next week is left to the next week. Now, the team must focus on the opponents of the third week. We also There are a lot of things to prepare, and you must not take it lightly. Cincinnati Tigers, this is not an opponent to be underestimated. “

Simple words, but effective enough. Even if the reporters want to continue to investigate and dig, the words are enough to dispel their intentions; but for the reporters, there is no breakthrough point, there is another.

“This week’s game against the Cincinnati Tigers, may I ask, Lu Ke, what do you think?” Jim had no focus, so the reporters locked their eyes on Lu Ke.

But this time, they were destined to be disappointed.

“For rookie players, every week of the game must be taken seriously, and every opponent must be treated equally. I do n’t have any ideas, I just want to focus on preparing for the battle, and then look forward to continuing the momentum of victory.” Lu Ke replied, It’s perfect.

But how can the media be willing to give up?

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