King of the Bay Area

Chapter 249 - Work call

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After completing the signature, Lu Zhengze also replaced the jersey; then, Lu Ke also signed his name on the back of his jersey as required. Looking at the satisfied father and mother, Lu Ke couldn’t help but smile a big smile. .

Just three weeks into the league, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes and has begun to penetrate all aspects of life, making people clearly feel the difference between competitive sports and professional leagues. Or, to be more precise, after three wins as the starting quarterback, everything started to change.

“Zhizizi”, the mobile phone in the backpack began to vibrate, interrupting Lu Ke’s thinking, putting the backpack on the back of the sofa, turning over to find the mobile phone, the other party still waiting tirelessly, Lu Ke answered the phone in time , “Here is Lu Ke.”

“Lu Ke, here is Lech.” The strange voice came from the other end of the phone. Lu Ke was still familiar with this change, Lech-Steinberg, his agent.

It only took twenty-four hours for the two people to complete the agency contract. Lu Ke has not yet adapted to the situation of having a broker. The words paused for a moment, and the other end of the phone seemed to understand Lu Ke’s hesitation and chuckled, “Your agent, we have completed the signing, should you not forget it?”

“Hah, I remember now.” Lu Ke also joked, “What’s wrong, are you going to regret it?”

“I hope you won’t make me regret it.” Lech also joked with him, but clicked on, and then continued, “I’m in the St. Francis Hotel in Union Square, do you know where?”

“Yes.” Union Square, this is the center of San Francisco, Lu Ke is naturally familiar with it.

“Very good, how much time do you need to come over now?” Without a preface and a foreword, Lehre cut into the subject with great vigour. This was the first time he showed the style of doing business in public in front of Lu Ke.

“Twenty to twenty-five minutes.” Lu Ke didn’t whisper, immediately entered the rhythm mode of work, and simply replied, “But, I just finished training and now wear training uniforms.” By the way, Lu Ke I also explained it.

The St. Francis Hotel is one of the most famous hotels in San Francisco, with a landmark meaning. Although it is said that they open the door and entertain all guests; but casually dressed guests entering it will inevitably need to undergo certain cross-examination to explain the situation.

“Okay, I will give you forty minutes.” Leh also did not excuse and hesitate, and decided to make a clean decision. “You organize yourself, then change a suit, try to choose the clothes you usually wear in private. After the hotel, find the lobby manager, report my name, and then report your name, they will guide you up. “

After the explanation, there was no more nonsense, and Lech hung up the phone directly.

Without a head and a tail, simply decisive. Such a Lech is a far cry from the amiable old man who met twice before. Lu Ke couldn’t help raising his eyebrows lightly, too late to think about what was going on, greeted his parents, and went upstairs to take a shower.

Before and after, about ten minutes or so, Lu Ke completed the preparations for going out, and once again explained to Lu Zhengzheng, and took the car key and drove away with great enthusiasm.

Union Square is one of San Francisco ’s most famous landmarks. Although it is called a square, it actually occupies a very small area, only about one hectare, and the square itself has no characteristics, just planted some flowers, palms and purple shirts.

However, it is the center of the entire city, surrounded by many department stores, high-end boutiques, tourist merchandise stores, art galleries, theaters and high-end restaurants; and the famous clang cars, both lines are bound to be After passing here, everything makes Union Square a well-deserved business center in the city.

Every winter, a tall Christmas tree will be erected on the square, facing Macy’s on the other side of the street, and then the square will be converted into an ice rink, turning it into one of the most suitable occasions for the whole family to play on holidays.

In the past, when Lu Ke worked part-time, Union Square was the most active area. It was here that I met Candice ’s reunion.

This is not the peak period of commuting, Lu Ke arrived at Union Square along the way. Since this is a busy shopping street, parking is undoubtedly the most troublesome thing. Lu Ke lightly drove to the underground parking lot under Union Square. This is a paid parking lot. Relatively speaking, there will be more parking spaces.

Sure enough, the parking space was successfully found. After the parking was completed, he walked towards the St. Francis Hotel beside the square with his feet.

The St. Francis Hotel, now part of Westin, is one of the most famous hotels in San Francisco. Not because of its luxury, this is just a four-star hotel; but because of its history, it has witnessed the architecture of the American Civil War, and it is undoubtedly one of the city ’s most valuable assets. Superstar, and also become the object of many movies.

In the small bar in the hotel lobby, “Compass Rose”, this is undoubtedly one of the best choices for afternoon tea, serving champagne, caviar and premium vodka, etc., and live music in the evening. On the way to shopping, it is a good place to comfort your tired legs, or enjoy the leisure time in the afternoon.

There is also a bookstore and flower shop beside it, which is even more icing on the cake.

Entering the hotel lobby, Lu Ke did not make a detour, and walked straight to the lobby manager. “Good afternoon, I made a special trip to find Mr. Lech-Steinberg.”

“Excuse me …” Rose-Grey, the hotel lobby manager, looked up, but the words were not finished, and she didn’t wait for the other party to answer. Her eyes lightened slightly, “You are a bambi “After she finished, she shook her head with a smile,” No, I mean, you are Lu Ke! “

At this time, instead, Lu Ke was caught off guard. The words turned around at the tip of his tongue. He smiled broadly and nodded. “Yes, I am Lu Ke.”

“I must say that this week’s game was beautifully done! Several offensive options were exceptionally good.” Ruth frowned, struggling to lower her voice, but still unable to conceal the true identity of fanatic fans.

“Thank you, I’m doing my best.” Lu Ke laughed lightly, then glanced at the other party’s nameplate, “Uh, Ruth? I came to visit Mr. Lech-Steinberg.”

This is outside the stadium. Lu Ke met real fans for the first time. The opponent not only recognized himself, but also knew the game quite well, which was really rare. After three consecutive victories, the “first time” that appears is a bit much, and Lu Ke is working hard to adapt to these new changes.

If time permits, Lu Ke is very willing to stop and discuss the game that has just ended with the other party; but today’s situation is not allowed. At this time, there is work and he must leave.

“Oh, yes, yes.” Ruth reacted and nodded. “Sorry, please forgive my gaffe.” Ruth immediately resumed her professional posture. “Mr. Steinberg waited in room 2501 This is the room key. After a while, you can just follow the doorman. ”Ruth placed the door key on the counter, and then snapped a finger to summon the doorman and whispered.

After finishing the work, Ruth hesitated for a moment, and seemed to clenched her fist secretly, cheering herself up, “Sorry, can you delay you for ten seconds, I know this is very rude, but … Could you please sign me? “Ruth realized that he was so unprofessional–

As the lobby manager of the St. Francis Hotel, they entertain countless top stars every year, while maintaining a professional attitude, don’t be rude and rude, this is basic professional preparation.

Only when the words were spoken, Ruth could not help biting the tip of her tongue, expressing annoyance. She is a fan of 49 people in San Francisco. She is an avid fan. She has loved this team since she was four years old. She is definitely a well-deserved die-hard fan. On Lu Ke, she saw hope, and more importantly, she liked Lu Ke ’s Game temperament.

Today this is a little abnormal.

“Of course there is no problem.” Lu Ke paused a little, showing a friendly smile. This is at least what he can do. “Excuse me, where do I want to sign?”

“Here! Here!” Ruth quickly pulled out her business card, and then pulled out the signature pen from the jacket suit pocket, handed it over, watched Landing completed the signature quickly, and then pushed the business card and signature pen back , Ruth showed a bright smile, “Thank you, thank you sincerely. Hope that the game will be all right next week!”

“The person who expressed thanks should be me.” Lu Ke said with a smile, turned around, and walked towards the elevator under the guidance of the doorman.

At this time, Ruth looked down and looked at the back of the business card in her hand, which said, “To my dear Ruth, thank you for your support, this is my motivation to continue. Lu Ke.” A simple sentence, but Light up Ruth’s whole day.

The elevator was a bit old and slowly climbed to the 25th floor. Under the leadership of the doorman, he came to Room 2501, knocked on the door, and Lu Ke paid a 20-dollar tip to the doorman, and the door opened. Then, Leh’s figure appeared in front of him, and a light smile appeared on his face.

Because Lu Ke arrived earlier than the scheduled time, punctuality is a very important quality.

“Come in.” Lech sent an invitation. Lu Ke walked straight in and saw at least three figures in the hall, one standing and two sitting on the sofa.

Seeing Lu Ke’s figure, the standing woman came up with a smile, “Nice to meet you, Lu Ke.”

Lu Ke held the other person’s right hand politely, “My honor.” But the other party didn’t introduce himself, and the following Leh didn’t seem to have any intention to introduce it. When Lu Ke was preparing to be self-sufficient, he sat on the sofa. The two men in suits stood up, and one of the middle-aged men with a neatly trimmed beard said kindly, “You are younger than I thought.”

Lu Ke smiled, “Asian people are young in your eyes.”

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