King of the Bay Area

Chapter 262 - Hot focus

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“The San Francisco 49ers continue to start the quarterback selection: Lu Ke!”

“Alix-Smith returned from injury and became a watcher as a substitute.”

“The Chinese quarterback will continue to lead the 49ers offensive team in San Francisco.”

“San Francisco 49ers start the quarterback battle: Lu Ke wins!”

“The fourteenth will continue to write miracles and lead the team to play.”

“The second Kurt Warner? Or the second Tony Romo? Lu Ke moves forward in the dispute.”

“The unsuccessful rookie stands out, and the NFL-style Cinderella fairy tale still doesn’t end.”

“Conservative or risky? Jim Hubble made the boldest choice since he took office.”

“Trent Balke, manager of the San Francisco 49ers: I support Jim’s decision.”

“The continuation of the magical journey still reveals the true character of the rookie. The 49 people in San Francisco chose No. 14 among the concerns and disputes.”

Outside the number, outside the number, or outside the number, all the media focused on the 49 people in San Francisco.

Every week of the regular season, the focus is countless, about the game of the past week, about the game of the next week, about the game on the game, about the game, the topic is constant.

For example, the Indianapolis Colts lost again, and after missing Payton Manning, they seemed to be in a bottomless abyss; for another example, Houston Texans quarterback Matt-Schaub ) Accused the opponent of the last game, the New Orleans Saints, used destructive surprise tactics in the defense, maliciously attacking themselves, on the other hand, the Saints expressed denial, the two sides fought.

Among the countless hot topics, the 49 people in San Francisco are undoubtedly the core focus of much attention. Losing the rookie plus the Chinese quarterback and the three-game winning streak, a single factor is enough to make the media dance, not to mention that all the factors are superimposed, it is Christmas for reporters.

In the face of the 2005 draft pick Alex Smith and this year’s second-round pick Colin Kapnick, the coaching staff led by Jim Hubble finally chose Lu Ke. This news undoubtedly detonated all the discussions upsurge.

There are people who support it. They think that the victory in the three games has proved Lu Ke ’s ability. It is a natural choice for him to continue to lead the team forward; after all, what Alex did not do, Lu Ke did .

There are people who oppose it. The lack of game experience and the fluctuation of rookie players are the reasons for giving up Lu Ke to choose Alex. Lu Ke is just a transitional quarterback, and Alex is also the team ’s future. On Colin Kapnik.

There are people on the sidelines, either waiting to read jokes or looking forward to writing history, no matter what kind of ending, this is a gimmicky news theme, which can become their chat after dinner, see the lively, chattering, small days Very beautiful.

Among the many bustling discussions, Lu Ke, who was born out of nowhere, became a very interesting topic for reporters at the press conferences of 31 other teams.

For example, the New Orleans Saints, in the draft, they have been infinitely close to Lu Ke, the team’s quarterback coach Joe Lombardi has never concealed his appreciation of Lu Ke. It is a good choice to choose Lu Ke in a low round and let him serve as the substitute for Drew Brice.

Unfortunately, they missed it; so, do they regret it now?

“I think this is a paradox.” In an interview, Joe Lombardi expressed his opinion generously. “If Lu Ke comes to the Saints, he can only serve as a substitute for Bruce. Then three or five years later, What is his ability and strength, this is an unknown; to 49 people, Lu Ke has won his own performance opportunities, and also won the attention of everyone. So, this is a question destined to have no answer. However, I am really happy for Lu Ke, he is indeed an excellent player. “

Another example is the Washington Redskins, first of all the interest of the draft conference, and then the off-season trial training, they have missed Lu Ke twice. However, their current record is two wins and one loss, it seems that there is no problem at all, and naturally will not regret it.

The team coach Mike Shanahan simply replied, “No, I don’t regret it. We are in a good position now, we are full of confidence, everything is fine. We don’t need to worry about the quarterback, nor Will not covet the quarterbacks of other teams. “

Among these countless topics, the St. Louis Rams are suffering.

As the San Francisco 49ers’ opponent in the same district, the St. Louis Rams have been in a very bad situation in recent years. In the sixteen regular season games of 2009, they only won one victory. After harvesting the No. 1 pick, they selected four of the University of Oklahoma. The point guard Sam Bradford (Sam-Bradford) put all his hopes on the 2008 Heisman Prize winner.

In the 2010 season, Bradford immediately became the starting quarterback of the Rams. Under the expectation, his performance can not be said to be bad, only to say that there are ups and downs, like all rookies, the performance is still not Too stable, they ended with a record of seven wins and nine losses. By the way, last year they played against the San Francisco 49ers in the same district. The two won and lost, and each won at home.

Then came this year’s season. After hesitating, the St. Louis Rams chose to trust Bradford to give the rookie quarterback more time to grow. Therefore, they didn’t pick a quarterback at the draft conference, and then in the trial camp, they wanted to pick a backup quarterback for Bradford.

In the test camp, Lu Ke’s performance was really good. He followed the Rams for two weeks. But in the end, the team gave up Lu Ke because of Lu Ke’s rookie status; instead, he chose a veteran, Kellen-Clemens, who entered the league in 2006.

They missed Lu Ke.

In the preseason, the Rams achieved an impressive record of four victories. After Bradford entered the second grade, it was even more highly anticipated; but the regular season began, the Rams ushered in a nightmare, Affected by the sprained ankle, Bradford’s performance plummeted. In the past three games, he only scored two passes.

The St. Louis Rams started with a three-game losing streak.

Now everyone is discussing, if the Rams chose Lu Ke as a substitute during the trial training, what will happen to the Rams?

In this regard, the Rams coaching staff uniformly spoke uniformly and refused to answer, “We will not answer hypothetical questions, which makes no sense. I can only say that during the preseason, everything is perfect, everything is implied. We will have an excellent season; but the sudden injury has affected our plan. We can only continue to look forward now, and look forward to bottoming out afterwards. “

The San Francisco 49ers made an official choice, with Lu Kelai as the starting quarterback; so, those teams who missed Lu Ke above the draft, those who missed Lu Ke during the offseason trial, almost Everyone was wondering: Why did they miss this quarterback?

Like Tom Brady’s strong rise, the entire league is asking: What did Bill Bilicek see, but what did they not see? Why Bill Bilicek chose Tom Brady, and the 198 previous draft choices were missed-Brady was the 169th pick in the sixth round.

Even now, in fact, the alliance repeatedly asks the same stalk; today, this stalk comes to Lu Ke.

However, Lu Ke only achieved three consecutive victories, not the Super Bowl three consecutive championships.

Therefore, they are still discussing whether Lu Ke is yet another Tony Romo-lost rookie to become the starting quarterback, breaking out of the world, but unfortunately has not been able to win the Super Bowl; or another Kurt Warner- -After the unknown **** was born, he achieved fame. Even if he could not be ranked in the Hall of Fame, he also left a strong stroke in the history of the league.

A decision by Jim Hubble caused a thousand waves in the entire league.

After all, compared to Tom Brady, Tony Romo, Kurt Warner, Lu Ke has an unparalleled unique advantage: he is a Chinese quarterback.

So, from the east coast to the west coast, from newspapers and magazines to TV shows, from professional sports media to entertainment gossip tabloids, it seems everyone has joined the discussion.

In a trance, everyone heard that a Chinese quarterback appeared on the NFL field-unlike Wang Kai last year, this time it really entered the mainstream sight, many people thought that Lu Ke was The first pure Asian player in league history, but also a quarterback.

For the first time, the name “Lu Ke” broke away from the rugby field and began to spread in other fields. The reason is simple. In the direct internal competition, Lu Ketang defeated Alex Smith squarely and became the starting quarterback. It was not a cause of injury or a firefighter, but a pure strength competition.

However, what is unexpected and reasonable is that the nickname people understand is not “Ban Bi” or “Lu Ke” in Chinese, but “Luke Skywalker”-“Star Wars” originally It is an irreplaceable part of American culture. The name “Luke” is more representative. Just look at the news headline of the entertainment magazine “Vanity Fair”:

“Skywalker on the football field, the first Chinese quarterback in history to shine–

49 people in San Francisco are writing a new NFL record. “

In the article, Vanity Fair described Lu Ke as Joe Montana ’s successor, on the one hand because they are all affiliated with the San Francisco 49ers. For non-fans, the connection from the same team is crucial On the other hand, it is because both players are thin and weak; on the other hand, it is because a small number of fans and a small number of journalists do discuss this.

Vanity Fair said that Montana was not optimistic about entering the league, but counterattacked all the way, becoming the greatest quarterback in history, at least one; and now Lu Ke also entered the league as a rookie, After achieving a three-game winning streak, he successfully stabilized his starting position with his strength and created a legendary road of his own.

Unconsciously, the name “Skywalker” began to spread gradually!

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