King of the Bay Area

Chapter 45 - Rose Bowl

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Noisy, noisy, noisy and loud drums from the center of the bowl-shaped building in front of you, resounding like waves and waves, constantly echoing under the sky; the crowd of people surging on the main road, mobile vendors stand on the road On both sides, selling souvenirs, selling popcorn and hot dogs, selling team assistance items, and finally being busy; the long queues waiting for parking extend from the parking lot to the outside, and there is no end at all. …

Jiang Youning stood outside the car door of the co-pilot seat, looking at such a grand scene, he could not help opening his mouth. This is like another world, a world disconnected from everyday life, especially for Jiang Youning who stays in the office all the year round. The force is even more obvious, and Lu Zhengzheng greets him in the ear, “What’s wrong? Feeling shocked?”

Jiang Youning chuckled softly, “Don’t act like you’re used to it, this is your first time to watch the game on the spot.” Having lived in San Francisco for more than ten years, they are still used to speaking Chinese in private. Thanks to this environment, Lu Ke’s Chinese did not lose.

For most Chinese people, rugby is a relatively unfamiliar sport, and Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning are no exception. Lu Ke said that when he was going to play football, they thought it was football, “Football”, the same word, specifically football in the United States and football in other countries and regions. Surprisingly, the two talents were completely dumbfounded when they first went to school to watch Lu Ke’s game.

Over the years, because of his son’s relationship, Lu Zhengzheng has also become a half of a football fan. The team and tactics are the first words; even Jiang Youning, he no longer knows nothing about the rules of the game. However, they never really watched the game on the court until today.

At the beginning of this year’s season, Lu Ke became a substitute for the Brown Bears. After years of hard work, Lu Zhengze and Jiang Youning were very happy. However, both of them usually work, and there are seven or eight hours’ drive between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Even if they want to go to the competition site to express their support, it is not easy.

But the Rose Bowl is different. January 1st is a statutory holiday. Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning made a special trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles yesterday to come to watch the game. They knew that Lu Ke was a substitute, and they probably didn’t have the chance to play. They were just a small black spot sitting on the sidelines, but they still drove without hesitation.

The two followed the flow of people and walked towards the entrance of the stadium. Among the noisy crowd, a young man kept jumping from a distance, “Here! Here! Jack, I am here!” Without waiting for a response, the young man rushed over with a smile on his face, embracing the two men Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning enthusiastically, “Welcome to Los Angeles again! How about it, is everything going well today?”

Jack, this is Lu Zhengzheng’s English name. In 1997, Lu Zhengrui brought his family to the United States to emigrate to the United States. At that time, in order to adapt to the social environment and daily communication here, the Chinese name was too vocal. He had to choose an English name, and the “Titanic” was hot It was released, so he chose “Jack” as the English name. He did not expect that this name accompanied him to live in the United States for more than ten years.

“Everything is fine except parking some effort. But you also know that we live in San Francisco …” Lu Zhengzheng’s usual expression on his face successfully made everyone laugh. San Francisco is a hill city and parking is more difficult. “Sorry, I’m sorry to trouble you to come and pick us up. I told Lu Ke yesterday, don’t worry about us, there is a clear sign here, we will definitely not lose it.”

It was Lu Ke’s roommate Jay who came to greet Lu Ke’s parents. In the past few years, Lu Zhengzheng and Jiang Youning have often come to Los Angeles to visit their sons. They are also very familiar with Jay and Logan ’s two roommates. They can be regarded as old friends and speak more casually. Today, Lu Ke needs to go in and out with his teammates, there is no way to receive his parents, so Jay is appointed to help.

“I believe you will not lose your way. But, you really need a little guidance to watch the Rose Bowl game.” Jay proudly sold a pass and walked towards the entrance with two people. A staff member wearing a bright yellow raincoat coat appeared, guiding the audience all the way to the seat corresponding to the ticket, walking through the shoulder-to-shoulder passage, walking up the stairs to the stands, and suddenly suddenly bright, showing a shocking sight in front of him- —

A crowd full of people filled every corner of the line of sight, like a storm, surging wildly; the boiling noise was like a hurricane crossing, constantly turning and turning inside the sports ground; the turbulent air was moving from all directions towards the body Surge over, squeezing the body tightly, almost breathless.

100,000 people, 100,000 people gathered in the entire stadium, like the ocean, each individual is like a drop of water in the ocean, insignificant, the magnificence of the world and the insignificance of mankind, unprecedentedly distinct and profound at this moment, The shock from the depths of the soul makes all languages ​​pale and weak. It seems that a little inattention will completely disappear into this wave.

“How is it?” Jay said with a smile. “Even though I have been here countless times, the shock hasn’t diminished in any way. I can’t say a word every time. This is even more true tonight, this It’s the biggest annual event of the year! “Jay also enjoyed the picture in front of him, looking around, his heart was surging and difficult to control.

“It’s really spectacular!” Jiang Youning couldn’t help but exclaim, and then jokingly said, “The last time I watched Lu Ke’s game, it was still next to the high school stadium, you know, a group of boring mothers and noisy Children, the scene looks a bit confusing. “

This ridicule immediately made Jay laugh happily, “Annie, I now know who Lu Ke’s sense of humor is inherited.” Annie, this is Jiang Youning’s English name.

“Everything in front of me is the most spectacular sight I have seen in my life!” Lu Zhengze opened his mouth slightly, a little stunned, feeling that the brain seemed to stop working.

Imagine standing in the middle of the stadium, standing in the center of the attention of hundreds of thousands of spectators, demonstrating your abilities and talents. All the cheers are coming, what is the situation like? But Lu Zhengzheng found that his imagination was too poor, and even one-tenth of the spectacular could not be depicted.

Jay couldn’t help but sigh, “Yeah, this is unbeatable!” Then he patted Lu Zhengzheng’s shoulder and gave a gesture of opening, “Come on, let’s join the fans! Party!” , Just now.

The turbulent crowd is like a tumbling magma, and the active volcano seems to be ready for eruption, which may detonate all energy at any time. The entire grandstand was crowded with crowds, and there seemed to be no empty seats in sight-but this was not possible, because there are still a large number of spectators entering, looking for seats, seating, with their eyes The illusion is creating a more magnificent scene.

“Wow.” Adam Klein couldn’t help but sigh. As a scout who has been in the industry for more than 35 years, he has seen countless big scenes, including the Super Bowl . But every time I attended the Rose Bowl, the effect of shock was not weakened.

Because the Rose Bowl is the largest stadium in the United States with a capacity of 100,000 people, which is unmatched by other venues; also because the Rose Bowl is one of the most fanatical areas for fans, UCLA, Southern California University, Stanford University fans They are fanatical, paranoid, enthusiastic, and unmatched.

What’s more, the two teams at the Rose Bowl this year are back to the stage of the bowl game after ten and eleven years, and they are also the home of the Brown Bears. For a while, the smell of gunpowder on the scene had already diffused, almost suffocating.

“Hopefully an offensive battle will be staged tonight.” Adam sighed, expressing his desire.

The Badgers are one of the teams with the best offense performance. There is no doubt that the Browns are relatively inferior, but compared to offense and defense, they still rely on the type of offense to win the game. But, the more important reason is …

“Haha, why, do you think there are seedlings worth watching in the offensive group of the two teams?” Blake-Simons, who was sitting next to him, joked jokingly, he is also a scout in the league It has been rolling for eighteen years, and now it’s gray hair and loose skin.

For scouts, observing players is the only purpose. Tonight is a bowl game, which also means that the long season is coming to an end. Every scout already has a draft in mind. During the game, all they need to do is observe their promising rookies and make further evaluations .

However, this year’s Rose Bowl against the two sides, the outstanding ability of the top students is not much, and the expectation value has been slightly lowered.

Adam grinned happily. “The defense of these two teams is not worth mentioning. The Brown Bears are relatively better, but they rely on overall strength. This year’s work of Chuck Blow is really good. Stupid is not good. ‘S defensive team training has become second-rate. I think that Chuck can be recruited in the league, and now there are really lack of excellent defensive coaches. “

“Really? What about JJ-Watt (Justin-James-Watt)? You are not optimistic about him?” Black asked curiously, the defensive end of the Badgers, this player is improving very fast. This year’s junior year, during the season He scored sixty-two grapples and seven sacks, and was selected by the Associated Press as the second team of college students in the United States. It is definitely the target of many scouts.

“Is there less scout reports?” Adam shrugged and said rightfully, “Tonight, it will depend on how many sacks he can take on the opposing quarterback.”

“What about the quarterback?” Black continued to ask.

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