King of the Bay Area

Chapter 77 - A world apart

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

The character skill test is over, but Lu Ke still hasn’t sorted out an idea: This is the rookie training camp, not the Brown Bear team’s team practice, how should the training match be triggered? After the trigger, how should he become the quarterback in the training game? More importantly, there is no detailed description in the special tasks. If there is no training game, the system should not trigger the task.

Lu Ke couldn’t help but think back, what happened when the special mission was triggered?

“Let’s pay attention!” Joe’s voice sounded, and Kip, Karl, and several other coaches came up seriously. “We will now hold a small training game. Seven-to-seven games, one offensive team A defensive group, this is a set of matches. This is not an official game, so we do n’t calculate it based on the completion of four yards of offense in the game to complete ten yards. The performance of the players in offense and defense. “

Joe’s words made rookies look at each other, excited and nervous. This sudden training game may become a stage for them to show themselves, but it may also become a nightmare to bury themselves —-

There is no training, tacit understanding, or cooperation between rookies. It is all about catching ducks on the shelf, relying on the sense of smell and instinct of the game, and relying on their talents and abilities to start a duel. The problem is here. Rugby is a sport that needs to be coordinated. In football, there may be a miraculous performance of walking alone. In basketball, there may be a dominating performance of scoring with one hit and three. However, in football, it is impossible.

Among the buzzing noises, Lu Ke’s mind flashed: when the special task was triggered, it was after he completed the long-pass extreme challenge required by the coach! Does this mean that this temporary training match is likely to be closely related to him, and the coaches hope to further investigate his passing ability?

Such speculation is really outrageous. The most indispensable in the rookie training camp is the rookie. How can the coaching staff temporarily increase the number of training games just for a rookie? However, no matter what, Lu Ke knows that this is not only another stage of self-certification, but also special tasks waiting for him to complete!

“If you have any questions, come forward directly, don’t talk privately!” Qiao Yang shouted and looked around. Sure enough, he saw a rookie quarterback hesitantly raised his right hand. Joe raised his chin and gave a Glancing eyes.

The rookie asked in a loud voice, “What if the touchdown is completed before the tenth offensive? For example, six or seventh gear.”

Qiao looked back, and the other coaches all showed a playful smile: They were still speculating whether the rookie quarterback will raise this question. Now it seems that there are many arrogant quarterbacks this year. It’s nice to be young!

“So, this is the shame of the defensive players.” Qiao said with a smile, looked back at the defensive players standing on the sidelines waiting for the test, between the offensive coach and the defensive coach, always habitually don’t show signs, “And This is allowed. It is also your ability to have a quarterback who can pass the ball once and complete the touchdown. If this happens, the game will be terminated immediately. “

As soon as the words fell, the quarterbacks were overjoyed: the offensive team didn’t cooperate well. Similarly, the defensive team didn’t cooperate well. As long as you seize a fighter, a loophole, and a fatal blow, that’s the real show!

But Joe’s subsequent words made the fiery atmosphere suddenly drop to the freezing point. “Similarly, if the pass is intercepted by the opponent’s defensive player, the game will be immediately terminated.” In one sentence, he choked the quarterbacks. , The noise and the noise of discussion disappeared instantly.

A fatal long pass also means that the risk of interception is skyrocketing.

This is like a big long pass in a football game, a high flying ball, which means that the target is exposed, the offense player and the defensive player have equal opportunities, and it is possible to grab the ball. However, in football, even if the opponent grabs the ball, it can still fight back at any time, and the direction of the football is the opponent’s half, even if there is an error, it is difficult for the opponent to counterattack immediately; but in football, the opponent completes the copy If it is intercepted, the ball will be terminated immediately.

In this training game, if the first pass is intercepted, it is really embarrassing and thrown into the grandma’s house, the follow-up is impossible. So, how should quarterbacks choose?

This is a contest between the offensive group and the defensive group, but it is also a contest between players in the same position, especially between quarterbacks!

Twenty-one quarterbacks, everyone’s face appeared eager to try. Perhaps, in the professional league, in the face of those experienced old fritters, they may still need to learn slowly to make up the gap; but in the rookie training camp, it is actually equivalent to the NCAA game, they are naturally fighting hard I look forward to being able to kill the Quartet and prove my ability again.

Undoubtedly, Cam Newton is the first choice among quarterbacks. This year’s Heisman Award winner has the most direct and powerful affirmation of his strength-Heisman Awards are judged regardless of location Every player on the field is eligible to run, so the strength and prestige of the winners are considered the highest among NCAA.

Cam raised his chin high and looked at Landing with contempt and playfulness. The blinking eyes were like a cat that had held the mouse dead, instead of rushing to terminate the mouse’s life directly, but slowly and slowly. , Play around, play around, suddenly let go, and suddenly grabbed, enjoying the process of rats struggling.

“You are dead.”

This is what Camu’s eyes mean. Lu Ke is very clear, but he is not timid, he sneered, raised his eyebrows, and seemed to say, “Fly the horse. Who is the deer, it is not yet known.” Came could not help clenching his fists.

After taking back his eyes, Lu Ke’s heartbeat began to accelerate. It’s one thing to lose the momentum, but it’s another thing in reality.

Lu Ke knows clearly that he is a heavyweight, able to participate in rookie training camp, and all are outstanding NCAA players, among which, more than 250 players will officially enter the league, and then officially It is needless to say that the difference between players is professional and non-professional, or professional and amateur.

Therefore, this training game, these ten offenses, is far more difficult than the University of Southern California game and the Rose Bowl game. What’s more, special tasks also require the completion of hand-to-hand requirements, which also means that any negligence and slackness will require him to take the dog.

In the exchange of eyes, just a moment, Joe’s voice came again, “Karl, do you want to start first?” This training game is a one-on-one game between the offensive coach and the defensive coach. The coach They don’t directly guide tactics, but what they challenge is their vision of the player’s mix.

Seattle Seahawks quarterback coach Carl Smith stepped forward, glanced around, and then said loudly, “Cam-Newton.” Behind him came the sound of other coaches and scouts rumbling, Choosing Cam, this is the most effortless decision, no technical content at all.

Carl didn’t care, shouting at the Carolina Panthers’ quarterback coach, “Jealous!” This caused everyone to laugh.

After watching Carl’s selection, Joe put his hands on his chest, “One by one, like a draft, it’s better to rush forward and choose, just like the second-hand market grabs the goods?” The ridiculous words made laughter Continued, he immediately said, “Then I will pick it first, anyway, I’m sure, you will not have an opinion. Lu Ke.”


Lu Ke! Countless sights were projected towards Joe-the first choice was Cocom, the second choice was Lu Ke, is this a mock draft? If it really is, Joe ’s choice is enough to make everyone fall through his glasses, but Joe shrugs carelessly, “I told you, you will not have an opinion.” Without explaining the reason for his choice, Joe just calmed down. He beckoned freely, “Boy, come here, let’s pick the offensive line and the receiving team.”

One is the biggest hit of the No. 1 pick, and the other is the name first heard in rookie training camp. Cam and Lu Ke can be said to be a world apart, a world apart, but in the training game, unintentionally, the two became the focus of attention again and again. What’s more, the coach who chose Lu Ke’s quarterback is Joe Lombardi from the New Orleans Saints. He is a top student in the league to train the quarterback. Is there really any potential for this Chinese quarterback? Worth digging?

Not only the coaches and scouts, but also the other quarterbacks could not help but cast their curiosity. Even if this is not a real draft, Joe’s choice is still intriguing.

Lu Ke suppressed the stormy waves deep in his heart, trot to keep up with Joe’s pace, countless double eyes projected, full of hot temperature, and gradually fell behind him, and finally quieted down.

Qiao did not communicate with Lu Ke, but walked silently across the court, and came to the other half, and began to pick the receiver.

Seven-to-seven game, this is the passing training of the quarterback. The training lineup includes a quarterback, three offensive forwards (a center, a left guard, a right guard), Two wide receivers, one near end. Compared with the complete eleven, the offensive line lacks two wings and the setting of running back. In short, it is actually a thorough pass tactical training.

Of course, the test of offensive and defensive forwards is also more stringent, and the confrontation between receiving players and defensive players is also more direct, and each position is extremely severe.

However, among the rookies this year, there are only six centers, and the number of interceptors and guards is not equal; the number of cornerbacks far exceeds that of other positions. Therefore, when selecting the offensive team, the position of each player may be slightly different, which is a more severe test for the coach’s vision.

In the end, Joe quickly completed the selection of seven players!

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