Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 14 : Pond Town

Pond Town, was the fourth largest city in the kingdom of Ponsonia. Of course, as an other-world being, I didn't know that but as I walked with Marcella and Leliana for the past 2 days, I was taught about politics, economies, and military affairs of this region. Marcella was very knowledgeable and Leliana added some details from time to time. 

I introduced myself as a vagabond from a land faraway who lost my way. I never removed my full plate armour as that would expose a ghoul.

According to Leliana, travellers, merchants, and mercenaries, escaping through the central plains into Treia, Arcland, Empire or the Federation weren't rare.

Marcellina and Leliana were from a small group of mercenaries of 4 person. The leader and priestess were killed in action. Both of the surviving girls were raped so their group were pretty much going to be disbanded. 

Mercenaries earn a living by completing quests from mercenaries guild. Both girls were registered in Pond Town mercenaries guild. 

In particular, the wilderness outside the fortified towns in Ponsonia kingdom couldn’t be said to have good public order.
Military alone was insufficient, so there were many cases where each town would gather free warriors and entrust them with the suppression of robbers and invading savages.
Even carrying a weapon we wouldn’t stand out, nor would we be unable to make a living.

I was kind of excited to enter a human town, meeting a lot of human after being isolated over a year. 

However, I first had to find a place to spend the night.
I had been sleeping outdoors for five nights in a row since I left the dungeon.

I went towards the town entrance and there were two soldiers with spears standing by the wooden palisades.

“Stop! State your name and intention!” they shouted.

Marcella walked past me.

"Eh, Marcella. Leliana. What happened to both of you." One of the guard knew the girls.

Both of the girls were silent. 

"Where is Alice and Jorge?"

The girls remained silent. Tear drop from their eyes. 

"It's ok. Just come in."

The girls walked into the gate while trembling. I followed them.

"And who are you?" The men stared at me. 

"Please let him in. He was our saviour." Marcella softly persuaded. 

"You can come in."

I walked besides the girls. 

"Please follow us. We have been renting a house. You can stay with us." Marcella said.

We finally arrived at their house. It was simple humble house made of bricks. It only had 2 rooms with bathroom and a dining place. 

They asked me to use the late Jorge's bedroom. The exhausted me just laid on the bed and slept. My first bed and mattress after over a year.

I sensed light and opened my sleepy eyes, then I heard the sound of the door being knocked.

“O–i!  It’s morning already~ Get up~” Marcella yelled.

Right, I’ve got to get up.
I slept very well last night, must be because of the mattress. 

"We are going out for a while. You can use the bathroom." 

Luckily, they went out. I had to be careful to not expose my ghoul body to the girls.

I took bath properly and even cleaned the armour. I ate the the whole bread left in the dining table.

I then wore the armour in full plate. The reason I covered every part of my body was of course, because I was a ghoul.

I took a stroll in the town. I felt everyone was looking at me, probably because of my full plate armour.

There were several plazas here, and the largest of them was called the Central Plaza. It was filled with stalls selling vegetables, spices, and other such commercial products.
Amidst the crowds, the stall owners energetically shouted their sales pitches to the people walking by, while the older women haggled with the merchants as they looked for fresh food. Drawn by fragrant scents, young men purchased skewers of roasted meat which oozed with warm juices.
The rowdy, energetic atmosphere of this place should have lasted until the sun went down.

I found a large 2 storeys building with some words written on its signboard. Several persons with weapon came out from its door.

I asked an old man who passed by.

"I am sorry. I am from another country and cannot read the words here. Could you please tell me what building is that?"

The old man smiled," Oh, that is Mercenaries guild, isn't it?"

I thanked him and entered.

Inside there were quite a lot of people, but fortunately they seemed busy and almost nobody was paying attention to me. Anyhow, I managed to reach the reception counter and called a plain looking middle-aged man. There were other free receptionists, but all the tough dudes were with the females, so I talked to the quietest one.

When I told I wanted to become a mercenary, I was not made fun of and was treated in a polite manner. Yeah, I was right to choose this middle-age man. There’s an interview so I was guided inside.

"Your name?”

The baldy asked in a loud voice. Coming in front of me, he was huge and had an overwhelmingly intimidating aura.

My name? Should I just tell him my real name from my previous life? No, that name would be totally out of place here.

"My name is Adine. Just Adine. No family name." 

"Alright. We registered you as the lowest level mercenary, copper rank." He explained.i just nodded.

I receiving an identification in the form copper plate hung around my neck with a chain. I went to a restaurant beside mercenaries guild. 

It was spacious building with its floor as a dining hall. There were mercenaries everywhere drinking booze. I ordered a meal and a drink, then quickly went to hidden table where there was no customer. I removed my helmet and ate. Once finished eating two chickens, I went to the counter to pay. The bar attendant was shocked to see a gold coin but upon inspection, he accepted it. He returned to me balance of 19 silver coins. So, 1 gold coin was equivalent to 20 silver coins. 

I stepped forward, I was bathed in the appraising looks of everyone in the building, when suddenly someone stuck a foot into my path, as though to prevent from moving forward. 

I halted and turned to the man, who had stuck his foot out.

He had an annoying faced, mirrored by everyone in the restaurant. I sighed and lightly kicked away the foot in front of him.

That guy suddenly stood up as if he had been waiting for that. 

"Ok, oi, that hurts."

That man approached me spoke in threatening manner as he did. 

"Hahaha." I slightly laughed.

The angry man's flushed red. 

I swiftly grabbed him by the neck, and then hoisted his body off the ground. 

That man could not even dodge, much less resist the sudden clinch. I lifted him and tossed him away.

The sounds of that man's body striking a nearby table. An object on the table breaking. 


A moment later, a woman seated on that table emitted a strange wail. 

"You. You."

Turning around, I saw the woman who had made the weird cry just now. She was stomping up to him.

She looked to be in her fifteenth, and her red hair was messily cut, yet at the good length for movement. She had a pretty face and a keen edge to her eyes. Her healthy body was tanned brown by the sun. Her arms were quite muscular and her palms were covered in calluses from wielding a sword. 

Small iron plate hung around her cute but sexy chest, and it shook mightily with every gesture she made. She was a mercenary, higher ranked than me.

She pointed at the shattered table. Several bottle were broken.

"You broke my medicines."

Her gaze sharpened further, and her tone became low and dangerous. 

"Pay me back for my medicines. I need them for going into the jungles. I even skipped meal for that!"

The girl drew closer to me. I could see her cleavages in between her nice boobs. Damn it. I am turned on.

"It cost me 1 gold coin." She said while her nose touched my helmet.

"All right, follow me."

I went out while being followed by the girl.

I checked her status.

Race: Human

Age: 15

Job: Warrior / Scout

Durability: 7

Stamina: 6

Hand strength: 7

Hand speed: 4

Leg Strength: 5

Leg Speed: 14

Far-sight: 15

Wow. This girl had two jobs, this was the first time I met someone like this. And she possess quick leg and Far Sight ability was rare and could be very useful.

"I am Adine. What's your name?" I asked her while slowing down my step.

"Hmm. I am Brita." She replied nonchalantly. 

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