Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 27 : “Kingdom” Mercenaries Group

"So, you are the leader?" A tall muscular man with a thick moustache looked at me. His name was Baronet Dean, a noble of Ponsonia kingdom, who was chairman of mercenaries guild of Pond town.

He sat on his silver chair and was waiting seriously for my answer.

"Yes" I replied while standing strongly. Mireille, Gabriela, Lily, Brita, Marcella and Leliana were standing behind me.

Dean sighed. "Even Gabriela joined you. He stared the girls one by one.

"You did achieve great success during the mega goblins subjugation but except Gabriela, you are all unknown and novice." 

"But sir, their capabilities are genuine." Gabriela interrupted with confidence.

"Well, that matters little. Usually, you can simply register as mercenaries group with the receptionists. You are brought to me we need to promote you to upper rank. But for that we have a procedure. I need to look at the face under that helmet." Baronet Dean spoke while his eyes were locked on me. 

"Why there is such procedure?" I asked.

"We don't want a suspicious people. Mercenaries guild is independent of any nation. Mercenaries can be hired by anyone, any noble, any nation and even illegal organisation. But we are still responsible for peace. We help to maintain peace in the society by avoiding suspicious people."

I sighed. "I refused to show my face. And I have no problem of not being promoted." I answered nonchalantly.

We were silent for several minutes while staring each other. Then, he directed at Gabriela."

"Gabriela, I know you are having rough time now. We are sorry we can't do anything. But I are you really sure to follow him." Then Dean stared suspiciously at me.

Gabriela closed her eyes, inhale air and gave her verdict,

"Yes, Sir Dean. I will follow Adine until death do us apart." 

Hearing her reply, the guild chief sighed. He subsequently stood up and declared to other staffs and mercenaries in that room.

"From now onwards, the mercenaries group, "Kingdom" is officially registered as copper rank mercenaries in Pond Town mercenaries guild."


Upon official registration as mercenaries group in mercenaries guild, we then moved into a much larger house with spacious living room and 5 bedrooms and a spacious bathroom. We rented it for now for 5 gold coins per month. Gabriela, Mireille and Lily live together with us. Important criteria for our place were first, enough to accommodate 10 girls including one who would join our group in the future. Secondly, this living room was spacious for daily orgy. We enjoyed our sex life except Mireille who still maintained her virginity.

Since our group was registered, we did various job but extermination of goblins were our utmost priority. We complete 5 goblins annihilation request nationwide besides other job. However, none of the goblins request were big like our first goblins annihilation.

For over a year, we calmly complete tasks while I learned various things about the world. For successfully completing missions, we were eligible for rank promotion. We rejected the promotion offer as we want to avoid me revealing my ghoul face. Mireille sulked as higher rank could get us bigger compensation. However, protecting my secret was our top priority for now.

And slowly but surely our mercenaries group, "Kingdom" was known to the people.

The status of "Kingdom" mercenaries group after 1 year.

Name: Adine

Age: 16     (2 Year : 12 days : 14 Hour 10 minutes : 11 seconds)

Race: Ghoul

Level: 23

Experience: 4,900 / 6,000

Money: 7,110 gold coins


Stamina   42

Durability  20 

Natural healing  5 

Hand strength  18

Leg Strength  9

Body strength  9

Hand speed  12

Leg speed  10

Reflexes  13

Instinct  20

Magic Point  1

Magic Power  1

Name: Marcella

Race: Human, Age: 14

Job: Arcane Mage

Magic Power: 20

Magic Point: 26

Durability: 10

Stamina: 4

Hand Strength: 3

Hand Speed: 2

Leg Strength: 2

Leg Speed: 2

Reflex: 2

Instinct: 2

(Conquered Woman)

Nama: Brita

Race: Human

Age: 15

Job: Warrior / Scout

Durability: 7

Stamina: 11

Hand strength: 11

Hand speed: 9

Leg Strength: 5

Leg Speed: 20

Far-sight: 20

(Conquered Woman)

Name: Leliana

Race: Human, Age: 14

Job: Monk

Durability: 15

Stamina: 12

Hand Strength: 15

Hand Speed: 15

Leg Speed: 18

Leg Strength: 20

Body Strength 13

Reflex 10

(Conquered Woman)

Name: Gabriela

Age: 14

Race: Human

Job : Priestess

Magic Power : 25

Magic Point : 20

Stamina: 7

Durability : 7

Hand Strength : 3

Hand Speed : 1

Leg Strength : 3

Leg speed : 4

Body strength : 2

(Conquered Woman)

Name: Lily 

Age: 15

Race: Half-elf

Job: Scout

Far-sight : 35

Archery Skill : 24

Hand Speed: 15

Hand Strength : 9

Leg Speed: 5

Leg Strength : 3

Body strength : 3

Stamina : 10

Durability : 4

(Conquered Woman)

And finally a member who was still a virgin.

Name: Mireille

Race: Human

Age : 15

Job : Warrior

Hand Strength : 8

Hand Speed : 8

Leg Strength : 8

Leg Speed : 8

Body strength : 8 

Stamina : 13

Reflex : 6

Durability : 12

As a mercenary group, we had no intention to stay loyal to any country or even noble. We shall move according to our benefit. For that purpose, knowledge about politics and economics of surrounding countries were important. 

The countries in this continent were categorised according to their strength and strength was measured in term of size of territories. First, the large countries such as Olga Federation, Garland Empire, Re-estize Kingdom and Goldonia Kingdom. Middle size countries such as Roble Holy Kingdom, Ponsonia Kingdom, Treia Kingdom, Arkland Kingdom, Magrado Kingdom, Yurest Kingdom, Germion Kingdom, Athens, and Vandolea Nation. The smaller nation such as Polpo Kingdom, Republic of Sutra and the city states. 

For large countries, the politics were even more complicated as the noble families was fighting one another and even threatening the kings. That was the reason the large countries couldn't expand their empire for decades. Large empires, middle countries, and small states were continuously balancing each other. 

Mercenaries like us changed side to serve our benefits. Whether a mercenary group could be in demand depend on its fighting strength. Some boast strength in term of numbers of members while my "Kingdom" mercenary group would be based on quality of our girls.

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