Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 38 : Scarlet, Demia and Ripine

The meeting was convened within the Mallorca palace in Treia, capital city of Treia kingdom. Demia Connery had been standing motionless beside Princess Scarlet who was seated on her father's throne. She surveyed the series of nobles before her, her eyes widened slightly as she picked out the forms of highest noble in the country. Treia King, King Richard, 50 years old had been recuperating in his room for the past 6 months. He was badly wounded in  war and contracted a chronic disease. As a result of his sickess, his only child, Scarlett, took over his rulership temporarily. The noble families especially the Duke Cheney family was not satisfied because as nobility from royal bloodline, they were also entitled to claim the throne. There were also rumours that strongest noble families such as Marquis Trump, and Count Reyes were conspiring for the throne. Now, the head of the most powerful noble families in Treia were gathering in this room. 

Duke Cheney, Marquis Trump, Count Reyes and Count Connery were standing in straight line in front of Scarlet. 

Before her father's sickness, Scarlet, a skillful swordwoman was appointed as the leader of Treia Knight Legion, a special legion of fighter, said to be the strongest in the country despite being small in number. Scarlet  was still leading the knight legion until now. Demia Connery, a skillful swordman herself was the captain of the legion. She was Scarlet's second in command. 

Demia looked at her father, Count Connery who signaled to her to calm down. Demia, had yellow short hair and was donning a simple blue armour covering her chest, thighs, shoulder and hand. She was specialized in skill and agility. Scarlet was not even wearing metal protection like Demia. Scarlet wore a thick leather armour in white covering her whole body. The leather armour made her considerably large breasts vusible. Scarlet had silver hair that stretched until her nape but tied in braid.

Demia was a close chilhood friend of Scarlet. 

The powerful noble families hated Demia even more than Scarlet as they thought Demia was her father, Count Connery's proxy in controlling the nation.

Scarlet charismatically spoke.

"I, Scarlet Treia am immensely grateful for your attendance despite the short notice." 

She then looked at the disatisfied faces of Marquis Trump and Count Reyes. Duke Cheney, her father's cousin was smiling confidently. 

"As you know, Magrado armies had invaded our north-western region. Currently, Viscount Ray and Viscount Joy were defending their territories." 

Count Reyes interrupted rudely, "Both viscounts are in Marquis Trump faction. Let him deal with it himself." 

"You. This is a crisis of national sovereignty. How dare you get into petty politics!" Marquis Trump shouted. His chubby chin jiggled. 

"You never assisted when my faction was attacked. How shameful of you begging for help when you are in trouble. Aren't both of us possessing the biggest number military force in this nation?" Count Reyes replied sarcastically.

Demia was furious when they rudely argued before the princess but she couldn't do scold the older and influential men.

"Stop it, Lord Reyes, Lord Trump. You are before the princess." Demia's father, Count Connery intefered calmly while the two old men smirked. Both men were always looking down on the young princess.

After a moment of silent, Duke Cheney spoke confidently.

"I had proposal."

"Please enlighten us, Duke." Scarlet said.

"I can solve the problem with the help of mercenaries."

Other nobles furrowed their eyebrows.

"Come on, Duke Cheney. Mercenaries had no loyalty. We cannot entrust them with national deence." Count Reyes argued.

"I never asked your opinion, Lord Reyes. I simply shall send my mercenaries to fight invaders as the King was useless." 

Demia couldn't stand anymore and was about to retaliate when Marquis Trump interfered,

"I don't care as long you help us, Duke. But are your mercenaries any better than our soldiers?"

Duke Cheney smiled.

"I hired several mercenaries group. They were capable but of course I had my trump card."

"Trump card? What do you mean, Duke?" Scarlet asked. She was really interested in capable people. She was believer in meritocracy.

"Then, your highness. Let me introduce you." Duke Cheney clapped his hand.

The door opened. A group of people entered. Scarlet, Demia, and others' eyes went wide. 

"Duke, what are you...." Reyes was speechless.

The group of 10 persons consist 8 men and 2 girls. They were dark skinned, grey haired and their ears pointed to the side. That long ears and features were very rare but well-known.

"My trump card is a mercenaries group called Darkness." Duke Cheney declared.

"What? Aren't they dark elves?" Marquis Trump and Count Reyes yelled at the same time. 

"Do you know that I repelled Empire's invasion in the south west last month? I also also annihilated the large bandit group at the south east?"

Duke asked. Everyone nodded as they knew Duke Cheney was the one who solved that problems.

"These dark elves, this meecenary group, Darkness single handedly did all that! They consist slightly over 100 members only."

The audience then became chaotic.

After everyone cooled down, Scarlet interestedly asked.

"Darkness. Would you introduce yourselves."

A man with serious look and trimmed grey hair came forward with a girl whose grey hair was let loose at her back, long enough to reach her butt. Her breasts were pretty visible but they were on smaller side. While the man had calm demeanor, the girl obviously couldn't ommit her disgust against the humanity in the room. 

The man kneeled down slightly and introduced themselves. 

"I am Riheet, the leader of mercenary group, Darkness. Beside me is my sister, Ripine who is second in command."

Suddenly, Scarlet felt a chill. She observed both dark elves and noticed a sharp gaze from the girl, Ripine.

Subsequently, they had lengthy discussion during thevwar council.


In the palace owned by Duke Cheney on tge next day.

"Hahaha! Look at those fools. What a bunch of incompetent ones!" Duke sat on his luxurious chair while being surrounded by dozens of Darkness members. He drank his wine. 

"My Lord. I hope you will keep your promise." Riheet said politely.

"Don't worry. As a Duke, I had the power to confer noble peerage up to Viscount. Once we repel those Magrado pigs, some of you will become noble."

"But we want more than that."Riheet replied.

"You help me become the King. Then, I will give you all highest peerage and position." Duke smiled confidently.

After a while, the dark elves came out of Duke's hall and were walking to their rooms in the Duke's castle.

"Brother. I don't like you begging from Treia kingdom." Ripine spoke in bad mood.

"I understand how you feel girl. The Treia burned our villages and killed our family 10 years ago. We also want to avenge." A short haired dark elf girl with larger breasts than Ripine persuaded her softly.

"But, Sora. Could you stand it?" Ripine stopped her speech as the short haired girl, Sora held her palm.

Riheet coldly looked at her sister. 

"We have to pretend for now. Once we get into higher position, we will destroy Treia. Not only Treia but also Magrado who massacred our brethen." 

Hearing her brother's words, Ripine leaned onto Sora's shoulder.

"I wonder where is sister Aura now. I miss her."

Sora smiled. "Yes, that silly girl went to forest near Ponsonia. Don't worry, Aura was capable enough to avoid trouble. I am nit surprised one of these days, she suddenly jumped into our room." 

Ripine and Sora chuckled.

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