Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 49 : Patricia Rayleigh

"Congratulations. I thought we're going to struggle for weeks. No one expected Magrado to be totally wiped out. You did that within a day." Count Reyes had been talking non stop since he arrived.

Viscount Joy wanted to say something but he didn't know where to start. 

"What, Joy? Why are you looking confused? What matters is victory." Reyes was in jovial mood that he didn't care why Viscount Joy behaved in that manner. Unlike Count Reyes who was not here and Viscount Ray who was observing from a safe place, Viscount Joy had firsthand experience in last week's battle. Unless one actually commanded  men and fought, one couldn't grasp the peculiarities. That's what he wanted to express to the Count.

"The first half hour, we were progressing abnormally fast. After that half hour, we merely riding on momentum." 

Joy was speechless after listening to Ray's calm explanation. He never spoke to Ray even once after the battle. What a fearsome strategical talent, that's how Joy was perceiving Ray.

"Weren't that because of your brilliant strategy, Ray?" Reyes smiled.

Joy was disappointed at his lord for being clueless. He looked at Ray, hoping the brilliant mind could explain in simple words.

But Ray just took a sip of his tea. Joy sighed.

"And there's no way some 500 men could annihilate nearly 3,000 enemies that include several powerful fighters. The dark elves maybe heroes but the most they could kill with burning barricades, traps, and guerilla war in forest, should be less than 2,000 men. " Ray resumed his analysis calmly. 

"What do you mean?" Reyes furrowed his eyebrows.

Joy nodded with each Ray's words. 

"My lord. You may be aiming for the throne but there is an unknown obstacle out there. That obstacle was not the princess, Count Connery, Marquis Trump and Duke." Ray explained it in Count Reyes's language.

"Who is it?" Reyes asked worryingly.

Ray simply shook his head. He then stood up and gazed over the window. He was reminded to the time when he was observing the battlefield from the same window.

He saw the very unusual flow of movement in one area that even caught Magrado's tactician by surprise. Ray believed Magrado tactician was theoretically extraordinary but what happened was out of the world. If Ray was in that tactician's shoes, Ray would similarly be crumbling.


In Magrado military headquarter.


Men dressed in military uniforms decorated with gold ornaments all salute in unison.

Marquis Ronaldo returned a simple salute and took his seat in the center.

"Everyone, at ease. Report the current situation." The man with large muscular body spoked jovially.

All but one person sits down after Ronaldo says his order.

"My army of 5,000 have already departed northern Magrado. Although resistance from the Goldonia local lords are sporadic, things are going as planned and we should be able to set up camp on the south of Goldonia by the week after next."

"Well done Robinho. Your army is the crux of our invasion on south Goldonia, so while I know this may be unnecessary concern on my part, I want you to remain focused."

When Ronaldo replied, the brusque man sat down with a straightened back.

"The central army of 10 000 have deployed several corps in a wide area, gradually occupying the various territories between in south east Goldonia and are also keeping the enemy army from trying to gather together. The feudal lords’ armies are generally quite weak, mostly avoiding combat, abandoning territory and retreating to the north. As soon as we control the area, we will try to siege south east of Goldonia in support of the eastern army as planned."

"Understood, Rivaldo. The mobility of your central army may decide the outcome of battle. Only one more step was needed …… so in south east Goldonia, show me you can thoroughly annihilate the enemy."

The brazen-looking man smiled fearlessly and sat down calmly.

"Supplies are steadily also being gathered by the transport corps for the upcoming great battle."

"Trained recruits have also arrived. They should be able to withstand a series of battles."

"Don’t let the logistics hold back the frontline army. Ensure it goes well."

After Marquis Ronaldo, the highest military commander, nod in content, he cleared his throat once and his eyes sharpened.

"Now then, I’m waiting for one more report."

Everyone’s eyes concentrated on one point.

The bearded man at the end of their line of sight stood up while keeping his large frame small.

"T-the eastern army of 7,000…… the capture of riverbank in Viscount Ray’s territory…… has failed. They were defeated in battle and suffered major losses…… upper level commanders died in battle one after the other…… unless officers and men are replenished in large amounts, further advance would be impossible."

"To what extent do you mean by major?"

Ronaldo made a point to keep his voice calm, questioning with a rather plain tone.

"Duke Apparatus and his son Lord Roberto were killed. Viscount Bram, Baron Jin, Baron Bravo, Baron Gonzalez were killed."

"What? They were among strongest fighters on eastern province!" Ronaldo barked.

"D-deaths amount to 6,600, wounded amount to 500 of who suffered severe enough injuries to render them incapacitated and require transportation to headquarters."

There was a brief moment of silence, then  slammed the desk with his inherent brute strength.

"7,000 lost? That’s basically annihilation!"

A cup placed on the desk fell over and spilled its contents.

Northern army commander Robinho didn’t change his expression, while north east army commander Rivaldo quickly rescued his own cup.

"Do you know we need over 5 years to assemble 7,000 soldiers?"

"……h-how shameful.."

"So how much damage was dealt to the enemy?"

Ronaldo threw another question before the man finished apologizing.

The man answered with a face that looked close to tears and a feeble voice, both in contrast to the size of his body.

Rivaldo interfered,

"I asked you what kind of damage was dealt to the enemy."

Rivaldo repeated himself.

The man slumped his shoulders in resignation.

"Of the approximately 4,000 in Treia’s army…… the damage dealt in this battle was…… a-about 500."

Robinho spit out his drink after just saving it.

"Ambushing with nearly double over their military force and suffering 14 times the amount of casualties in defeat…… goodness, it’s surprising how you lost like that."

Ronaldo lets out a long and heavy sigh.

"Albiol……I’ve known you for a long time, but I didn’t think you would be this incompetent."

Ronaldo shook his head as he stared at the man named Albiol.

"Albiol, you have something to do before giving excuses or apologizing, don’t you? Report the cause of defeat and details of the enemy, then suggest what the next steps are. That is what will lead us all to victory."

Albiol turned to Rivaldo with tears welling up in his eyes.

Then he erased his servile attitude and pushed his chest out.

"The knight legion was strong but they were nothing above ordinary. Ray and Joy were as expected. But they were mixed with mercenaries hired by Duke Cheney."

"Mercenaries? Were Treia that pathetic to rely on mercenaries?" Robinho jeered.

"Actually, the mercenaries were very strong. Their role was decisive in that battle." Albiol explained.

"So you are saying our loyal and trained soldiers were defeated by mercenaries?" Robinho jeered again.

Albiol helplessly nod.

He resume,

"The mercenaries also consisted dark elves."

Upon hearing the words dark elves as mercenaries, their eyes went wide.

"Their number was less than 500 but wiped our soldiers of 3,000 including the strongest fighters."

"What the..."

"Stop making lie!"

Rivaldo, Ronaldo and Robinho stood up and barked.

Albiol just looked at the floor.

"Is the information correct?" Ronaldo regained composure and asked.

"It's true that I sent 3,000 men to attack 500 men led by dark elf mercenaries. It's true that none of them survived to tell their tale. Treia princess also declared them as heroes."

Albiol faced Ronaldo again after he finished reporting his findings.

"Currently, our eastern army is unable to make a move. At this rate, we will not only fail to keep Viscount Ray in check, we allow him to possibly interfere in our plan to conquer Teries River. I respectfully request for reinforcements."

Ronaldo received the gaze lacking any submissiveness and put a hand to his forehead.

"……we cannot spare any troops for a defeated army right before a big battle against the large Goldonia."

A few brief moments of silence later, a girl nominated herself.

"With all due respect my lord. I am confident enough to fulfill that duty."

"Patricia, huh?" 

Rivaldo and Robinho looked at the blond haired girl scornfully.

She was not a experience d soldier. She was also not from a high noble family. 

She got her position for having sex with Magrado's top general, Marquis Ronaldo. The higher ups looked down on her as a inexperienced whore who sold her body to get her position.

The surprised 40 years old Ronaldo placed a hand on his chin and contemplated.

"It’s true that you have outside-the-box tactics and clever schemes which nobody else has. But you have no experience mobilizing tens of thousands of soldiers. Suddenly imposing the responsibility of developing future 7,000 men may not be……"

Patricia brought herself close to Ronaldo in an instant.

"I have no experience, but I have confidence. I ask that you trust in me, someone who has accompanied you to many battles."

The way she sticked out her chest with confidence goes beyond fortitude and even seemed arrogant.

However, she seemed to instill a sense of relief to those around with how definitive she spoke.

"But my lord, the whore...I mean the girl is still 15 years old." Robinho argued.

"Isn’t it fine? There are firsts for everybody. This just happens to be hers." Ronaldo made his decision.

Robinho turned to face Patricia with a bitter face.

Meanwhile, the girl’s eyes were sparkling, brimming with confidence.

"……understood. Patricia Rayleigh. I appoint you as the commander of the eastern army. Rebuild the eastern army, and if possible, capture Treia border in 3 years."

"It is an honor, My lord!"

Ronaldo turned to Albiol next.

"Albiol. Despite fighting to the best of your ability, you were defeated, so you must take responsibility. You are dismissed as eastern commander and will be demoted three ranks to Battalion commander. Got it?"

Albiol silently lowered his head, almost touching the ground.

"War council is now over. All of you, return to your respective armies."


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