Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 53 : Ignorant Princess

Goldonia was 5 times larger than Treia. It shared border with 3 countries in the south. The border between Goldonia and Magrado was Teries River. Goldonia was separated with Arkland and Treia by mountain range. 

Every year, Goldonia sent hundreds of soldiers to engage Treia or Arkland in small skirmishes. 

Their modus operandi was having around 700 soldiers went past the mountain range to attack small fortresses owned by lords at the border.

Teries River which separated Magrado from Treia, were protected by two large forces of Viscount Ray and Joy.

But meadows after mountain range separating Goldonia and Treia were protected by 15 local lords. 

After victory against Magrado, king's reputation was waning compared to Duke Cheney. Thus, Scarlet and Demia had to bring knight legion to border. As Duke Cheney refused to be left behind, he sent his mercenaries led by the dark elf remnants to join the Knights. 

The Treia troops set up camps at meadow. 

Adine brought Lily, Lina, Melissa, and Arissa to accompany the dark elves.

Their camps were located near a large village governed by a baron. 

"We had vegetables grown in the village for breakfast." The humble baron asked his villagers to supply soldiers with foods.

Scarlet and Demia were standing with the baron while observing the transportation of supply.

"We cannot thank you enough for the food and for your help." Demia said.

"Allow me to express gratitude as well. Thank you." Scarlet said politely.

"It's an honour, Princess Scarlet!!" The baron said excitedly. He could serve the princess for the first time, moreover, anyone would be very delighted to speak with such a beautiful princess. His hands held the princess soft hand passionately.

"The villagers will be pleased!" He said.

The girls were smiling, displaying their poster faces. 

"Are the dark elves satisfied as well?" 

When hearing that, Scarlet's smile disappeared. As the princess were speechless, Demia answered on her behalf, "Oh, they were resting."

"I see. Like I said before, you don't have to camp here. You can use our houses." The baron offered while still holding the princess' right hand.

"It's fine. It's good you are able to provide place for us to camp." Scarlet thanked him again.

"We can concentrate on healing ourselves."

"Yes. We cannot thank you enough." Demia followed up Scarlet's praise.

"Do not mention it. We must help each other in times of need. Besides we owe Treia a favour. Just the other day, dark elves saved us."

Hearing that, Demia and Scarlet looked at each other cluelessly. The girls could see children of village were listening from behind a village house. 

The man resumed, "They took care of our children, even took down a group of enemies for us."

"A man with full bodied armour was with them. He defeated dozen of enemies single handedly."

Scarlet's eyes went wide and asked,

"A man in full bodied armour?"

"A man named Adine."

Demia explained, "I believe Adine was the name of a leader of 'Kingdom' mercenaries group. They said he is a dark elf." 

"But I have always been wondering. If Adine was a dark elf, why he wasn't with the dark elves before the Teries battle?" Demia put her fingers touching her chin, pondering.

"I don't know what the circumstances were. But it's good to know that, even where we aren't aware, we have allies fighting against Goldonia." Scarlet spoke while smiling at her inadequacy. Demia smiled as well.

The children were staring the two girls from behind the house, and having girlish chatting among themselves.

"The Treian princess was so pretty."

"Yes. She has beautiful silver hair."

"When I passed by her, the princess smelled so nice!"

A middle aged woman called the small girls, "You girls, come over here and help!"


After lengthy discussion, the baron retreated to his house. They gazed on his back.

"We never had the chance to speaking to the dark elf survivors." Scarlet lamented.

"Yes. It's awkward for consoling months after their brethrens were wiped out." 

They were silent for while.

"Should I speak with her?" Demia didn't want the kind princess to carry the burden by herself.

"No. This is my duty. I hope she takes it calmly." Scarlet said while gazing the sky.

On the next day, when Scarlet was strolling around the village, the village small girls ran to her.

"Good morning, Princess Scarlet!" 

"Good morning, nice to see you girls."

A girl gave her a flower. 

"We picked a flower. Please have it." The girls said happily.

Scarlet knelt down and gently took the it.

She sniffed it for several minutes and smiled gently.

"What a wonderful flower." Scarlet's words made the girls jumping happily.

"Girls, what are doing?' 

"Dad. We are playing with Princess Scarlet."

"Please. You had a lot to do today."

The girls ran away jovially.

"You are right. She does smell nice." The girls' voices could be heard from far.

Scarlet enjoyed the sight, "The children are cheerful."

The man answered, "Yes, your majesty. Even at a time like this, as long as the children are happy, we adults can carry on."

"The baron told us about it. I am sorry you had been through a lot."

"As feeble as that sounds, the strength the children have truly surprises me." 

Scarlet and the villager looked at the girls who were playing happily.

"I only wish the invaders would go away, and give us back our safe life." 

"That's we are here for." 

"For everyone's sake, we will drive away the invaders."

Later in the day, Scarlet encountered Ripine by chance.

Scarlet felt awkward but Ripine looked straight at her eyes sharply.

Scarlet couldn't stand that and looked the other way.

"I understand your anger but that won't make your friends come back. You won't even be able to avenge them." Scarlet lectured her with determination.

Suddenly, Ripine laughed. Her eyes stared at Scarlet with a bloodlust. Scarlet's eyes widened as Ripine's face were becoming scary. Her face closed on to Scarlet's until their nose nearly touched each other.

"Who took dark elves' life and torment us. It's your father and Treia." Ripine shouted.

Scarlet started trembling.

"Oh, kind princess. You pretend to understand, yet you know nothing." Ripine's voice was shaking with anger.

"You have never had your loved ones killed before your eyes."

"You have never been treated like a pest."

Scarlet asked cluelessly, "what are you talking about?"

"Darkness, the dark elves who died were gathering of those whose families were killed by Treia."

She retreated, "No, there must have been a mistake."

"We were massacred. Our fathers, mothers, siblings were slaughtered. Our hometown were burned to the ground. We didn't have home to return to."

Scarlet's pride never allowed herself to cry but she was trembling unconsciously.

"We hated Treia far more we hated Goldonia!"

"But why you fought, risked your life for Treia thus whole time?" 

Ripine grinned.

"To become heroes, on the surface, of course." 

"We wanted to avenge and destroy the kingdom."

"That was your plan all along? You are deceiving the royals, nobles, but innocent citizens as well?"

"Forcing pain on the innocent, we are similar, aren't we?" 

Scarlet helplessly saw Ripine pushed her and left.

Soon, Demia arrived. 

"What's wrong, your highness?"

"What I've been doing this whole time?"

"The things happening in Treia, the Knights I call companions. I was blind to everything." She looked down dejectedly.

"As supreme commander, I am ashamed."

Demia grabbed Scarlet's shoulder.

"Your highness, what did the girl tell you?"

Scarlet just walked lifelessly away.


Scarlet just ignored Demia and walked. Demia wanted to shout but stopped when she saw Scarlet's trembling body.

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