Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 73 : Rulers and Rebels

Krol's mother was at the kitchen preparing foods. helped his mother to cut some vegetables. Their families ran a small restaurant in Dust town at the east of Athena while the much bigger Red town was at the west of Athena. As usual, their establishment despite not big, was full of customers. There were 10 men in the wooden building. 

"Knock. Knock." A customer was knocking the front door. He opened the door, and there was a hint of fragrance. Through the entrance, he could see a beautiful face. 

Big eyes, long lashes, long pink hair and fair complexion. She was gorgeous. She was wearing light colored coat. Her tight skirt showed her perky ass. Her sexy long legs were in skin colored stockings with a pair of white heels. She had the attractiveness of a matured woman.

“Em.Miss…. Please come in.” Krol dared not to look at the charming woman any longer and hurriedly let her in.

“Hee hee. We are here for a visit.” She walked in with her pair of seductive long legs. Click, click. The sounds of placing heels on the floor sounded so lovely.

A short cyan haired girl followed her. The customers made noises and surrounded her. They knew her. She was the famous in Athena as someone who opposed candidacy of rulers sponsored by rich families in election. 

Krol's mother walked out of the kitchen: “Oh, my, Joan, you are here? We are honoured." 

Joan smiled and introduced the seductive girl beside her.

"Let me introduce her. She is Melissa. She is one of my helpers."

Presence of a new gorgeous girl made the men excited.

Melissa distributed flyers to those in the restaurant.

Joan thought for a while and said: “Then…… I had bought some fresh vegetables and meat. I will bring everything over and cook some dishes, and we can have lunch together.” Before Kong and his mother could say anything, a cute dark elf with smaller figure entered with meat and vegetables.

"Let me introduce her. She is also my assistant, Ripine."

Such alluring and rare dark elf girl made the men further roared in exhilaration. 

After a while, Krol’s mother and Ripine went into the kitchen together to cook while the other two girls were entertaining the men. Joan excitedly speaking about changes for the country. 

Then, all of them had lunch, joined by a dozen more people from outside.

It was one of their tactical campaign in making establishments act as their local representatives.

After spending about five hours there, they returned.


Today the monthly meeting of rulers convened. Nationally and regionally elected rulers turned up in former palace.

There were many elected territorial rulers as each territory elected a ruler but at national level, there were only 15 rulers elected. These 15 rulers had equal standing in term of authority. 

The 15 national rulers and other territorial rulers upon appointment, voted for a chairman of this monthly convention. The candidate for the position of chairman must be voted from the 15 national leaders. The elected chairman would chair monthly meeting until the next election.

Although it had no superior authority over other national leaders except leading meetings, the chairman position was desired as it came with prestige. 

Ronald Reagan, a national ruler from Reagan family, Even though he was already 51 years old but he looks like he is still in his early 40s.

He is the reigning chairman of Athen. 

Among them, a man with a big body frame spoke up,

"Chairman Reagan, What is the occasion today? If it’s a war then please send me out by all means. Without sparing the might of Athen, I will crush the enemy for our country.”

He was a red-haired man with huge armor, Friedrich Von Wieser. The National leader from Wieser family. He was one of the Athen’s warlords and among the national leaders, he was the one who possesses the most military might. Some people described him as intimidating but actually he was arrogant. He was that much of a self-important man.

The pro-war faction and high-ranking military officials are Wieser’s ally. If he gained more influence, undoubtedly Athen will continue to take the expansion policy. He might lead Athen to fight against the other continental powers. He would be a good ruler who those who were hungry for war.

For those who didn’t wish for war, he would be close to the worst ruler they could ask for though.

"Wieser. You never change huh.”

“The only thing you talk about is war this, war that. Do you still have a brain left in there? Look, Chairman is troubled too you know?”

Seeing Ronald Reagan was making a bitter smile, a man with green hair spoke out.

Covering his body in a black robe, he was the national ruler from Menger family, Carl Menger. His face was good but his eyes give off a bad vibe. Thanks to that, he gave an overall severe impression. Perhaps his bad personality was as bad as his eyes suggested. In fact, the impression you got from him wasn’t wrong. Among national rulers, the one who had the most brutal personality was unmistakably Carl Menger. Maybe it was because he had such a personality, he was delving into the forbidden magic technique and revive them one after another. That’s the reason he was popular among the magicians.

If he gained more influence, then Athen would surely become a magical superpower. However, it might also become a mad country where inhumane researches were permitted. 

“A weak magician like you probably wouldn’t understand. It is a warrior honor to fight and perish on the battlefield. If you are going to deny me that I will crush you.”

“What a dangerous thing to say. If you want honor that much then shall I gift wrapped it for you?”

The atmosphere turned severe in an instant.

A blue-haired man cough. 

"I apologize for their rude behaviour, dear esteemed leaders who comes from all over Athen."

Saying so, he lowered his head.

Among the rulers, he was the one closest to the Chairman. Wearing a pair of glasses, he was a tall man with sharp eyes. 

Alan Greenspan from Greenspan family.

He was the genius who oversee the nation diplomacy and economic affairs.

If he gained more influence, the nation would be safe. However, the people under his rule of logic and reason would undoubtedly feel suffocated. And to this realist man, he would never leave the seed of the future rebel alone. If this man gained more influence, those who made noises would definitely be killed.

Alan Greenspan who apologized in their places was being stared at by Carl Menger and Friedrich Von Wieser. The good part was taken by Greenspan after all.

A thin man with grey hair stood up, far from them. He was a territorial ruler from West Athena, Lucifer Friedman. He was merely a territorial ruler and Friedman family had only 2 territorial rulers from their family but other rulers suddenly became silent and focused on him as if he was the chairman. That's because Friedman family sponsored many of the rulers here during their election campaign.

"Athena, as main commercial territories in Athen, is being disturbed by rebels. Their influence is out of control now. If we don't put them down, they will topple our government of people."

For the past 2 years, the attending rulers had been listening to Friedman's whining about how rebels were inciting hatred among the citizens towards the ruling government and the said rebellion never came to actual revolution. 

Thus, they had been taking his grumbling as a pinch of salt. However, they didn't dare to manifest their annoyance on their faces as the Friedman was controlling the country using their wealth.

"But Sir Lucifer, did you say mention the same problem last month and months before that. The rebels still don't achieve anything." Only Chairman Ronald Reagan dared to query the Friedman.

Lucifer Friedman rolled his eyes in exasperation, and said,

"Indeed, I have recurrent complain about that but last month was different. They resorted to aggressions!"

The rulers looked at each other but only Reagan retorted him,

"Even if they commit belligerence, what can they possibly achieve? They possess no troop, no weapon, and no money."

Chairman's rejoinder was making him irked. The others were increasing perturbed about the exchange.

Greenspan tried to calm him down persuasively,

"Perhaps the situation had escalate last month. We would like to hear from you, Sir Friedman." 

Friedman kept his shirt on and untangled,

"Indeed, the rebels had been giving out speeches and leaflets to people for the past year. And the crowd was getting bigger by leaps and bounds. The central figure was the little girl from Maynard Keynes."

Hearing the word, Maynard Keynes, the hall turned clamarous. They knew the name. A confused young man stood up and asked, "Who is Maynard Keynes, Lord Friedman?"

Lucifer Friedman found that young man's question to be vexing and refused to answer.

Greenspan answered, "You may be very young and don't know. Before the end of King Roland's reign, there was a famous family of scholar, Maynard Keynes. The last head of the family was Count John Maynard Keynes. When King Roland left Athen, he lost his position. Without wealth and military power, the family was reduced to nothing. John died of old age."

Chairman Reagan continued Greenspan's explanation.

"The one who is said to lead the rebel is John's daughter, Joan."

Hearing the name Joan, the rulers became rowdy.

"That fallen noble !"

"That fallen countess, Joan Maynard Keynes."

"So, that little girl even led rebels."

Chairman retorted Lucifer again,

"But Joan Maynard Keynes should be poor now. She possess no troop, money and weapon. She pose no threat to the great Friedman family."

That irritated Friedman. 

He angrily said,

"For the past month, we sent men to disturb her, but they vanished. Over 100 men disappeared when going after Joan. And Captain Vincent London disappeared when he went after her."

The hall turned raucous after hearing about Vincent's disappearance.

Vincent was one of strong fighter in Athen after all.

Friedrich Von Wieser slammed the wall behind him. He bellowed,

"Impossible. Vincent is strong. How could anyone from that lowly rebels kill him?"

"But the truth is the last time I saw him when I personally asked him to injure Joan Maynard Keynes. I waited for him that night and days after, he never report back to me. He didn't even return to his house. This never happens before." 

Friedman elucidated about the urgency of the situation.

"I suggested we wait for the next month. Friedman family can continue to send even more people after her. I don't believe a fallen poor noble can resort to much." Chairman spoke calmly and Lucifer Friedman held back his discontent for now as most rulers agreed to Chairman's proposal.

After hours of debate on other matters, the monthly convention of rulers ended.

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