Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 75 : Great Plan

I didn't know how but I was transferred into this world. At first, it was like a dream but I persisted, and survived. Then, I met companions, became their lover, and lived with them. 

About 4 years in this world, I had been learning how this world worked. 

I had the advantage as my previous life was in very advanced world incomparable to this medieval world I was currently living in. For example, in my previous life, we knew in great detail about 2,000 years of political and economic  knowledge. They were even made into movies and playable games which I personally had invested a lot of time in it.

When I joined with Joan and the others against this wealthy and we'll connected warlords, these great men didn't know they were against someone who was far knowledgeable than them. They had the advantages of numerous troops, authority, social connections, and wealth but that's the challenge.

I was an activist for a political party and several associations in my previous life. I emulated what those in my previous life did. 

Indeed, the Athen warlords were wealthy but I understood the significance of money and more importantly the efficiency usage of money. Furthermore, I was well versed in finance and economics in my previous life.

In this world, 1 gold coin could be exchanged into about 20 silver coins. Having said that, gold and silver coins were very rarely used in plebeian transactions. Plebeians either exchange actual goods or paid in copper coins. 

1 silver coins could be exchanged into about 50 copper coins. In other words, 1 gold coin could give me 1,000 copper coins. 2 copper coins could give a single person decent breakfast, lunch and dinner for 1 day. Thus, I could hire a man to do my bidding by paying him 60 copper coins per month. Hiring 1,000 jobless men would cost me 60,000 copper coins per month, which actually cost me 60 gold coins per month. As I my Tutorial cheat ability granted me 300 gold coins every month, mere 60 gold coins were negligible. For the first 2 months, besides making daily political campaigns, we had been gathering all sort of information. During that period, we identified 1,000 jobless men in entire 4 territories in Athena which I started working for me as defence force. Using my connection in Treia, I imported weapons and other equipments into Athena. 

Our daily propaganda was working really well. It also helped by frequent disturbance by Friedman's thugs. When the plebeians saw with their own eyes how we killed many Friedman's men, they were convinced we were going to be better ruler than Friedman. 

As territories in Athen were practically lawless, we could practically rule the men without power. Nevertheless, to be sustainable, we desperately need vast land. Most of citizens of Athen were plebeians, thus obtaining support and manpower were probable. But land was something that we had to acquire. Furthermore, based on my experience with corrupted democracy in many countries in my previous life, even most citizens support us, we would never get to rule the country if the election was rigged. That cheating probably happened here among the upper echelon of Athena.




"Mr Adine!"

Girls' voices woke me up from my daydreaming. 

Joan, the girls, Sraffa and Kalecki were sitting on the dining table in Joan's house. 

Oh, yes. We were discussing on what to do when we start hiring the 1,000 men. 

I expounded, "For the next 2 months, they would train their strength and started swinging swords. Unfortunately, we have no one who can train them in military and proper swordsmanship."

I explicated very slowly so they could understand,

"We shall alternate them between training and actual job. Everyday they would take turn, 500 would would train while 500 would guard our campaign teams. Our campaign team will be divided into 2 teams only, each guarded by 250 men. On the next day, the 500 men who worked as guards on preceding day, will be training while the 500 men who trai on preceding day will work as guards. In simple words, 500 men train and 500 men guard on one day. They will take turn guarding and training."

"As for training, out of 1,000 men, 300 men shall be trained to be archers. Lily will stay back and train them, training 150 archers each day. 100 men will be monks, 50 men trained hand to hand combat each day by Leliana. Remaining 600 men would be normal troops. 300 men to be trained each day by Mireille, Brita and Sora to swing swords. Aura and Ripine, you girls shall each lead 250 men to guard each campaign team."

From their looks, they appeared to grasp my direction.

They subsequently discussed seriously among themselves. 

I returned to my deep pondering. 

As I went deeper into politics and human crisis of this world, I became further and further from the knowledge of magic. Magic and sorcery was significant but mysterious part of this world. Ignorance about it would hit me hard later on. I had several girls with unique magical abilities with me but they obtained those magic abilities from my sexual beast cheat. The only who had proper knowledge about sorcery was Marcella as she did study formally about magic in noble academy in Ponsonia, according to her.

Marcella threw light on Circle Tower owned by Circle of Magi at Lake Calenhad. Circle of Magi was an independent group like church and mercenaries guild in this world. Lake Calenhad was located in Goldonia land but was not governed by Goldonia. Goldonia was large empire but luckily Lake Calenhad was at South East of Goldonia, near Arkland and Athen.

I must unravel Circle Tower.

I stood up and declared to them,

"I shall travel alone to Lake Calenhad. You girls take care of things here. I will return before 2 months."

They were startled.

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