

Kakashi noticed something was wrong with Guy.

During the battle, Guy seemed to be surging with blood, becoming more and more excited, his eyes turned blood red, and he fell into a state of frenzy.

At this time.


Guy let out a roar and used a kick, knocking Kakashi back.

Before Kakashi could stabilize his body, Fuy jumped up again, and while his body was spinning at a high speed, he used an upper kick to knock Kakashi back again.

After Kakashi lost his balance completely, with his body wide open Guy kicked him in the chest at high speed with his heel, that made Kakashi flew out instantly.

Whirlwind of leaves.

These three consecutive kicks directly sent Kakashi flying towards the stands like a cannonball, crashing with a bang.

"Cough cough..."

In the ruins of the collapsed stand, Kakashi coughed up blood and looked horrified. He wanted to stand up, but there was a sharp pain in his chest, making him unable to get up again.

All the time.

Kakashi rarely used ninjutsu in order to take care of Guy when he and Guy learned from each other.

But even in pure physical competition, Guy never beat him.

Until today.

At this moment, Kakashi, who was defeated by Guy, suddenly remembered a lot of memories.

When he first met Guy at the gate of the ninja school a few years ago, the latter failed even the most basic entrance exam. His father, Might Duy, was also laughed at by Konoha ninjas who were passing by.

Guy who was young at that time wanted to talk back for his father, but he was beaten back unsurprisingly. Kakashi couldn't stand it any longer, so he stepped in to help and knocked down the two ninjas in three or two strokes.

"Your father was scolded by them, but you couldn't even fight back."

At that time, the arrogant Kakashi said this to Guy, looking down on the latter.

Later, Kakashi and his father met Duy and his son at the school gate.

To Kakashi's surprise, when his father learned that Guy failed to enter the school, not only did he not underestimate the child, but because of Guy's bruised body and optimistic personality, he made a bold judgment—

Guy, may surpass Kakashi in the future.

He then asked Kakashi to become friends with the latter.

A genius and the tail of a crane, their lives were originally two parallel lines, and since that day, they have intersected.

Kakashi is a proud and confident genius.

He accepted Guy's challenge again and again. Although he gradually recognized the other party's efforts and progress, he never believed what his father had said.

But now, Guy has done it.

At least in physical skills, he has surpassed Kakashi.

Effort can surpass genius.

Of course, there is also a little contribution from Kisame.

"Kakashi, can you not do it? You were defeated by a genin. Stand up, I haven't entertained enough yet!"

In the stands, Kushina, who had a carefree personality, was still waving her fists over there to support the fire.

The attentive Uchiha Mikoto held on to Kushina, frowning slightly and said:

"Kushina, something is wrong. Look at that kid."

Only then did Kushina realize that Guy's eyes that were completely red, and there were two white breaths coming out of his nose, like a mad bull.

Kisame too noticed Guy's strangeness.

Anyone who gains great power through monster cells is bound to have side effects.

Something will be lost.

Some lost their hair, some lost the fun of being a man, and Guy, looks like he's lost his mind.

It's like a Saiyan turned into a Great ape.

Kisame still remembers that after Guy swallowed the monster cells, he also fell into a frenzy and only knew how to fight. Only after being knocked down did he regain his sanity.


In the training ground, Guy roared again, and surging green energy erupted from his body. Then, he rushed towards Kakashi like a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

He opened the Eight Gates unconsciously.

Kakashi was stunned, this was not the Guy he knew. He wanted to escape, but was unable to move because of his injuries.

"We must stop him now!"

Kushina and Mikoto were also shocked and rushed down from the stand to attack Guy.


Mikoto's hands moved fast, as she threw a large number of shuriken forward. After the shuriken flew out, they collided in the air and changed directions one after another, and finally attacked Guy from all angles.

Mikoto's forte is Shuriken skill.

This extraordinary talent was later inherited by her to her two sons: Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke.


To Mikoto's surprise, in the face of her shuriken formation, Guy didn't dodge or evade, and used his body to force it.

'Clang clang!'

Those shuriken attacked Guy's body, making a sound of iron clashing, leaving only a light white mark on his red skin.

In a state of rage, not only did Guy's strength and speed skyrocket, but even his skin was hardened, and his defense was greatly improved.

Seeing this, Kushina shouted to her best friend, "Mikoto, protect Kakashi and let me deal with this guy!"

Before she finished speaking, she had already put her hands together.

Kushina realized that ordinary ninjutsu would be useless to deal with Guy, so she could only resort to that trick.

Adamantine Chains.


In the next second, five thick golden chains shot out from Kushina's back and flew forward with incomparable flexibility.

In one fell swoop, the oncoming Guy was repelled.

Then, under Kushina's control, five chains, like arms, quickly bound Guy's limbs and torso so that he could not move.

When Kisame who was sitting in the stands saw this scene, his eyes narrowed.

He knows that the Adamantine Chains is the unique ability of the Uzumaki Clan. Multiple Chakra chains stretch out from their back, which can not only be used as a powerful attack weapon, but also can be used to create enchantments and seal tailed beasts.

In the anime, Kushina, who had the nine tails drawn out of her just after giving birth, with exhausted chakra performed this technique in an extremely weak state, and easily subdued the runaway nine tails.

It can be said that it is a powerful sealing technique that is not inferior to Seal Ten.


Guy growled like a mad, trapped beast, desperately trying to break free from the chains, but to no avail. Soon, the red light in his eyes dissipated, his eyes were dull, and he fell to the ground and became unconscious.


Kushina snorted lightly, her face brightened.

Her Adamantine Chains can even block Nine Tails, not to mention dealing with Guy.

'That's it.

Guy, you have disappointed me so much.'

Kisame thought so in his heart, then shook his head, got up and prepared to leave.


Suddenly, Kushina looked at Kisame and shouted sharply.

She thought at first that Kisame was an ordinary villager who happened to be here to watch the fun. But in the process of this emergency, the latter has been sitting firmly in the stands, and during the whole process he is very calm.

There is clearly a problem.

Kushina's mind was quick, and she immediately began to suspect that Guy's strangeness might have something to do with this strange-looking person in front of her.

It is necessary to stop the other party and investigate.

Kisame paused, but ignored Kushina, and continued to walk outside the training ground.

Kushina frowned, and with a swoosh, she instantly moved in front of Kisame.

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear? I won't say it a third time."

She said coldly, the more she looked, the more suspicious she became.

"Are you sure you want to stop me?"

Kisame stopped and asked calmly, "You have to think about it. Because what you are about to pay may be the price of your life."

Kushina was suddenly startled, and subconsciously took two steps back, because she sensed the strong killing intent from the other party.


Who is Uzumaki Kushina?

She has a bad temper since she was a child. She used to be the eldest sister in the ninja school. She was called "Red Hot-Blooded Habanero". When did she show weakness?

"The person who can scare me hasn't been born yet!"

Kushina sneered, jumped back to a safe distance, and clasped her hands together with a snap.

Once again, she released her Adamantine Chains, manipulated her golden chains, and attacked Kisame fiercely.

Kisame moved.

However, he neither chose to confront Kushina, nor did he flee, but—

Rushed towards Uchiha Mikoto and Kakashi like lightning!

Mikoto was startled, and after reacting, she quickly threw several kunai at Kisame.

Kisame had already raised his right hand and fired the needle with his index finger. With a few "dang dang dang" sounds, all the Kunai flew away and attacked Mikoto.

At the same time, Kisame's left hand moved to form a seal, and with a burst of dazzling golden light, a golden lightning whip appeared in his palm.

He moved it towards Kakashi who fell to the ground.

Not good!

Mikoto's expression changed, barely avoiding the attack of the needle, and tried to save Kakashi, but was hit by the whip, and was immediately paralyzed and lost her ability to resist.

She is just an ordinary Jōnin, so she was defeated as she was trying to save Kakashi instead of fighting back at that moment.

As the saying goes, persimmons need a soft pinch.

Kisame is not be stupid enough to face the Adamantine Chains, and waste precious time, to face Kushina directly and fairly.

He is in Konoha now, and he must make a quick decision and get out as soon as possible, otherwise it will attract more troublesome guys, and then it will not be so easy for him to leave.

Now, he took Uchiha Mikoto and Kakashi hostage.


The golden chains that were chasing behind him were taken back by Kushina seeing this.

"I warned you, Uzumaki Kushina. Remember, it was your stupidity and conceit that killed your best friend and Kakashi."


Shoutout to Planetism for support.

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