

"What is wrong with that shark face? He even dares to laugh. Is he provoking us?"

"That guy looks strong and seems to be a tough guy, but he has the capital to be arragont."

"Hmph, no matter how tough he is, he's just a newcomer. We will teach him the rules here."


A group of prisoners looked at Kisame and talked about what they were going to do with him. 

The prison guards took Kisame and others to the assigned cells in turn.

"Go in!"

At the end of the aisle, the prison guard opened the last door with the key and pushed Kisame in.

Double room?

As soon as Kisame entered, he found that the bed in the cell was a bunk bed. A man with triangular eyes was sitting on a stool with a hand in his face. He stared at Kisame with a playful expression.

This person is going to be Kisame's cellmate.

"Boy, why did you come in here?" Triangle Eyes asked casually, as if he was interested in Kisame's story.

But without waiting for Kisame to speak, he first showed off:

"I am here because of a woman. She betrayed me and got into a relationship with another man. So on the day of her wedding in the village, I went to congratulate her, and then... I killed the whole village, hehe."

When Triangle Eyes talked about this, his face was smug.

In fact, in Hozuki Castle, there are many scum like him, either a murderous executioner or a vicious madman.

"Tell me, what did you do?"

After Triangle Eyes finished showing off his "great achievements", he asked Kisame again.

"I'm sleepy. This lower bunk is my bed. I'll go to bed first."

Kisame did not answer the other party's question, but walked straight towards the bed.


Triangle Eyes found that Kisame dared to Kisame not answer his question, and immediately frowned and said with a sneer: "Boy, it seems that you are really surprised and don't understand the rules at all. A newcomer, you still want to sleep immediately?"

"What's the matter, shouldn't the newcomers be taken care of in prison?" Kisame asked in confusion.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The triangular eyes seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, laughing back and forth, with tears coming out of his eyes.

"Boy, you look like an idiot. In fact, you are indeed a complete idiot. Want to sleep in the bottom bunk? You can also come and lick my shoes, and then recognize me as a big brother first."

With a playful look on his face, Triangle Eyes stood up and pointed to his shoes.

"All right."

In desperation, Kisame could only walk over, and then... he raised his right hand andswiped it towards the left side of the triangular eye's face.

With a snap, the triangular eyed guy was dizzy by the slap, gold stars appeared in his eyes, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

This sudden scene suddenly caused the prisoners in the opposite cell to roar.

Because for them there is a good show to watch.

"Hey, Triangle Eye, what's the matter with you, you can't even handle a newcomer?"

"If you don't hit back quickly, you will definitely lose face, and you won't be able to get along in this prison in the future!"

The prisoners watched lively and frantically turned up the fire.

Triangular eyes were really stimulated, he jumped up from the ground, and shouted at Kisame: "You damned thing!"

Before he finished speaking, he took out a small knife from the sole of his shoe and stabbed it towards Kisame.

Kisame dodged left and right, and the seemingly cumbersome and burly body was actually extremely flexible, making the opponent's attack fail everytime.

"What's the matter, what's the noise?!"

In the aisle, two prison guards who didn't go far turned back after hearing the movement.

When they found that the triangular eye was holding a prohibited knife and stabbed at Kisame frantically, their expressions changed, and they hurriedly reprimanded and took the key to open the prison door.

"Go to hell!"

Triangle Eyes has lost his mind at this time, and vowed to stab Kisame to death before the prison guards can stop him, in order to vent his hatred.

At this moment, Kisame attacked.

He turned sideways, avoiding the triangular eye's knife, while hanging his right index finger behind him, then shot out a chakra wire from the fingertips.

At such a close distance, the triangular eye's hands and feet were controlled by the chakra wire.

Line Release · Marionette Technique.

Next second.


Triangle Eye's was horrified to find that he was holding a knife and stabbed at the prison guard who had just entered the cell.

With a puff, a prison guard was stabbed in the shoulder and suddenly let out a scream.

Another prison guard was shocked when he saw this, and immediately raised his gun in a hurry, aiming the muzzle at the triangle eye.


Triangle Eye's panicked and shouted, but the movement of his hand did not stop, as he stabbed towards the gaurd.


The prison guard pulled the trigger, and with the dazzling sparks from the muzzle, triangular eye's who rushed towards him fell to the ground.

Blood flowed out from triangular eye's corpse, and quickly stained the cell red.

He was dying.

Kisame quietly retracted the chakra line.

'Dong dong dong.'

Another sound of footsteps with boots on the ground came from the aisle. More prison guards who heard gunfire rushed to the scene.

The injured prison guard was sent to the infirmary for treatment.

"What happened?"

The captain of the prison guard frowned, and asked another prison guard and prisoners about the scene and restored the incident.

Triangle Eye fought with the newcomer . During the fight between the two sides, Triangle Eye stabbed the prison guard with a knife, and was eventually killed.

The captain of the prison guard inspected Triangle Eye's body, and after finding nothing suspicious, he instructed his subordinates:

"Transfer the body to the mortuary for cremation."

"This, how should we to deal with this newcomer?" A gaurd asked.

The captain of the prison guard heard the words, glanced at Kisame, and said coldly: "On the first night in prison, he beat up the old inmate and injured the prison guard. According to the rules of Hozuki Castle, this kind of thorn should be locked first. Let him calm down for a few days in the confinement room."


Hearing the words, the prison guards walked into the cell with handcuffs and handcuffed Kisame.

Amid the discussions among the prisoners, Kisame crossed the aisle and was escorted to the confinement room.

The so-called confinement room is a very remote cell in the depths of the prison.

The cell was less than five square meters in size, and it was empty.

The confinement room is surrounded by walls on three sides, only the outer wall has a window the size of a human face. On a moonlit night, a ray of moonlight will shine through the window, even if it is a lamp.

When the prisoner stood at the window, he could see the moon hanging high in the night sky and the sea in the distance. It seemed that freedom was only separated by a wall and within easy reach.

But it is this wall that is farther than the ends of the earth, which makes people feel deeper despair.

Many prisoners are locked up in solitary cells, and after a few days there, they will have serious psychological problems, even mental breakdowns.

In short, this is a place that no prisoner would want to come to for a second time.

Kisame is an exception.

"Although the conditions are a little worse, it is a single room anyway, which is really good."

He thought to himself, and lay down on the spot, with his hands behind his head and one leg on top of the other with a happy look.

While Kisame was enjoying his stay in the prison.

Those Amegakure ninjas who "escorted" him have returned to the Land of Rain.

The Land of Rain is a small country that lives in the cracks of several major countries. Historically, it was in constant civil strife and was in the midst of continuous wars all year round.

The hard-won peace was not gained until Hanzo, a fierce man named Demi-God, who unified the entire Amegakure with powerful strength, and led his subordinate ninjas to fight against the aggression of major powers.

And Hanzo himself, also known as the "Demi-god", reached the top of the ninja world and became a living legend.

It rains all year round in the Land of Rain.

Therefore, the architecture of this country is very distinctive, and the material is mainly gray-black steel, like a towering tower. Large and small pipes wrapped around the building for drainage and formed a unique landscape.

After the team came back, they went straight to the tallest building in the center of the village.

In the office, Hanzo, the leader of Amegakure, is waiting for them to hear the report.

"Reporting to Hanzo-sama, that person has been successfully delivered to Hozuki Castle. We also left two people lurking on the island, hiding outside the prison to receive news. I believe it will not be long before information will come back."

They came to the office and respectfully reported to Hanzo.

"Well, you did a good job."

Hanzo, who was over half a hundred years old, sat on a large and comfortable leather chair, praised his subordinates lightly, as a light flashed in his cloudy eyes.

It turned out that the prisoner "Scarface" who was escorted this time to Hozuki Castle was not punished for resisting Hanzo.

On the contrary, Scarface has always been Hanzo's most trusted subordinate, the Anbu elite of Amegakure, known as Hanzo's "left hand".

The purpose of Hanzo sending his left hand to Hozuki Castle is to go undercover and spy on the rumored "Box of Ultimate Bliss".

"If you have nothing to do, you should go down and rest first." Hanzo waved his hand after listening to their reports.

"Sir, there is one more thing."

They hesitated and looked at each other, and finally told Hanzo truthfully, "We met a person named Hoshigaki Kisame..."


When Hanzo heard about Kisame hijacking the prison car, he couldn't help frowning, feeling strange.

He is a suspicious person by nature. After hearing this, he immediately ordered his subordinates: "Investigate about this Hoshigaki Kisame immediately, and put all his information on my desk within a day."


These subordinates did not dare to neglect this order, and acted quickly.

At this moment, two more Amegakure ninjas hurried into the office and reported to Hanzo that a new organization had recently appeared in the Land of Rain.

It's called "Akatsuki".

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