Kismet’s Tale

Chapter 17: The Exemplars

      Arkadia Academy is a place of learning. It had been with the Empire ever since the very foundation. When the first Emperor of the Empire proclaimed the Empire of Athesia, the Academy was later founded to retain the lessons of the past.

The school grounds had remained the same. The statues and banners that were displayed on the entrance. The stone-paved pathways and the large hedge mazes and shrubbery that gave the Academy a rather peaceful look.

Entering through the front gate of the Academy you would witness students coming in and out wearing their uniforms. Their schooling continued on despite the war and though there are many who had returned to school after the war stopped. Inside the main doors of the Academy, there were welcoming desks on the right that registered the students. Most of the time those who have quite the status were able to enroll in the higher classes. There was an obvious segregation of the commoners and the noble ranking, though there are cases where the student is allowed to enter the higher classes. It was usually rare.

Most of the lobby was filled with individuals who were either here for business or going to their classes. He wore a three-piece suit consisting of white shirt, black tie, and a tan trench coat that Old Fred got him.. He towered most of the students. One of the guards who had worked in the Empire watched him closely, but never tried to talk to him. One of the school’s disciplinary officers had finally grown some balls to approach Mavin.

“Sir, is there something you need to want from our Academy?”

Mavin offered a hand. “I am First Lieutenant Mavin Tomas, of the Imperial Army. And also a graduate of this Academy.”

“Ah,” the person nodded. “Then, Senior, May I know what you want?”

“I am here to visit Instructor Rene Abe, I believe he is part of the Mechanical Division.”

The person recognized the name when he said that he was in the Mechanical Division.

“The Instructor should be in the research department.”

“Is it still on the right wing of the Academy?” 

The person nodded and told him about the directions. Mavin listened to the person as he was led to the hallway that led to the right wing of the Academy. Though Mavin was familiar with the Academy, it was best to cooperate with his juniors.

There was change within the composition of the building. Once the structure of the building was made of old bricks that made the heat unbearable. The ventilation and the clean air entering the halls gave Mavin a surprise. As he continued walking this city-like Academy within a few minutes. He found the mechanical division’s tram platform that was powered with the same principle as the tram cars outside of the city. Taking a step on the tram car and holding on to the railings. He had thought how rather rusty and slow the mechanism was. When the tram platform arrived on the entrance of the right wing of the Academy. He was surprised by the reinforced concrete and marble that gave the ring wing building quite a daring and imposing mechanical structure that allowed for quite a sight.

To him it looks like that there was a recent collaboration with the Holmians. Entering through the metal doorway, he was welcomed by a wide and spacious factory-like interior that was more of a sweatshop. However, there were isolated areas where the students come and go. They were using this metal pathway to get to those buildings. The rest of the buildings were composed of jumper-wearing students who had grease and oil on their attires.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have worn a suit,” Mavin though. The dress code of the Academy was rather strict and even those who have thick faces wouldn’t enter the Academy without donning at least a formal attire.

He scanned the people and noticed the man he was looking for. Mavin sauntered near the testing areas when one of the people saw him walking close to the area. The person seems to affirm something to himself as he approaches Mavin. Mavin had to explain, introduce, and implored the young man to call Abe. When the man heard what the young man had to say. He let his assistant continue the experiment as he sauntered to Mavin.

A gaunt young adult, with short black hair swept back and brown eyes. He sported a stubble that covered his squared jaw and cheeks. The young adult studied Mavin Tomas before throwing his arms around, his lab coat fluttering.

“Welcome, my oldest friend, it seems that the war could not kill you!”

“Rene Abe, you are still scrawny as ever. Looks like you are the one that teaches now.”

“Mavin Tomas,” Rene grinned with satisfaction, “I’ve heard of your merits. What they call you and what have you done.”

“Well, that is expected of you,” Mavin wasn’t surprised. He was after all one of the most brilliant people in this city and the ones who had the connection. Mavin was sure that if he hadn’t shown his knowledge then this person wouldn’t have been interested in knowing him years ago. Not that he had given him a choice.

“So you’ve come here and it looks like you are in need of a favor,” Rene knew Mavin enough to know what he was coming for. Mavin wasn’t going to hide what he wanted so he looked at the people and then to Rene.

“Not here, this is quite private.”

Rene examined his watch, told the young man that was standing not far from them to inform his assistance. Once that was done, he found out that his friend had grown to be a responsible adult. Mavin stopped moving his legs for a moment. Wonder about how time had really passed while he was fighting outside of the Empire.

“I had informed them that I will be having a conversation with you. I shall assume that this shall not take long?”

“Of course, you know me, Rene. I don’t take my time when I can.”

Rene carefully nodded. Mavin followed him to his office.



Rene’s office was a three minute walk from the area where they were. As expected, it was a large laboratory filled with machine parts, and a rather large workshop table. On the side of his office was a supply room. A smell of grease and steel mixed in the air, and the only two sources of light was the incandescent bulb purposely placed on areas where he worked.

“Needed ventilation here,” Mavin commented.

Rene had this abrupt and almost absurd reaction. He was about to say something, but then decided to keep it for himself. He threw his lab coat on one of the racks and dived into the sofa.

“So what do you want, my friend?”

“Well, at least some parts of you didn’t change,” Mavin circled around and sat on the armrest of the chair. “And please stop that ‘my friend’, it’s honestly not good to hear.”

“You’ve changed. I had thought you’d be thinner. I guess you are still you even after the war. Can I get this out of the way?”


“How did it feel?”

“Killing and fighting in the field. I had heard stories and rumors from even my own students.”

“It’s not pretty. The worst part of it is that you feel alive. You grow numb and you get used to it. That if you aren’t shell-shocked most of the time. I had it good because I was in places where the shelling wasn’t the worst. I was able to move freely and avoided the reckless charges. In the other places there were people who are more unfortunate than me.”

“I heard that you fought in the worst parts.”

“Only for a while, and most of the time the Artillery did all the work. I just picked off anyone that tried to cross the trench lines or tried blowing up my brother’s back.”

“I see.”

Mavin pointed at him. “Do people have something to say about you?”

“No. They know that I had been on the edge of the war. I am responsible for most of the artillery alongside my colleagues. We were the first to have tested what our machines can do. It is not pretty.”

“Nothing in that war was pretty. Still, it must be hard for some who had not joined the war.”

“Surprisingly, it is a rather tamer than expected. When soldiers speak that they do not wish for them to experience that hell, they would understand. However, there is some sort of brotherhood that you soldiers only understand.”

“Ah, that,” Mavin squeezed his wrist and cracked his fingers. “It’s something that you would only understand if you had experienced the six minutes of death.  I guess you mechanics cannot comprehend that feeling. Not that I’d wish for any of you to understand what that feeling was.”

It was a feeling of emptiness that was usually hard for them to understand. It was something that they could not speak to anyone. How could they when they don’t even understand it themselves?

Rene chose to change the topic. “So what made you come here?”

“I wanted to see my foolish friend and also deliver this.”

Mavin handed out a document that he got from Mimi. This document was a parcel that Mimi was about to deliver to the mechanical division. It came from Rigel, handed to Mimi, and since he was going to the Academy. Mavin found the perfect excuse to hand the documents to one of the people. Rene took the document inside the folders, and upon seeing the contents of the documents. His eyes became focused and brows met. He studied the contents thrice before placing the documents back to the folder.

“Looks like the Webman Company is going to work with the Lazon Region. Your region is sought by everyone now.”

“Recently, we have it good lately.”

The Greater Lazon holds countless resources, and the manufacturing power that rivals even the factories of the Empire in Memepan. Though the North of Lazon is composed of interconnected impassable mountains that would need quite a journey to reach through trains and slanting roads. The most accessible location was the heart of Lazon, which connects the villages. He had heard that there are railways and bus-sized trains traveling in the countryside now. Mavin had a feeling that even with the trains, most of his people would use the old roads to trek the lands.

“If you were still in the rule, I wonder how many would have tried to make you their husband.”

“We don’t do arranged marriages.”

“You only have one heiress right now, right?”

“I do. But the position doesn’t necessarily mean that it would be passed over. We desire strength and intellectual fortitude. Well, I doubt anyone weak would try to seduce my niece.”

“I pity them. Count Derrick, no, the Countess herself would throw this person into the pit if they try anything.”

Loyalty was the greatest asset of the Lazonians. Not everyone had that brand of loyalty, and though there are many that do try. They had to fight the Enforcers of the Lazon people, and he doubts anyone would try when they are constantly rooting out enemies of the Region.

“Still, imagine if you had that title, you would have been quite something.”

“Doubt it. Rene, there is a difference between having a few ideas and actually ruling and taking care of every nuance that happens in a region. I had given them some ideas, pushed those ideas out of selfishness, and managed to make it work because I had the assistance of brilliant individuals. My Cousin had been able to achieve so much without my help and I doubt anyone would disagree with me.”

Rene wasn’t surprised. “Well, the name ‘Tomas’ isn’t something that your people hand over to anyone. Especially now that you have done something worthy of the name.”

“Anyway,” Mavin stopped him from talking about his family. “The Webman Company wants your cooperation, and the cooperation of the mechanical division, in exchange, they are going to hand over their Vulcan Technology.”

The Vulcan Technology was the steel giants that were able to function and walk despite its size. The reason was that it was a hydroelectric crystal that they had concocted. It allowed these giants to make these crystals to produce electrolysis. The hydroelectric crystal as the ‘heart’ of the machine, and the mineral water running on the ‘veins’ of the giant as their blood.

“Lovable machines, brilliant works of engineering, but nonetheless, they are slower than horses, and require maintenance. However, there is merit in making use of them as construction automatons.”

Rene pondered on the machines. He probably had seen these towering machines. Most of these machines have the ability to lift a ton of weight. Though Mavin could remember from the ‘memories’ that other countries would use these Juggernauts in the future. Even he wondered if the Steel Knights are going to happen in this world as well.

“They are not practical, and only because of the wootz metal that they could even function. They can hasten some of our projects, but the problem is the Webman Company.”

Mavin wondered. “Do they have merit? I have heard some of them, but they are mostly manufacturers of steel and machinery, aren’t they?”

“Yes, but they have been quite the upstart, profiting from the war, and I was thinking of rejecting them.”

“Your reason?”

“They demand the cooperation of the mechanical division and at the same time, they wish to keep the schematics for their own use until we can get a product.  The Empire takes itself seriously when it comes to manufacturing these days.”

“Hmm, do they plan to build the machines in the Empire?”

“No, they plan to use Memepan’s factories to achieve this.”

“That won’t do. Many eyes would fall on them. Besides, they want to manufacture Holmian Technology near the heart of the Empire? Change their terms, let them construct in Omevia, transport them. The mouth of Pustalo is open and the Ports are available.”

“I thought you don’t work in the family?” he snided

“I don’t. But even I know how bad it is for them to manufacture in the mainland. And if that doesn’t work out, then I’ll have to call on the Ducal Families to help out, Tomas's name shouldn’t be underestimated. Ah, I have to call for my cousin, inform Old Fred, and then Rigel.”

Rene suddenly threw his head to laugh. “Hah, and this is the person who had supposedly abandoned the burden of rule?”

“I am only telling them, not ‘ordering’ for them. Besides, I think that the Webman Company still doesn’t understand how ravenous the nobles here are.”

“Then to your opinion, I should go with this? Personally, I rather have my mechanical division focus on the planes for now.”

From one of his boxes he pulled a blueprint of one of the designs they made. It was a mono-motor plane with a design that allowed it to be sleek by having two engines placed behind the cockpit. It had forward swept wings with a ‘Y’ tail.

“Pretty isn’t it?”

“It is,” Mavin observed. “Balsa and hardwood sandwiched together, adjustable wing flaps, and automatic wing flaps, and what’s this?”

He pointed on the engines. Rene smiled as he explained. “We have developed a special cooling system that allows the air to flow through the fuselage, and exiting at the trailing edge of the wing.”

“I have no words,” Mavin folded his arms. He was a mechanic, but compared to the talents of his peers, he was rather mediocre. Even the ‘memories’ didn’t grant him enough talent to stand on top of everyone.

Rene smiled triumphantly. “I doubt that you would understand our genius design, but nonetheless isn’t it nice?”

“Yes, it is, but how long is the airtime?”

“Quite short, unfortunately, and though we have a cooling system, there is a problem when it comes to the fuel.”

“Then wouldn’t it better if you learn the manufacturing of the Vulcan?”

“I had pondered that too as well, seeing the capabilities of the Vulcan Technology, but nonetheless to rework the engine design and apply them to this is quite shameless.”

Mavin wasn’t surprised that Rene would immediately think of using the designs of the technology and apply it to their own designs. “Nonetheless, doesn’t the Emperor want some sort of ‘air superiority’? Think about it, if we have planes that can fly a long distance, we can one up the Holmians with our tech.”

“There is the matter of cost. Wait, what are you here for again?”

Mavin grinned. He tapped a finger on the folder laid out on the table. “I was here to deliver this, but how about you make sure that you get it. You do know that my family is in this deal as well.

Rene leaned forward with a sneer. “Mavin, you are a good friend of mine, and I do appreciate that you come to visit, but this isn’t something that I can decide on my own. I need to consult my peers.”

Mavin shook his head and said.

“That a Holmian Tech, that you can use for the Empire’s use, with support from the Greater Lazon’s factories, and increase the capability of our Armed Forces? I’ve heard that we’ve been limiting our pilots to the citizens of the Empire despite that everyone had seen what planes could accomplish. Besides, I think that you have already decided on what to do with these machines.”

He had read the contents so quickly that it was obvious that he was only looking at the clauses that had been changed in the documents. He was only taking a step in a half-way done deal, and that even in those ‘memories’ he had accepted the deal, focusing on the Vulcans.

“You Enforcers are always a problem to me,” Rene shook his head. “From Enforcer to Constable, you have one way of getting roles that allows you to become the one that upholds the law and at the same time, the judge.”

Rene studied Mavin’s face as if inwardly wrestling with something. He studied his plane design again and nodded his head. It was then that the door to his office was swung open without an effort to knock.

A slender young woman with beautiful features, chestnut hair that she let loose up to her waist. She wore a dress shirt with a coat that she wore alongside her long wavy skirt. Her lab coat swung mindlessly as she trained her eyes to Rene.

“Rene,” she said lightly. “I heard that you left the working area.” Her eyes stopped on Mavin. Her mouth crooked and eyes narrowed. “Mavin Tomas, it seems that the war did not kill you, no?”

“Kristine Torre, you have grown wonderfully, aside from some other areas?”

“Obviously, but I don’t like what your words imply, Mavin Tomas. Hmph, I see, no wonder Rene left the working area. So, what are you boys discussing?”

Mavin turned to Rene then back to Kristine with a slight grin. Rene looked as if he knew what was going to happen next and loosen his shoulders. “Kristine, hear this, the Holmians are planning to allow Rene here access to their Vulcan technology. Which means that he would have access to the technology that runs them as well.”

She turned sharply to Rene. “You didn’t refuse, right? You do know what our glorious Empire could do with such technology?”

“I didn’t disagree with the two of you nagging my ears. I understand what this means for us, but—”

“The Webman Company might be an upstart,” she said suddenly. “They have many connections outside of the continent, and they will soon own the transcontinental train that will soon connect this continent to the Turian Continent. Have you not heard that they intend to use the same technology to their sea fortresses? If you think that this will somehow bother them, then you must underestimate the mental capabilities of the parties involved. We are talking about technology here that they will not easily hand over, and they must have thought this out before giving it to us. It’s glaringly obvious that they intend to make use of this division to further improve the designs of their technology. They still own the patent, and they will have the right to get the technology from the Webman Company. They are allowing us to take their technology further, get the improved designs, and profit from it. I say that the mercantile acumen of the Webman is expected. The Holmians are not bad either.”

“Wouldn’t that mean that they’d be using us?”

“And so what?” Kristine snorted at the obvious. “It’s an equivalent exchange, which would profit both parties. Hmm, the Heads would agree to such a lovely proposal, though the manufacturing would get quite a stir.”

“Mavin here says that it should be done in Lazon.”

“Hmm, that would be a problem by itself,” she commented. “Tomas, your family is quite intimidating right now, and if they do allow it. Then it would mean that they would allow your family to grow even further. Hmm, who knows about this deal?”

Rene raised a hand. “The Tomas, and some of the Heads.”

“Where do they intend to manufacture these?”

“In Memepan.”

“The Webman Company seems to be clueless with the nature of the Hundred Nobles of our Empire. They are Hyenas, no, these should be done in separate locations. I will have my family take care of the other locations. The alumni will try to get a crumb if they learn of this.”

Kristine Torre took the opportunity. Mavin and Rene exchanged looks, knowing that Kristine had probably concocted plans to make a profit out of this. But they know that she must want this deal.

“Look at you, already dipping your paws into this,” Rene said bluntly. Kristine’s eyes sharpened, she folded her arms, lifted her chin and said.

“Hmph, if you don’t want to appeal to the Heads and the Alumni about this, then I shall do it. I bet most of them would love to get on this.”

“Not so fast, woman,” Rene took the documents. “I was the person that was handed these documents and it is my duty to do so.”

“I’ll go with you,” Kristine’s smile was rather blinding. But behind that smile there was something sinister that Mavin found familiar. Sensing Mavin’s gaze, she turned to him.


“Nothing, I’m truly glad that you two are safe and that you haven’t changed much.”

“I disagree. I can honestly say that I have changed. Still, as much as I hate to admit it,” she looked at Mavin. “It does feel nice that you returned home safe and sound from war, Mavin.”

“I,” Mavin nodded, “thank you. You two have been my friends ever since I came to this Academy, and I am glad that you two are doing well. Though I am rather sad by some of the things that I had found out, but pay no heed to it.”



The two looked dumbfounded. As if they were clueless about what he was sad about. It only proves his dilemma to his rather dense friends. However, he didn’t want to interfere, knowing what role they have to play in the coming days. It was going to be a long one and who knew that these would be the pair that would decide on the fate of an entire world?

In those memories, they acted as the ‘narrators’ that saw the world. Each side tells the stories of the two Ladies of the Grand Dukes, acting as their supporters, helping the Ladies reach a conclusion. They acted as the characters who would give advice to the Lady, allowing the Lady to reach a certain choice.

But there was one thing he hated.

Each side would have to choose which side to support. He hated how they treated the two as if they were enemies that could not reconcile after choosing one side. Mostly, one would pick it based on one’s gender preference, and the two would be forced to act as if they had changed suddenly in order for their candidate to win.

He had come to this city years ago not only to study but find them two. He wanted proof that these people were ones who would grow to be the people. He also wanted to believe that they were not real.

Once, he had thoughts of befriending them so he could monitor them. But the more they learned about them, the more he had wondered if these memories would even lead to the path they would take. He had known what ticked them, what bothered them, as if they had already bared their soul in front of them. It bothered him, but nonetheless he had looked at them truly as exemplar people that did not have the luxury to control their own fates. They were bound by a kismet that led them to this very path.

But wasn’t he a person that was bound by fate? He didn’t exist in those ‘memories’ and because of that he wasn’t able to save his parents. Such memories could have been a delusion, and yet through the tidbit of information that he has. He was able to make the Tomas Family get an opportunity, and because of this opportunity, coupled with the brilliance of his family. They were able to make Lazon a prosperous place. It was not his work. Life wasn’t so simple that one person could change it all.

Mavin wasn’t arrogant enough to believe that all of this happened because of him. But if he had something that he was sure that changed something. Then it would have been the death of Alfred Silheid by his hands. Alfred Silheid was the courage of the three alliances, and because they had lost their ‘courage’ that things turned differently.

It didn’t matter what role they have for this world. He didn’t care about what their future was, knowing that even Kohl’s fate could be changed. It was a simple thought as refusing what fate had dealt them.

Rene noticed Mavin’s silence. “It’s been long since you that stare of yours.”

“True, almost nostalgic how you always get lost on your own,” she sat on the middle of the table as if it was natural.

Mavin loosened up. He leaned back and told them. “Hmm, I thought you two would be quite busy by now.”

“Bah, we can spend time with our soldiers. Oh, don’t worry,” she graced him with a smile. “This is the only time that I might spare my presence for you. It is good that you did not lose what made me even think of befriending you.”

“Hey, I am a War Hero now, you know?”

“Yes, yes, they call you a lot of things now. Nonetheless, you changed only so little within the years that I haven't met you. Truth be told, I was sure that you wouldn’t return at all.”

“That’s harsh.”

“I am being a realist. I heard a lot of news about the front.”

“I didn’t know you wanted me to die that badly.”

“Nonsense, I was merely mourning in advance just in case.”

Rene threw his hands as if he can do nothing about her mouth. “Calm down will you? You’re breaking his heart.”

“I don’t think he breaks easily. Would this bastard even be friends with us if he was someone who would?”

The two looked at Mavin and then nodded their heads simultaneously. “True, he did prevent us from trying to kill one another.”

“That’s because you two who have better brains than I was were acting like fools. So I had to make sure you two understand how you were acting.”

“Our ‘dad’ is nagging at us,” Kristine jested.

“Sure, it’s alright ‘dad’, we’ll follow your command!”

“Stop calling me a ‘dad’ you two dense shits. If you want to me act like a ‘dad’ for you two pricks then by God and by the Emperor I would have you out this goddamn Academy for once, dress in formal attire, and a fucking trip to the most expensive restaurant and a night date in the fucking evening with only one seat. Let’s see if you want that, eh?”

The two froze and looked away. Mavin kneaded his face at the sight of the two and snorted with an utter disdain at the two. Rene tried to cough away the problem, but Mavin stood tall on this.

“Have you two gone out? At all? Yes, you did, right? Of course you did, how can two young adults stay in this academy all the time? Wait, don’t you dare throw that ‘responsibility’ shit on me,” Mavin didn’t bother to hold on to his words. “You two look strong, fit, even for people who stay inside all the time.  But you are not machines, and if you stay long enough in this place, then your brains will not receive sunlight.”

“I don’t think sunlight--”

“Don’t what?”

Mavin thumped his palm on the table. “Finish your work, apply for a day off, and please, would you kindly get out of this Academy for a while? Look at you two, goodness, curb the work for once.”

“Hey, you’re being rude,” she said meekly.

Mavin straightened his back and adapted his professional demeanor. He spoke so kindly that it made the hair on their backs surely stand. “My friends, I want you to have a good time, after all, you two would have a hand in this deal, right? We don’t want to see you two stiff in front of the Heads and the Alumni Council, right? What would they say if two of the Empire’s scholars looked so pasty? We cannot be having that, so this will be a good chance for you two, right?”

Rene gave a ‘look what you have done’ glare towards Kristine. She looked away, and rubbed her head as if she had not heard what Mavin had said.

“We won’t be calling you like that again.”

“You won’t, but I assure you that you two are still going.”

Mavin was trying to find a way to get them out of the Academy, but who knew they would give him a perfect excuse?

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