Kismet’s Tale

Chapter 3: An Empire Divided

      Mavin got out of the train with a fellow soldier who he was with. The soldier had lost his confidence after losing a leg, but after a rather nosy conversation that took hours. He had convinced the man to return to the Empire, and return to his Amanuensis Profession. Mavin persuaded the soldier, and he should be heading back home with some bit of confidence in him.

Concrete and steel was his first impression of the City-state of Flost. With its train station constructed with glass ceiling, black steel supporting said ceiling, and columns of cement foundation. In the center of the train station was the mechanical clock that told the time. Just below the circle holding the hands of the clock was the number ‘1921’ inscribed.

Passing through one of the booths, Mavin saw a calendar with the year ‘1923’ marked on it. Weaving through the thick crowd, he got out of the concrete-columned lined halls and looked around. It was then that a hand thumped on his shoulder.

“I’d be, you’re still alive, eh?” said a voice.

Mavin turned. He saw an aged old man wearing a round soft-brim hat with its front creased. He wore a double-breasted formal coat with a shoulder mantle on his left shoulder. “Sir Tom,” Mavin immediately gave the man a crisped salute.

“At ease, soldier. Two-years out of the mud, and you still got your shape. Most of the lads I know have  inflated guts from all the drinking. I had advised them to return to service, at least as a warrant officer but none of these bastards seem to follow.”

Mavin could only smile at that. He followed Tom Bedlam out of the throng of people. Rounding the road, Tom found his four-seater car with box headlights, and a diesel engine. Mavin whistled at the sight of the car, and inspected it.

“Did you drive it here?” Mavin asked.

“Course not, got it packed in a train so I could drive it around while waiting for the rest of my peers to make up their  damn minds. You are one of the good news that I had received in the two months I spent arguing and acting as their speaker.”

He got in the car and refused to hand the steering wheel to Mavin. Unable to do anything, he entered the passenger seat in the front of the car and leaned in. Starting the car, Tom exited the crossroad where Mavin spotted the street sign that said ‘Gloomcrossing’.

“Looks like you’ve been busy,” Mavin said.

“Bah, busy? The more time I spent with these idiots, I began to appreciate Count Derrick and Countess Elma more. I prefer to speak with Rigel than spend another minute with those greedy fools.”

“That bad, huh.”

“Of course it is bad. These fools think they could chew more what they should! I had to remind them time and time again that they should consider the armies Southeast of the Grove!”

The car moved straight as the smooth black surface made for a quiet ride. Mavin took a long look at black concrete-like road.

“They sure have done a good job on their roads, at least.”

“Four years ago most of the roads in gloomcrossing to widemill were destroyed by the shelling. It’s only because of the bastards in Norad that ‘assisted’ them in creating these asphalt roads.”

“That reminds me, how are the roads in the capital compared to here now?”

“Most of the stones have been used as foundation. Better foundations should make them strong. At least that’s what the scholars in Arkadia think.”

Mavin nodded. Along the road he spotted old carriages pulled by horses and traction engines pulling artillery. Though there are a noticeable amount of automobiles in the road compared to the smaller cities west of Flost.

“They okay with that?” Mavin asked.

“Mostly, this isn’t our city, and if they do try then we’ll have one of our Aquila’s drop a 50 kilogram shell in the upper town. You can be sure that they won’t have time to think when we do.”

“Looks like our forces are already armed and ready.”

Tom snorted. “What do you expect? That we don’t hold on to our weapons? Most of the Republic had called for their sharpshooters to secure the areas around upper town, while the federation and the norads prepared their half-trucks to deploy troops around the city. This city is a powder keg, and you know it, Mavin.”

“I do. I wouldn’t be here if I wanted to. You know that I left the service.”

“But under the condition that you’d help as an independent agent. The Emperor demands your cooperation, and through that cooperation you get freedom. Your actions in the war have not been forgotten, lad. As much as we like you to get out of this, there aren’t many of you left.”

Most of the casualties came from the Empire. Millions of Imperial Soldiers dying for the sake of their homeland. They followed the back of the Crown Prince and the Grand Marshals without question. Not because they were told, but because millions of them knew what would happen to their lives. The Empire under the rule of the Emperor had been prosperous, and they had been content to live the rest of their lives in a prosperous nation.  To see it fall because of the ‘will’ of three nations wasn’t going to sit well with the patriots of the Empire of Athesia.

“I know that. Besides, I came here because who knows? If this treaty gets resolved then we all have to worry about the rest of the folks who wants Flost to return to the Empire. I know it sounds good in the ears to have another big piece of land, but if that comes with the fact that we had to fight another five-year war, then I’d be damned if I just sit still in my cabin in Lazon, Tom.”

“You would have made a good lord, Mavin.”

“Not really, Cousin Derrick had proven himself to be the right for the position,” he leaned back on the seat. “He managed to keep Lazon safe from the enemy, allowed the demifiend region to keep up their manufacturing, secured the borders, and rooted out any artillery before they could entrench themselves. We lost a lot of good people as well, but it allowed the Empire to push the three alliances into a stalemate. I don’t think I can match his prowess, and Logain is and will always be a better alternative than me. I only know how to fight and do odd things, Tom. I am not meant to rule.”

“You ancestors would roll over their grave hearing this.”

The car stopped as a horse rider passed by. He lifted his hat in apology as he crossed the road. Mavin looked to the side and saw a paperboy selling newspapers, he brought one and looked at what they were publishing. ‘Imperial War Mongers are entering the city of Flost, in hopes to atone for their crimes,’ was written on the first line of the paper.

“Hah, they aren’t pulling any punches.”

“We can’t do anything about the presses here. It sells so they wouldn’t be stopping for a time.”

“Looks like they are eager to make a bad guy out of us. How easy it was to forget that they started this first.”

Tom wrapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Mavin placed the newspaper in the compartment of the car. He rolled the window down and leaned his elbow on it.

“That reminds me, how is Miss Bedlam?”

“Worried sick as always. Can’t blame her when we might be involved in some fighting again.”

“I wish I could have been in that place, Sir.”

“Stop it,” Tom demanded. “You can’t be everywhere, son. Felix died in the field of battle protecting our lands. I still have Ulric, at least he can continue the line when I am gone.”

Mavin didn’t continue. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to dishonor them.”

“It’s alright,” Tom said. “You’ve always been that way. Unless you are a Perennial, then there is no helping it.”

Mavin became quiet again. He watched the roads passed by. Along the way, they stopped by checkpoints, had their papers checked in the North Gate of City which leads to the walled Upper Town district of the City of Flost. From the looks of the vehicles, the soldiers standing on both side of the street wearing different uniforms and banners. They were staring down at one another while holding submachine-gun and rifles. If looks could kill then they would have killed one another already.

“This looks bad.”

“Aye, We manage to get Samlet’s road and North Gate, while the rest got Char road, high gate and cotton gate districts. Most of the discussion is going to be in the upper town. It’s one big fucking district, but it sure is stuffy inside these walls.”

Mavin got out of the car and stood in front of a building with the signboard ‘Everland Hotel’ on it. It was a tall building made of concrete and had about fourteen floors. The fifteenth floor seems to be rooftop which he thought would be useful.

The street was populated with mostly soldiers on standby. Above him there was a phone and electrical lines decorating the street, the road itself was spacious enough for traction engines, half-trucks, and automobiles to enter without being congested.

Tom got out of the car, and called for the Valet watching the road to park his car inside the basement left of the hotel. Entering the hotel, Mavin noticed the red carpet, and the Lazon-sized bear mounted on the front desk.


The one in-charge of the front desk looked at him and Tom. Seemingly identifying the uniforms they wore, the woman took out a logbook and asked for their papers. Tom handed his papers first, then Mavin followed as he sat stand around watching the chandelier and the open place on their left with chairs and table with officers eating and drinking on them.

“Your room should be on the top floor, Sir. Have a nice stay.”

Tom nodded at the woman and walked to the staircase on the right leading to two elevators. Tom pressed the button firmly for a moment, waiting for the elevator to arrive. When the elevator arrived, the two of them entered, and pressed the ‘14’ button on the floor.

The door opened, and Tom manually pulled the gate closed. Mavin leaned his back on the back of the elevator room, waiting for it to arrive on the top.

“But why the top floor though?”

“Because I need you in high ground in case things go to shit.”

Mavin didn’t respond to that. It was stupid of him to ask in the first place. When the elevator arrived on the top floor, Tom pulled the gate to the side, and opened the door. Out of the elevator, they walked the brown-carpeted hallway and looked for the room that they were going to stay at.

“You got me a penthouse?”

Tom snorted. He opened the double-doors and entered the room. It was a spacious room with luxurious furniture and decoration. Mavin found the room tacky, but a smile entered Tom’s face as he looked at the penthouse.

“And here I thought I would have my own room.”

“There are multiple rooms here. Most of the 13th and floors below are occupied already. I made sure to get this place first. They expect me to stay in this powder keg, and won’t provide me with this much? Besides, the command station is located just next door, and the rooftop is now armed with a gun battery we carried from the Empire.

“How did you get it in?”

“By parts. We had it assembled here and they can’t do shit about it.”

“I am going to assume that it is pointed at the assembly?”

Tom Bedlam’s aged face twisted into a grin. Mavin kneaded his forehead as he threw his luggage on one of the couches.



There was a weapon case containing a rifle. It was a bolt-action rifle, with a five-round stripper clip. He checked on the scope, then pointed it outside, surveying the road before pulling and pushing the bolt. Feeding the chamber with a five-round clip. He had changed from his service dress to his combat uniform. A field grey tunic with imperial buttons engraved with the Imperial Aquila of the Empire. Trousers with the same colors but with a red stripe on the side, and webbing consist of belt, ammo pouches, holsters and y-straps. After putting on boots, he wore a puttee above his ankle. And a field mantle around his shoulders to cover his webbing and the satchel on his back.

Tom got out of the restroom and looked at Mavin, scrutinizing him from top to bottom. Mavin dragged his legs to the side of the balcony where he could see the streets. From a few distance, he could see watch points from the other forces inside the city.

“As much as I like to put you in formal clothing all the time. I am going to need your help around here, son. I’ve been saying this a lot of times, but the situation here is bad. Some of us think that the moment that treaty doesn’t happen, a fight could break out. Now, I usually welcome the ragtag Royalists hiding in cities, but right now they are acting not in favor of our position.”

“The Emperor wants peace?”

Tom nodded heavily. There was a serious expression on his face that Mavin only saw when he was on the field. Seeing old Tom’s face turning grim made Mavin shut his mouth to listen.

“He wants peace,” he interlocked his fingers. “The problem is that they think the Son is an incompetent buffoon who had bled the young generation of the Empire, when in truth, the Prince had done the best he could with the few powers that he had. The division of power had changed to his favor, while the other factions had been wanting to take down the first son in favor of the Second Son.”

“Prince Kaleb?”

“They call him the ‘Wiser Son’ and there is reason to think he is with his victories. They’ve been trying to make the brothers compete despite their close bond. He is the second command of the Imperial Forces of the Crown Prince, and they have been trying their best to make sure that they are divided.”

“Sounds like you don’t believe that’s possible?”

“High Society has been loud lately, and most of the young women of the Empire, the daughters of the nobles have grown into a ripe age. Do you not know that a year ago they had been throwing marriage proposals, and courting had received quite a boon? There are only a few good men left and those who returned are called ‘heroes’ of the Empire. So most of the young women of our Empire are seeking good husbands.”

“So is Brother Ulric trying his best in this boon?”

“Forty proposals.”


Old Tom had that proud look as he said that. Mavin wasn’t surprised that the suave father could produce a son with the same charm.

“My son had been trying to court the daughter of Silvia for now.”

“So Shelia, huh. Well, I guess she does have quite the bosom. Don’t tell me Count Silvia refuses you?”

“Not at all, the daughter herself is playing hard to get.”

“Make sense, how odd that it's different from before. So, how is this ‘boon’ in dating changing things?”

“Marriage means the unification of bonds, son. If they are tied with that bond, then it means that they can persuade the faction to join said faction. Right now, most of the factions are waiting for the Emperor to decide on which daughter-in-law he should choose. Is it Lady Emilia Shina of the House of Shina or Lady Mildred of House Anastasia?”

Mavin whistled. “The Prince is lucky to have the flowers of the Capital gunning for him.”

The thought alone of those three alone gave Mavin a headache. Tom, seeing the confusion on his face, rubbed his chin. If he had known what was inside of Mavin’s head as it ached, he would have questioned his life.

“Who wins the position of the fiance means that she would become the next Empress. I find it hard to believe that the fate of the Empire might rely on however the Crown Prince chooses. The Second Son, if he becomes the Crown Prince, would have to choose between the two most eligible bachelorette in our Empire like his brother has to..”

Mavin folded his arms. “Who’s winning the race?”

“The Grand Marshall’s daughter obviously,” Tom said, pulling on the gloves he wore on his left hand. “Lady Mildred got the brains, the beauty, and the support of half of the eligible ladies of the Empire. She was meant to be Empress since she was born, and even the Emperor thinks highly of her. As for Lady Emilia, she’s…someone who could ease someone’s heart.”

“Do you like her?”

“I don’t know, son. The role of the Regent must belong to someone competent. Especially in these trying times, a change is needed.”

Old Tom shook his head, uncomfortable at the thought of it. “The Crown Prince is promising, he can be a great ruler if given time, he had proven himself in the fields of battle and even the Marshals of our Empire could not refute this. With a great Empress supporting him, he could make this Empire last for another century. Nevertheless, the 108th nobles of our Empire are getting bolder, and the loss of many young men have started to change the thoughts of our nobles. We might have been able to defend the Empire from the aggressors, but we have also shown them our weakness.”

“And you wonder why it took them a long time to agree to anything. They are busy trying to get more land and power for themselves while squabbling about who should love who. Must make you nervous, Old Tom. The fate of an Empire to be decided by a love triangle.” 

Mavin could not help but shake his head at the thought of it. Nevertheless, it was the reality of the situation.

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