Kismet’s Tale

Chapter 7: A Dance With Chaos 1

      Natalya had wanted to keep away from High Society.  Unfortunately duty and obligation was a pair. Rosa did not give her any excuse to skip this high society event that involved most of the nobles from the four nations.

“Beautiful,” Rosa commented.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Natalya touched the scar around her head and sighed.

“You had to get me this dress.”

“Goodness, I thought you enjoyed such activities?”

“I did once.”

“Don’t be boorish. Come on now.”

They got out of the building. A man in a formal suit waited for them. Natalya looked at Rosa with the dullest stare that her eye could muster.


“Come on! It is a must!”

Natalya growled with obvious hostility. The man was decent enough to be her escort, but seeing that Rosa would complain if she told the man to go away. She had the man escort her to the gates of the building. The man wasn’t allowed anyway and she had no desire to keep him around. Rosa was too good of a person to identify the eyes of an opportunist.

The halls look good enough for Natalya to appreciate. She had no desire to mingle with the guests who were part of the Empire. Not that they’d welcome a noble from the Republic. She strode to the side where she calmly watched. It was then that she caught sight of a familiar figure who she could remember in the train.

It rather pleased her that there was still someone in the world who could be stunned by her looks without noticing the scar first. She liked his gentle eyes and it made her curious enough.

Can’t believe that I am acting like a fool, she couldn’t believe herself.  Then again she would rather have someone decent to accompany her in this evening. Nonetheless it was as simple as having a good first impression of the man. And here I am telling myself not to talk to the Empire nobles. Then again, he is from Lazon so he should be good enough to accompany me this evening.

As she was lost in thoughts, the announcer near the door bellowed, introducing the Crown Prince and the two daughters who were gunning for the Crown Prince. One was seductive enough to attract the men in the room. The other was a doll-like beauty that enticed a feeling of wanting to protect her from being harmed.

Curious, she looked at her escort’s expression. She found him looking at them with a rather complicated expression. As if he was experiencing trouble coming from their appearance alone.

“Oh my, the potential wives of the Crown Prince.”

“Indeed. The daughters of the Grand Dukes.”

“You don’t look interested, Sir Tomas.”

He smiled warily at that. “Hmm, well, the Lady of Anastasia is quite the figure in high society. She has everything that makes her worthy of being the future Empress.”

“What about the Lady of Shina?”

“Lady Shina, she’s quite the angel. Her deeds are well-known among the high society.”

Despite the words coming out of Sir Tomas’s mouth. There was this troubled tone that he had. Looking around he was the only one who did not look fondly at the flowers of the Empire.

“Is that so?”

He had enough awareness to understand what she was trying to imply. Though he was a convenient partner for this evening. She found it ungentlemanly that he would look at them, despite not having that same lecherous gaze that the other men had.

“Forgive me, but Madam should have heard of their recent…well, troubles.”

At least he knew how to read her. That was good enough to keep him while she bore herself in this party. Hooking her arm around his. She observed the two flowers of the Empire make a scene as they stare down one another.

Lady Shina tearfully stared at Lady Anastasia with her hand clasped together. The Crown Prince of the Empire stared at the two ladies before gesturing Lord Gunther to call on them.

Lord Gunther stood in the middle of the stare down unfazed by their stares. Lady Anastasia laughed lightly as she approached Lady Shina with her hand raised. Lady Shina accepted her hand and her face crumpled as the Lady of Anastasia tightened her grip around Lady Shina’s hand.

Everyone could see that she was pressing her hand tightly, but none dared to intervene. Lord Gunther was unamused while the Crown Prince remained apathetic at the sight of their quarrel.

Turning away from the two to greet the ensemble of nobles from different regions of the Empire. The Prince had this certain elegance that charmed the rest of the party to gather around him. The three were surrounded by people that made them become the center of the crowd, leaving the rest of the nobles to gather around. Then there were people like the two of them that stayed away from the events, acting like spectators. Natalya stole a glance at her escort. He remained steadfast without complaint while watching the three. As she continued to do so she spotted something inside his waist coast.

“So you carried a small arm here?”

He looked at her. “You don’t?”

She smiled, patting her right thing. Natalya had made it a habit to carry her pistol no matter where she went. As much as she liked to carry her Ziba. It was not easy to explain why she was carrying a rifle while in civilian clothing. So when she was not in her service uniform. She would leave her rifle to her room where it is tucked and ready.

“What is it?”

“A 9mm pistol.”


“I think most of those who serve are carrying something for self-defense.”

“True. Just look at them. It’s a party but they are staring daggers at one another.”

“Can you blame them? Two years have passed, but the wounds are still deep. How can they easily forget what happened?”

“You don’t seem to mind.”

“I do mind, Madam. But I also understand that everyone was told to fight. Not by their choice but because of their environment. I do believe that no one wanted to become a murderer by choice.”

“Environment? So what about those who sought honor in the field?”

“It was their desire that caused them that. The same desire that was born from those who are around them.”

“Is that why you don’t care that I am from the Republic?”

“You could say that. I just don’t see any reason to hate someone without judgment of their character.”

“I like that thought of yours, Sir.”

She was sincere when she said that. Two-years have passed since then and yet the anger of the masses against the death of their loved ones wounds still slowly healed. Natalya had met people who would throw rocks at her for being a republic citizen. There were others who spat on their feet because of their allegiance. There were many responsible people who didn't throw their words around, but to meet someone who didn't have a grudge was odd. Natalya was pleased by this and at the same time she had decided to raise her guard against this man.

A man who could tolerate even those who hate him usually hide behind a mask.  Nonetheless, it didn’t smudge the opinion that she had in their first meeting. She could remember the pleasing smile that he had and how he changed the tune of that soldier with a few words. A man who could be pleased about others being happy was strange. Is that why I was alright letting him escort me? He’s not bad either, and if he’s part of the Tomas Family either. Hmm, I guess that would explain his eccentricity.

The Tomas Family was a well-known family that had always stayed neutral when they could. Not only that they are the most amiable family in the region, they were known for their hospitality and live good decent lives. However, it was also because of how the Tomas, the descendants of the Strongarm Clans had conducted their wars in the past that only a few wanted to provoke them. They were people who were invited by the Empire to become part of it. They were not subdued and accepted the role of guarding the borders for the Emperor against the demifiend regions.

“The Good people of Lazon do not go to war easily.”

He turned to her. “Hmm?”

“Is that true?”

“Hmm, indeed, we rarely have time to go to war when you manage Lazon. In the map, my homeland might look like it is large, but most of it is impassable terrains and steppes. The areas where we have flat plains needed maintenance because of the erosion that happens when it is spring. You know what they say, hard times create strong people.”

“You must have been quite the fighter, Sir.”

“I am. I don’t deny that. Anyone who had survived the war would become one.  How’s your aim?”

“Great,” a smile escaped her lips.

“I see,” he didn’t doubt her words, then changed the topic. “Is it true that the Duchy has quite the view? I had never gone past Dinia.”

“It is. I think Sir Tomas would be pleased to see the view from above. If you have time then visit our shooter’s club in Monte. I think that Sir would like to see how the facilities are.”

“I will think about it.”

They didn’t have much to talk about. Natalya had thought that a man should lead, know of various topics, and try to entertain her. Nonetheless, he answered politely, and calmly. However there was no interest to please her and try to make himself look better in front of her. He did know what he was. He answered when he could and he would wear his heart over sleeves as if it was natural to do so. Men acted like fools in front of women most of the time. They always have something to prove and their prides are stubborn. She had not met a man who didn’t have that pride in them. The question was what was the ‘pride’ they always were about.

It was hard to figure him out when his attention was always on the three flowers. From what she could guess, he wasn’t exactly fond of the three but looked at them like they were the biggest troublemakers in the world. This area should be well-guarded, but it seems like there were more than the usual problems.

Of course, that means that it must be that problem, she thought. It wasn’t exactly a secret that the two were gunning for the love of the crown prince. One was someone who had a sincere crush while the other woman was someone who had love and craved power at the same time. Appearance alone could allow them to deduce what their personality was. Nonetheless she still considers it impolite for a man who is supposedly her escort to look at another.

“Sir Tomas, you do realize that you are insulting my honor?”

He looked at her with widened eyes. He examined his thoughts and said. “Ah, forgive me, I didn't mean to.”

“I understand that you have worries over their affairs as a citizen of the Empire. But you shouldn’t have accepted my offer if you were going to gawk at them all day,” she said rather blandly.

Sir Tomas thought about something and gave an apology. It was sincere and it looked like he had realized his mistake so she didn’t pursue it. She would have given him a good grade knowing to never argue with a woman. Then again, she had thought that he was just too busy looking at the three. Better to appease her so he can continue looking. Frowning, she pulled him out of the side and entered the hall where they began to blend in with the crowd.  Noticing the sudden pull of her arm. Sir Tomas finally pried his eyes away from the three and gave a rather weary smile at her.

It was then that Natalya realized a change occurred in Sir Tomas. He began to lead her to the center and held her waist and hand for the upcoming dance. Body to body, Natalya was pleasantly surprised by his sudden proactive behavior. When the music started he started with relaxing steps.  A gentle back and forth sway that followed with the rotation steps to the left and right. Natalya followed, allowing him to lead.  Placing his left foot over his right for a left-hand turn.

As the music started to slower down, he went with a walking step. The room had begun to become lively as the waltz became slow to give the dancers a breathing room. Natalya told herself that was this proper etiquette for them. She hadn’t had time to relax and loosen up. Buried in paperwork and duties. She had rarely had the time to dance so freely. Not that she had been fond of dances. She had always fancied herself with hunts and shooting even in the Duchy. Her mother was a shooter and was rather tomboyish. It was said that she had inherited her mother’s sharpshooting eyes.

Hmm, I should thank Rosa. This isn’t as terrible as I thought, she began to think that way. With the music slowly coming to halt and then suddenly going faster, Natalya didn’t have time to think as she caught a glance of the Lady of Anastasia watching the Crown Prince and the Lady of Shina danced harmoniously. It was already clear who the Prince favored more. The worst thing was that no one dared to dance with the Lady. It was shameful and it was akin to humiliation to her. No matter how ‘high’ her status was. Not getting any dance would have been catastrophic to her reputation as a flower of the Empire.

 As the dance was about to go to the next part. She realized that the Crown Prince started to rest on the side. The Lady of Anastasia, who was waiting to be taken to the dance floor stood still like a statue. Being pulled to the side by Sir Tomas, she noticed that rather worrying look on his face. Sighting to herself, she asked him. “Want to help the Lady of Anastasia?”

“If you are kind enough to allow it, Madam.”

At least he was being honest. She was honestly lost if he was gunning for the Lady or not. Nevertheless, she wasn’t boorish enough so he let him stride to the Lady who was looking at the back of the Crown Prince with a rather dismissive expression. It came to Natalya that she wanted to eavesdrop on whatever they were going to talk about. The Lady of Anastasia was known for her sternness when it comes to people. She was a rose that poke people who dared to touch her so blindly without knowing where she stands.

 Walking softly to the side where she could see and hear them

“My Lady,” he put out his left, “would you give me the honor for a dance?”

The Lady of Anastasia squinted her eyes, and lifted her chin. That proud look of hers was back. A little smile could be found as if she appreciated the bravery of Sir Tomas for talking with her.

“May I know this gentleman’s name?”

“I am called Mavin Tomas, my lady.”

“A member of the Tomas Family?”

Mavin nodded. The Lady of Anastasia seemed to be satisfied with his family’s prestige and offered her hand for Tomas to take. It was not that there was no one to dance with, it was just that the Grand Duke’s name was simply too much and the Lady of Anastasia wouldn’t just dance to anyone with a lower status.

Her expression looked better, she thought to herself. The Lady of Anastasia, aside from her excellence, was infamously known for her temper. With the war, and the recent actions of the Lady of Shina. She had become rather impatient and had started to grow restless at the development. After all, she was supposedly the woman who was born to be an Empress. With that weight being thrown into her shoulder, she understood that it was causing her temper to grow unstable.

Natalya dreaded to think what would have happened if the Lady was disgraced today. She looked at Sir Tomas and the Lady of Anastasia who took the dance floor. Unlike the slow and relaxing steps that they had. The two’s dances were wild and showed the Lady’s flexible and voluptuous body while not showing skin. Natalya found herself impressed by how the Lady swayed her hips and took Sir Tomas in a wild dance. Nonetheless, Sir Tomas accompanied her in her wild rodeo, his steps followed hers and the smile on the Lady’s red lips were clear to everyone.

She must have practiced so well, only to be ignored by him. I guess the black and red dress was supposed to attract the Prince, but I think she is oblivious to the fact that the Prince prefers a gentler woman, no, she probably is aware but her pride wants to win him over. Natalya could respect someone who knows what she wants and would do anything to claim it.

The dance became explosive with her steps becoming wild. Even the Crown Prince, who did not give her a glance was curious of how she swayed from left to right. It probably surprised him to see the Lady of Anastasia enjoy herself with a smile on her face. Natalya took a peek at Sir Tomas who was desperately keeping his face relaxed while matching the Lady’s wide swings and moves.

By the time the dance was over, Sir Tomas bowed politely, and escorted the Lady to the side. After that, he walked over to the table where he reached out for something to drink. Sauntering to his side, Natalya raised the corner of her lips. “It seems that you were enjoying yourself. Are you planning to dance next?”

Sir Tomas looked at her. “No,” then he eyed the Lady who was having a conversation with the Crown Prince. It seems like that dance did the trick. Natalya laughed inwardly, was the Crown Prince so simple to please? Or had he not seen this side of the Lady of Anastasia? Even if he did, there was still a gap between the Lady of Shina and the Lady of Anastasia.

“You are a meddler aren’t you?”

“Yes, I often hear people say that I am a nosy and unrestrained meddler.”

“Good that you know. Still, may I ask why you would trouble yourself? Your family is rather influential and you do know that this will spread that a family member of the famed Tomas Family had danced with the Lady of Anastasia. Many would start to question the allegiance of the Tomas Family.”

“That will only be rumors. Even if I did dance with her and the presses of the Empire reports it. It wouldn’t matter considering that the balance between the two would just tip to the equal side.”

“You’re confident that it will?”

He held a glass of punch on his right hand. His eyes examining every face in the crowd. Natalya followed him and found no one to be wary about. How could any try to sneak inside this party?

“The Faction of the Lady Shina has currently the most support. She’s a charitable woman with a good heart. She might look meek but when push comes to shove, she’ll act scarily competent that baffles even the Lady of Anastasia. Tell me, do you think that the Lady of Anastasia hates Lady Shina?”

“Yes, if rumors are to be believed.”

“Rivalry does not mean that they hate one another. So far they have been vying to make the hundred nobles support her. Honestly, though the Lady has a temper, she is the most worthy to be Empress, nonetheless, Lady Shina is the one that this Empire needed. They do not need a stern ruler to lead them at this moment, they want someone who could heal their troubled hearts.”

“And you think that the Lady of Shina is the one that this Empire needs?”

“Yes, but I believe that in the long run the Lady of Anastasia is the Empress needed. She knows how to sway the crowd, but she could not get people to devote themselves to her. She was someone who you would do business with, but never place your loyalty on. The Lady showed herself as a professional woman whose mind allowed her to raise her own businesses and succeed. She was neither benevolent and she would place her trust in contracts bonded by money than the trust born out of cordiality. That was why she could not win the hearts of others. Lady Shina was a prodigy when it comes to people wanting to protect her and her ideals. Her ideals are as bright as a sun and she naturally attracted those who would work under her to propel those ideals to fruition. If the Lady of Anastasia could fix this image of hers then she would gain advantages naturally. Nonetheless, her pride as being herself would also be the worst obstacle for her.”

Natalya raised a brow at that rather confident speech of his. He was so sure and there was not a crumple on his face that made him question his own words. It was as if he could read through the core of what makes the two as they are. Natalya took a step back unknowingly. She raised another guard in her heart against this man. There was something that was carefully hidden in that mask of his. She couldn’t figure it out.

“You speak as if you had read their soul,” she said

“I only speak of assumptions and careful observations,” Mavin laughed lightly at her first words.

“You find them troublesome and yet at the same time you worry about them.”

“Isn’t it natural to worry for the safety of your home? These two are causing a ruckus within the Empire, and the Hundred Nobles are making them as an excuse to do what they want. Honestly, I would blame the Crown Prince for being quite a wary man. If he had made up his mind, then he wouldn’t have created this chance.”

“So you are willing to jump into this mess?”

He smiled. “What are you saying? I merely had the honor of dancing with the Lady of Anastasia. I don’t know what you are implying with your words, Madam.”

Natalya caught the glance of one of the nobles who were eyeing them. Hearing what he had said, the noble backed off without causing a fuss. The remaining smile on him made her stare.

“You know how to handle them at least.”

“I know what they can do and what my family is.  I do not plan to get involved more than this. Nonetheless, I have been rude with you. Abandoning you for the sake of helping a Lady save face. Do you dislike me for it, Madam?”

“I am undecided.”

“That’s all I can ask for.”



As the party started to come to a close. The people had finally started to reveal their intentions. Those who had been amiable equipped their nasty faces and those who had wanted something from those who had power came naturally at everyone. Natalya had stayed in the side while accompanied by Sir Tomas. The two pretended to be in deep conversations, though most of the time they spoke about rifles and all kinds of firearms. With their conversation closed and against one another. Those who had better hearing had tried to approach Sir Tomas out of the very fact that he was a member of the Tomas Family.

She had been approached as well by others, some knew she was from the Wilde while those thin-faced swindlers had thrown her bundles of flatteries that she could only roll her eyes at. Sir Tomas had become her shield when it comes to discouraging those who have a more forceful personality. With a glare and that soldier’s stare that he had placed on his face. He had discouraged those who had intentions to make a deal out of her. She had made it clear to Sir Tomas that she did not want to mingle with the noble of the Empires. Not only that it would not give her any advantage, she would not earn from any of the monetary gain that her father would earn from any and possible transaction. Her relationship with her father was also rather unstable because of her act in joining the war. So she could not find any good reason to ask why she would even entertain these opportunists.

“What about me then?” Sir Tomas pointed at himself. “Do you not suspect me of anything?”

“Of course I do,” she smiled at him amiably. “Among the people that I have met today. You are the very person that I suspect the most.”

Mavin opened his mouth to say anything, but he didn’t find the words to say. Shaking his head, he turned his attention to the crowd once again. Natalya had gotten used to his rather wary gaze at the crowd.

She had already understood that he was sent here not only to mingle, but also bring extra protection to the guests.  There were others like Mavin who blended in, but the sharpness her eye could detail the pistols they were hiding. Their body language also told her clearly. Most of the ones carrying a pistol around their shoulder would lift their arms a few inches away from their armpits. They also couldn’t hide their postures and their disciplined way of standing. Their sharp glare was also pretty telling. If she wasn’t standing close to Sir Tomas then she would have not noticed.

As the party meant for the nobles of the four nations that gathered in the city of Flost continued. The Crown Prince of Athesia, had taken the center stage and placed himself in front of the crowd. The music quieted and the voices of the people attending this party grew quiet. “I thanked you all for coming to this party,” he started. “Two-years have passed since the Great War ravaged our countries and killed millions of our people.”

The crowd became sullen at this strange start of his speech. He continued. “Nonetheless, the time for war has come to an end and there are those who sadly seek continuation of this war. We stand in this very city to make amends for the choices that led to the death of millions on the soil of our homes. I will not ask all of you to forgive and forget. I will not ask for any righteous promises and forgiveness. You have all seen the death and the savagery that the war brings. The old ways of chivalry had come to pass and the wars that the old world was used to had come to an end in this war. I only ask for the treaty to be done and let wounds heal. Let those who mourn continue to mourn for the fallen.  Let us give silence and let us look forward to the day where we can truly say that the Great War has finally come to an end.”

His speech did not rouse the heart of others. It was not meant to be an impassioned speech. It was a clear declaration of his determination to sign the treaty that would bring ‘peace’ to the continent.

“No, is it going to happen here?”

Natalya found Sir Tomas walking to the dense crowd with a wary tone in his voice. She followed with curious eyes as he began to mumble and speak a language she did not understand. The two of them were halfway inside the large crowd and it was then that Natalya finally noticed a man who was pulling a pistol with a drum mag attachment at the Prince

“Get down!”

Sir Tomas broke the silence as his lightning-quick draw immediately shot the two assassins who had pointed their pistols at the Prince. The others quickly drew their pistols and went to protect the Ladies of the Empire. More gunmen pointing their weapons at the Daughters of the Grand Dukes appeared

She had abandoned pretense and quickly dove for cover. As she tried to reach out for the gun on her holster. She saw another gunman point a weapon at the Prince who was taking fire with Lady Shina and Lord Gunther.

“They were disguised as the waiters!” she snarled as she returned fire with her own pistol.

It was then that she noticed the Lady of Anastasia running her and got tripped by her own lovely dress. She exchanged a hasty shot at the gunman that aimed at the Lady’s back. However, in the corner of her eye, she saw someone squeezing a trigger of a gun.

Her vision shook as she felt the sudden tackle throw her to the side where the Lady of Anastasia had dragged herself to. Then in her place was Sir Tomas gunning down the assassin, landing hard on the tiled floor with blood pouring out of him.

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