Kneeling in front of my wife’s tombstone and crying bitterly, I was reborn

Chapter 31 Encountering the Endgame

Being penniless, even if I go home, I can only walk back.

But just going back like this will make it difficult for my wife.

"I still have to find a place and make some money first."

Having failed to reach an agreement with Wang Jianlin, Shen Qiansan shook his head helplessly and walked on Qingyun Road.

Not long after walking forward, a group of people gathered in the shade under the bridge pier, seeming to be watching something.

Shen Qiansan squeezed into the crowd to take a look.

Good guy, what do you think you are doing? It turns out that a middle-aged man has set up a chess game to gamble with others.

The person playing chess with the middle-aged man was an old man who looked to be in his 70s. He was dressed like a retired cadre.

"This person... seems to have been seen somewhere!"

Shen Qiansan felt that the old man looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

He was in no hurry to leave and looked towards the chessboard.

Soon, he saw that this was the famous end game of Jianghu chess, called "Crossing the Sea to the East".

The middle-aged man holds the black chess piece, and the old man holds the red chess piece.The two of them went back and forth. After taking a few steps, Shen Qiansan knew that the old man was going to lose.

Sure enough, within a few moves, the red chess piece was defeated.

The middle-aged man laughed, "You lost again!"

"You have clearly thought about how to break the game, why did you change it again?" The old man frowned, puzzled, and said dissatisfied: "One more time, another game, I won't believe it, I can't break your mess."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Old sir, your chess skills are very good, and you only beat me by a little bit! But you have already played three games today, and I may lose if you play another game. Otherwise, you can let the other players win." Come play a few games with me, you can play again later!"

Shen Qiansan couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

This is a common tactic used by entertainers in the world of martial arts. They will praise you first, saying that you have found a way to crack the problem, and I will lose if you continue to play. In fact, they are retreating in order to advance, luring you to continue playing.

But those who don’t understand the chess game of “Cross-Sea and Eastern Expedition” would never know that this is a famous Jianghu chess game with thrilling cloth, well-dressed clothes, thrilling steps and murderous intentions.

Those who have not studied chess records have almost no chance of winning.

"Old man Zhao, didn't you say you were the chess king? Come on, if you play with him again, you must break his game!"

"That's right, if you don't take his rook at that step and instead defend the general, you'll win!"

"Old man Zhao, if you play again, I think I understand. If you play again, you will definitely win!"


In the crowd of onlookers, many people knew the old man and started to boo.

"Surname Zhao?"

When Shen Qiansan heard the onlookers calling the half-grown old man Old Man Zhao, he took a closer look at his face again and was shocked, "You mean he looks familiar, it's him!"

After recognizing Old Man Zhao, Shen Qiansan had no intention of leaving and watched the show with peace of mind.

"You don't need to tell me, I will definitely win this round!" Old Man Zhao curled his lips and handed the middle-aged man a dollar, "Now, I have to win this round with you!"

The middle-aged man accepted the one dollar with a smile and said, "Okay, you have to be merciful. If you win, I will pay you ten dollars."

Old Man Zhao said: "Hurry up and play the chess piece."

It seems that he can't wait to win against him.

The middle-aged man quickly set up the chess game of "cross-sea expedition".

It was still Old Man Zhao who was on the red side. Before the start, the cannon tied with four, and the middle-aged man responded with a rook of 6 and a score of 1.

Old man Zhao then fired two and drew four, and the middle-aged man responded with his rook's six and eight.


As we walked, there were different voices in the crowd.

"Oh, this is the wrong step!"

"Old man Zhao, you can't eat in the car!"

"Wrong, wrong, Gong pawn!"

"If you can't support the soldiers, they will rebel against the general!"


In the midst of the quarrel, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "Old sir, you've lost again!"

Old man Zhao's face was ashen. He clearly felt that he was about to win, so why did he lose again?

The onlookers also felt inexplicable.

Everyone is puzzled.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Old sir, what a pity, you just barely won."

The corners of Old Zhao's mouth twitched, as if he was considering whether to continue.

At this time, someone nearby couldn't bear it and said, "I'll do it!"

He said and handed over a dollar.

When Old Man Zhao saw it, he said dissatisfiedly: "Old Man Li, I still have nothing to say!"

Old Man Li said: "You have already played three or four games and you can't beat him. Let's see how I beat him!"

Old Man Zhao said: "You don't even beat me a few games in chess. I can't break this game, and you can't even do it!"

Old Man Li said: "Just because you can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it. Just stay aside and watch how I break it!"

As soon as he spoke, he was already playing chess with the middle-aged man.

As expected, Old Man Li was killed after a dozen steps.

"How could this be?"

"I obviously thought about it, but why did I still lose?"

Old Man Li said annoyed.

When Old Man Zhao saw that Old Man Li had also lost, he smiled and said: "I was so awesome before, but in the end, I didn't lose!"

Old Man Li said unconvinced: "You lost three or four games before I played the next game. I will definitely win the next game!"

Then he gave the middle-aged man another dollar.

The two played against each other twice and three times.


There is no suspense, Old Man Li loses every time.

"This chess game cannot be broken at all!"

"That is, if he can win, he dares to show off and pay ten for one?"

"No matter how many times I play, I always lose."

"Forget it, let's not do it!"


The onlookers commented one after another, with a kind of belated awareness.

The middle-aged man said: "Don't be discouraged, everyone. This chess game can definitely be solved. If you think about it well, you can win. Whoever thinks about it well can continue!"

However, no one came forward.

Including Old Man Zhao and Old Man Li.

The middle-aged man felt disappointed and sat back in front of the chess stall angrily.

"I'll try!"

At this moment, Shen Qiansan stepped forward and said.

Everyone looked at him and shook their heads when they saw that he was a young man.

"Another one here to give money!"

"I'm afraid he's new here. I didn't see how the previous ones lost!"

"Even old man Zhao can't break the situation, how can a young man break it?"

"Let's see how he loses!"


Seeing someone coming to play chess again, the middle-aged man said happily: "Okay, one yuan a time. If you win, I will give you ten yuan. You are not allowed to regret the game!"

Shen Qiansan was penniless and could not find any money to give him. He said, "I forgot to bring money when I went out this morning. If I win the next game, you only need to give me five yuan, okay?"

"Pay and start playing chess, that's the rule!" How could a middle-aged man be willing to play chess without receiving money?

If this is the case, how can he still make money?

Shen Qiansan was quite helpless. The reason why he chose this time to take action was firstly to win a few dollars for the fare, and secondly because he recognized Old Man Zhao.

If it weren't for this old man, he wouldn't have been watching for so long!

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