Kneeling in front of my wife’s tombstone and crying bitterly, I was reborn

Chapter 4 Boss Wang, how much is your life worth?

Shen Qiansan fetched water to take a bath and changed into clean clothes.

The sea soul shirt, blue trousers, and jai alai sneakers were all mixed together on him, making him look like a loser.But it is a characteristic of this era, and it is everywhere on the street.

The place where Shen Qiansan lives now is in the old town in the south of Qingwa City. Just outside the door is Qingwa Road, a two-meter-wide street paved with bluestone bricks, with old houses with earthen walls and blue tiles on both sides.

"That drunkard is out on the street again!"

"It's okay for a man to drink a little, but that's all for gambling. He's just a fucking bad gambler."

"I heard that he even dared to borrow money at usurious rates."

"Isn't that right? All the loan sharks went to his house before, saying they had to repay more than 6 yuan with interest."

"Ah, so many! Then he is dead!"

"Who says it's not the case? Even his wife Chen Shuting was so angry that she took her daughter back to her parents' home."

"It's pitiful that such a good woman like Chen Shuting ended up with such a bastard!"


When Shen Qiansan came out all the way, the neighbors shook their heads and talked in low voices.

Don't dare to speak too loudly. Everyone on the street knows that Shen Qiansan has a bad temper. If he offends him, he will definitely get beaten.

Shen Qiansan heard some words.

There was a trace of self-deprecation on the corner of his mouth. Over the past year or so, he had indeed been a badass, so it was no wonder that he had become a rat crossing the street.

Ignoring those people's words, Shen Qiansan quickly walked out of Qingwa Street and came to Xinhua Road, then took the No. 8 bus and got off at Qingyun Road.

This is the new urban area of ​​Cheong Wa City, and it is also the political and economic center of Cheong Wa City. The people who became rich first in Cheong Wa City live here.

He came here this time to block a man named Wang Jianlin.

Wang Jianlin, known as Wang Wanwan in Qingwa City, started from scratch after the reform and opening up in 1978. He started working as a street vendor, then opened a restaurant, contracted for a tile factory and a sand factory, and later opened a hotel, set up a factory, undertook municipal projects and worked in Qingwa City. He was the first to develop real estate, completed a grassroots counterattack in just a dozen years, and became the richest man in Qingwa City in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that Wang Jianlin died at the age of 40.

To be precise, today should be the day when Wang Jianlin died.

The reason Shen Qiansan knew this was because after he ran away from home in his previous life, he hid in the woods beside Qinghe Road out of the city, waiting for an opportunity to hitchhike after dark, but unexpectedly he witnessed a tragic event with his own eyes. car accident.

At that time, Shen Qiansan did not know that it was Wang Jianlin who died in the car accident.

It was only after he saw the news on TV and newspapers that he realized that the person who died in front of him was actually the famous richest man Wang Jianlin.

I thought that when Wang Jianlin died, the matter would be over.

But a few years later, Shen Qiansan saw news about Wang Jianlin again.Only then did he realize that the car accident that year was not an accident, but a man-made disaster.

Recalling all the events of the past, Shen Qiansan walked to the gate of Tianxiangyuan Community without knowing it.

Tianxiangyuan is the first real estate project developed in Qingwa City, and it is also the only community in Qingwa City. Wang Jianlin lives here.

According to the memory of the previous life, the media reported that Wang Jianlin came out of his home in Tianxiangyuan in the evening and was in a car accident on the way to the tile factory named after him, which is 1.4 kilometers away from Qinghe Highway on Longtan Slope.

Shen Qiansan didn't have a watch and didn't know what time it was.

Looking up at the sky, the sun is already over the Western Mountains, and the clouds in the sky are colorful, blooming with the last afterglow of the day.

When I looked at the sky, it was not far from evening.

Shen Qiansan found a place beside the street at the entrance of the community and waited patiently.

His eyes were fixed on the vehicles coming out of the community.

In 1991, there were not many private cars in Qingwa City. Even if there were, most of them were Volkswagen Santana, Citroen Fukang, Honda Accord, Toyota Corolla, Jetta, Alto and Jeep Green.

The only Land Cruiser in Qingwa City is Wang Jianlin’s mount.

Therefore, Shen Qiansan is not worried about missing out at all.

Time passed slowly, the sun in the west had set, and twilight gradually rose over the city, becoming gloomy.

Wang Jianlin’s Land Cruiser has not yet appeared.

"Did I remember it wrongly?"

Shen Qiansan frowned and muttered softly.

If he remembered it wrong, or if he couldn't stop Wang Jianlin, then his efforts to come here would have been in vain.

But he felt that he would remember it correctly.

After his rebirth, he found that his memory seemed to have improved. He could even remember the details of many things he had experienced or heard in his previous life.

Another ten minutes passed.

A black Land Cruiser drove out from the innermost part of Tianxiangyuan Community. As soon as the tall and domineering front of the car appeared, Shen Qiansan, who was squatting on the ground smoking, saw it at a glance.


Shen Qiansan couldn't help but let out a low drink, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, jumped up from his crouching position like a catapult, rushed to the gate of Tianxiangyuan Community, opened his arms to stop the Land Cruiser that had just driven out.


Wang Jianlin's driver, Tang Xiaolong, braked suddenly. The tires made a screeching sound on the ground. The front of the car came to a halt less than thirty centimeters away from Shen Qiansan's body.

The sudden stop made Wang Jianlin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, lean forward suddenly and almost hit his forehead on the windshield in front.

"Boss, are you alright?"

Tang Xiaolong asked worriedly.

Wang Jianlin put his hands on the driving platform in front of him to avoid hitting his head. After stabilizing his body, he exhaled and frowned: "I'm fine. Can you see what happened to that man?"

Tang Xiaolong agreed, stuck his head out of the car window, and roared at Shen Qiansan: "What's wrong with you? You're looking for death!"

Shen Qiansan's heart was also pounding, and he secretly thought that it was a close call. He just missed it by a hair.

It wasn't that he was reckless, but that he knew that if he waved to stop the car, Tang Xiaolong wouldn't even bother him, and he would definitely accelerate away with his foot on the accelerator.

He could only risk forcing the car to stop.

In response to Tang Xiaolong's question, Shen Qiansan didn't even look at him and said directly to Wang Jianlin in the passenger compartment: "Mr. Wang, I have something to talk to you about."

Wang Jianlin slowly lowered the car window.

Shen Qiansan smiled and walked out of the passenger compartment door, looking like an old god was there, not having the consciousness to force the car to stop just now.

Wang Jianlin glanced at him and said slowly: "Who are you? What do you want to talk to me about?"

He looked very unhappy.

Shen Qiansan did not answer, but said as if talking to himself: "Wang Jianlin, 40 years old, started from scratch and became the richest man in Qingwa City..."

Wang Jianlin raised his eyebrows and interrupted him: "I don't have time to listen to you reciting my resume. What on earth do you want to do?"

Shen Qiansan laughed: "I just want to confirm whether you are Wang Jianlin himself!"

After saying that, his face became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Since you are the rightful owner, I would like to ask: Boss Wang, how much is your life worth?"

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