Knight’s Pledge

Chapter 0: Oneshot

Allen opened his eyes to find himself standing on a hill next to a huge tree. He realized he was in a dream. How did he know? Because he had this same dream every month. He looked down and saw that he was naked. His cock limp as he didnt even try to look around. Soon after a dark shadow appeared behind him and hugged him lovingly. Allen could feel the man's cock and body press into him from behind and whisper something in his ear which made it twitch. The shadow started to feel every part of Allen's body with its skillful hands, from his sculpted abs to his larger than average cock. Allen's breathing started to get heavier as his body started to unexplainably get hotter with each passing second.

The shadow man then kissed Allen's bare neck seductively which made his breathing calm down and his body temperature to lower. Allen then held the man's right hand as the shadow man lightly cupped Allen's chin and turned it slowly so that Allen was looking at the man's face. The man's black eyes absolutely captivating Allen. So much so that Allen lost himself in those eyes as his head was locked in place. The shadow man slowly closed the distance between them and kissed Allen. 

Allen closed his eyes as he was kissed by the shadow man. The man's tongue entering Allen as they made out, the dream ending a couple seconds later.

Allen blearly opened his eyes and got out of bed. Just like in the dream he was also naked. Stretching his body, Allen unconsciously curved his back and butt out before relaxing and walking to a mirror. The sunlight filtered through the windows so he could get a better look. What greeted him wasnt human. In fact it was a handsome tiger with fur as white as fresh snow and black stripes dotted around his body with the most of them being on his back, neck, face, and thick thighs. His tail had black strips as well, wrapping themselves in rings. His charcoal black eyes looking over his naked body for a couple of moments before he heard a knock on his door.

"Young master. It's Adam."

"Come in."

"Have that same dream again young master Allen?" Adam politely asked Allen

Allen hummed in response as the butler gathered Allen's clothes, a white button up shirt, underwear, and black silk pants and wordlessly put them on him. After that was done the butler spoke once more once he took a couple steps back to maintain a respectful distance.

"Sir Dawnwell and young master Leon are currently in the dining room and are waiting for you."

Allen nodded to wordlessly say he got the message and walked off to the dining room to meet with his older brother and father. Oddly enough as he was walking through the hallways of his home there was not a single woman in sight. It was as if a curse was preventing women from working for the Dawnwell family. 

Allen soon arrived at the dining room to see food already on the table as well as seeing his older brother and father, Leon Dawnwell and Samuel Dawnwell, patiently waiting for him. Wasting no time, Allen sat in his seat. Which was across from Leon with their father Samuel sitting in between them.

Leon was a contrast to Allen, being mostly black instead of white, and inherited his mother's blue eyes. Meanwhile Samuel was an entirely different beast altogether, being a lion whose pitch black fur could blot out the sun. His steely gray eyes looking across the table to an empty chair with an empty plate and cutlery on either side. It hurt the two brothers seeing their beloved father torment himself like this. Leon most especially since he could remember his mother's face, while Allen didnt have any memory of the mother who gave birth to him. 

After an uncomfortable amount of time in silence passed Leon spoke up, "Father. The food is getting cold."

Samuel snapped out of his daze, "Ah. I see. Let us eat."

The clattering of cutlery and slicing of food were the only sounds heard for a while before Allen spoke up, "Father. You need to let go of mother already."

Samuel stopped eating before slowly turning to his youngest son and urging him to speak without a single word coming out of his mouth. Which made Allen choose his words carefully before responding, "I know you loved mother, but its been 18 years already," Allen started, "You need to let go already. Don't you have us?" Allen said looking into his father's eyes before realizing what he said. 

Samuel looked at the empty plate across from him and closed his eyes in thought before responding, "I understand what you are trying to say Allen, and it's true I need to let go and move on, but..."

"No buts." Leon interrupted, "You can't keep tormenting yourself like this. Allen is saying this because he loves and cares about you father. We both do." He said, wanting to scream, but knowing that if he did it would negatively affect the servants.

Samuel caught the hint that both of his sons wanted to tell him something more, "Wait until after we finish breakfast. We can talk later in my bedroom."

Both brothers nodded as they ate their breakfast and left for their respective rooms. Samuel sighed as he had to get ready. First he had to decide a time to let the boys into his bedroom and then after that who knows.

Allen was lounging around in his room when a knock was heard on the door. It was Adam again.

"Come in." 

Adam entered, "Sir Dawnwell told me to inform you to arrive at his bedroom around 8:30 pm."

"That's awfully late. Will my brother be there?" Allen asked Adam

"Young master Leon has expressed his desire to participate." Adam answered 

"I see. Is there anything else my father wishes to tell me?"

"Yes. It is to not wear your clothes besides being in your underwear when you talk with your father." When Adam finished that sentence Allen stopped him

"Underwear? And brother Leon still accepted?" 

Adam nodded, "Sir Dawnwell also wished to pass these words to you. That if your body heats up again in the middle of the night, do not hesitate to come to his room."

"I understand. You may leave." Allen told Adam. Adam bowed and closed the door to Allen's room.

So Samuel knew of Allen's condition. Well it wasnt even 3 months before he found out. It was currently the 4th month and the effects of his condition were increasing without any reason as to how or why they were happening. All Allen knew was that when he started to get hot his breathing grew labored and his cock wouldn't calm down. Allen was grateful that last month the effects were mild and that he only passed out before calming down.

Allen read some books that were in his room until it was lunch time. Allen arrived at the dining room and sat in his seat. The empty plate and cutlery of his mother no longer there. Which meant that Samuel started to move on, albeit slowly. The three tried to not focus to much before Leon asked Samuel, "Father. Do you want to train with us?"

"Training hmm..." Samuel hummed as he took a bite out of his steak, "Sure. Ill join you two."

Leon smiled and winked at his younger brother to which Allen chuckled a little bit.

After lunch the two brothers and their father were in their private training area, away from the knights. And changed outfits that were more in line for training.

After doing stretches and some exercises before moving onto the main event, Samuel tossed his two sons wooden swords which they both caught, "I want to see what you can do." Was all that he said.

Allen looked at his father, "You're not going to fight against us?"

"Last time we went up against father we got our asses kicked." Leon responded to his little brother like it was fact.

"Fair enough. You ready?"

Leon nodded as they went a couple feet apart and held out the wooden swords in front of them. The swords were heavy like real swords, but they had been rounded off to not cause any permanent damage. Some light bruising at best.

A couple of seconds passed by as each brother looked at the other, then Allen made the first move, slowly walking towards Leon as he lowered his guard ever so slightly. Samuel taught the boys earlier in life that having some open spots in your guard was better than having no openings at all to trick the opponent into thinking there was a chance at winning. Leon's body tensed as Allen lowered his guard, but knew it was a trap into getting him to attack. However he stayed firm.

Allen saw a chance and pounced on his older brother. Swinging his sword down from above his head. Leon quickly blocked the attack as the swords locked with neither brother giving an inch to the other. 

"Seems you have gotten stronger." Leon said as a smile creeped on his face, "Well. Since father is watching why don't we put on a show for him."

"You're saying that like we don't play every time we train." Allen teased as he was suddenly pushed back by Leon. Losing his balance Allen spun around on the ball of his foot, planting his unbalanced foot and guiding Leon's sword down and away from him before spinning around once and attempting to strike his brother's chest.

Unfortunately Allen narrowly missed as he swung wide. Leon, seeing a chance leaned forward thinking that Allen was exposed. However Allen spun around once again and blocked the strike meant for him, but the combined force of Leon's attack and Allen's spinning made Allen fall backwards with Leon falling with him. They quickly tossed their swords away before breaking their fall. Leon stopped inches away from his younger brother's face. The sudden fall with one being on top of the other was a development neither of the brothers expected so they stared into each other's eyes without moving nor saying a word.

Meanwhile Samuel was watching the two with a smile on his face, though he quickly covered the smile with his paw and looked away slightly to potentially not see the brothers kiss each other.

"As much as I would like to see you two kiss." He began with the clearing of his throat, "I think thats enough for today."

Which made the two snap out of their daze and make their faces go red with embarrassment before finally getting off each other and standing up.

Time passed by as dinner approached. After they had dinner the three went back to their own rooms. Allen was standing in his underwear as he looked at the clock on the far wall. The sun setting over the horizon. It was around 7:58 pm, 30 minutes left before he and Leon finished that talk with their father. Allen was grateful that the servants gave them space, it let him think. Though Allen didn't know how the talk would go, he had a good idea of how it would go in his head. Screaming, crying, and apologies. Allen knew that Samuel cared for them, but for the majority of Allen's life their father was distant. Always there, but at the same time not. 

It was time for some closure and to become closer as a family. He steeled his heart and left his room, walking the halls of the mansion in silence.

He arrived at the door to his father's room. Leon was leaning against the wall as he waited for him. 

"You ready?" Leon asked Allen

"I am." Allen replied before Leon knocked on the door

"Who is it?" Samuel called from within his room

"It's your sons. We're ready." Leon said in a heavy tone.

"Come in."

Leon opened the door as he walked in first, Allen following behind him. When Leon closed the door Allen looked at the figure that was his father.

Samuel was built. With chiseled abs, thicker thighs than Allen, and a plump butt. The moonlight bouncing off his fur only served to add to his attractiveness. 

"Hello boys." Samuel said as he sat down on a couch that was big enough for the three of them, "Sit with me."

So the two sat on the opposite side of Samuel to which he corrected them, "On either side of me." Which the boys calmly obeyed their father's command. Allen sitting on Samuel's right, and Leon sitting on his left.

"..." Samuel took some time before answering, "So you two want to know why I can't let go of your mother?."

"Yes. We both want to know why you've been tormenting yourself for the last 18 years." Leon started

"When I was young, after my coming of age ceremony and even during my coming of age ceremony a bunch of girls were after my looks, some after the status of my parents. It was quite overwhelming. So much so I watched myself around them. Getting gifts from various families who wanted my hand in marriage. I'm pretty sure even the king's daughter wanted my hand. Thats how popular I was." Samuel joked with a sad chuckle

"I wanted to avoid the topic of marriage for a while, so if any gifts were sent to me in order for a woman to marry me I quietly sent them back. 2 years passed by for me in a blur."

"So thats why you've never employed women..." Allen responded with a whisper.

Samuel nodded, "Yeah. I was more comfortable with being around men. Anyway the real reason I can't let go of your mother was because she wasnt after my looks nor my status. She was a childhood friend of mine." Samuel said which surprised the boys

"And when she died...after giving birth to you two...I should've gone with her, so I could protect her, but I couldn't go because I still had to uphold the Dawnwell name." Samuel said as his body slumped.

The brothers were a little stunned but stayed silent as they let their father grieve, "...Father. I think its a good thing you didnt go with mother." Leon spoke for his brother, "I'm not saying its a good thing that she died, but if you had gone with her you probably would've died as well. However I dont know if that's for certain." Leon leaned into his father's arm and held it

"I understand what you're trying to say Leon. If I had gone with her there's no guarantee I would be alive to raise you. I was happy when you two were born. So just the thought of your mother not being able to participate in that happiness..." Samuel said as words failed to come out of his mouth. He closed his eyes and composed himself, "It's getting late." He said quietly.

Allen and Leon looked at each other before they both kissed Samuel on the cheek and left without a sound.

In the hallway as they were walking back to their rooms Allen asked Leon a question, "Hey. Do you think father would smile more if mother was still alive?"

"Probably." Was Leon's answer before he walked back to his room

Allen watched as his brother's figure grew smaller before shaking his head, "I shouldn't put much thought into what-ifs."

Tossing his underwear aside and climbing into his bed Allen had a dreamless sleep. Slowly but surely he felt his body heat up and his cock go erect. He woke up with his body burning up and his breathing more labored than before. He slipped out of his bed and collapsed on the floor but stood up and stepped out of his room. Walking through the now empty, soundless, and dark halls with only his footsteps and heavy breathing accompanying him. 

He arrived at Leon's room, deciding that Samuel's room was a bit too much for him right now. His hand on the handle as he opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door with his foot. Leon awoke with a start as the door to his room closed. His eyes already adjusted to the darkness. He saw his younger brother stumbling towards his bed, breathing labored and cock rock hard. 

Allen slipped onto Leon's bed and laid on top of him, "I...need help."

Leon was concerned as Allen's body was freakishly hot, "Okay, but why didn't you go to father for this?"

"Room was too far. So." Allen said as he leaned in close to his brother while purring.

"So will you help me?" Allen whispered in Leon's ear

Leon closed his eyes, "Of course. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." He said as he softly kissed Allen's neck

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