Knight’s Pledge

Side Story 1: The Seventh Prince

I apologize for the long wait you guys must have been experiencing. To make up for that, here is a bonus chapter. Let me know what you guys think.

Walking at a less than modest pace, a sand colored panther made her way through the dark and empty halls of the castle. Turbulent thoughts running through her mind.

'It has been a month since we got married and we still haven't had our first night together. Everytime I try to bring it up or initiate contact he always brushes me off.'

Catalina always adored her husband when she first saw him. He was so handsome and perfect in her eyes. Shining brighter than any of his other siblings. She thought she would be happy living with her prince, but ever since they got married she noticed that he would always avoid her. Like she was a nuisance and that he only went through with the marriage because she was in love with him and their parents accepted their "love".

But it couldn't be true right? That the prince didn't truly love her and had someone else in his heart.

Composing herself in front of her prince's bedroom door she knocked three times and waited.

At first there wasn't an immediate response, and to Catalina the wait was killing her. Then, a calm and cool voice sounded from inside

"...come in."

Catalina quietly opened the door and walked inside. The lamp on the bedside table was on as a snow white wolf with piercing blue eyes and long hair like fur running from the back of his head to his back, he wore pajamas on his bottom half. When he saw who walked into his bedroom when it was almost 10pm it was hard for him to not stifle a sigh, "I was wondering who it was knocking on my door."

"Your Highness." Catalina curtseid

"Why are you here?"

"I was wondering when we were going to have our first night together."

"I thought I told you, I am still not ready." The prince deflected 

"Not ready?" Catalina asked in an exasperated way, "Not ready for what? Not ready to commit to me? Ever since we got married you didn't have your eyes on me. Not once have you paid attention to me. Am I not good enough to be your wife?"

"It is not that you are not good enough to be my wife. Your status isn't the reason as to why I don't commit."

"Then why? Tell me the reason as to why you avoid me Ethan!" Catalina cried, trying to get an answer out of her distant husband

Silent, Ethan looked at Catalina from where he was. Everytime Catalina tried to initiate contact and flirt with him he always felt uncomfortable, like just touching her was a revolting feeling to him. He was fine with physical contact, but the thought of having sex with Catalina always sent shivers down his spine.

But ever since they got married, whenever Ethan saw Catalina he had the strongest urge to run away from her and seek his older brothers. Thankfully, he didn't do what his mind was telling him to do. He didn't know why he felt that way at first, but when Catalina went to the crown prince for advice and she told him that she was seeking the crown prince for help with their marrage he started to see the pieces fall into place. 

"Ethan?" Catalina worriedly asked as Ethan huffed another sigh

"I was 7 years old."


"I was 7 years old!" Ethan said louder

Flinching at Ethan's loudness Catalina took a step back, "And how does that relate to this situation?" 

Ethan looked at Catalina and stood up, "I just saw and heard something that I wasn't supposed to see nor hear at that age, and whenever I see them together I go back to that time. That is all you need to know."

Catalina didn't know how to respond to that. He saw and heard something that he wasn't supposed to see nor hear at 7 years old, and whenever he sees them together he goes back to that time? What was he talking about? 

"So are you going to go back to your room?"

"Wha-? What do you mean am I going to back to my room like we just had a pleasant chat. I need to know." Catalina took a step foward as Ethan watched her, "You never acted like this before we got married, do you love someone else?"

Ethan didn't speak for a couple of seconds, "Catalina. It is getting late. Go to sleep."

"Not until you answer my question." She insisted walking closer and closer to him, "Do you love someone else?"

Ethan breathed in and tried to walk past her, "Ethan!" She jumped, grabbing his right paw in a spur of the moment

Ethan responded by tugging his paw free and whirling around, and suddenly Catalina was laying on the ground with a stinging sensation on her face. She was so shocked at what happened she just put a paw up to her face as she saw Ethan looking down on her with disgust.

"You can sleep here tonight." Was all he said before he walked out into the hallway and shut the door behind him.

Not taking a second to see if his wife was okay Ethan walked towards the crown prince's bedroom before it hit him that he did that to his wife, even if he didn't like her he still shouldn't have hit her, but...he felt as if his head was a mess right now.

Standing before the crown prince's door he knocked on the door, "Hey. Alban. It's me Ethan. May I come in?"

"Yeah. I haven't gone to bed yet."

Ethan opened Alban's door and walked in. The room was being illuminated by a several light sources, not to bright that there was a flashbang of light but not too dark that Ethan couldn't see anything. Sitting on a chair was a tiger with orange colored fur, bleeding into red, Alban was wearing a dark red bathrobe. He was currently reading a book from his personal collection, "Hey. Did she cause trouble for you again?"

"Catalina? Not really." Ethan said as he made himself comfy on one of the other chairs, "She was just asking me when we were going to have our first night together."

Alban hummed as he closed the book his was reading and placed it down on the table, "You know she is going to go to father about how you are behaving around her."

"Surprised she didn't go to him sooner. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she went to talk to mother about me."

"Hmm...your mother isn't one for politics so I doubt she would listen to whatever your wife says. 'Too cumbersome'"

"Yeah. Anyway there is a reason as to why I am here. Do you mind if I sleep here? I told Catalina she could sleep in my room after I stormed out."

"I don't mind." Alban instantly replied

"Huh? You don't?" Ethan did a double take to make sure his older brother wasn't bullshitting him

"Not at all."

Ethan stayed silent for a bit. Did Alban know about that night? No, that wasn't possible, but...he did see Alban stop and look towards the ever so slightly cracked door. At the time it terrifed Ethan that he would get caught and so-


"Hmm? What is it?" Ethan asked as he lifted his head up to face his brother

"So. Do you want to stay here or not?" Alban asked

"Sure. I'll sleep here."

"Great!" Alban said with a smile as he closed his book, "You can sleep with me on the bed."

"That seems inappropriate."

"It's fine. Father allows it."

"Wait what?" Ethan did a double take

"Yeah. As long as we do our duties with royals Father allows us to do whatever we want. I think a couple of years ago Father slept with me in my bed when he was too tired to go to his bedroom. That was fun."

"..." Ethan was gobsmacked to hear that his father was more laidback than he thought, "Do our mothers know about this?"

"No." Alban immediately replied

"...okay then..." Ethan said still trying to process the information he heard from the Crown Prince

Ethan stood up and tried to take off his pajamas, not feeling comfortable anymore. Alban got a thought in his head and stopped Ethan before whispering in his ear, "Wait, you can't just take off your pajamas while your big brother is watching. You'll make me blush."

The words tickled his ear as Alban stroked his fur, "If we are going to sleep together we are going to do this properly." Guiding his paws towards Alban's shoulders made Ethan blush, and it made him blush even harder as Alban's paws slid their way towards Ethan's hips and slowly taking off Ethan's pajamas.

Ethan just followed along as he started to slowly strip Alban's robe.

"D-did you see?" Ethan whispered

"See what?"

"Well...when I was 7 years old, I saw you and big brother Eren having sex."

"That was you?" Ethan nodded slowly as Alban chuckled, "Thought I felt someone's eyes on us." 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to peek. I-" Ethan was cut off with Alban kissing his lips, the red bathrobe falling off of Alban's fur

"Shh..." Alban silenced Ethan whose face was as red as a tomato

Picking up his little brother Alban made his way towards the bed, gently placing Ethan on it and climbing on top of him before intertwining Ethan's paws with his. Alban smiled softly, "It seems that my cute younger brother is all grown up now if he can tease his older brother like this. I can't wait to tell father~."

"Can you be gentle with me?" Ethan asked in a whisper

"Hmm~~~. Maybe, maybe not. Depends on how you take to my teachings~." Alban seductively said as he started to make out with Ethan.

Ethan woke up in bed, his head still trying to recall last night with his brother. Pleasure unlike any other that he experienced was the first thing that came to mind.

His fur a mess, with cum in some spots he didn't realise there would be cum. He pushed himself out of bed, getting the feelings in his legs back. His brother left a note for him.

"You can use my bathroom to clean yourself, breakfast is to be served in the dining room. Apparently father wants to know how you are doing with Catalina."

Ethan walked to the bathroom to see a bath prepared for him. Slipping into the water Ethan thought about what he was going to tell father. That even though he was married to Catalina that he didn't marry her because of love. He knew it was a political marriage, but still...and then there was last night. How in the world was Ethan going to tell father that he and Alban had sex.

He was running through the scenarios in his head as he sank his head and body deeper into the water, blowing bubbles while doing so. He just couldn't see it going well. He could see how Catalina would be crying at the news, which then made Ethan thought about how he was going to explain his infidelity to Catalina's father.

...he could worry about that later, right now was breakfast time. So Ethan finished cleaning himself and then dried himself with magic before a maid help Ethan with his outfit and brush his fur to perfection. He felt clean as he looked in the mirror, as if last night never happened.

But it did happen.

Ethan shook the thoughts of last night out of his head and strode out of the bedroom and towards the dining room.

What was waiting for him there was his father, Alban, and Catalina. Curious Ethan sat down next to Alban and asked, "Where is everyone else?"

"It's more of a private breakfast." his Father, Alkin, said before looking at Catalina, "Catalina said you slapped her last night, and that no matter how long she waited for you, you wouldn't come back."

"I apologize in advance if I sound rude, but that slap was a reflex. I didn't mean to slap her, and, the reason why I didn't come back was because I went to Alban's room and he took care of me for the rest of the night."

Alkin looked at Alban to which Alban just nodded, "What can I say, he is my little brother, as the older one I have to care of my younger siblings. Even if that means taking care of rather sensitive needs."

Catalina on the other hand looked utterly astonished as to what came out of Alban's mouth, "S-so you mean...that you two were..." Catalina forced the words out of her mouth before composing herself and looking at Alkin, "May I be excused? I seem to not be hungry anymore."

Alkin looked at Catalina and nodded, "You may leave."

Catalina got up and curtsied Alkin and left quickly as was appropriate.

Alkin sighed and looked at Ethan, a little disappointed, "You know you could have told me you didn't like her and didn't want to marry her Ethan."

Ethan tactfully ate his breakfast in silence, "Father, if you have to blame someone, blame me. I'm the one who came on to him first."

"Go on."

Alban went into more detail about what happened last night, leaving out the spicier details of what they did that night.

After that was done Alkin sighed, "Alright, I seem to get it. It's clear to me that you, Ethan, aren't in love with Catalina. At least try to make her stay here a comfortable one, that is all I ask."

"Understood father."

Soon after that conversation Alkin stopped Ethan in the hallway and asked to come with him. Ethan agreed and now they were in a room, sitting across from each other with a couple of light snacks.

"What did you want to talk about?" Ethan asked Alkin

"What did you do with your older brother?" Alkin asked

"Like I said, Alban took care of me by allowing me to sleep on his bed." 

Alkin just nodded in understanding, "I see. Now that you told me this are you going to tell Catalina that you don't love her?"

"No. She knows that I don't love her. As for what she is going to do with this information. I don't know."

Alkin looked at his youngest son for a few moments before getting up and sitting next to him, grabbing his right paw in the process, "Look. If you need help. You can always come to me. I'll be more than happy to talk."

"...Thanks dad."

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