Knowledge and Power: Reincarnated Into A Society That Only Values Strength.

Chapter 126: Sisters Don’t Hurt Each Other.

The moment I started channeling the spell all of my senses looked inward, my mind subconsciously ignoring everything around me. My skin hardened, stifling until I felt like I could even block a bullet.


I held it for as long as I could, and when I started to feel pain I cut off the flow. ‘I managed to stop just short of using my life force, but I still feel weak and dizzy.’ I staggered backward, regaining my balance.


“Siya, are you alright?” Mara asked


Lu just looked at us both, confused. “She didn’t even do anything though.”


I looked up to see them still watching me. ‘I had completely forgotten they were there.’ “I’m fine. Just give me a minute and I’ll go again.”


‘I actually held it longer this time, even though I should be tired from the first attempt. That means I should be able to improve pretty fast if I just keep at it.’


After a few minutes, I repeated the process for a better result, then I repeated it again each time improving until I could hold it for the entire half hour, just like I was supposed to.


Somewhere along the way, my senses became overly heightened, but at the same time, I lost all ability to control my body. Just like before I began to feel a burning sensation run through me


I tried to yell out for Mara, but it was like I was unable to speak, like I was in control of someone else's body rather than my own. Instead of forming words with my mouth my manna just fluctuated.




I wasn’t sure how, but somehow she could tell something was wrong and started approaching even before I started to bleed.


“Siya wake up!”


I could hear her clear as day, but I was still having trouble stopping the spell, blood slowly trickling down from my nose.


She grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently, somehow yanking my consciousness back into my body and bringing me back to myself. Even after I was back she didn’t stop shaking me.


“I’m back please stop shaking me.”


Without further explanation, she brought me close and wrapped her arms around me.


“Uh… Mara?”


She pushed me away, looking at me closely again. “You’re ok right?”


I wiped the blood from my eyes, “Yeah I’m fine, it’s not as bad as last time, I’m just a little lightheaded.”


‘I accomplished Father's goal, but even if I can hold it, the spell is useless if I can't move while maintaining it.’


Just then, Airsidh walked up the path. It felt like only minutes had passed, but it had been hours since he left.


All too excited for someone to save her from the boredom, Lu jumped towards him, swinging a training sword down at his head with full force.


My eyes focused, seeing it all in clear detail, the snow scattered from the force of the impact. 


“Good timing brother. I was starting to itch for a fight.”


He caught the blade, covering a yawn with his other hand. “You’re always itching for a fight, it's annoying.”


Mara looked over at me, clearly thinking about something, their conversation giving her inspiration. “You can hold the spell now, but you said it was toughening your body right? Wouldn’t some practical training be useful as well?”


I stretched out my shoulders. ‘I was just thinking the same thing… Practical training... So, like a spar with the spell active?’ “Yeah, that makes sense. Holding the spell while moving would be completely different, and I still don't know how being hit will affect my focus.”


She cupped a hand over the side of her mouth. “Lu! Come back for a moment!”


She did as she was told. “Mom I promise I wasn’t trying to bother him.”


‘You… whacked him with a wooden sword though…’


“That's not why I called you. Siya’s ready to try the next step. If you really want to fight someone, why not her? Just go easy at first.”


She looked over at me, her face going blank. For once, I had no idea what she was thinking.


“Sorry mom, I can’t do that.”


I felt my posture fall slightly. ‘She won’t go easy on me? Well, I hope this spell is worth something…’ I stretched out my wrist, still feeling a bit sore from the old break in my arm, but not too bad all things considered.


Mara placed a hand on her shoulder. “Fine fine, do your best like always, but you’re only allowed to use your right arm.”


‘That should make things easier at least.’ I grabbed a sword, gripping it tightly in my hands. It was strange, it almost felt like an old friend. Compared to the weighted blades I used when fighting the demon, it was light, and almost easy to hold… almost.


It was perfect. ‘I’m feeling good about this.’ I shifted the sword's weight around, it even felt a bit smaller than I remembered. ‘Maybe I really did grow some.’


“No Mom, that’s not what I meant. I can’t fight her because we're sisters. Sisters aren’t supposed to hurt each other.”


I nearly dropped the sword that I had thought moments ago fit in my hand so perfectly. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to laugh or go give her a hug. It certainly wasn’t the answer I was expecting.


Mara looked over at me, raising an eyebrow. “Is that so…”


I looked over to the side, a bit embarrassed at how seriously she took my words. Honestly, I thought she ignored them altogether. So to say I was surprised was an understatement.


“Yeah, I’m only supposed to fight to protect her.”


I saw a smile creep over Mara’s face like she was trying not to laugh as she rubbed Lu’s head. “That's good, but you won't be fighting her, just helping her train.”


Lu shooed away her hand. “Moooom You’re messing up my hair, and I’m pretty sure that's the same thing if she ends up getting hurt either way.”


Airsidh, who had walked over out of curiosity raised his hand. “It's alright Mom, I’ll do it.”


Lu growled. “Oh, so you’ll fight with her her! Jerk…”


Mara nearly had to take a step back, her eyes widening with surprise.


“Is that alright?” He asked.


“Uhm. Well, yeah. If it's ok with Siya at least.”


He looked over at me, his eyes cold and calculated. 


‘Well, it’s all the same I guess.’ “Sure, let's go.”


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