Knowledge and Power: Reincarnated Into A Society That Only Values Strength.

Chapter 194: Away From Home

My mom left my room like a giddy grade schooler planning her first slumber party. ‘There’s no way Lu will come over, she was even more embarrassed than I was when I shared a bed with her.’


Moments later she showed up at my door holding her pillow in front of her chest and looking shyly to the side.


“WHAT!” I cried out in shock. Taking a short moment after to awe at how cute she looked all tired and sleepy.


She cleared her throat. “Mom said that this would be the only time we ever got to do something like this, and it meant a lot to her, so… I’m here…” She grumbled, rubbing her eye


“You guilted her into it? Come on…”


Mara smiled, just as giddy as when she left as she jumped onto the bed, bouncing me into the air slightly as she hit the mattress. “I have two beautiful healthy daughters and you’re both leaving me at the same time! Just let me have this.”


“You're way too excited about going to sleep…” I yawned.


“You seem in the mood for it though.” She jeered, poking me in the side until it started to tickle.


Lu walked over, looking like she had been woken up in the middle of the night, yawning even longer than I did. “Move over…” She mumbled, still avoiding direct eye contact.


‘Move… over… I have to be in the middle?’ “No, you can be in the middle.”


She yawned again, still hugging her pillow tightly. “No way… I really don’t like tight spaces… And mom’s even clingier than you are…”


her face finally started to take on an expression… But her puppy eyes only made me cave that much faster. “Ugh, fine…” I slid into the middle of the bed, once again not only feeling like the little sister but the baby of the family too… “I’m not that clingy am I?” I accidentally muttered out loud.


The moment she closed her eyes she already looked like she was sleeping, slowly curling up until her forehead was pressed against mine, making me almost afraid to move. “You treated me like a pillow, you actually seemed pretty convinced I was one…”


I felt my face start to heat up again as Mara pulled the blankets over us. “Right. Yeah, that was a thing that happened…”


She yawned again her eyes watering from how tired she was. “I don’t mind though, you’re small and kinda squishy so it’s fine. Mom’s huge though, so when she does it I feel like I’m being crushed… I really don’t like tight places…” She muttered again.


‘Guess she’s scared of something after all.’


She pulled the blankets over her shoulders, slightly gripping them with her fingers and almost instantly fell asleep, her body noticeably relaxing and sinking into the bed. A part of me thought Mara would want to talk some more, but when I turned to her, somehow she was asleep too, despite how she was acting only seconds ago. True to Lu’s description, the moment she passed out she rolled over and wrapped her arms around me, moments later pulling Lu in closer as well and squishing us all together.


I understood why Lu didn’t want to be in the middle, why most people probably would have hated it, but I actually liked tight spaces… At least… After I got over how embarrassing it all felt. I couldn’t really complain either because of how soft and warm it was, making me completely forget about any pain I had gone through that day. Even as the sun set the colors never seemed any less vibrant, and although my vision faded a little with the light, it remained pretty good even in the dark, never fading to gray. I slid farther under the covers and huddled up between them, closing my eyes. ‘Agis… Can you hear me? I… really don’t think I regret staying, in this life I have here… I am Siyasavide Aliyah Nayanathulu. I’d probably die from cringe if I ever had to say that out loud, but. Right now I feel so happy…’



When we woke up all three of us got dressed and helped each other pack. Lu actually brought more than I thought she would, several swords, books, tools for sharpening and polishing gear, armor, her bow, which I had never seen her actually use, and even some normal clothes.


It was hard to say goodbye to my home… No, that’s a lie. To be honest I couldn’t leave fast enough. Airsidh and my sister Lu were both coming with me. The only thing I was really sad about was saying goodbye to my mom…


‘Mom…’ It still felt weird to say it and think of her, but the fact that I had to leave so soon after recognizing her as my mother, only made it sting that much more. I would miss her, but I would be fine. After all, I wasn’t wearing black, so it was hardly one of the harder goodies I had given. 


“You kids all ready? Hop in back and we’ll be off.”


I turned to the carriage but just before I could step away she grabbed me from behind and pulled me in close.


“Remember, if anything happens you’re brother will still be close by, so don’t be afraid to lean on him if you have to. And don’t let anyone find out about you’re magic, if someone does get suspicious, say it’s a side effect of your dragon eyes. Oh, and I packed an extra blanket for you made from dire wolf pelts.”


I was embarrassed, to say the least with how many people were around, but I couldn’t say it wasn’t appreciated. In some ways I felt as though holding a grudge against her might have been more natural, but she was so sweet and caring that it was hard to not get used to it over the past month.


She let go and slowly wrapped a pelt over my shoulders. “I know Lu can be a bit feisty but do you’re best to watch out for her like you said you would. I honestly might be more worried about her than you. She’s so reckless… I made sure you had soap and everything you need to properly take care of you’re hair. And I even–”


I turned around and squeezed her tightly, making her stop for a moment. She was so warm I almost didn’t want to let go. But it was time to leave. I think we both knew that.


“Thank’s mom. I’ll be fine, so don’t worry.”


She smiled back softly. “I left some surprises for you too, I hope you like them.”


Letting go I slowly backed away, immediately curious, and not wanting to wait to check my luggage. ‘Surprises? Like… A new sword or something?’


“Take care you three!” She shouted to all of us.


I was the only one that bothered saying anything back. “Bye, momma!” I yelled as I climbed into the carriage, closing the door. It felt like the kind of farewell you would give in an old Western movie. All that was missing was the train station, maybe a romantic subplot or two. ‘Just how long has it been since I’ve been relaxed enough to bother thinking about things like that? It’s almost like time was standing still, but now it’s moving forward again.’


I quickly froze time still in its place and took in the scene of the castle and my mother waving one last time. ‘The metaphor works better when I don’t have the ability to do this…’ I let go, expecting to feel bittersweet, but instead only found myself content, at peace, and for once, genuinely happy.

‘Whatever is going to happen. I think it’s worth looking forward to.’ I gazed out the window as the carriage rolled down the road heading north. Before I knew it we were already on an unfamiliar road in a place I had never been. A while later and we were already across the threshold. The furthest I had ever been away from home…




This concludes Part 1. I will still be posting chapters forward on Patreon, but I will be switching to 2-3 chapters a week as we start part 2, at least until I have more written and flushed out the story more and everything. Thank you all for reading.

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