Knowledge and Power: Reincarnated Into A Society That Only Values Strength.

Chapter225: Sit Down


After briefly looking at everyone sitting around the table, my brother turned back to me, speaking in a calm manner that put me at ease, rather than making me feel like I had done something wrong or shameful. “Grama’s been staying mostly quiet because she doesn’t feel like she can weigh in on this, but she is fundamentally different from you. She never went to the academy. She never lived within close proximity to several young boys. She also grew up in a different culture, and she’s actually become more tame by our standards, at least from what I understand…” He paused, eyeing me so closely I started to feel a little self-conscious, becoming even more nervous as he built up to his ultimate answer. “All that being said, I really don’t see an issue with it, as long as you only let family see you like this, which I’m sure is what you're thinking too. Besides, you're wearing underwear, so even if you weren't wearing the shirt it would technically be fine, at least culturally speaking. Although, generally both genders try to keep their thighs covered, and older generations still think of that as proper, but nowadays that regulation is mostly only for formal occasions.”


I stared at him blankly as he continued to show off how deeply he thought… And how casually and easily he could explain those thoughts. It made me a little jealous. ‘Well… At least now I get it. So I can show off my stomach, but I can’t let my legs show? Well, whatever… One thing still bothers me though…’ “How do you know… What I’m wearing underneath…” I muttered. ‘Why am I continuing this conversation?’


He raised two fingers as if expecting the question, not missing a beat. “Two reasons. First, you’d be too embarrassed to leave your room without it, at least wearing what you are. Second, Your top button is unbuttoned and I can see the top of your chest wrap. I highly doubt you’d bother putting that on and not have anything on below.”


I quickly grabbed my shirt, pulling it together around my neck. ‘This is why I need to learn to stop talking…’ The tension felt like it started to ease, at least for everyone else. As my brain fully woke up though I did start to feel a little embarrassed.


“Looks like you understand… Right, well said Airsidh.” My grandpa looked back at me. “And even though your brother can look after you, it wouldn’t be the same as my wife having me.”


I suddenly felt annoyed again, although it was significantly more dull than before. “Yeah… I wouldn’t brag about my brother's “weapon” and talk about places I let him bite me.”


Airsidh gagged, choking on his food, although as I turned to look he had somehow already recovered as if it never happened. By the time I turned back to my grandpa, he was leaning forward on the table and covering his face with a hand. “So I guess you drank a lot then…” He whispered.


“Ah, you're so cute when you're embarrassed.” My grama teased again, poking his cheek.




“I don’t get it,” Lu tilted her head, looking to me to explain. “You mean his hammer?”


“Yeah well… One of them…”


“He has another one? I thought only my uncle used two. I tried swinging the one but the handle, no swords have handles, long weapons have what, a shaft? The shaft was way too thick for me to hold it properly.”


‘Lu… You’re killing me…’ I leaned forward covering my face as well as my grandfather let his forehead sink all the way down to the table.


She bounced in her chair, eagerly waiting to hear more while I tried my best not to die from the realization that I was the one that caused this situation, and my mind going blank on how I might get myself out of it. “So he has two of them?”


“Yea… And they both have names too.” I grumbled, looking at Grandma who just let out a girl-ish chuckle, pretending not to understand.


“So then both of them are legendary weapons?”


I covered my face with my other hand as well, unable to handle it anymore. My face was so hot to the touch that I couldn’t even tell if I was holding back a laugh or resisting the urge to run away as I overheated.


After a moment I looked back at Air who was staring with slightly wider eyes, truly shocked by my behavior… Although I couldn’t blame him… I was too. ‘Why can’t I just stop talking…’


“So where’s the other one? I want to see it?”


“No… you don’t…” My brother muttered.


“Why not? If it’s smaller than the other one maybe I could–”


My grandfather abruptly stood up, halting all conversation, but rather than interjecting, he simply turned and left, making me honestly kinda feel bad for him…


Airsidh leaned slightly towards her and put a hand on her shoulder. “He doesn’t actually have a second weapon, that’s not what they are talking about. In this case, a weapon is a metaphor for something else.”


‘I can’t believe he’s actually explaining it… It’s times like these I’m thankful he’s not normal…’


“I don’t get it.”


“That’s for the best…”


“So it’s one of those things I’m better off not knowing?”






I stared back and forth between them. ‘It was that easy? She isn’t even a little curious? Why is she so perfect…’


Airsidh cleared his throat, downing what was left of his drink and standing up. “Well, on that note… It’s probably about time we leave.”


‘Wait, already? Like now? Does he have any idea how long it takes to put on that dress?’ I stood up too, unsure of how rushed I should be, but before I could move much my gramma slammed her fist into the table making me jump. “Sit… Down…” She sounded out with a booming voice, still leaning back with her legs crossed and a bright smile.


Airsidh frozen stiff. “Yes mam…” He said, quickly obeying.


‘There's no way… Does she scare him more than Mom?’


“First, you're going to let your adorable little sisters finish eating, then you're going to wait for Siya to get changed, and then we're going to have a little spar. After that! Then you three can head out.”


She waved her hand at me as well. “Go ahead and take your time. I’ll get you some water, it seems the smell of milk reminds you too much of that other thing That I definitely didn’t give you.” She winked.


Of course, Lu was oblivious… But my brother wasn’t so ignorant… His face never changed expressions, but I could feel him staring holes through me, reminding me to finally button my shirt and nervously scoot in my chair, pretending not to notice.

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