Komand’r On Deck

Chapter 5


Chapter 5


Above Smith Motors
09:12 AM


I floated up as I watched the Warrior Three and Lady Sif walk toward Jane’s base. They didn’t look like the people from the movies I’ve seen in my previous life. Lady Sif was very attractive, and looked more like her comic counterpart than the MCU one, she was muscular and womanly, her dark hair flowing down her back; her silver armor didn’t hide any of her divine curves.

The men were fair and handsome as well, a blonde fop in green leather garbs and cloak, an asian looking man looking surly in black armor and a big boned redhead who looked jovial. They looked strong as well. I flew down and performed a hero landing, landing before them, stopping the four Asgardian from entering Smith Motors.

Standing up, I watched as their eyes went wide as they looked at me. Lady Sif was the first to unsheath her sword and take a combat stance. The Warrior Threes smoothly followed up, daggers, axe, and twin swords were drawn. 

“Asgardian.” I said in my native tongue.

The redhead man perked up at my language and appearance as he looked at me from head to toes. “Tamaranean.”

I snorted. “What are you doing here?”

I already knew why, but I wanted to keep up appearances and feign being surprised at their presence here. Giving them any other information wouldn't do, it was time for some Asgardian to grow up, it wasn't just Thor who needed to learn a lesson in humility. The warrior threes and Lady Sif were in clear violation of their current King's order and were about to bring dire consequences on the Midgardian. I wasn't being a bitch for nothing, they made a really bad first impression when they landed near town and strolled like they owned the place. 

“None of your business, Lady.” Fandral, the blonde fop didn't know how to react to my presence, he was torn between his duty or trying to flirt with me, he settled on focusing on his friendship first.

I floated up one meter from the ground and looked down  on them, eyes glowing purple and my Starbolt in my hands humming with energy. “So you come into this town and steal food and are quick to draw out your weapons when someone confronts you. Have you come here to act like barbarians?”

They all tensed up at my appearance and readied for a fight. I absorbed even more sunlight and my hair gained a glowing purple tint, oh some abilities were kicking in right now, interesting.

Lady Sif scowled at me, then spoke with venom. “You’ve been observing us since the start.”

“I saw you arrive with the Bifrost. Of course, I would check what happens here.” Those people were a riot, stating the obvious.

“What are your intentions?” Volstagg asked me, his grip tightening on his axe.

Raising an eyebrow and laughing at the stupid question, I answered, “My intentions? I’ve been here for days, I'm a known quantity; it should be me who asks that question to you. What did you think you were doing attacking people from the local government and strolling in plain view of the inhabitants?”

“Midgard is a protectorate of Asgard, you shouldn’t be here.” Fandral's excuse told me everything I needed to know about him, he was an irresponsible asshole.

I cackled evilly at the ridiculous allegation. “It’s been thousands of years, you cannot claim that Midgard is under Asgard area of influence, after all you let those people vulnerable to the depredations of the nearby space Empires, as an example; the Kree experimented on those poor people and had sent a punitive fleet here.” My tone dripped with ridicule as I made my argument.

“They survived it, or else this place would be different and under their dominion.” The blonde fop had the gall to say.

I saw red at the casual and callous dismissal of human lives, and was about to pierce a hole through the blonde asshole with my starbolt when the familiar voice of Thor rang out from behind me. “What is happening here?” 

I turned to see Thor wearing the clothes I had fabricated for him. He looked like a typical American man with his open blue shirt, t-shirt and black pants. His hair still looked fabulous, I understood why Jane couldn't get enough of the guy when he looked this dashing. I saw Selvig, Darcy love and Jane behind him.

Lady Sif tackle-hugged the big lug and shouted in joy, “Thor! Found you!”

“My friends!” Then all of a sudden Thor’s friends dogpiled him, slapping his back or punching his shoulders in show of camaraderie, Sif was clinging to his arm like glue. I felt a pique of anger coming from Jane as she saw the black haired hussy holding onto Thor.

Darcy and Selvig stared at the assembly of aliens, the older man asked out loud, "More Asgardians?"

"It seems so, is there a discount for the travel to New Mexico? Heard Roswell is a hit with them."

Selvig couldn’t say anything back to Darcy, his faith in an ordered world that made sense has been shaken since I, Princess Komand’r, appeared on the planet.

"Wow, Fire you were about to roast down those four people? Could you not?" Darcy commented as she saw my hands glowing purple and pointed at Fandral.

I turned to Darcy and saw her big innocent eyes and couldn’t show the side of me that I still wished to not make her aware of yet. Deep down I was a merciless and violent bitch. Letting go of the energy building up I landed and my hands, hair and eyes stopped glowing. I walked up to Darcy-love and placed myself firmly at her side, my arm around her waist; I felt the gaze of someone on me at the same time, raising up my head, I saw Lady Sif glaring at me.

I gave her my best taunting smile and a cute tilt of my head. Her glare intensified; but Thor asked her what was her problem with me. “Is something the matter, Sif? I know that Friend Komand’r is as beautiful as a Vanir beauty, but she’s taken right now.”

“X'hal! That’s hilarious!” I shouted in a mirthful smile, this made Thor chuckle a bit.

"She's dangerous." Lady Sif said, her glare intensifying.

Poor woman, was she allergic to the truth of what her Kingdom is like? Fandral and Volstagg looked at me with mislike as well, only Hogun seemed to have neutral feelings about me, well he was the Vanir amongst them, they had a war with Asgard so he must know what the deal is with them.

Since I got back this morning, Thor was a sweetie and a loyal… friend and placed himself between myself and his warrior brothers and sister. Why did I imagine him like a big doggo that needed treats? Fucking memes from Earth are catching up to me!

"Oh no, Friend Komand'r is a stand up and virtuous person, her and Jane’s team have been taking care of me since I crashed on Midgard. She's just a tad overprotective, since her friends are all here."

"I like when they praise me, Friend Thor. Being perceived as dangerous is a good thing, no? But you are right to say that I would defend my friends to the death. However, your friends didn’t exactly make a good impression on me after I saw your friend, Volstagg, steal food."

Thor’s gaze became sharp and he turned to the red haired and big man in silver armor; the man had the decency to look guilty. Thor glared at the fat redhead for a long moment before he turned to me and said, “I shall compensate for the slighted party, please can we start anew? It wouldn’t do well for us to have such a rocky start, my Friends.”

This was a side of Thor that I didn’t expect, he acted with diplomacy; it made me smile a bit. Then I looked at each of his friends, some of them looked remorseful, Lady Sif looked at her feet when her eyes locked with mine for an instant. Fandral didn’t look that bothered, I will need to watch that guy more closely.

Deciding to let up a bit, I said, “I am going to give them a chance to show me their valor and integrity, just this time, Thor, I will trust you. Don’t squander my goodwill.”

Thor smiled in thanks, nodded his head and dropped a bomb on his friends. “Thank you for your magnanimity, Princess Komand’r.”

Lady Sif and Fandral looked like they sucked a lemon when they heard about my title and the lack of respect they showed me will always tarnish my opinion of them. They were some kind of social climbers I think; kids who enabled Thor into being an awful braggart and a drunk, a typical frat boy you could find everywhere in America. But the Prince was old to my standards, he showed a surprising flash of savviness by spilling my status and getting his friends to behave around me. I hope it sticks.

“I’ll definitely make amends!” Volstagg said by slapping his gauntlet against his breastplate. The redhead looked chastised and looked at me as if I was about to flay him.

I nodded imperiously. I didn’t really care about the man, but their actions would affect my own position on Earth and I couldn’t have them wrecking and stealing things.

All at once, the seriousness of the situation was broken by Darcy. "Why are you speaking in some alien language, Fire? I need subtitles!"

That little complaint translated to me to a: I want to be able to understand you in my love-hazed brain. I posessively tightened my hold on Darcy’s waist; I needed to have Darcy undergo a surgery for her own cybernetic implant that would link her to the ship network. *I will do that later.*

"Oh yes, sorry Darcy-Love. Exposition time: Asgardians all got this innate ability called Allspeak, so they do the talking with everyone, even animals. And as I don't want to sound uncultured to those four, I switched to my native language. Though they did the unculturing first."

Jane, Selvig and Darcy looked at the Asgardian in wonder and a bit of jealousy. Darcy was the first to exclaim, "Crazy~."

"Useful. I wish I had a similar ability." Erik Selvig looked thoughtful as he considered the applications of such an ability.

Jane exuded some jealous vibe, she stared possessively at Thor who still hadn’t extricated himself from Sif’s embrace. This was going to finish in a bloodbath… but I knew whose side I was going to take.

Darcy-love hugged me and whispered in my ear, "But I like it better when you speak in English."

"You little minx." I said with my voice hoarse with desire, the brunette knew how to push my buttons. I was a simple Tamaranean; just one night with me and I was already at that girl’s mercy.

Jane, bless her soul, walked up to Thor with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes on her face to ask, “Thor? Who are they?”

You can call Thor an idiot, but he didn’t miss the coldness seeping into Jane's tone, then he realized Sif was holding onto him. He pulled away from her and immediately went to her side. Lady Sif’s eyes filled with jealousy and anger as she noticed that she was not the flavor of the day anymore. Thor was about to introduce Jane to his friends but was sadly interrupted by Volstagg. 

The redhead strode up before Jane and Thor and bowed, next he opened his arm to introduce himself and his friends. “Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. Surely you’ve heard tales of Hogun the Grim, Fandral the Dashing, and I Volstagg the Svelte?”

Everyone looked pointedly at Volstagg’s massive gut. Darcy put her hand on her mouth but she failed to hide her laugh.

“Well, perhaps I’ve put on a little more muscle since I was here last…” The man’s cheek colored, but it didn’t bother him that he was being laughed at.

Jane slightly smiled at the man. “That would have been a thousand years ago? Northern Europe?”

Volstagg’s eyes lit up, finally someone was interested in his story. “Exactly! Those lovely herring people. They worshipped us!”

*But not anymore.* I thought in my heart. *Those people on Earth don’t need you after you callously abandoned them.*

Thor looked happy, but a sudden bout of sadness filled him. I wasn’t surprised to hear the loneliness in his voice when he said, “My Friends, I’ve never been happier to see anyone. But you should not have come.”

Fandral the asshole fop looked searchingly in Thor’s eyes, then looked in turn at his fellows, exchanging puzzled looks. “We’re here to take you home.”

Thor sighed. “You know I can’t. My father is dead because of me. I must remain in exile.”

Each of them showed surprise on their face when Thor said this. Lady Sif was the first to speak and break the news that Loki had lied to him. “Thor… your father still lives.”

Thor reacts to the revelation by closing his eyes, counting to ten, I saw him struggle with his thoughts until his fury was visible on his face. He looked up at the sky and shouted, “LOKIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!”

Everything was Loki’s fault, the guy had his priority straight, but bad execution. I looked up at the sky and my HUD detected another electromagnetic storm coming in. The Bifrost storm formed in the distance; well shit, it was opening yet again. 

“Was somebody else coming?” Darcy asked questioningly.

A funnel of clouds was forming far from the town and struck down the ground, raising sand. 

Finally, it was time for the big fight; I took my morpher in the form of a watch and touched the screen that scanned my finger. A green light lit up and suddenly silver and purple nanomachines covered my entire body, they formed a black skin-tight suit with scale-like pattern and purple pieces of armor consisting of a cuirass with a glowing pink starburst symbol, pauldrons, gauntlets and greave. A utility belt at my waist was there for function, my subspace marker was online.

“TALI, beam down a Mark-III shield generator to protect the town and my honor guard, now.” I ordered aloud on my open communication channel.



(Phil Coulson)


Bifrost Landing site

I watched as my scientists were taking readings with their instruments on the site with the runes in the sand. I kneeled and examined them. “Get somebody from linguistics.” I hollered after I turned to the nearest agents. This couldn’t be a coincidence, the two circles made of runes were identical and looked norse and each time heralded the coming of aliens.

*Why do those exotic cases keep landing in my lap? Did I piss off someone in another life?*

Hearing a rumbling overhead, I looked up and saw a mass of storm clouds gathering in the sky above. Me and every SHIELD agent dove for cover. I hid behind a SUV; our vehicles’ windshield shattered as the storm grew in strength. Finally, a hole in the sky opened and a funnel of clouds exploded out of it, touching down on the desert floor.

I covered my eyes from the maelstrom. When the sand cloud created by the funnel dissipated, a nine feet tall figure made of metal stood where the funnel had struck. Me and the other agents looked in awe at it. Sitwell who was at my side asked me, “Is that one Stark’s?”

“I don’t think so. But the guy doesn’t tell me anything and he was kidnapped by the same alien Princess who paid us a visit.” I answered after sighing in frustration.

“Oh, lucky guy.” Sitwell chuckled, without a doubt imagining the curves of the alien princess; some of my agents turned into diehard fans since they met her. Fury seemed to tolerate her as well, from the last time I reported about her presence here.

Yet again, I looked at the standing tall robot that just landed amongst us. I couldn’t believe my luck, how many aliens were coming in? Was Earth really that popular? I hoped those people would leave us alone, but from what Komand’r told us, it wasn’t an option. 

A bit put upon by this new situation, I grabbed a megaphone from inside my SUV, stepped forward and called out to the big lump of metal in humanoid form who was walking toward me and my men, his steps loudly stomping echoing on the sand. “Hello! You’re using unregistered weapons technology. Please identify yourself!”

The armored figure stopped walking, and faced us. The helmet of the armored figure receded to what might be the operator inside’s face. But there was nothing inside, I heard something like a humming sound, then I saw fiery energy welling up in the helmet powering up. Stepping back, I recognized this as a dangerous situation, after having seen how Stark’s weapons in his power armor work. 

“Incoming!” I shouted to my men.

They must have seen the same things I did, because they all scrambled for cover again as a blast of energy from the armored figure hit my SUV. All my men returned fire. In vain. The weapon, because I was sure it was unmanned, kept shooting its fiery beam at our vehicles making them explode in balls of fire. I avoided being blown up by stopping shooting at the humanoid weapon. I looked on as the giant metal robot walked toward the town. 

*There was nothing we could do to it.* I thought as I watched some of my men on the ground either dead or wounded.

I pawed at the phone in my jacket’s pocket and sent a distress signal. Then used the radio to order a general evacuation of the town. “This is so not my day.”




A cylindrical machine the size of a minivan landed ten meter from us, it unfolded like one of those Transformer autobots from a Michael Bay movie. Like a flower, a long shield emitter bloomed from the device and a white light shot up from it into the sky and stopped two hundred meters in the sky and formed a dome over the entire city.

Over twenty Tamaranean combat androids beamed down in their power armor and weapon around us. Their only goal was to preserve the safety of everyone. That shocked everyone, and set the Asgardian on edge. They knew how formidable we were supposed to be, but they weren’t true Tamaranean, just the synthetic people that shared my goal of doing good by my benefactor who gave me a new life.

I turned to Darcy who looked at me with googly eyes. “Darcy-love, my people will protect you and the town, get to safety.”

The brunette looked around herself as she was surrounded by my honor guard, she thinly smiled and said nothing. Looking at Mjolnir on her belt, then back at her; she took it in her hands. Sif and the warrior three saw the hammer in hands. They said nothing, just shook their head from and to Thor. Shrugging, as there was nothing to say, I gave instructions to evacuate the townspeople to the other side of the dome to avoid being in the crossfire. Some of the battle androids spread out by flying and started the evacuation.

The shield over the town rumbled as it was struck by a beam of yellow energy. The domed shield buckled, the device didn’t have enough power to sustain the assault of the destroyer. Sif and her fellows saw what was attacking the shield and paled.

“The destroyer? Why?” Lady Sif asked.

I glared at her and harshly answered her. “Loki obviously sent it in pursuit because you disobeyed orders. You put all those people in danger, just like you did on Jotunheim.”

That shut her up, fortunately, no one asked me how I knew this and I was happy to keep it this way.

Thor turned to Jane. “Jane. Get yourself and your friends to safety with those good Tamaraneans, this shield might not hold out for long.”

“What about you?” Jane asked as she put her hand on his chest.

With a determined expression and a scowl, Thor said, “I must stay and fight.”

The Asgardians looked to Thor, not believing what he was saying. There was no changing his mind when he got like that, Thor was stubborn. “I’m still a warrior, and I will fight by your side.”

But I liked this side of him. “Koldonn!” I called out to my guard commander.

He was modelled after a tall and muscular white haired Tamaranean with red blue eyes. At super speed he blurred before me. “Your highness!” He put himself at attention in his black armor, similar to mine. 

“Give Prince Thor a rifle and a sword.” I commanded.

The android looked at Thor and walked toward him, took out his sword belt with his vibrosword sheathed. He fitted the belt on Thor, then gave him his plasma rifle. Once he was done, he called out a weapon kit from the Hyperdimension to be beamed down to replace the gear he had lent to Thor.

Floating up to Thor, I told him, “You fight with us.”

Thor’s friends seemed to not be okay with my decision though. Volstagg was the first to argue. “What are you doing?! He is but a mortal now! You’ll get him killed!”

“Or one of us!” Fandral the fop raised his arm in protest.

I slowly turned to them, eyes glowing. Memories of my time on Tamaran as a sick, flightless girl with everyone hating me because those wahoos from the Citadel attacked the planet in my name when I was born filled my mind. I had to fight for... no! not me, but Komand'r had to fight for everything she possessed, no one liked her, her family even dismissed her because she couldn't fly. Weak they had called her, until she was pushed to force her planet into a war with her people's enemy, the Citadel. She had to show more cruelty and kill more of those demons in blue skin than anyone to even be acknowledged as a fierce warrior.

I glared at Fandral and Volstagg. “I was born without strength, I killed my enemies with only resolve and my weapons. Don’t underestimate mortals.”

“I understand what you are trying to say.” Thor looked at his rifle, then at me. He smiled.

I smiled back, but I became serious again. “Will you be a coward and hide or will you help save this town, Thor?” I asked, but I didn’t wait for his answer, I had a giant made of metal to fight.

I looked up and flew in the sky, I stopped holding back my strength and I glowed purple. Three of my royal guards followed me and we exited the dome as it let us pass, we were keyed into it and able to not be stopped by the shield. The shield was about to fail when I decided to just go for it. 

I flew at high speed toward the Destroyer, there were seven sonic booms when I reached it and punched it with all my strength. The force of the impact sent the Destroyer flying in the air, I channeled a potent starbolt beam through my hands and shot it at the armor. It raised even more to the sky and I moved yet again and over flew it at mach speed and I kicked it to the ground. With a thunderous clap, the Destroyer hit the Desert's sand. Channeling another starbolt I shot it again for a long time and when I stopped, it was to see a glass crater in the desert. The destroyer laid there, still intact but missing an arm. Odin needs to really maintain his stuff better.

Two of my honor guards began strafing the destroyer with their plasma rifle. Structural analysis from the ship's scanners show that it was made of Uru, so it can pretty much tank a lot of damage. I was going for another fuck you starbolt strike when the Warrior Three arrived, though how they arrived was weird, they were transported by some of my honor guards.

Lady Sif was then let go by the guard and she plummeted down her two headed spear, blade first and impaled it deep in the back of the Destroyer. Pinning it down. The Destroyer stood there motionless, the fire dimming in its faceplate, Sif standing atop its back. The warrior three landed and hollered in victory as they believed that they had felled the creature of Uru.

I already knew how that maneuver wasn't going to be enough, but it gave me enough time to recharge my energy with some sunlight. Just like I expected, the Destroyer stirred with life, its fire igniting once more. Sif looked on with growing trepidation. Slowly, and unnaturally, the Destroyer spun its torso around 180 degrees to face its attackers. It unleashed a blast of fire that Sif dodged, barely by dodging and jumping on the ground. The Destroyer rose again to its full height, pulling free from Sif’s spear, the weapon slipping through the slats of its armor.

Sif and the Warriors Three tried to regroup, but the Destroyer was about to blast them with another beam. I choose that moment to appear at great speed before Thor’s friends and deploy a stellar shield construct and weathered the blast. I can say that I didn’t feel the burn, but the kinetic energy made me step back.When the Destroyer stopped I dismissed the shield and took my vibrosword that materialized in my hands thanks to my nanomachines building it at the same moment and charged the Uru wrought creature.

I channeled my starbolt through the sword and then slipped the blade through its slats and unleashed a blast from the inside of it. The Destroyer briefly flashed with purple light inside its body. But I knew it wouldn’t be enough. “You look like you could use some more, Beast.” I said in Tamaranean.

Holding out my hand a ball of stellar energy formed and I fed it half my power and made it compact enough to be the size of a golf ball and as the Destroyer was ready to blast me again, its faceplate opened and I threw my death ball inside. “Bomb, bomb, blow your mind.”

I took my sword out of it and at super speed back tracked and formed another shield to protect the warrior three from the incoming explosion.

Thor appeared last, under cover fire from my guards. They shot at the glowing purple Destroyer, even using focused shots to target the joints. It wasn’t really useful, because my death ball exploded at that exact moment and… What the hell?! Did it metabolize my energy? From purple to yellow fire, the Destroyer looked at me and fired at me. This time my shield didn’t protect us much and sent me, Lady Sif and the warriors flying away and slamming in the desert sand like a meteor.

We landed midway between the energy shield covered town and the Destroyer striding toward us with purple and yellow fire burning within. I looked up and glared at it. I helped wounded Sif and a bleeding Volstagg up, Fandral was completely out of it, I think because he had landed his ass on his head. It would be hilarious if we weren’t in such dire straits. 

It wasn’t enough, my power wasn’t enough. We can’t win this… but, I will still fight. TALI put in my HUD the option to launch an orbital strike with the Hyperdimension, but this was too dangerous to envisage.



(Thor Odinson)


The Tamaranean warrior let me land on the ground, then they flew toward the Destroyer and began attacking it, they were swatted away like flies, it seemed that they weren't as strong as their princess. I looked as my friends, old and new, lay injured on the ground. I ran toward them, saw that Komand’r was helping up my friends and was about to continue to fight. The Tamaranean princess was as brave as she was beautiful, but I looked at her legs, she was struggling to come up on them. She had given everything she had currently. Protecting everyone behind her shield of energy and weathering the assault from the Destroyer.

*All this is my fault.* I thought as I reached them, I took a battered and dazed Sif in my arms and made her stand up. 

“Flee while you still can.” I held her in my arms and turned her toward the town.

Sif stared into his eyes, her hair undone and masking half her face. Then she looked at Fandral and her other fellow warriors. “But the others…”

“You can’t help them-”

Interrupting me was the melodious voice of Komand’r as she shouted aloud, “TALI, four Asgardians to transport!!”

In a flash of blue light my friends were transported away. I turned my attention to the Tamaranean princess, surprised that she’d allow shelter to my best friends on her ship. “Komand’r?”

She sent a blast of purple energy at the Destroyer who shrugged it off by placing its hands in the way. The Beast had adapted to her energy rather fast, it was Uru after all, it could help manipulate energy really easily.

“T-thor, do you have a plan? I don’t want to have to blast this place from orbit, I doubt it would do anything to that thing.” The princess said urgently as she struggled to harry the Destroyer by making it step back each time with one of her shots.

“Just one.” I said neutrally.

Jane, Erik, Darcy and the people in the town didn’t deserve to be embroiled in cutthroat Asgardian affairs. Komand’r looked at me, her eyes widening. “You…”

Just like I thought, she was sensitive to emotion, an empath. Lying to her was useless. “Please, believe in me.” I asked of her.

She closed her eyes, turned to the Destroyer and cut her shield. The Uru construct fired a beam at her but she dodged it by flying. “Fine, but if you die I will somehow get you back and kill you myself!” She shouted loud and clear for me to hear.

I asked myself how this would be possible, but reminded myself that dark magic was a thing. The fact that she cared about me at all despite our rocky first meeting was heartening. “It feels good to be appreciated.”

Dropping the rifle on the ground, I then unsheathed the sword that was lent to me as well and placed it at the firearm’s side. I strode down in the direction of the Uru construct, completely defenseless. “Brother... for whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am sorry. But these people in the town have done nothing to you. They are innocents.” I spoke aloud, aware that Loki was behind the action of the Destroyer and that he will surely hear me.

Continuing to walk to the Destroyer, I added, “Take my life, and know I will never return to Asgard.”

“Thor, don't be an idiot!” Komand’r shouted at me as she realized my gambit.

I felt her behind me but I turned and told her angrily, “Stay back!!”

She looked really sad, were those tears in her eyes? She cared a lot. Turning to the Destroyer, I extended my arms. The construct had stopped moving and as if sizing me up, then all of a sudden I was swatted with its enormous arm. I heard a sickening crack of bones breaking and went flying. I felt myself land in the arms of someone, I wasn’t surprised to see Komand’r holding me, tears streaming down her cheeks.




Back with Komand’r


It hurts, knowing things ahead wasn’t a blessing like I thought; because those people around me aren’t characters out of fiction, they are real. I cried for Thor, the guy wasn’t bad, just a bit misguided. As Thor’s eyes closed, his last breath left his lips. The Destroyer stood over us, I didn’t even notice it moving because I was so shocked at the scene of my new friend giving his life for the town and for his friends. I was about to zap it with my stellar energy vision when I heard a noise behind me, like a sonic boom, but I didn’t have the time to focus on it as the Destroyer unleashed its beam at me who was still holding Thor,  I resisted it with a good shield where I pushed everything I had into.

KRAKAKABOOM! A blinding bolt of lightning strikes down from above, colliding with the destroyer’s blast. The resulting explosion hurled the Destroyer backwards, a cloud of sand enveloped me, I felt Thor stand up and leave my arms and when I see him, after the cloud of sand had dissipated, here is the mighty Thor, clad in his full battle armor, holding Mjolnir in his hand… the God of Thunder once more. 

I looked behind me, the shield dome had been disengaged; it meant that Tali did it to let pass the Hammer. Okay then, so it’s hammer time for Thor, he was completely focused on the Destroyer. He suddenly kneeled, bringing Mjolnir down onto the ground with a yell.

KRAKAKABOOM! Lightning strikes the Destroyer. It convulsed and while it was getting the Thor treatment, Thor swung his hammer around, and took straight up into the air. As the death machine got back on its feet and looked up at the God of Thunder, storm clouds gathered around him as he summoned hurricane level force winds.

Sand and rocks from the desert began to rise up into the sky. The Destroyer was being kept grounded thanks to its massive weight. It lifted its head up at the Thunder God, opened its face plate, energy burning within but I pitched in by blasting his head with my stellar vision before it unleashed its own blast. Thor took advantage of my distraction by diving straight at the Uru wrought monstrosity, Thor jammed his hammer deep into the Destroyer’s faceplate. The fiery energy inside the creature built up and something told me that this time it was toast.

My intuition proved right as the energy that had been building up exploded from all the Destroyer’s openings. Thor smashed the Destroyer to the ground in a tremendous heap, the fiery energy seemingly extinguished. But just in case…

“TALI fire particle cannon.” I ordered my AI companion.

“One shot, please evacuate the area.” I heard her confirm and advise.

I looked at Thor and moved at the speed of thought and took him away from here and into the town, the shield dome reengaged and… a golden column of yellow energy struck where we had been. I smiled as I saw this part of the desert being turned to glass by the particle cannon strike. I felt a big hand on my shoulder, and when I turned to see who it was, I saw Thor.

The blonde God in full regalia asked me, “What was that?”

With a knowing smile, I answered, “An orbital strike, always double tap your enemies.”  

Thor let go of me, then looked at where the Destroyer had been, looked at the desolation near the town and the crater that appeared thanks to the Hyperdimension’s volley. Thor looked between his hammer and the crater, then smiled and said, “Double tapping it is?”

I nodded with a crazy smile on my face. Thor raised his face to the sky and emitted a big laugh. In the meanwhile, I contacted my AI and asked, “TALI report, is it dead?”

Nothing was said for five seconds, until the feminine voice I am used to hearing reported to me, “Target is in pieces and unresponsive, the energy core depleted and its system destroyed. Yes, it’s dead, Captain.”

I jumped in joy and whooped. I tried to high-five Thor, but he took time to  understand what he must do. Damn, I missed Darcy already.

“Teleport any pieces of the Destroyer on the ship for study.” I said, I wasn’t leaving any piece of the Destroyer for SHIELD (or HYDRA) to pick up.

“This is property of Asgard, Komand’r.” Thor protested at my side.

I rolled my eyes and waved him off. “Yes, and I will be going back with you to give it back to your father. But while it’s here on my ship, I will study it, deal?”

Nothing was said until my god friend finally nodded. “I owe you that much, my Friend.”

I put a hand on his armored shoulder. “We are friends, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

He smiled, then life reasserted its rights and hit me with a curve ball. I didn’t even sense when Darcy got behind and tackled me on the ground and locked my lips with her’s. I gave in really fast and forgot the world around me. When Darcy came up for air, because I didn’t actually need to breathe… She looked at me with a relieved expression.

“Darcy-love.” I said in a sultry voice that even surprised me.

She punched my breastplate with a ‘clang’ sound. “I thought that you were going to die!”

I lifted from the ground by floating up and switched her straddling position on me to a princess carry. Looking apologetic, I said, “It almost happened, but Friend Thor did the Princess saving.”

Darcy looked behind her and searched for Thor, and looked at him being french kissed by Jane who held onto him like a baby koala. The little brunette started to laugh, I mimicked her. “Huh, he is kinda busy with Jane right now.”

“I can see that.” I commented.

Things got interesting when a battered Coulson approached with several SHIELD agents. He stared at me and Thor in turn. “Oh, Princess Komand’r, Prince Thor… you held out on me.”

Thor reluctantly let go of Jane who looked with antipathy at Coulson, knowing it was him who had confiscated her stuff before. 

“Son of Coul.” Thor acknowledged with a nod.

I went for the most hilarious option and called him, “Spy Coulson!”

The man sighed at my reaction, causing Darcy to laugh at him. With a flash of blue light, four people were teleported to our side. I wasn’t surprised to see the Asgardian healed and smiling at us. My honor guard appeared as well, surrounding everyone and staying at attention. Volstagg as usual walked up to us and promptly announced himself, “The Warrior Three and Lady Sif are here!”

“Huh, Friend Sif, why are you singled out? Is there something special about you?” I asked Lady Sif, I was always curious why she wasn’t included.

Her face became stormy, then she turned to her friends who somehow understood that she got their numbers. “I don’t know…” She frowned, for once my heart went for her.

Darcy looked at Thor and each of the Warrior Three, then back to Sif. “But you are a warrior as well, and a damn good one!”

I nodded, acquiescing to the opinion of my girlfriend. Darcy was emboldened from my acknowledgement. “Yeah, it should be the warrior four! What kind of bullshit discrimination is this?”

Thor interrupted the impromptu interrogation by whistling, and when the attention was focused on him he said seriously, “We shall speak about this later, we must go back to Asgard and unseat Loki from the throne before he does more damage!”

“You are leaving?” Jane made a sound akin to a kicked puppy when she heard that.

Thor looked apologetic, “I have no choice…”

I rolled my eyes at him and floated up to Jane who looked rather sad. “Don’t worry, Friend Jane, for Darcy-love I will come back. My ship can get anywhere, if the princeling forgets I will do the bringing him back to you kicking and screaming if I have too...”

Jane laughed at that, tears in her eyes. “Thanks Blackfire, that’s reassuring.”

Thor began to sweat when I gave him a threatening smile, he laughed nervously. But now it was my turn to reassure my girlfriend. Darcy strode up to me and asked in a little voice, “Are you leaving too?”

I landed before her and began to explain, “Yes, I owe Prince Loki. Some people just need a slap, but for him I will go further beyond, I will give him the slapping with a chair at the edge of a cliff. But don’t worry, I will do the coming back to you, nothing will stop me.”

Coulson choose that moment to butt in, it wasn’t appreciated. “Princess Komand’r… it will be ill advised to leave yet, you authorized an orbital strike on American soil. Some people want reassurance that-”

“I will be back.” I said, interrupting him. Not concerned by the fear I felt from him.

I turned to Thor and his friends, I spoke in Tamaranean for this. “Thor, let’s leave. Don’t worry about our friends here, I’m going to leave some of my honor guard to protect Jane, Darcy-love and Selvig.”

I turned to Coulson and walked up, my face really close to his, next, I pointed a finger to the device protecting the town. “Don’t try to take my shield projector, or we will be having some words. Or another Orbital strike to something important.”

I didn’t stop looking at him until he nodded, I smiled back to him, going back to normal. Turning heels, I focused my attention on my combat androids. “Commander Koldonn, I will leave the Tempest with you for support. Do what you must if people threaten my friends' lives or try to steal from us.”

The Synthetic Tamaranean saluted me in answer, I just gave him really broad orders, but I knew that HYDRA would surely try to do some shit. He can be the hammer when they inevitably try to push their luck.

Thor calls up to the sky. “Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!”

But nothing was happening, I knew what was going on. But I said nothing, Thor looked at the others with concern. “He would open it if he could. I fear the worst.”

“Then we’re trapped here forever.” Volstagg said with a sad tone.

Asshole Fandral said, “Then I suppose we’d best start settling into our new lives.” He turns to Darcy, he knew she was taken but he didn’t care. “Are all earth maidens as fair as you?

“Not interested.” She ignored him and put herself at my side.

“Fuck off. You dirty wastes of the world.” I said with my nanomachines forming a shotgun in my hands that I loaded maliciously with my starbolt energy.

He looked at the weapon humming with energy and stepped back. “Sorry.” He raised his arms in placation.


The Asgardians started to lose hope, but not I; then suddenly, the sky darkened and a hole opened, the rainbow light struck the ground. Thor grinned at it. The humans looked on, amazed. Thor turned to Coulson. “Know this, son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause… the protection of this world. From this day forward, count me as your ally.”

“What about Princess Komand’r?” Coulson needed reassurance it seemed.

I rolled my eyes and said clearly. “I will defend Earth because it’s Darcy-love’s home.”

Then I turned to my friends. “Jane, Darcy, Selvig. I will be back, you are my first true friends on this planet.” I got glomptackled by Darcy who kissed me senseless; she let go and I formed a PADD with my nanomachines and gave it to her.

She looked at it, then she nodded, understanding that we can keep in contact with those.

“Jane, whatever fate lies before me, you are part of it.” Thor said as he took Jane in his arms, and kissed her passionately.

Wow, Lady Sif didn’t look alright with that. The spike of jealousy and anger made me worried for Jane. After that Thor took my arm and pulled me toward the Bifrost, we all leaped into the rainbow light.


A/N: Next chapter is the fight in Asgard, and things are different. With this I'm going to break from canon completely, and be more proactive.

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