Konoha: Check In The Hashirama Cell At The Beginning

Chapter 295 Self-Growth

Chapter 295 Self-growth

The crust is changing.

The cold air, the cold current, moves according to established rules.

The tsunami caused by the earthquake rolled up huge waves and slapped the land.

Observing the changes in the illusion world from a strange third-person perspective, Naruto thought deeply.

Before that, including him and Hinata, there hadn't been such a big change.

Now, there have been earth-shaking changes. If there is a difference, it is the number of people who entered the illusion world.

"It's not an illusion, the scope of the illusion world is expanding." Naruto thought to himself.

Although the progress is slow, it is indeed growing.

length and width.

up and down.

It's a cube, in a very average pattern, expanding.

"Infinite Tsukuyomi, even more mysterious than I imagined." Naruto mused.

He couldn't tell whether the expansion of the illusion world was good or bad, and what kind of changes would happen if things went on like this.

In the theatrical version, the limited Tsukuyomi created by Obito said that as the creator, he could not interfere with the development track.

Naruto's situation at this time is better than Obito's.

He can continue to create new species, and the illusion world will develop on its own.

It can also erase some dislikes, or cause harm to the illusion world, and destroy the existence of the illusion world.

Apart from the shortcoming of not being able to directly control the already formed creatures in the illusion world, in terms of authority, it's okay.

Just as he was about to withdraw his consciousness from the illusion world, he noticed that Fenghua Xiaoxue was sitting on the beach of the original island, alone in a daze, Naruto was stunned.

Pure consciousness transformed into a visible entity, and it fell from the sky: "What's wrong with you? Why are you sitting here if you don't hurry up and do the task?"

"Naruto!" Xiaoxue was taken aback suddenly, and after seeing who it was, she breathed a sigh of relief and curled her lips.

"Task, isn't there any easier task? Besides cutting down trees, it's still cutting down trees. It's so boring and boring."

"I'm just waiting here for the third husband and the others to come and pick me up. I don't want to move anymore."

After cutting down the tree for more than seven hours, Xiaoxue admired her perseverance, but no matter what, there was always a moment when she got bored.

"I forgot to say that this initial island can only exit, not enter." Naruto explained.

"Newcomers are born here, and after reaching the fifteenth level, they can leave with their mounts. On the contrary, outsiders cannot return with their mounts."

"Why!" Xiaoxue was confused.

"This is the novice period, the purpose is to make you familiar with the environment here and your own abilities." Naruto said.

"After all, in the later stage, after the level is up, there is the existence of the Tailed Beast Bomb who is good at rubbing. If you don't understand it earlier and adapt to the battle, you will suffer a loss."

"It's like some solo activities and team activities. If your combat power is not up to the standard and you can't get a good ranking, where can you go to exchange rewards?"

"Eternal youth, medical treatment, physical fitness, beauty and beauty, don't tell me, you don't want these."

"Tailed Beast Bomb, what is that?" Xiaoxue was at a loss.

"It's the one I demonstrated to you a few years ago. It has almost the same destructive power." Naruto said, "One blow can destroy a mountain without leaving any residue."

"It's just a game, why make it so complicated." Xiaoxue held her head, speechless.

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm just an agent, working for others. If you want to ask, you have to ask the boss." Naruto said.

"Ah, I'm so annoying." Xiaoxue yelled twice as if venting, put her hands on her knees, stood up, turned around and ran towards the center of the island.

"Remember to hone your combat skills. Anyway, you can be resurrected if you die, so you are not afraid of death." Naruto reminded: "Growing monsters is the fastest way to upgrade in the early stage, come on."

"Don't just talk about it, come and help." Xiaoxue, who ran away, turned her head and said.

"Hey, hey, I'm also a staff member anyway, how can I help you in the end, that's cheating, okay?" Naruto waved his hand and smiled.

"In short, I will silently support you, goodbye."

Seeing Naruto disappear out of thin air, Xiaoxue sighed.

Without helpers, it would be too difficult for her to fight wild monsters by herself.

In reality, he has no combat effectiveness and lack of combat experience, which is infinitely close to zero.

"Hey, he shouldn't lie to me. For the sake of eternal youth, for the sake of fair skin and beauty, he fought hard."

Although I know that if I die, I will lose experience, I don't care so much at this time, and I have to do it if I bite the bullet.

Don't ask how Xiaoxue knew, she was killed by a wildebeest as soon as she went online. Do you need to talk about this kind of thing?

At first, hearing what Naruto said was so mysterious, Xiaoxue didn't take it to heart.

If you say something down-to-earth, she can still believe it. This prolongs life and keeps youth forever. No matter how you think about it, it is unusual and unreliable.

Seeing that this so-called holographic game can be faked, or completely real, Xiaoxue felt a little shaken in her heart.

Could it be true?

No matter how you say it, you’re already in, and you can’t get out until level 15, so let’s try it.

By the way, the time difference between the illusion world and the real world is one month in the illusion world, and two hours in the real world.

That is, one day in the real world is equal to one year in the illusion world.

This can be adjusted, depending on how Naruto does it.

Because it is an internal test, I want to find out possible problems and loopholes as soon as possible, so Naruto adjusted the time difference a little longer.

When the public beta officially starts and it is fully open to the outside world, the time difference can be reduced, and there will be no more 15-level settings.

Not long after, Xiaoxue screamed from the forest, but she was inexperienced and not careful enough. She provoked a large creature, a wild boar, and died.

About 30 seconds later, he was resurrected and randomly reborn in a safe place on the island. ,

Xiaoxue, who was still in shock, checked herself and found that she was fine, nothing happened, and said dejectedly.

"No, no, no, that kind of berserk creature, even if I am several times stronger, I can't beat it."

He was doing logging tasks, he had been upgraded a few levels, and his physical fitness was better than in the real world, so he was hit by that wild boar, and he was arched against the tree all the way.

Trying my best, I couldn't hurt the wild boar with rough skin and thick flesh. My own struggle and resistance were all in vain.

Even, after two consecutive deaths, Xiaoxue was a bit psychologically disturbed.

Returning to the beach again, she stayed there for a long time, she was so hungry, she was clearly a conscious body, how could she still be hungry, Xiaoxue couldn't figure it out.

I picked some fruits casually to fill my stomach.

After thinking about it, going on like this is not an option, people outside can't get in, and she has to rely on herself to get out.

"Since you can't win if you fight head-on, how about relying on traps?" Xiaoxue rolled her eyes and thought about it.

(end of this chapter)

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