Konoha: Check In The Hashirama Cell At The Beginning

Chapter 306 Acting, I'm Serious

Chapter 306 Acting, I'm Serious

Country of fields.

Yinnin Village,

One of Orochimaru's strongholds.

Among them, a fully enclosed laboratory without doors and windows.

In a flash of gold, Naruto, appeared out of thin air.

Walked to a container with ease, and entered the password on the console.


The nutrient solution in the container is automatically drained, and the container is opened.

Inside, the artificial human made with Naruto's cells is about twelve years old in appearance, and it is exactly the same as the one occupied by Ōtsutsuki.

Naruto asked Orochimaru to prepare a lot of utensils like this specially prepared for Ōtsutsuki.

Using the same method, open another container, take out another artificial human, one in each hand, Naruto Muji launches Flying Thunder God, and jumps to the moon out of thin air.

After settling the two scheduled devices, Naruto entered the semi-Ten Tails, and spit out the Ōtsutsuki Li style and Ōtsutsuki sulfur style that had been swallowed in his stomach.

"Sacred tree! You are the sacred tree!" Li Shi, who was in a sealed state and had difficulty moving, said in shock.

"How could such a thing happen!" Sulfur was dumbfounded.

Naruto, who had returned to his original state, simply moved his muscles and bones, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he looked at the two of them with malicious eyes, as if he was looking at food.

"All along, you have been driving, using, and stealing our fruits. Now, Feng Shui is turning, and it's our turn for the sacred tree to stand up."

"It's us who should take the initiative. You thieves should only exist as food."

"It's exactly two, enough for my children to enjoy, hehehe, hahahaha."

The unsealed Sulfur type immediately rolled its eyes, not wanting to be caught without a fight, but to resist.

As a result, as soon as the white eyes were opened, they saw a large number of puppets in the palace, two little boys who were very similar to Naruto, lying on the big bed in the bedroom, and fell asleep peacefully.

And in the distance, in a floating temple, there is a huge energy collection like an eyeball.

He even saw the vast, abyss-like terrifying Chakra in Naruto's body.

When a ninja does not take the initiative to refine Chakra, there is no Chakra reaction, and he is just an ordinary person.

Naruto is assisted by cells, can be in Sage Mode normally, and has a very terrible quality of fairy Chakra.

If we say that before, when we first saw Naruto in Sage Mode, the quality of Chakra was five.

So now, the quality of Naruto's Chakra once skyrocketed to three or four hundred, an increase of tens or hundreds of times.

"···" sulfur formula.

It's really scary enough, why the quality of Chakra has changed so much in the blink of an eye.

I and Li Shi, the two combined, are not as good as one-tenth of Naruto, and they can be smashed to death with pure Chakra.


Sulfur type subconsciously swallowed his saliva, stepped back half a step involuntarily.

Can't fight, can't fight, it's not a level at all.

"What are you doing, quickly help me unseal the seal." Seeing that Sulfur Shi's legs were trembling, and he stood there in a daze without moving, Li Shi's face flashed with warmth and anger, and he urged.

Sulfur, who suddenly came back to his senses, hurriedly used Chakra, condensed an ax, and smashed the Chakra chains that bound Li Shi.

When trying to crack the five-element seal, he was interrupted by Naruto.

With a random wave of his hand, he was so terrified that Sulfur could not resist, and the countering gravity grabbed him, flew upwards, and flew rapidly.

With Naruto's hand pressing down again, it fell at a faster speed and hit the open ground in front of the temple, making a big hole.

"It would be nice to obediently serve as my children's food, don't make unnecessary struggles, it's useless." Naruto said blankly.

"What are you kidding! Who wants to be food! You are the food!" Li Shi said angrily, "Drink!"

Without the suppression of Chakra chains, just the seal of the five elements and the acupoint sealing of the Gentle Fist method are not enough to completely curb the refinement and outbreak of Li-style Chakra.

For super Kage-level powerhouses, the extremely terrifying Chakra exploded from Li Shi's body.

Crack, the seal of the five elements collapsed.

Li Shi, who was free, didn't care about Li Shi's life or death, and opened the underworld by himself, and was about to leave.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you don’t have to worry about having no firewood. This sacred tree is too fierce, and the danger is immeasurable.

It's better to retreat first, wait until you get familiar with this world, make more preparations, and have greater confidence, it's not too late to come again.

Most of his body had already entered Huangquan Biliangzaka, and Li Shi burst out at full speed. In the eyes of ordinary people, it was like a ray of light, and even the afterimage could not be seen.

Li Shikuai, Naruto is faster than him.

Appearing behind Li Shi like lightning, he grabbed his white hair and pulled it back forcefully.

Under the pain, Li Shi was dragged out by Naruto. In mid-air, he turned 720 degrees. Finally, Naruto kicked his stomach and fell heavily on the ground.

Another big hole formed.

"It's been said that resistance is useless." Naruto said flatly, "It's a waste of effort."

"Let go of Master Li!" Leaping out of the pit, Sulfur roared and launched a surprise attack on Naruto.

Naruto didn't dodge, let his attack hit him, and then, as if hitting the air, penetrated through.

It didn't matter if it missed Naruto, but it hit Li Shi who had just got up.


"Sulphur!" Li Shi was furious.

Sulfur changed his face, looked back at Naruto who was still standing there without moving, changed his momentum in the air, and continued to rush towards Naruto without hesitation.

With a full blow, all the strength poured into the ax in his hand.

"Naive." Naruto kicked up first, and kicked Sulfur in the face accurately, sending him flying dozens of miles away.

Coincidentally, they hit Zhongli Shi directly, and the two of them rolled and slid out for about ten meters.

"How dare you, again and again..." Li Shi gritted his teeth.

This is his most embarrassing experience.

From birth to now, in hundreds of years, he has never encountered this kind of treatment. It simply broke his psychological defense and he couldn't bear it.

But a very realistic thing lay before him.

Skills are not as good as people.

I am not as strong as the other party, what else can I do besides breaking my teeth and swallowing blood together?

The most terrible thing is that the other party wants to eat him, and let the child eat him, treating himself as food.

Li Shi only felt dizzy and his head was buzzing.

"Calm down, Mr. Li Shi." Sulfur stood in front of Li Shi and spoke in a low voice.

"We are far from his opponents. We can't even escape. If we continue, we will really die."

"For now, there is only one way to survive."

"What way?" Li Shi was stunned,

"Wedge." Sulfur said in a low voice: "Those two children are his children, he will not hurt the killer, use wedges, use them as weapons to ensure safety."

(end of this chapter)

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